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Good evening/morning/afternoon folks!

Despite being a bit top-heavy later in the month, June ended up being spectacular with heavy hitters like Tidal Rush, the return of In the Final and the red hot Hydrocity Zone collaboration(s) with InsaneInTheRainMusic. We also pulled a pretty nifty obscure song from our drawing winners with Fight!! Version 3.

For those wondering, the Hydrocity Zone collab event went over so well that Carlos and I have already been discussing what we should do next. It probably won't be very soon, but it will definitely happen again in the future!

But for now, let's look at what July should hold for us here in the GaMetal universe...

Even though I managed to squeeze 4 songs into June, I wanted to do a little more. So I'm going to be pushing extra hard to get 5-6 songs from the to-do list complete this month. The next song up, as already confirmed by the last end card teaser, is the long awaited Unknown From M.E. collab with UK rapper ShaoDow. If all goes according to plan, this one should be finished and ready by this weekend.

After that, I'm going to be trying to knock out as many of the to-do list songs as I possibly can before August, which is Patreon Appreciation Month! For those of you who haven't been around here the past year or two, in August I pull 3 request list drawing winners, and this year we will also be pulling winners for 2 different medleys: a Gameboy/GBC medley, and NES Medley VI. More info on Patreon appreciation month coming in August.

Getting back to June, here is the current to-do list:

  • 1: Unknown from M.E. ft. ShaoDow (Sonic Adventure)
  • July: Courtney Gears Battle (Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal)
  • July: Save the World (Final Fantasy Legend II)
  • July: Molgera Battle (Wind Waker)
  • July: Steel Beowulf (Super Robot Wars OG)
  • TBA: Battle 1 (Final Fantasy Mystic Quest)
  • TBA: Decisive (Ogre Battle 64)
  • TBA: Guard Daos (Lufia and the Fortress of Doom)
  • TBA: Tor (Iji)
  • TBA: Pressing Pursuit ~ Cornered (Apollo Justice ~ Ace Attorney)
  • TBA: 'April Fools' Song
  • TBA: Side-Quests Volume 2 (Song list is on the bottom of the request list)
  • TBA: 1 billion Acoustic Shorts

Starting this month, I will also be working on the Side-Quests Volume 2 album on the side (because it's side-quests, get it?). I'm hoping to have the album complete by around October-November at the latest.

Also this month I'll be getting back on the acoustic short/Atmacoustic grind.. and yesterday I went and picked up a birthday gift to help me out with that:

I got a new classical/nylon-string guitar! I know, it doesn't look that much different from the previous one, but trust me: this one is far better than my old one that had tons of dead frets. xD

RIP this clunky old thing lol. If you look super closely, I had an allen wrench under the bridge as a feeble attempt to raise the strings to combat the dead fret problem. It only helped a little.

The next Patreon Drawing Stream will fall on our usual date of the 5th, which is this Thursday, around 2:00 PM US Central Time. Unfortunately we took a harder-than-usual hit this month with declined cards and fell pretty far below the 1200 goal, so we'll be drawing one request list drawing winner this time around. No biggie, I'm confident we'll reach it and hold on to it again this month :D. I'm also going to give away 5 more free copies of Dreamland Invasion to random Patrons! A link to the stream will be posted here about 10-15 minutes before I go live.

I'm considering doing another Youtube Live-Stream Q&A very soon, perhaps even this week. I'll keep you posted and notify you all a day in advance when I decide to do so.

That's all for now! I'm really looking to go full-force this month, so prepare for lots of new stuff, and as always, thank you all so much for everything you do for myself and the GaMetal community, I couldn't do all of this without you! :D

TL;DR: Unknown From M.E. is the next song up this weekend. Looking to have at least 5 songs done in July. Next month is Patreon appreciation month (more info in August). New Atmacoustics/Acoustic Shorts returning this month. Side-Quests 2 development beginning this month. Next Patreon stream is on Thursday the 5th at around 2:00 PM US Central Time. Youtube Q&A stream possible this week. Thanks for being amazing! :D

Quick Edit: meant July on the to-do list songs not June haha


Zach D.

Definitely looking forward to Molgera! (And, okay, everything, but especially Molgera. In addition to being wonderful in its own right, it's relevant to a project I'm working on.) Is that list you have there in the approximate order you expect to tackle things?

Lars Flyger

General Tor was my Patreon request, wasn't it? I must have missed the drawing for it.


It was on 3 different request lists xD, it was one of my handpicks for last month. :)


Kinda-sorta, it's the order they were drawn in. Subject to change, but it'll be rather close to how I have it now. :)


My song "Nitro Man theme" seems to be not on the draw, can you see if you can put on the list


Fixing now! It looks like I missed you last drawing too for some reason so I'm gonna double your slips this time around. Sorry bout that!