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The more I worked on this piece, the more a narrative came to mind involving a guy who explores dungeons and falls in love with a minotaur. Seems silly, and it should! A plot like that has a lot of potential for romance, comedy, and steamy bits. The more I thought on it, the more attached I got to these characters.

I'm wanting to explore different types of content more. Lately comics have been on my mind. The Star Ship comics were an unexpected success that started out as a joke I wanted to put to paper. The motivation to try out new characters and ideas is pretty strong. Haven't felt that way about comics in quite a long time.

The thoughts on this post are a bit of a tangent, so I apologize!! Just some thoughts I had while creating this piece. I want to sketch out what a comic involving these two might be like over the weekend. If I come up with any fun concepts I'll share them here for y'all to see and get some feedback!

As a reminder I'll be taking next week off to get some much needed creative rest. I won't be going hard and all in on illustrations next week, but I'll be doing my own fun doodles and sharing them here so it's not dead air for an entire week! I hope you'll understand. :3

Lastly I'll be uploading files to the Drive here next!! Thanks for waiting while I got to that task.

Thank you all SO much for your incredible support for the last couple of weeks. I'm extremely grateful to have folks like you encouraging me to do what's right for me creatively and personally. Enjoy your weekend and as always stay safe! 💜🐺💜



Jeremy Hybrid

So hot.! Keep it going 😁


He’s ignoring the main quest and doing side quests and getting bigger rewards. Have a chill week off!!!


I can’t speak for everyone here but I have to say the love and creativity you put to your art is why I became a supporter , if that means exploring comics or narratives I’m on board for that adventure as long as I get to see your amazing content once your finished I think it’s safe to say it’s worth the wait . Especially since I would love to see more of these two together <3


Not exactly a minotaur but I really like him all the same. I'm super weak for bulls and big dicks so I'll be rubbing one out to this later... Thanks for creating such an artwork!


Here's the beef <3


He's a lovely minotaur!


Gotta say, this is one of my favorite porn pieces I’ve seen. The Minotaur has a lovely cock, facial hair, a lovely expression, handsome face... and the spit from making out... huff. Incredible.