Patreon Drawing Stream #9 Recap! (Patreon)
Hey Patrons!
Here's a quick recap of today's stream for those who weren't able to make it. Two songs were drawn today (since we reached the 1120 milestone goal just before February ended). Tther than that, I mostly answered questions and talked about what the next few months are looking like.
Today's 2 winners are:
Mining Melancholy from Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest for Bakhadeth! This one actually made an appearance back in 2015 in the SNES Medley, so looks like we'll be getting another full rendition of an old Medley song. :)
and second is Courtney Gears Battle from Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal for Emerald! Apparently this song has a version with vocals that I'm just now finding out about. Maybe my version will have vocals. Maybe. :)
We have a TON of things on the to-do list, so I'll be getting to these along with the others on the list as soon as possible! I talked on the stream about the next few months being jam-packed with all these songs. My goal is to be atleast 50% done with what the list looks like currently by the end of April, then finishing up during May Madness and June, considering we still have at least another 2 drawing songs coming before then, plus my hand-picked choices for this month and the following months.
Here's a look at the current to-do list is:
1: Battle! Gladion (Pokemon Sun & Moon)
2: Project Dream
TBA: Fly to Live I (Thunder Dragon 2)
TBA: Sky High (Dynamite Headdy)
TBA: Boss Theme (Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg)
TBA: Your Contract Has Expired (A Hat in Time)
TBA: Unknown from M.E. (Sonic Adventure)
TBA: Mining Melancholy (Donkey Kong Country 2)
TBA: Courtney Gears Battle (Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal)
TBA: March hand-picked choice (will let you all know before the weekend)
TBA: Side-Quests Volume 2
It's a lot, but no worries, once Project Dream is complete I'll be knocking these out ASAP!
Speaking of Project Dream, I'm almost at the reveal stage. You all will finally know what's going on in about a week or so. :O
Until then, thank you all as always for everything, see you in the next post! :D