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Driving In

“Stop fidgeting,” she said.

“I’m not,” he retorts with all the attitude of an actual cranky toddler.

“I know you don’t want to be making this trip with me,” she said. “But I also know that you’d like making this trip with a well-spanked bottom even less.”

He can’t argue with that logic. “S-sorry.” He’s tempted, still, to insist that he wasn’t actually fidgeting, but it seems like a bad hill to be spanked on. And, he probably was fidgeting.

“It’s not that much further,” she said.

“You said that two hours ago.”

“Well, now we’re even closer than we were then.”

He quietly grumbled to himself as he stared out the passenger window.

“Should I change your diaper before we get there?”


“How bad is it?”

“I wet it once or twice.”

She laughed. “So…probably more like three times, hm?”


“You haven’t pooped all day. If you’re holding it, I think you need to just let it go.”

“I dunno,” he said. He seemed to have no problem pushing loads into his diaper when they were at home. But once they walked out the front door, it was like his butt cheeks clenched together for dear life.

“Okay, let me put it this way,” she shrugged. “You could either mess your diaper now–and let me change it before we get there–or you can mess your diaper when we get to Susan’s.”


“Need I remind you that Susan doesn’t live alone?”

“I…I thought that you said she was going to be the only one at her house.”

“Ah, yes, well that changed. Got the call this morning. I guess Edwin is going to be there too.”

“Edwin? And you didn’t think to, uh, tell me?”

“It wouldn’t have mattered,” she shrugged. “We’re still going there. You’re still in diapers. If I had told you he was going to be there, you’d have stressed about it for the whole ride. Now, you only have to stress about it for a little longer.”

“Gee, thanks.”

“Again, what are we doing about that diaper? Am I changing you before we get there? And if I am, then do you have anything else you’d like to add to it first?”

He sighed and stared out the window with a scowl on his face. He hated all of the options. If he had it his way, she’d turn around the car and head right back to the house. He’d gladly endure another five hour drive if it meant he didn’t have to be paraded around Susan's house in a diaper while Edwin was there. Of course, were he to say that, he’d get more than just a spanking.

“Fine,” he muttered.

“Fine? What would you like to do?”

“I’m, uh, going to…”

He grunted, pushed, and lifted his bottom up from the seat as he pushed a sizable mass of soft mushy poop into the back of his diaper.


The suburbs of one city didn’t look much different from the suburbs of another city. They had driven five or six hours, and yet he didn’t think it looked all that different. He wasn’t sure what he had actually expected–it’s not like he expected to see pyramids or palm trees on the horizon after driving horizontally across New England. But there was something disappointing about driving through a new area, after all that driving, and thinking it looked exactly like the one you had come from.

Susan was waiting for them on the porch when they finally pulled into the driveway.

“Brace yourself. She’s a hugger.”

He sighed as he unfastened his seatbelt. It was bound to be an awkward interaction, but every interaction was probably going to be awkward until they packed up the car and went back home again at the end of the week.

“Oh my gawd,” exclaimed Susan, prancing down the steps in her too-tight yoga pants. “Marcie, I can’t believe that you’re finally here!”

Susan emitted a high-pitched squeal, which Marcie responded to with a high-pitched squeal of her own. This, he figured, must be how the fabled dolphin-sisters communicate with each other.

“So,” Marcie said, waving over to him to come closer, “first thing’s first, I want to introduce you to my husband. This is Felix. Felix, this is my sister, Susan.”

Felix lifted a hand from his side and awkwardly stuck it in Susan’s direction for a handshake. She slapped it out of the way, laughing as she closed in to give him the biggest hug she could–her powerful arms wrapping around him and locking him against her body. He sheepishly wrapped his own arms around her in return–impressed by how freakishly strong she felt.

“Felix, welcome to the family,” she said, finally releasing him from her tight grip.

He took a moment to catch his breath before responding. “W-well…I mean, Marcie and I have been married for four years so it’s not like I just joined the family.”

“Oh jeepers,” Susan laughed, rolling her eyes. “You know what I meant.”

He didn’t, but he kept his mouth shut.

“Speaking of family,” Marcie said, nodding towards the house. “Where is, uh…”

“Edwin?” Susan asked, finishing the question for her. She snorted and shook her head. “Hell if I know. Probably playing his Playstation.”

