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Good evening Patrons!

So October ended up being a pretty awesome month. I set out to have 5 songs released and we managed to reach that goal. We've also made a lot of new Patrons as well which of course I'm stoked about. Welcome aboard and thank you so much for your support!


X vs. Zero stole the spotlight this month. Even though it was just released last week, it has almost caught up to Splattack! and Natural Killer Cyborg in the like count, but that was to be expected as I have a large Megaman fan base (thanks to the Mega Man Mega Medley). We managed to get some new interest from different fan bases as well, thanks to That Person's Name Is and Splattack!, and to some extent Natural Killer Cyborg.

As usual I've seen a multitude of requests this month, but 2 in particular. The first being the upcoming song, Megalovania from Undertale. This might very well be the most I've seen a song get requested, and it's all happened in the span of a month. Undertale is apparently a very popular game right now.

The second request I'm seeing a lot of (not nearly as much as Undertale but still enough to be noticeable) is to do a song from Fire Emblem. I see a lot of different songs get requested, mostly Together We Ride, but the opinions seem to vary. I had actually planned on doing Together We Ride sometime in the future, so we might be seeing that one before the year is over.


As I mentioned we got a lot of new Patrons this month, and we just hit yet another milestone goal a few days ago for the next poll (New Franchise edition). I will have that poll up in a few days. The other poll (GaMedley edition) is still going on, I will repost that with the current results tomorrow to keep it near the top of the feed.

Speaking of milestone goals, I re-added the old milestone goals just as a fun reference, so everyone can see how far we've come. We've already hit 5 total! And still have many more to go, not to mention I'll be adding some new ones eventually.

After tonight, the Patreon request list reward will be from Tier 2+ ($3) and up. Anyone who became a Patron before November 1st, regardless of tier status, still gets a song on the request list. So congratulations! xD

The current edition of the list is here. (I'll be posting a new edition soon as well).

I have a bunch of acoustic shorts for my Tier 4+ Patrons coming in a couple of days as well, I feel behind a little bit cause I have to work all weekend, but I should have most of them up by Monday or Tuesday! I'm also going to make a new post listing all the acoustic shorts I've made here, just to keep them all collected in a list so you don't have to sift through all the posts in the feed to find them.

The 2 songs after Megalovania are going to be 2 randomly chosen Patron songs! We'll use randompicker.com to randomly choose 2 songs from the list like we did last time. The drawing will take place the day after Megalovania is released.

November will hopefully end with the almighty SNES Medley. This one's going to be massive, so there's a probability that it might not be here till early December, but I'll try my hardest. I'll be able to better tell as we progress through the other songs.

Well that's all I can really think of for now, November is sizing up to be another great month, thanks once more for being awesome!

TL;DR October was great, songs for November are Megalovania, 2 Patron songs, and probably SNES Medley, new poll and acoustic shorts coming in a couple of days, reposting request list and GaMedley poll soon, and thank you for being Patrons you rule. :)



Oh yes. Can't wait for the "New Franchise Edition" as I know what to put on there. Oh yeeeeeeeeees I do.


Awesome news for together we ride and megalovania! Hope that randompicker will pick me, but knowing my luck, i will be the last one to be chosen, haha! Also wonderful october month, you outdone yourself, this was amazing


Fire emblem 6 has about 60 songs. Fire emblem 7 has about 90 songs. FE 8 has 70. And that goes on until fire emblem 13. So why is "together we ride" like the only one getting remakes out the ass? Oh, because super smash bros. More people know this song from there than from fire emblem. You can do it anyway, of course, but if you wanna do fe-fans a favor, then maybe you'll pick another one


that's true, but in my point of view, together we ride never got a quality remix that it deserve, even the one in smash bros are not that great! But yeah i would be happy with any fire emblem cover


Ahem... My songs aren't listed ;w;


Yeah, smash tends to do that with songs. My favorite FE song has always been the battle theme from FE Gaiden, which I'm really surprised got a SSB4 remake. I'm not necessarily 100% on TWR so I'll still be considering other options.


This month's gonna be pretty hype. If you can really manage to squeeze three songs AND that monster of a medley in one month, I'll be crazy impressed.

Kyle Kretzer

Hey Jonny, are you taking recommendations for either the New Franchise edition or new milestone goals? Because I have nominees for both! I think Mass Effect would be an interesting to hear a take from you on, and the franchise has a great soundtrack! My recommendations would either be The End Run/Suicide Mission from ME2, or Rannoch/I'm Sorry from ME3. As far as milestones, I would love to hear how Legend of the Seven Stars would sound with your current equipment, so maybe we can get a remake of that epic piece of work as a milestone goal?


I'll give those ME songs a listen for you. Also, I actually have a LotSS-related plan I'm working on, but I'm still working on some details. I'll let you all know when I get everything settled.


Cool ^^ Thanks GaMetal ^^ Also... Fire Emblem? Mhhh... The Fire Emblem song from Super Smash Bros. Melee *shining eyes*