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Congratulations TeiunBomb: you've won yet again!

The Patreon Drawing song for this month will be Pepper Steak from OFF. This should be interesting to say the least. xD

So let's talk about that video above. It appears RandomPicker has a 100 participant limit that I wasn't aware of until I tried to do the actual drawing.

I tried searching for other raffle sites but was pretty much always stopped by a paywall. So I made a secret Youtube account and had a brief live-stream of the drawing.

Since I did this in haste as an emergency measure, I just shared the link in the Patreon channel on the GaMetal Discord. From now on, I will share the link on here before I do this, for everyone. I was just in a hurry this time because RandomPicker kinda screwed me at the last second.

Also next time I'll try to make the stream a little more.. fun.. by talking and stuff. Like I said I just sort of quickly threw this one together. While I could've just done the drawing on the site I used by myself, I wanted some way to do it where people can see it (just so everyone can rest assured I'm not fixing anything xD).

Anyways to see the drawing/explanation on the stream, skip to about 4:30 on the video.

As previously mentioned, next drawing (the 5th of next month) I'll share with you all probably about an hour before I go live on that channel for the drawings. :)

Thanks to all who participated, see you in the next post! :D


Secret Patreon Drawing #16

Because RandomPicker is a little B. Welcome. :)



I am a programmer. Would you like me to make you a real quick program that reads a file and picks a random line? (No theoretical limit)


That would be awesome xD but the main issue is that I wanted to have something where I could submit the entry list and have it stay there for people to see until I choose to conduct the drawing, then have it automatically posted on the same site as soon as the drawing takes place. That way people can see that there isn't any fixing/rigging going on. I was considering moving to a 'live stream drawing' format anyway, but today's incident sort of forced me to start prematurely xD. It'll be a lot smoother next time. :)


Hmm... What if I made it so that it printed every line of the file and then picked a line, leaving it on the screen with a "Press any key to continue..." type deal? (I don't have any webhost, so DOS .exe app is the only way I would go D: )


I gave it a whirl; let me know if it's what you had in mind! Very easy to use just have a list (one line per entry) file in the same directory as picker.exe, type the filename, and it goes! picker.exe <a href="https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3Bux2IIe5P3U2ZZZlZySUotOUU" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3Bux2IIe5P3U2ZZZlZySUotOUU</a> drawings.txt (sample list of I got from drawing #16) <a href="https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3Bux2IIe5P3Y2lFSHB0eWRpM1U" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3Bux2IIe5P3Y2lFSHB0eWRpM1U</a> You can run the same file several times to see its random.


I probably should've mentioned: I have a mac xD so can't run .exe's :/


Jonny what about have all the entries numbered and then use something like a dicerolling app?


Jonny, I swear I was just joking whenever I said it was rigged anyway XD


Hey Jonny, when you reach the 810 dollars goal you should add a randomizer functionality to your site


I. Whu— HOW‽ As jazzed as I am to hear this tune, I'm just amazed about my luck in these drawings thus far — and even more amazed that there were quite a few comments from a few videos back requesting to hear something from <i>OFF</i>. I was actually considering changing my final pick until I saw those comments, so I thought, "Screw it, I'll let it rock." I figured that my luck had finally run dry though, so I didn't expect it to get picked for <b>quite</b> some time, much less so soon! Well, looks like I have to type out a new request list soon, ahaha.


Hi! I had a friend make it in a Mac environment! You run it by using the mac terminal in the place that you have the file. Use the command in the quotes: ".\picker.out" Make sure you have a file like drawings.txt in the same directory. picker.out <a href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3Bux2IIe5P3RjZ1SFpITXQwYzA/view?usp=sharing" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3Bux2IIe5P3RjZ1SFpITXQwYzA/view?usp=sharing</a> drawings.txt (sample list of I got from drawing #16) <a href="https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3Bux2IIe5P3Y2lFSHB0eWRpM1U" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3Bux2IIe5P3Y2lFSHB0eWRpM1U</a> Let me know if that works; would like to help you in any way :)


Hey Luigi! Just wanted to let you know I gave it a try but terminal was giving me a 'permission denied' message for some reason. :/ It's all good though, I'm probably gonna go the physical route and do something like draw names from a hat on the drawing stream. xD I really appreciate it though!


Oh man! One last thing should do it try: chmod picker.out 755. (This command changes the read/ write/ execute permissions for that file)