Felix’s eyes lit up a little. Was there a Playstation here? Maybe this wouldn’t be the worst week after all.

“I’m sure we’ll see him at some point,” Marcie shrugged.

“Oh I’ll make sure you see plenty of him,” Susan said. “Come on, then. Let’s get all your bags inside and into the guest room. And, uh, Mar? Do you need to take care of Felix’s, uh…”

“Not to worry,” Marcie said. “We stopped a little bit ago and I got him into a clean diaper. He’ll be good for a while.”

Felix sighed, tempted to complain that Marcie had told Susan about the diapers. But of course she did. They were sisters. Susan probably knew everything.

“Ah, good to hear,” Susan nodded. She looked back at Felix: “Well, I made sure to tell Edwin everything, so there’s no point in being all shy about it. Mi casa, su casa, you understand? Whatever the two of you need to do, our house is a safe place for it.”

Back at the car, Felix and Marcie took turns pulling luggage from the trunk, lining it up on the sidewalk to take inside.

“You told her?” he asked, his voice hushed into a frustrated whisper.

“I had to,” she shrugged.

He stopped himself from saying that he didn’t believe that to be true. “But…why?”

“Felix, you don’t really think you can walk around my sister’s house–peeing and pooping your pants–without her noticing, do you? You might not like it, but I think it’s better this way.”

“We didn’t have to do the diaper thing this week,” he said. It was a dangerous thing to have said, but he couldn’t help himself.

“Well, considering the fact that we’re going to be doing the ‘diaper thing’ for a very long time, I figured it’d be best if you started getting used to wearing them around other people. You might not like it now. But later? You’re going to thank me for this.”

He almost laughed. Thank god he didn’t–that wouldn’t have gone over very well.

Meet Edwin

After the bags were deposited in the guest bedroom, and after a quick diaper check, Marcie and Felix were given a tour of the house. There was very little in terms of surprises. Bathrooms, check. Kitchen, check. Living room, check. Home office, check. The finished basement was a pleasant surprise, however. A sprawling den of sports memorabilia and vintage arcade games. There, seated in front of an impressive wall-mounted TV was Edwin–controller in hand as he blasted armed alien-like creatures.

“Well, Marcie and I are going to go upstairs and chat for a little bit,” Susan said. “Why don’t you two boys get to know each other a little?”

Felix wanted very badly to follow them back up the steps. He also would’ve preferred just crawling out the nearest window and fleeing back to the car. Instead, he awkwardly stood there for a few minutes, watching as Edwin silently stared at the screen and killed things with some sort of laser-gun.

“So, uh, what are you playing?” Felix finally asked.

World War III: Martian Massacre.”

“Woah. Sounds…intense.”

“It fucking sucks,” Edwin shrugged. “The enemy AI is jacked and the game is a buggy mess. The Day One patch barely fixed a single goddamn thing. I didn’t even get my pre-order bonus cookie cutters.”

Felix scratched his head, sure he misheard him, but thinking that further clarification wouldn’t help much. Instead he offers: “That sucks.”

“You play any games?” Edwin asked.

“Nah. I used to have a Playstation when I was in college and I had a good time with it. But since then I guess I just haven’t had a lot of time for video games.”

“You gotta make time,” Edwin said.

Felix sat down on the opposite end of the couch from where Edwin was sitting. He felt like he didn’t belong here. This was Edwin’s man-cave, and Felix felt like he barely counted as even a ‘man’ anymore.

“You’re not, like, going to leak on my couch are you?” he asked Felix, his eyes not even leaving the screen.


“You’re in a fucking diaper, right? Are you going to leak piss or shit on my leather couch?”

Felix’s cheeks turned a vibrant shade of pink as he sighed. “No… I’m not going to leak on your couch.”

“So what’s up with that?” Edwin asked. “You got a medical problem or something?”

The answer was way too complicated to give to someone he had never talked to before in his entire life. “Yeah,” he said. “Something like that.”

“Must suck,” Edwin shrugged. “Probably makes it pretty hard to hit on the chicks, right?”

Felix sighed again. “Thank goodness I’m married, I guess.”

Edwin laughed–a loud and obnoxious HONK of a laugh. “Jesus Christ, dude. That was fucking funny.”


“I hope everyone saved enough room for pie,” said Susan, standing up from the table and collecting the last of the dishes to bring to the kitchen.

