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Hey Patrons!

Song artwork by Kelsey Peterson (@nintendonut1)

Here's your early download for the next song up: Dracula's Castle from Castlevania: Symphony of the Night!

Since this was the only song that scored #1 in a medley on both the Public and Patreon vote and we have so much coming this month, I thought I'd throw this one up as a freebie for all Patron tiers. 🙂

Also, I wanted to give you a quick update on song progress: the next set of songs (including this one) are just about ready to go. We'll be following this one up with Death Match, SHOWTIME, Frontier Brain, and Stardust Speedway Bad Future JP in that order, followed then by Captain Falcon and Someday  (the order of these 2 dependent on when Lacey finishes her parts). A few of these might drop on back to back days so I can squeeze as much as possible in before the month ends, and of course, as I've already mentioned, one or two will likely fall into early June (always happens lol).

Lastly: we still need to have a PRL listening stream before the month ends! I've got a bit of a hectic weekend ahead tryin to get things ready to go for next week, so I'll confirm a date and time with you all early next week (it'll likely be on one of the last days of the month).

Other than that, the Dracula's Castle video should be ready early tomorrow. Till then.. enjoy! 🙂


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