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Hey Patrons, it's time for an update post!

First, a quick recap of today's Patron stream: nothing out of the ordinary this month, we talked for a bit and drew our 1 song for the month. This month's winner is:

Goe Goe Spark from Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon, from the list of CalvinJJ! This song actually appeared recently in last year's Nintendo 64 Medley, so even if you haven't played MNSG, you may already be familiar with this one. It's a really rockin' tune, so it should be a lot of fun to flesh out a full version!

Next up, my handpicked request list choice for the month. I've decided to go with...

WANTED!! from the Metal Max series, from the list of veteran GaMetal Patron Kzinssie! I'm not exactly sure what the actual name of this song is, as I've also seen it referred to as Battle with the Wanted and Wanted Person Battle. It's made several appearances throughout the Metal Max series, going as far back as the first game on the Famicom (the version I linked is the most popular version from Metal Saga).

Coincidentally, this is another song from an old GaMetal medley, SNES Medley in particular! That was my personal introduction to the song and I've been a fan of it ever since, it's killer.

Now, onto the update portion of the post:

Welcome to July! I talked about this a little bit during the stream earlier, but I'm thrilled to see that we've gained a lot of new Patrons the last few months, and I can't thank you all enough for your support, whether you've been here since the beginning, or just joined yesterday.

Next month (August) is the ultimate month of thanks: the GaMetal Patreon Appreciation Month event is almost upon us! I'll go into a lot more detail when August gets closer, but to fill in the newer Patrons: every August, we celebrate the anniversary of the GaMetal Patreon, which was created in August of 2015. I will be drawing 3 songs from the Patreon Request List rather than 1 in August, and will also be doing 2 seperate drawings that ALL Patrons can take part in (all tiers!) to choose songs to go into the yearly NES Medley, as well as another to-be-determined Medley (last years was N64, year before was Game Boy, that idea).

Again, I'll have more details for you when August is a bit closer!

Till then, let's take a look at our current to-do list:

  • July: GT Goku's Theme (Dragon Ball FighterZ)
  • July: Rawk Hawk (Paper Mario: TTYD)
  • July: Misty Rain (Mega Man ZX)
  • July: Gusty Garden Galaxy (Super Mario Galaxy)
  • TBA: Lost in Thoughts All Alone (Fire Emblem Fates)
  • TBA: Hope Never Dies (Advanced Wars: Days of Ruin)
  • TBA: Goe Goe Spark (Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon)
  • TBA: WANTED!! (Metal Max)
  • TBA: God Shattering Star (Fire Emblem Three Houses)
  • TBA: Chaos King (Deltarune)
  • August -October 2020: Side-Quests Volume 3 (Song list at bottom of PRL) 

I'm hoping this month to get the 4 July songs listed completed, likely in that order: GT Goku, Rawk Hawk, Misty Rain, and Gusty Garden Galaxy. There's a chance I might also throw Chaos King into the mix this month, so we can go ahead and knock out the 2nd of the top 3 ballot songs.

I've still been working on the Side Quests 3 album, which I began on last month as previously mentioned. There's still much to do, but I'll keep you updated.

That's all I have for now, thank you all again for your love and support, this is going to be another great month thanks to you! 

TL;DR: Drawing winner: Goe Goe Spark (Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon), handpicked choice: WANTED!! (Metal Max). Patreon Appreciation Month is next month, more info when we get closer to August. Next song up is GT Goku's Theme followed by Rawk Hawk. SQ3 album still in development. Thank you for being awesome! :)


Alex LaVoie

I'm hoping for GameCube Medley, since Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles is being released in August, so my vote will go to Monster Dance if that is the case. If it's a medley for another system though, then I'll just think of something else.

JT Young

I'm hoping for a GCN, DS, or Wii Medley, because then we can revive some of our childhoods 👀