“Pie?” sighed Marcie. “You trying to kill us or something? After that dinner I don’t know if I’ll be able to eat for a week.”

“But it’s strawberry rhubarb pie,” Susan shouted from the kitchen.

“Mom’s recipe?”


“Jeez. Okay, well my hands are tied then. Bring me pie.”

“And Felix? Are you having pie?”

He opened his mouth to speak, but Marcie spoke on his behalf quicker: “Of course he’s having pie.”

“No pie for me,” Edwin shouted towards the kitchen. He turned to his guests, his voice returning to a normal volume: “I’m not a big fan of rhubarb.”

“Are you a fussy eater?” Marcie asked.

“I like what I like,” he shrugged.

“Felix can be a little fusspot sometimes. But, I refuse to waste food in my house. If I make it–he’s eating it.”

Felix’s cheeks illuminated again at the sound of his wife talking about him like he was a small child.

“So how’s work going?” Marcie asked Edwin. “I hear you got a promotion recently?”

“Yeah,” shrugged Edwin. “Just about carrying the company on my back these days.”

“What do you do?” Felix asked, genuinely curious to see what sorts of skills Edwin might have beyond thwarting fictional alien invasions.

“The restaurant supply biz,” he answered, leaning back in his chair a little. “WIth the world getting on track again after COVID, demand is through the fucking roof.”

“Exciting!” Marcie exclaimed. “Any big restaurants opening in the area soon that you can give us the scoop on?”

“Eh, I dunno,” Edwin said, waving his hand like the topic was blasé. “They’re coming and going all the time.”

Under the table, Felix was subtly trying to get Marcie’s attention. It started with his foot nudging against hers. When she didn’t respond to this, he tapped her on the thigh.

“Yes?” she asked in a normal tone of voice, turning towards Felix. So much for subtlety.

“Oh, uhm…nothing.”

“You clearly needed something. Is it your diaper?”

It was, in fact, his diaper, but he was hoping that it didn’t have to be a conversation loud enough for his brother-in-law to hear.


Edwin was laughing to himself, staring down at his phone as if trying to pretend that he wasn’t paying attention.

“Do you need a change? Are you wet? Poopy?”

Edwin’s lips burst open as he laughed once more. “Are you kidding me right now? ‘Poopy?’”

“That’s what diapers are for,” Marcie said to him. Looking back at Felix: “Well? What is it?”

“Wet,” he said softly. “Just wet. But…it can wait, I guess.”

“When did you wet yourself? I just checked your diaper before we sat down for dinner.”

“Don’t make me say it,” he said to his wife, his voice even softer.

She sighed. “I’ll change you after dessert.”


“So,” Edwin said, looking up at Marcie from his phone. “You change his diapers for him?”

“Well, considering the fact that I’m the one who put him in diapers, it only seems fair that I’m the one who takes care of them when they need to be changed, right?”

Felix groaned as looked towards the kitchen, hoping that Susan would return any minute with a stack of plates and some pie.

Edwin, to his credit, didn’t call out Felix for having fibbed to him in the basement for why he was wearing the diapers. Nor did he ask for Marcie to elaborate. He just gave a smug smile and went back to his phone.

And then the pie arrived.

Chill Pill

He was a man between worlds. He could tell that he wasn’t wanted upstairs while his wife and her sister talked, and he didn’t think he belonged in the basement either–where Edwin continued to stare at the giant TV while tapping buttons frantically on his controller.

There wasn’t another option, though. He started walking towards the guest room, hoping he could maybe just lay down and read for a bit. Marcie put a quick stop to that: “Just go downstairs and hang out with Edwin!”

And so down he went.

They didn’t say much to each other for a while. Most of their interactions came from Edwin occasionally glancing in Felix’s direction while either smirking or laughing. Sometimes both.

“Maybe I should go check in with Marcie,” Felix said.

“Why? Gotta get your diaper changed? Did you do your little poopsie-whoopsies in your pants?”

He wasn’t that far off. Felix hadn’t loaded his diaper yet, but he was overdue for a bowel movement. The excessive amount of food he ate at dinner hadn’t helped the situation any–as it felt like his body was still trying to make room for it all. He wasn’t sure what the plan was beyond going upstairs. Would he tell Marcie what he had to do and wait for her direction on how to proceed? Or would he just go about his business and hope that eventually Marcie tracked him down?

