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Good evening/morning/afternoon Patrons.... we've reached the Side-Quests Volume 2 milestone goal!! 

I can't thank you all enough for helping to keep the GaMetal Patreon campaign growing steadily these past few years. Whether you've been here from the beginning or just joined within the last few months, I'm tremendously grateful for each and every one of you, and you've continued to amaze me with your kindness!

For those who aren't aware, the Side-Quests line of GaMetal albums are dedicated entirely to you all here on Patreon, to celebrate reaching a big milestone (our last one was around 450). I will be drawing 10 winning songs from the Patreon Request List that will appear on the album.

With the end of 2017 closing in on us, and still a lot of songs and other things I want to get done before next year, I'm predicting this album will be completed somewhere in early 2018. The drawing for the songs, however, will take place during the next Patreon Drawing Stream on/around November 5th. So everyone who is request-list-eligible with a successful pledge from this month has a chance to get one of their songs on the album! 

For those of you ($5+ Tier or eligible from when it was a lower tier reward a looong time ago) who have songs on the Patreon Request List, now is a good time to get your list updated if you'd like, since your odds at winning will be much higher than usual! I'll also be making a new edition (post) of the request list at the beginning of October, and remaking my list and entry slips from scratch just so I can be 100% sure I don't miss anybody on accident.

In other news... there's only a little more than 2 months left in 2017! It's crazy how fast this year has gone by. We know for sure what the next 4-5 songs will be: Miror B is up next, which I spent a lot of time working on today and am hoping to get done by around Thursday. This will be followed by the winner of the Halloween Poll, which is still WAY too close to call! As a reminder, the poll will close on the day the Miror B video is released, so currently that is looking like Thursday. Then we have another 2 previous drawing winners to get to: Final Cackletta (M&L: Superstar Saga) and The Fateful Return (Shovel Knight). After that, we still have a random request list drawing song to choose for the month of November, and I still owe you all a few hand-picked songs from the request list for September, October, and soon November. There's also the winner of the current Discord Request Battle, which is currently looking to be sealed by Waluigi Pinball.

So as you can see, there's still a ton of things to do before the year is over, but I'm ready to give it my best and get everything that I owe you all done before the year is up! Not to mention I still want to get the mysterious Project Dream done (which I've been slowly working on) before the year ends.

Once more I just want to thank you all for everything you've done to get myself and GaMetal this far, and I'm super hopeful that we'll continue to move upwards going into the future! You all are so amazing and I know I say it in like, every post, but I really and truly mean it with all of my heart!

See you in the next post! :)

TL;DR: SQ2 album goal reached, 10 songs will be chosen from the request list in next Patreon drawing stream on/around November 5th. Miror B coming around Thursday, followed by TBA Halloween Poll Winner, Final Cackletta, and The Fateful Return. Other songs TBA: Discord Request Battle winner (most likely Waluigi Pinball), November drawing winner, Sept-Nov handpicked request list songs. Project Dream? You all are amazing! :D


Alex LaVoie

I'm not sure what this Discord Request Battle is, but if Waluigi Pinball is set to win, I'll probably change up my request list before the SQ2/Nov. Drawing Stream. EDIT: P.S. I'm so excited for Waluigi Pinball!


IIRC every month Jonny (?) chooses 2 songs and people on the Gametal Discord Server vote for them and the winner gets remixed by Jonny.


"next Patreon drawing stream on/around Oct 5th" Well crap, guess I'd better figure out when I left my Time Helicopter...