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 Good evening/morning/afternoon Patrons! I thought I'd go ahead and make an update post to give you an idea of what the last week of May will be looking like. :)

We're halfway through the May Madness songs and should be continuing tomorrow with the release of the Final Fantasy IV Boss Battle video. The next song after that will be our drawing winner for the month: Pepper Steak from OFF.  I'm hoping to have this up on the weekend, either Saturday or Sunday.

I had planned on having a preview of Pepper Steak up today but I didn't get as much done on it as I wanted. Currently I have all the rhythm guitar/bass, drums, and about 40% of the leads. I should be finishing up the leads tomorrow and should have enough by then to get the preview up for you.

Big Bad Baby Bowser is our final May Madness song for the month, and my current plan is to have that one up on the last day of the month (Wednesday). I already have all the rhythm guitar/bass, drums, and the organ parts.

Did I ever mention the organist for Big Bad Baby Bowser? In case I didn't, the organ parts will be played by our fellow Patron here, Andrew Wragnell. He's an amazing pianist so check him out when you get some time! He's already sent me all his parts and videos so it's all on my end to get the song done at this point. xD

So we're looking comfortably on pace to get all 6 planned songs out before the month ends! That said, I want to remind everyone again that we're now 3 pledged songs into this month and still have several more to go, so please make sure your monthly pledge limits are set accordingly. You can check this on the 'Your Pledges' page under 'Edit pledge'. I appreciate (greatly, greatly, GREATLY appreciate x 100,000) everything you all contribute, but I don't want to make you go broke either! I encourage you to only pledge as much as you're comfortable with. :)

Also, I can't confirm this yet, but I might have an extra May Madness bonus coming as well. But we'll see how things pan out through these last few days of the month. xD

I'll also be spending some time at the end of the month getting a few waves of acoustic shorts out. Hence why I've pushed BBBB to the last day of the month.

One last thing! I've been considering starting a regular thing every 2-3 months or so where I hold a private Patron-only stream meeting, where we can talk about things like what you'd like to see more of from me, and things like that. I'm most likely going to do the first of these at the beginning of June. I'm still in the process of figuring out a way to actually set up a private stream in a matter that's convenient for everybody, so I can't confirm a date or time yet, but when I get all that figured out, I'll let you all know several days in advance.

That's all for now! At the beginning of June I'll have another update post where I'll talk about some of my plans for the next few months after May Madness. Thank you all as always for your ongoing generousity, support and continuing to be so such amazing people!

TL;DR: FFIV Boss video tomorrow, Pepper Steak this weekend (preview tomorrow), BBBBowser last day of May. This is another song-heavy month, so double-check your monthly limits and adjust if needed. There will be a Patron-only stream in early June, date and time TBA. Thank you for being awesome! :)


Andrew Wrangell Music

Can't wait to see the Final Fantasy IV boss music! Thanks for the shoutout too, I'm super excited to see the finished Big Bad Baby Bowser video! It's my pleasure to be a guest in one of your awesome videos!

Alex LaVoie

A May Madness collab video? I love it already!

Travis Castillo

Chrono Trigger "World Revolution", already. I think that I bitched for that one years ago on an old youtube thingie


Doesn't have to be a stream, let's all sit and chat on your Discord. :D