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Just to give you a visual on how much Megalovania has been requested, here's all the screenshots I took of comment boxes from Youtube that I usually show in the beginning of my videos.

Usually I get around where I put the red line, give or take a few, and this doesn't include  requests that just say 'Undertale' or comment replies.



Josiah Williams

Wow looks like I have to play undertake now...


I mean, it's a pretty freaking intense song. I'm really not all that surprised. But still, that's a lot of requests...

B. Ratcliff

So the opening is just going to be this blur of comments all saying MEGALOVANIA!!!! ? =)


Geez 0.0


Undertale really did get crazy popular almost overnight. It's the hot new property.

B. Ratcliff

It was a well-timed cooperation of several things. First the Kickstarter for Undertale itself building up attention early on, then steady advertising via Tumblr as the game progressed, in addition to Toby Fox being already a fairly well-known internet personality due to his work with Homestuck and in the Earthbound and emulation/hacking communities. It basically all added up very strongly in the game's favor, in addition to the game just being fun and cute and well-designed and having extremely catchy music.


True, to further prove this, all these requests were made in October and no earlier.