“N-no,” he said. “I was just going to go and see what she was up to.”

“Just take a fucking chill pill, man,” Edwin sighed. “It’s no wonder you’re having accidents. You’re so uptight that the shit probably just pours right out of you.”

It wasn’t the greatest use of logic, Felix thought. Was the solution to…be less straight? Still, there was a tiny nugget of a helpful suggestion in there somewhere: he needed to calm down a little. Panicking and overthinking things was what usually created the most embarrassing situations for him.

“So be real with me, man,” Edwin says, eyes still entirely focused on the video game. “Does she make you wear diapers?”

The answer was ‘yes,’ but he felt like he couldn’t just say that. Because then he’d have to explain the whole damn situation–and that might have been worse than messing his diaper in front of Edwin.

Edwin waited a few seconds for a response, and when he saw that none was coming, he continued on his own: “Susan told me a little about it. Probably not everything–though I’m sure she knows all about it. Those two tell each other everything.”

It seemed more true lately, Felix thought. A year ago, they lived on the other side of the ocean, and Susan was just a name that Marcie dropped from time to time. There didn’t seem to be any bad blood there–just two sisters whose paths had branched out in different directions so that they lost track of each other. But upon returning to the states, the very first thing Marcie did was to call Susan and reconnect. Now, it seemed like they talked on the phone almost every night.

Sometimes, it seemed like Marcie had a lot more to say to her sister, than she did her husband.

“Yeah, that’s true,” Felix finally shrugged.

“You do that diaper stuff out in public?” Edwin asked. “Like, she makes you go to the store in a diaper?”


Edwin laughed, shaking his head. “Fuckin’ hell, man. I can’t even imagine that shit. She must have your balls in a goddamn vice.”

“We do strange things for love, I guess.”

“There’s strange, and there’s getting your ass wiped by your wife because you shit your pants, Felix.”

Speaking of… “I, uh, really need to go talk to Marcie.”

The Ladies

“...and it seems like more work to me,” Marcie’s voice said from another room, “but when you see just how many diapers you’ve thrown in the trash can at the end of the day, cloth just starts to make more sense.”

“Do you think that’d be a hard adjustment for Felix to make?” Susan asked.

“I doubt it’d make much of a difference to him. The plastic pants might be a little louder sounding than the disposable diapers he’s currently wearing.”

Felix sighed as he departed the stairs. She was talking about his diapers. He wondered if that was all she ever talked about with her sister anymore.

He needed to talk to her. He needed to reason with her–and he needed to do it soon. But he thought he might be able to wait another minute. He paused in the kitchen, listening to the two talk in the living room.

“Okay,” Susan said, a little excitement in her voice. “So, obviously, it’s a lot of work. But, honestly, is it working like you thought it would? Are you happier?”

Marcie laughed. “You know what? I never thought I’d say this–but I am. I don’t know if our relationship has ever been better. He’s more affectionate. He’s more attentive to my needs. He’s more polite–not just with me, but with everyone. If I had known it was going to have this sort of effect on him, I would’ve put the boy in diapers years ago.”

They both laughed loudly.

Felix felt his bowels cramp. That sense of urgency was getting stronger. He’d need to go soon, and all he really wanted was a toilet. Or–if Marcie was going to adamantly deny him that–he’d at least love to have had some privacy.

His plan was simple. He’d walk out into the living room and ask if he could talk to Marcie in private. They’d go to the guest room together and he’d ask if he could be allowed to use the bathroom. She’d probably say no, but he expected that. Then, he’d just push everything out into his diaper. At that point, since they were in the guest room together anyway, she’d change his diaper right there on the spot and then they’d both return to their hosts–with neither Susan or Edwin knowing what occurred. Susan would probably find out eventually, which Felix didn’t love–but at least that would keep the information away from Edwin.

“Here goes nothing,” he whispered to himself, stepping out from the kitchen and into the living room.

“Well, well, well,” Marcie cooed. “Would you look at who it is? The big baby himself.”

“Did you have to escape Edwin?” Susan asked. “Was he picking on you? Sorry, he’s a mean boy.”

“N-no, he was fine,” Felix said. That wasn’t completely truthful–he did think Edwin was kind of a dick. But there was probably no benefit for him saying as much. “I just, uh, wanted to talk to Marcie for a minute.”

