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After managing my Patreon page for 10 months without any snags, I found the confidence to create two new tiers—Peckish Peeker and Culinary Creature! Finding a balance with my day job, my social life, and my personal projects here was something I wanted to make sure I had a good grasp of before I even considered another tier. Partially why it took me so long to create one. The last thing I wanted to do to y’all and myself is overpromise something and not deliver on it. These past 10 months helped me realize what I’m capable of, so I’m ready to expand what I do here!

First off, before I get into the tier details,  I want to mention that these new tiers do not impact or change any of the other tiers! The outline of the previous tiers will remain the same.

I also want to mention that just like the last tiers, the way these tiers are structured may change as time goes by. Particularly the scheduling. Once I get into the full swing of implementing each tier into my Patreon, I’ll find what parts of each tier works better and which doesn’t.

For the past month I’ve been creating loads of new illustrations for Patreon! While I update what I have planned for each week, I’ve built up a number of illustrations to prepare for the upcoming weeks. I thought it might be a cool idea to share what I have planned for the future with those who’re really excited about what I do and stay more up to date with it all!

The posts for this tier will be more organic. Meaning that as I work on future stuff, I won’t wait until set days to release the updates. Rather I’ll post updates as I’m working on the new content! Potentially having updates every day!

CULINARY CREATURE - $250 (limit: 1)
This one is for the big hunker chunkers! The main cut of meat on this bone is one person each month will get a custom, fully rendered 1-character commission from me!

I WANT IT!! What do I do??
After you sign up for the tier, I’ll reach out to you and confirm the easiest contact method for us. Next we’ll go over your idea and look over any reference material you have. Once I have a solid idea on what your piece will be, we can schedule a day for us to stream together!

I primarily work on my iPad, but I’m willing to try out methods so we can stream privately together while I work on your piece! We can chit-chat, hang out, and share ideas together! But if you’re the type of person who’d rather keep their paws off the process and let me do the work, I can do that, too!

How long will it take for you to finish my commission?
Your commission is guaranteed to be finished before the end of each month!

I want to keep this tier for as long as I want!
I intended this tier to cycle out with different people each month. Since there are a number of people wanting a commission from me, I want to make sure everyone gets an opportunity to get something. I haven’t decided if there would be some sort of rotation or if there will be one at this time.

I don’t know if you’d be willing to draw my idea or not...?
There are certain things I absolutely will not draw, so be sure to ask me any questions regarding that or anything else you might have! Feel free to send me a message here, DM me on Twitter, or email me at 2muchdynamite over on gmail!

(Because this is a public and not a Patron-only post, I will not be listing the things I -won’t- draw here)

💜 🐺  💜 

As much as I love working on my own content and creating my own ideas, there’s something so gratifying about making someone else’s idea a reality, too. Throughout the last year I’ve been asked when or if I’ll ever be open for commissions again. If I ever did open again, I’d want it to be in a special setting with extra perks. Which is why I found it fitting and more manageable to do it through my Patreon.

If you have any questions at all about this or anything else, please reach out to me! I frequently check my messages here and on Twitter. 

Can’t wait to get started on all the new things I got planned here!!


Deckard (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-23 17:58:47 Keep killin' it dude <3
2020-06-07 12:48:25 Keep killin' it dude <3

Keep killin' it dude <3