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Hey Patrons! Just wanted to give you all a quick update now that I'm able to.

After a hellacious moving process (hence the lack of 5th song last month), we're almost finished moving into our new place! I should be able to get back to working on things sometime in the middle of the week.

Since everything has been taking a lot more time than I anticipated, I'm going to have to adjust a few dates. Firstly, I've extended the date for the 2024 GaMetal Song Ballot to July 5th.

Secondly, I'm going to have to move the date for our monthly Patreon stream ahead a few days to July 10th, we'll still be starting around our same time of 4:00 PM US Eastern time.

Lastly, I have a song reveal for you!

The next song up, The Battle of Lil' Slugger, will be followed by my yearly birthday song choice. Technically it should of came either today or next up, but with all I've had going on, I have to slate it for a little bit later than usual.

This year, I've decided to hit up a personal favorite of mine:

Reproduction of Power from La-Mulana 2! Again, this will come soon after the next song, Lil' Slugger.

I'll have another update post for you (which'll include the to-do list and such) once I'm a bit more settled in the new place. Till then, thank you all for your support, I'll see you in the next post! 🙂


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