“Well, I’m right here,” Marcie shrugged. “What is it?”

“Actually, uh, I was hoping that we could go to the guest room for just a sec? It’s just something kind of personal.”

“Honey,” she sighed. “This is my sister. She’s family. Anything you want to say to me, you can say with her in the room.”

“I don’t know about that…”

“Either spit it out, or go back downstairs with Edwin,” Marcie said, her voice sounding a little irritated. The ladies are trying to have a conversation.

He doesn’t want to have to blurt it out here, in front of Susan. But it’s probably a better option than shuffling back downstairs–only for his bowels to give up the fight in front of Edwin.

“I…have to use the bathroom.”

Marcie’s eyes rolled as she sighed–a dramatic affair that was likely exaggerated for the sake of Susan. To her sister, she said: “See? This is the kind of nonsense that I have to put up with?”

Susan laughed, looking at Felix. “Aren’t you wearing your bathroom, Felix?”

“Y-yes. But…”

“He doesn’t want to use his diaper,” Marcie said. “Because he doesn’t have to just pee.”

“Ah,” Susan nodded, stifling a giggle.

“I’m not going to play this game with you all week, Felix,” Marcie said, shaking her head. “I told you before we came here–just because we were staying with my sister didn’t mean that you were getting a pass with the diapers. What would you do if we were at home?”

“I’d, uhm, use my diaper.”

“Right. And so I don’t see why it should be any different now.”

“But…” He quickly gave up trying to argue the matter any further. There was no chance that he’d be able to convince Marcie to change her mind.

“The quicker you use your diaper, the quicker I can change you,” Marcie said. “You might as well get it over with.”

“Here? Now?”

“I think it’s a good idea, sweetie,” Susan said. “It can’t be comfortable holding it all in like you are now.”

“Can I at least go into the guest room and do it? I don’t want to have to do it in front of you two.”

“No,” Marcie said, shaking her head. “You’re going to do it right here.”

Again, he knew he could delay the inevitable by a few minutes through arguing and whining–but what would be the point?

“Fine,” Felix said.

“Take your pants off,” Marcie said.


“I want Susan to see your diaper while you use it.”

He really wanted to know why she’d want to see such a thing, but he didn’t ask. If Susan wanted to see a grown man filling a diaper, that was her prerogative.

Obediently, he waddled to the center of the living room, slowly unfastening his cut-off jean shorts and letting them slide down his legs to the floor–revealing his already wet diaper as it sagged between his legs.

“Oh my,” Susan said. “That’s a big diaper.”

“Giant babies require giant diapers,” Marcie shrugged.

“I see why you’re thinking about cloth diapers. I feel like one of those–” Susan pointed at his disposable diaper “-would fill up my bathroom trash can by itself.”

“Absolutely. He’s an environmental hazard all on his own.” To Felix: “Turn around. I think it’s important that Susan sees the back of your diaper while you do this.”

He complied, slowly rotating his body so that he was looking away from them. All there was left to do now was…go. It was something he had gotten used to doing at home, but now that there was an extra set of eyes on his backside, it felt like this was the very first time all over again.

Just do what you normally do, he told himself. Just squat. Push.

His legs bent a little, easing him into a squatting position. He was never really sure if this position was actually the most ideal for messing–it was just the one that felt most natural. He wondered if this was how he did it when he was an actual toddler.

Just squat. Push.

He did, and his bowels unloaded in what seemed like a millisecond. In an instant, the back of his diaper expanded as the warm load consumed all of the empty space that it could find. It was noisy, and almost immediately stinky.

“Holy cow,” Susan said. He couldn’t see her face. That was probably a good thing.

“Did you see that?” Marcie asked.

“That’s a huge fucking load. And you’re actually going to clean all that up for him?”

“I’ve cleaned up worse. Besides, I won’t be doing this alone, right?”

Susan laughed. “Ah yes. I did say I would, didn’t I?”

Felix bit his bottom lip, annoyed that this arrangement hadn’t been discussed with him first.

“Trust me,” Marcie said. “If you want experience in changing diapers, this is where you want to start. Once you clean up a mess like this one, the rest seem a lot easier.”

“Fair enough.”

“But, if I’m going to show you the worst case scenario, I think we can do better than just a big pile of poop in his diaper,” Marcie said. “Felix?”


