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Before we dive in, let me first thank Gnoll Breath for becoming this month's Culinary Creature!! Next week I'll be working on a custom commission for him of a ref sheet! Gonna do something a bit special with it so it's both functional as a sheet and giving it my own twist. Gonna be a lot of fun to work on! Thanks again, friend!

I also want to extend my sweetest thank-yous to Azel Stoltz, Clive Palmer's Secret Kangaroo Hentai Stasher, Darwen, Devon Coley, Howlie Tigerpaw, Jeremiah Alexander, JojosAverageAdventure, Lyle, Milo, Tomei Shepski, WarBird, and Zander Monkey for subscribing this month! Seriously your support during these times means everything to me. Looking forward to showing y'all what I got in store for you this month!

This week I had an idea to do a sort of tastefully-erotic, elegant sort of pinup involving a tattooed polar bear I drew a few months ago! I like his rounded design and the fact he's a tattoo artist. Inspiration hit me pretty hard when I saw photos of my friend who's covered in insane full-body tattoos. I want to explore that with a tasteful pinup of my bear and give him a reprise much like how I did with one of my other previous characters! It's gonna be real good, I can feel it!

I'm giving myself this week and next to finish pinup style works for a little bit. They aren't going away completely! Lately I've been more interested in exploring comics. I've had a lot of practice with the Star Ship comics as well as my 30k piece and I'm itching to do a narrative.

A while ago I made the decision to stop hosting my PSD's here on Patreon and upload them to my Google Drive. It was alright in the beginning, but after a time I realized updating who had access to the files, sending mass invites (Google has a daily quota so I'd have to send them out in daily waves), and a ton of other headaches made me reach the conclusion that I'm better off just hosting the files as attachments here on Patreon. I'll be getting around to posting the remaining PSD's here as attachments so they're more easily obtainable to everyone! Thank you for your understanding and my deepest apologies for the neglecting that content.

Last quick update! I haven't updated any of the dialogue or messaging on my profile since I created my page. I'll be going through it this week to give it the facelift it needs especially since I'm moving on to do more experimental works. The only thing that will be getting a change is I will no longer be uploading Patreon Exclusive works. It can be a decent driver to bring more people to my Patreon, but I'm feeling more confident that my works and my Patreon can do better standing on its own without the use of that strategy.

That about wraps it up for this week's update! I'll see y'all my Big Biters here for WIP Wednesday in a few days! Stay safe and clean out there, sweets. :3



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