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Good morning/afternoon/evening Patrons! May is officially behind us, so it's time to take a look at what the month of June will hold.

The next song up is the last remake song that was intended for May that I couldn't quite squeeze in on time: In the Final from Bowser's Inside Story. I'm hoping to have this one finished before the week is over.

I've decided to follow this one up with Tidal Rush from Splatoon 2, my hand-picked song from April. The Octoling expansion is about to come out, so I feel like this would be perfect timing for our next Splatune.

We're making progress on getting caught up with request drawing winners and handpicked songs! We still have our next request drawing winner coming in tomorrow's drawing stream, plus I still owe you all a hand-pick from May and June. If all goes according to plan, I should have the to-do list completely caught up by the end of July, just in time for Patreon appreciation month in August!

The order of the songs coming after Tidal Rush is a little hard to determine at the moment, so the order I have set below could change at any time. This is especially true for the upcoming collaboration songs Unknown from M.E. and the TBA InsaneInTheRainMusic collab, which will be the next song(s) up when I've received the material I need from my partners. For the time being, I've simply listed them as 'June'. They could spill into July, but hopefully that won't be the case.

Here's the current to-do list:

1: In the Final (Bowser's Inside Story)

2: Tidal Rush (Splatoon 2)

3: Courtney Gears Battle (Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal)

4: Save the World (Final Fantasy Legend II)

5: Molgera Battle (Wind Waker)

6: Steel Beowulf (Super Robot Wars OG)

7: Battle 1 (Final Fantasy Mystic Quest)

8: Decisive (Ogre Battle 64)

9: Fight!! Ver. 3 (Grandia II)

June: Unknown from M.E. ft. ShaoDow (Sonic Adventure)

June: ????? ft. InsaneInTheRainMusic

TBA: 'April Fools' Song

TBA: Side-Quests Volume 2 (Song list is on the bottom of the request list)

TBA: 1 billion Acoustic Shorts

June and July (heck the rest of the year really!) are looking like even more song-heavy months (aiming for at least 5-6 songs each), so as always I encourage you to set your Patreon monthly limits accordingly. I appreciate all of your contributions, big and small, but I don't want you to pledge any more than you're willing to pledge or can afford! As always, I'll give constant reminders in my posts after the 3rd song of the month.

The next Patreon Request List Drawing Stream will be tomorrow afternoon, around 2:00 PM US Central time. I'll be updating the current request list later today, so if you have any updates you want to make please do so on the request list post as soon as you can!

We haven't re-reached our 1200 goal, so we'll only be having one song drawn tomorrow (first time in a while! but let's face it, the to-do list needed a little break, haha), but in addition to this, I'll also be giving away 5 physical copies of Dreamland Invasion to 5 random Patrons! They're still in the production process but should be here by the end of the week. So while I won't have them for show on tomorrow's stream, I instead refer you to the cool 3d preview if you want to take a look.

That's all I have for now, I'll see you all at the drawing stream tomorrow! For those that can't make it, I'll have the stream recap posted shortly after. Until then, thank you all as always for your ongoing contribution and support, and being so amazing! :D

TL;DR: Next songs up are In the Final (M&L: Bowser's Inside Story) and Tidal Rush (Splatoon 2), collab songs (Unknown from M.E. w/ ShaoDow, TBA song w/ InsaneInTheRainMusic) should be coming this month, even more song heavy months coming so double-check your monthly Patreon limits and set accordingly, drawing stream tomorrow around 2:00 PM US Central time with one song drawing and 5 Dreamland Invasion physical winners. Thank you for being awesome! :D


JT Young

Coolbeans :D


I'm super burningly curious what you and Carlos have lined up! Your usual styles are so different, but you've both shown that you're flexible enough to step outside that comfort zone.


Darn i work till 5pm est so ill check the stream later. Thanks Jonny!

Alex LaVoie

I was starting to worry that you would stop doing holiday specials (your wife hasn't picked a song for Valentine's Day). Glad that's not the case, cos I feel Mad Monster Mansion has a fighting chance this year (plus, I thought of a great song suggestion for October myself.)


May Madness has been promoted to Summer Madness, it seems. Keep up the great work!