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Good evening Patrons!

So I'm just about finished with the first draft of Megalovania. I just posted the preview for Tier 3+ Patrons.

I'm taking my time with this one to make sure it's as good as possible, since a ton of people are waiting for it and I don't want to disappoint. At the rate I'm going, I should have a complete draft done by tomorrow morning and the video hopefully up no later than Tuesday.

So since we have an open weekend, on Saturday we're going to have the drawing for the next 2 Patreon songs! All Tier 2+ Patrons and those who were Patrons before Nov. 2nd, be sure to get your songs up on the request list before Saturday. (View the thread for more info.)

That's all for now, till next time!



Oh boy oh boy oh boy. This is going to be an exciting weekend. Also, don't worry, Mr Atma, there's no way you can disappoint with when you get to your level.


Freak yes ^^ also, can't wait for the next medley that should come too ^^


can't wait for saturday, too much suspense, haha!