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It's finally here: the Genesis Medley is complete! I'm hoping to push the video out tomorrow, but there's a possibility it could end up being Wednesday. Only time will tell!

But for now, at least the song itself is finished! A big chunk of my arrangement time was spent condensing the songs into a shorter version convenient for a medley (a lot of these songs are 2-3 minutes long originally), with my aim being for about 45-70 seconds each. Which I think I achieved for the most part, haha.

Here are the 11 songs in the order they appear in the medley: 

00:00 "Sega"
00:06 Laughter (Phantasy Star IV) - Calvin JJ
00:53 Mexico (Saturday Night Slam Masters) - James Cocorikis
01:32 Replay (Virtua Racing Deluxe) - KyleJCrb
02:31 Angel Island Act 2 (Sonic 3) - Jonny Atma
03:32 Funkotronic Beat (Toe Jam and Earl) - Anthony Cocorikis
04:12 Stage 1-1 (Mega Turrican) - Hornlitz
05:03 The Hard Corps (Contra Hard Corps) - Ryan Tyrrell
06:08 Taking to the Air (Terminator) - Mats Tolvaly
07:01 Cielom (Lords of Thunder) - Airsh
08:24 Battle 6 (Shining Force) - Alex Bourdages
09:24 Greedy Game (Ristar) - TheBrawler56

Thanks for your patience everybody! Again, I'll be trying to get this one out tomorrow but it could fall to Wednesday at the worst.

I'll have a small update post coming soon as well. Until then, enjoy! :)


Dmitry D.

Now your 2017 is tied with 2016 at 40 songs (counting Saturos and Menardi as a 2016 song and all Side-Quests songs as 2017), although 2016 has 23 more minutes of music, probably cause it's a couple of medleys ahead. So the new record coming is xD

James Cocorikis

Dude, this was pretty fucking great, and I was honestly hoping for mexico to be a preview track, but I'm glad it wasn't. you fucking rocked it, bro. Capcom 90's OST's for the win.