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Happy (early) Halloween!

Here's your early download for the next song up: Grimm / Nightmare King from Hollow Knight: The Grimm Troupe.

The lead guitar mostly plays an assist role in this one (except for the solo), the main focuses are usually the organ/horns/choir.

I tried to give it a bit of a Symphonic Black Metal feel ala Dimmu Borgir or whatever it is the kids listen to these days.

The video should be finished and up tomorrow night. Till then, enjoy!


Zach D.

Like, seriously, you’ve made two songs literally just for me, and I think that this very well might be my favorite song you’ve ever done. I’m in awe.


Okay, that was amazing stuff Jonny! As disappointed as I may be that Bloodstained lost out, this was BY FAR some of the most amazing stuff you've done to date and I can honestly say this may have been the better pick of the two. I don't think I really appreciated the depth of these two songs until I listened to this cover since I was too busy trying not to die / failing in the actual game haha

Zach D.

When I finally beat Grimm (both times), it was right at the end / loop point of the song. Larkin timed it perfectly. There... may be some reasons why Hollow Knight is my favorite game ever.