“I’m going to need you to sit in your diaper for me.”

Sitting Down (for Himself)

Of all the complaints he had about his new diapered life, only one of them wasn’t directed at his wife. That complaint was one he had for himself–his own body.

Without fail, everytime he loaded his diaper with a humiliating mess, his cock would become hard.

For a time, he thought that it was just some strange fluke; weird mixed signals in his body that only served to confuse his brain. Because never in his life had he been turned on by the idea of pooping his pants. In fact, the very idea of it would’ve repulsed him.

One afternoon, when he was home alone, he discovered that there might be more to it than ‘mixed signals,’ though. After depositing a rather nasty gift into the back of his diaper–and with the reprieve of Marcie changing his diaper still an hour or so away–he attempted to go about his business. Which was harder to do than he expected. Every step he took seemed to spread the mess even more–and he knew he couldn’t sit down without creating an even worse disaster.

But what was he supposed to do for an hour? Just stare out the window? He had been given very specific instructions not to change his own diaper. And, in the times he had attempted such a thing in the past, his ass had paid dearly for that.

At some point, he realized that he had to sit down. And, he figured, if Marcie insisted on changing his diaper for him anyway, she’d have to do it no matter how bad the mess was.

So he sat. And his cock felt like it was harder than it had ever been. It tented the front of his diaper out from his body.

And, well, there was something about this that he really liked. Was it the diaper itself? The feeling of the sludge that was now squishing underneath him–sandwiched between his ass and the diaper? Was it how naughty it felt to be sitting there like a dirty little boy? It was probably a mix of all of those things, yes.

He had never cum faster than he did when he stroked the front of his diaper, rocking back and forth in his own filthy diaper.

Sitting Down (for Others)

Time moved in slow motion as he lowered his ass towards the floor. Closer and closer. His body was facing the women now, but he wasn’t looking at them. He didn’t think he could stand to see how big their eager smiles would be.

“That’s it,” Marcie said, in a tone so low that it sounded as if she was talking to herself. “Almost there.”

He was moving so slowly that he almost forgot that he was lowering himself onto the ground. For a moment, he thought someone was sitting beneath him, pressing up on his diaper. He felt the mess pushing against his skin, spreading and squishing into new areas of the diaper until all of his weight was on the floor.

“There,” Marcie said, nudging Susan. “Do you see? Look at the front of his diaper.”

His erection was probably pretty obvious much sooner, but it did look much more obvious now that he was sitting on his dirty bottom.

“Oh,” Susan said, shaking her head. “So…he likes it?”

“He often insists that he doesn’t. But the evidence says otherwise.”

“Unbelievable. Covered in his own filth and yet he’s hard as a rock.”

“I swear,” Marcie said. “I rarely see him getting that excited for me.”

He hated it. He hated that they were staring down at him, talking about him like wasn’t even there. He hated that they were smiling and laughing. He hated that Edwin would probably find out about this.

He loved it. He loved that they were talking about him like his needs and wants didn’t matter. He loved that he could feel his lumpy mess squishing beneath his bottom as he wiggled in place, waiting for the next instruction. He loved the anticipation of when his diaper change would be coming.

“How long do you leave him like this?” Susan asked.

Marcie shrugged. “Depends on my mood, I suppose. I’m tempted to change him now–he is quite ripe.”

“I don’t mind,” Susan said, her cheeks blushing a little. “Don’t rush on my account.”

“Good,” Marcie said, smiling. “Then how about I show you how fast he spurts a sticky little blob into his diaper. Felix? Go ahead and rub your diaper, sweetie.”

He didn’t want to do it, but he also felt like he couldn’t help himself. Usually, a dirty diaper was intoxicating enough of an experience to convince him to just start stroking the front of his diaper. But having an audience seemed to be heightening those urges. Every logical part of his brain was telling him that he shouldn’t do it–that he was just going to be humiliating himself further. But he refused to listen.

HIs hand clasped the padding that enveloped his cock, and began to rub at it. At first, there seemed to be no rhyme or reason to his movements–just the wild strokes of a man who couldn’t help himself. But with each passing second, he seemed to find a rhythm. Not that he had many seconds to develop one. In what was likely less than a minute after starting, he felt himself erupting into his diaper.

“Oh,” he exclaimed aloud, not really thinking about who was there to hear it or what they would think. “Oh fuck.”

