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Greetings Patrons!

We've finally made it to the last month of year, and I can easily say that 2018 has been the best year we've had yet. We've had an incredible roster of songs for 2018, including the release and success of the Kirby tribute album Dreamland Invasion. The Youtube channel crossed over 100,000 subscribers in September, and has already grown almost an additional 10% in only 3 months, with it looking like we'll be around 111k-112k by the end of the year. The GaMetal Patreon has grown about 10% as well, though to be honest I haven't been plugging it too hard because there are a lot of things I want to catch up on first, such as Side-Quests 2 (more on that in a bit). 

Even with all that... there are still plenty of things to get to before the end of the year, and to start off 2019, so let's take a look at what's to come as far as songs go in the near future!

First off, let's take a look at the current to-do list:

  • 1: Sunset Heroes (God Hand)
  • 2: Circus Tent (Shining Force)
  • 3: Battle With Mortis (Comix Zone)
  • 4: 2018 Finale
  • TBA: Title / Battle Theme (Magi-Nation)
  • TBA: Battle 2 (Romancing SaGa 3)
  • TBA: Boss 1 (Spiral Knights)
  • TBA: Daughter of the Dark God (Octopath Traveler)
  • TBA: Kobito of the Shining Needle ~ Little Princess (Touhou 14: Double Dealing Character)
  • February 2019: Side-Quests Volume 2 (Song list is on the bottom of the request list)

Game Boy Medley ate up a lot of my production time last month, but with that big one out of the way, I'm ready to tackle as much as possible before the year ends. The next song up will be Sunset Heroes from God Hand, which I plan to follow up with a Sega double-feature of Circus Tent (Shining Force) and Battle With Mortis (Comix Zone). I'll also be deciding on the 2018 finale sometime this month, and will reveal it when I've made my decision.

There is also the 2019 Premiere, but I will probably end up using one of the songs on the to-do list for that. I'd like to see what we pull from this month's drawing first as well as deciding on the 2018 finale, then I'll be able to make a solid confirmation.

We have a bit of a lengthy stretch of rather obscure songs (if you exclude Game Boy Medley, everything from Decisive all the way up to Battle with Mortis), so if time permits I may try to squeeze in a popular request song before the 2018 Finale, but that will depend on how the month unfolds.

The next Patreon Drawing Stream will take place on our usual day and time this month: December 5th (Wednesday) at around 3:00 PM US Central Time. We'll once again be drawing one random winner from the Patreon Request List. So for those on Tier 3+, be sure to submit any updates or changes you need to make on the current request list post (Edition 14) if needed. The current entry list will be posted tomorrow (the 4th).

On top of that... I have another stream coming! With the end of the year approaching, I feel like it's a great time for another public Youtube News/Q&A Live Stream. This will take place on Thursday, December 6th, starting at around 3:00 PM US Central Time.

Unlike last time, I actually do have something to reveal, and like always, you all get to be filled in first! Introducing....

The GaMetal 2019 Song Ballot! Yes, I have pulled this idea straight form the Smash Ballot, haha.

During the month of December, everybody will be able to submit a song request in the 2019 GaMetal Song Ballot. The results from this ballot will influence things like my hand-picked Patreon request list choices, and also give me a way to see, outside of comments, what some of the most requested songs are at the moment. I can also use this to help spot some additional requests that line up with songs on the Patreon request list, to not only help fulfill songs that the general public want to hear, but to also fulfill even more Patreon requests. And of course, whatever songs end up being the most requested when the ballot closes will almost certainly be confirmed for 2019 appearances (such as with Hyness and Necrozma this year).

The 2019 song ballot will run till the end of December, and will be revealed publicly during Thursday's Q&A Stream, but you all can get an early head start and check out the ballot here!

One more thing to touch on before I go: you may have noticed that, in the to-do list above, I have slated Side-Quests 2 for a February 2019 release. This gives me time in January and a little of February to complete the album (I have already been working on some of it through the past few months), and I feel like with February being the 2nd month of the year, this is the perfect opportunity to reveal and release the album. I'm thinking something like a reveal on February 2nd (2/02), an early release for all Patrons sometime mid-February, and the official start of song videos on February 22nd (2/22). 

The next project after Side-Quests 2 is code-named Project One, and I should be starting on that soon after SQ2 is complete, but we'll talk more about that when the time comes. ;)

And that's all for now! I want to thank you all once again for helping myself and the GaMetal community have yet another amazing year, now let's finish 2018 with a blast! :D

TL;DR: Sunset Heroes is next up, followed by Circus Tent and Battle With Mortis, followed by either a popular request or the 2018 Finale. Next Patreon drawing stream on December 5th around 3:00 PM US Central time, followed by a public Youtube News/Q&A stream on December 6th around 3:00 PM US Central time, where I will be revealing a '2019 GaMetal Song Ballot' that will run till the end of the month. Side-Quests 2 confirmed for February 2019 release. Thank you all for helping GaMetal have yet another amazing year! :D



It has been a great year filled with great music. Among my top favorites were Hyness, Unknown from ME, Battle on the Big Bridge, and the gameboy madley. Thanks for all the hard work month in and month out!!!

