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Good evening/morning Patrons!

I've made pretty good progress on the next song, That Person's Name Is from Bravely Default, and I should have the first draft complete tomorrow (which means I should have a preview up for Tier 3+ Patrons soon).

I'm actually having a lot of difficulty figuring out what the hell is exactly going on with the guitar during the fast arpeggiated part at the end (it's around 2:20 onward in the original). I've been having to tap it but it kind of sounds like it's being picked or swept, and it's hard to tell if the guitar and strings are doing the same notes or different notes. It's really weird.

The way it's looking now, the earliest I should be able to have this done is by the 18th (Sunday), but it'll probably end up being the 19th.

That's all for now. By the way, we're super close to the next milestone goal (Patreon Poll GaMedley Edition), you guys are the best! I can't thank you enough for your contributions. 

Stay awesome! :)


B. Ratcliff

Thanks for the update. Looking forward to these beasts when they're done!

Sébastien Fournier

I enjoy the amount of details you give us in those progress report, kinda impressed you take the time to do that for us. Take the time you need and good luck ^^


Well, hope you figured it out! It's too bad because there was a youtube video with the live concert of it, maybe you could have seen how the part at 2:20 was done, but the video has been taken down (there's still part of that concert, but not of this particular song)