He didn’t want to look at their faces–but he had to. What were they thinking? How were they reacting to this little spectacle? His eyes slowly drifted up, finding them both smiling and laughing. Also? They weren’t just looking at him. They were looking at something behind him too.

No. Please…no…

He slowly turned his head over his shoulder, mind still foggy from that amazing climax, and he saw a figure standing there. Edwin.

It was hard to say how much he had seen. How much he had smelled. But given that he was shaking his head and laughing into his fist, it was safe to say he had seen enough.


“Alright,” Edwin said when his laughter had finally subsided. “I need to know what this is all about.”

Susan opened her mouth to say something–maybe she was going to tell the story, or maybe she was going to tell him to mind his own business.

“Actually, I think Susan and I need to take care of this baby’s diaper, first,” Marcie said.

Felix groaned at being called a ‘baby’ in front of Edwin.

“Ah, right,” Susan shrugged. “How about you and I talk about it later, Edwin?”

Edwin laughed again. “Yeah, sure. Well, if you need me…”

“We won’t,” Marcie said.

Moments later, as Edwin trudged back down the steps again with a back of potato chips stuffed under his arm, the women helped Felix back up to his feet.

“C’mon, Baby,” Marcie cooed–a tone that occasionally caught him off guard and made him think that he might actually be an infant. “Let’s get that icky bottom changed.”

The three walked to the guest bedroom, where it looked like Marcie had already laid out most of the diaper-change supplies she’d need. She likely saw this exact moment coming long before he did.

“Lie down on the bed, Felix. You know the drill.”

That he did. Marcie had changed every diaper of his since she first introduced them into the marriage, and for every one of them, he had assumed the same position–on his back, on the bed, feet up in the air.

“I know you wanted to tell Edwin more about what was going on,” Marcie said to Susan as she reached down to start peeling back the tapes on Felix’s diaper. “But I didn’t want to scare him. Not yet.”

Susan laughed. “No, you’re right. Thanks for jumping in back there.”

“Wh-what’s going on?” Felix asked. Normally, he didn’t have much to say during diaper changes. Occasionally, Marcie would even push a pacifier into his mouth while she cleaned up his dirty bottom. But he suddenly felt suspicious. It hadn’t occurred to him that this trip was more than just a visit to see Marcie’s sister–but it seemed like the two women had other plans.

“Should we tell him?” Susan asked.

“Oh probably,” Marcie sighed. “First thing’s first, brace yourself–I’m going to open up this diaper, and it’s not going to be pleasant.”

What she had said proved to be completely accurate–the diaper was pulled open, the front of it being pulled through his open legs–revealing the disaster within. Both women, simultaneously, waved their hands in front of their noses.

Susan had to step away for a moment, clearing her throat. “Oh…god. That’s… I’ve never seen such a mess.”

“See?” Marcie said. “This is why I wanted you to see this. You’re never going to be prepared enough until you see just how bad it can actually get.”

Susan chuckled a little, shrugging as she waved covered the bottom half of her face with her hand. “Yeah, that’s fair.”

“It’s pretty nasty,” Marcie said. “But you get used to it surprisingly quickly.”

“Mothers of actual babies do it everyday, I guess,” Susan said.

“Exactly,” said Marcie. “And, really, are we that different from mothers?”

A look of renewed confidence seemed to wash over Susan’s face as she stepped forward, closer to the ruined diaper and the mess contained within. “Alright. Let’s do this.”

Marcie would take a wipe and carefully wipe clean an area of Felix’s skin before taking a step back and allowing Susan to take a turn for herself. It had been the first time that anyone besides Marcie had helped to change his diaper–let alone having even seen his diaper. Had he not already creamed himself in the living room, he suspected he’d be hard as a rock.

“So, uhm,” he said to the women, “what’s going on now?”

“Is it not obvious?” Marcie asked.

Maybe it was–but all he could think about, since stepping foot in this house, was about who could see his diapers and what they might think of that. He shrugged, his body wiggling a little as Susan’s moist baby wipe hit a ticklish spot on his thigh.

“There’s another baby in this house,” Marcie said. “He just doesn’t know it yet.”

“Yeah,” Susan added. “Some big changes are coming.”



Paul Bennett

Oh my! As rude and oafush as Edwin is I don't see how he doesn't see this coming.