JT Young

Hey Jonny why dont you do Lifelight from Smash Ultimate to end 2018? Everyone is super hyped for it and I think you doing a Metal remix with lyrics would be fun

JT Young

Also tomorrow is my birthday :0


What is a Gametal Ballot?


This has been an incredible year, well, your work is always incredible haha, and I'd say my favs this year arem just to name a few: -"Gaur Plains (Acoustic)" even though it's not metal, I love this song. -"Battle! Gladion" even though I'm not a pokemon fan, it's that good. -"In the Final", one of the best pieces from Mario & Luigi Also I totally voted for "Mor Ardain" from Xenoblade 2 in the ballot.

Iron Joe

You already know I voted for Greedy Game

Zach D.

So this ballot is kind of above and beyond and/or separate from the request raffle list, right? I made a submission already (it's different from what I've got on the raffle list), but because I don't put comments on YouTube, here's a partial list of various songs I'd love to eventually see GaMetal versions of. This isn't intended as an update to my raffle items. If this isn't an appropriate place for this sort of thing, lemme know and I'll remove it or put it elsewhere. This also isn't in any particular order. I'm kind of just freestyling here. And I'm not including the stuff I already have on the request list or that I already submitted in the ballot. From Grandia II, Purification of Darkness (Battle with the Parts) is one of my favorite songs of all time. I've heard one good metal version, but variety is the spice of life. From Metroid Prime, Hive Totem and Metroid Prime (the actual final battle song) are both excellent and deserve more love. From Mega Man Battle Network 3, the title theme is unreasonably catchy. Perhaps to be expected from a Mega Man game with "3" in the title. It's short, since it's still a title theme, so maybe it would go in a medley or maybe it would be a theme-and-variation piece. From SMRPG, as wonderful as Legend of the Seven Stars was/is, I'd love a few individual songs. Hello, Happy Kingdom for one, and all of the various boss fight songs for another. (If it's not obvious, I adore boss fight songs.) From Hyrule Warriors, Eclipse of the Moon. Nothing wildly unusual about it. I just think it's an enjoyable song. I will keep lobbying for a remake of Interstice of the Dimension (from La-Mulana) for the next May Madness. Any other La-Mulana stuff you want to throw in as well is going to be very well received. That game's soundtrack is disgustingly good. Hollow Knight is also a disgustingly good soundtrack. I don't know if most of it would translate well to metal, but some of the boss fights certainly would. Like Nightmare King. From Tales of Phantasia (I think?), Fighting of the Spirit. I've actually never listened to the original version. I found the SSH versions years and years ago, and they're /so/ good that I feel like going down to the original version would only lessen my enjoyment. You threw it into the SNES medley a while back, though, and you did an excellent job with it. I have no doubt that your standalone version would be very strong and satisfying. I can stop for now. Like I said, if this isn't an appropriate avenue to leave such a wishlist, just poke me and I'll take it elsewhere. Not trying to step on any toes.

Zach D.

Separately, I echo the comments that this has in fact been a really wonderful year for your music. I think Fight!! v. 3 is probably my absolute favorite (Grandia II remains probably my favorite soundtrack of all time), but Mining Melancholy is also beyond haunting, In The Final is way catchier than it has any right to be, Tidal Rush is super compelling (those four were all released right after each other, right? You were just on fire then!), Molgera and Big Bridge have just as much star power as expected, and I know we're not done. I'm sure we're in for some great stuff!


Like the Smash Character Ballot, but for future GaMetal songs. xD The Patreon Request List is still top priority though, this will just help me to determine things like the songs I hand-pick and non-request list songs that I choose to do. :)


Yep, seperate from the Patreon Request List. The Patreon list still has top priority, but this ballot will help me determine things like my handpicked choices and non-request list choices I end up making in 2019. Also I've heard most of those and they're all great songs! xD


I'm in kind of the same boat as Zach D. I have a bunch of weird and likely unique things I could add to a Google doc if you wanted me to. ;) ...though it does raise an interesting point that I've been curious about what YOU want to do, Jonny. Like, I've just picked three things that I think are cool and unique, but I have a sizeable list of things I've never heard any arrangement of, and I'd feel bad being "that one patron that made me pick from three bad choices" when there might be something in the rest of it that you'd be super stoked to do.