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Hey Patrons!

The next 2 polls, 2015 Finale and New Franchise Song are now up, if you haven't checked them out yet don't forget! We've got some tight races so far.

So today I started working on the enormous SNES Medley. I spent pretty much all day working on the arrangement and now have that complete. It's ended up with 35 songs (I added a few bonus songs :] ) and clocks in at almost 18 minutes long! That makes it the second longest GaMetal song behind only Legend of the Seven Stars. Tomorrow I begin the long process of working on the drums, hopefully I can get the bass done Friday and work on the rhythm guitars some over the weekend.

I was looking at some analytic stuff earlier, and I discovered something really awesome: the Youtube channel is actually projected to hit 20,000 subscribers right before the year is over! When the year started, I had actually set 20k subs as an ultimate goal for myself in my mind, but I thought it'd have a really slim chance of actually happening. Well we did it. Woohoo!

I'll put into perspective how well the growth of GaMetal has been lately. The entire year of 2014, from January 1st to December 31st, the YT channel gained 3,590 subscribers. This year, from January 1st 2015 to today, December 2nd, the channel has gained an additional 13,351 subscribers! And we still have the whole month of December to go. If the count goes up as projected, this will be an increase of over 400%. :D

In Patreon news, we're now at 48 Patrons and 234 per song! A big welcome to all the latest Patrons to come aboard, it means the world to me that you're here. You know, when I first launched a Patreon, I was afraid it was going to kick off really slow, but it's gone WAY better than I initially expected. We're already closing in on the Part-Time goal, which means I'll be putting in a lot more effort to get more songs done (but not rushed of course xD). It's been a while since we had a month with less than 3 new songs (July to be exact) but with the Part-Time goal I can almost guarantee 3 will be done and the chance of getting more than 3 will be a lot more likely. It's definitely possible, heck we did 5 in October. xD

Well, that's all for now. In the next progress report I'll be revealing my big plans for 2016 that I've been teasing about! That'll be coming this weekend. I've also got some more acoustic shorts coming as usual for my Tier 4 Patrons within the next few days. 

Stay tuned and stay awesome!

TL;DR Two latest polls are up, work has begun on SNES Medley, YT channel will hit 20k subs before the year is up, nearly 400% increase in subs this year, Patreon continues to grow at a promising rate, and you all rock. :)


Patreon Request List

All Patreon Acoustic Shorts

Poll #4: 2015 Finale

Poll #5: New Franchise Song



that is amazing news, i'm happy that you finally got back the success you had before your channel changed! Hope we'll reach full-time someday! Also 18 minute medley, this gonna be awesome!


That's really nice. I was actually waiting for one of these progress posts to ask how you felt about the number of subscribers in your YT channel but you were faster than me XD

B. Ratcliff

Congratulations man, you earned it! Can't wait to see what awesome stuff you put out for the new year, and with that part-time goal right on the horizon it's looking like things are gonna go pretty well for you in the near future. Any plans for celebrating the 20k milestone?


Personally, I'd wait 25k but since it's a ~400% growth, WHY NOT!


Awesome man can't wait to see what'll happen next! :)


You know, it came about so quickly, I actually didn't have a concrete plan for it xD Whatever the finale ends up being will most likely also be the 20k special. Maybe we'll do something special for 25k.


Can I have the certificate wth the evaluation that I officially rock?


Part-Time was DESTROYED this afternoon! Wow!