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I wasn’t intimidated by seeing Ray’s dick. It was just a new experience for me–seeing another man’s shaft so close to mine. In my own bed.

Yes, his dick was bigger. But…nobody had ever complained about the size of mine before, so could I really be that upset about it? Everyone’s body is a little different. His cock is bigger. So what? His nose is bigger than mine too.

I was cool with Ray and his bigger dick. Cool as a fucking cucumber.

Maya, though, she was another story. Her eyes were locked on his dick. She couldn’t look away. Even when she was on her back, legs spread and wrapped around my hips while I fucked her, she was still glancing off to the side where Ray’s dick was just waiting.

I came close to saying something a few times. I don’t know what I would’ve said. Maybe something like: “If you like it so much, why don’t you chop it off and keep it on the shelf.”

Actually, I’m pretty glad I didn’t say that.

This had all been Maya’s idea. A few weeks prior, in the throes of sweaty lovemaking, she asked about my thoughts on having a third join us in bed.

I said I was cool with it. Because when she said ‘third,’ I imagined another woman. I imagined a pair of breasts on either side of my head. I imagined pulling my cock out of my wife and plunging it into another woman’s pussy.

And everytime Maya brought it up after, I gave her a signal of support.

“Okay,” she said to me one night. “I’ve got someone in mind. Maybe I’ll call them over sometime soon?”

I told her to go for it.

And that’s how I found myself in bed next to a guy named Ray.

Look, the sex was good–I’m not going to lie. Ray and I didn’t interact with each other directly–but we also didn’t have to. Sex that night was an Olympic sport. A dual, of sorts. We were both giving Maya everything we had in an effort to see who could make her scream the loudest. And, sure, Ray’s giant cock seemed to send her fits of ecstasy without all that much effort, but I had a secret weapon of my own–marriage. Over the course of our years together, I had learned all about what made her tick. I knew what she liked, and I knew where she liked it.

He had the tools, but I had the moves.

At last, with the three of us collapsed on the king-sized bed in sweaty heaps, it felt like I had survived. I was feeling cocky. Maybe I didn’t have the bigger dick, but I lasted just as long as he had. As best as I could tell, Maya seemed just as satisfied by my contributions as she was by Ray’s. I could rest easier, knowing that.

Except, Ray had to ruin the moment by saying: “Alrighty then. Ready to go again?”

No, I was not ready to go again. I was running on empty. My stamina was completely depleted. If I was going to have sex again, I was going to have to take a shower, drink a gallon of water, get at least four hours of sleep, and maybe grab a Clif bar.

Maya’s response was: “I would love a round two. Jason, you in?”

I won’t soon forget the look on her face when she glanced in my direction. She was hoping to see me on my feet–a spark in my eyes and a rock-hard cock in my hand. Instead, she saw me looking like I needed an ambulance to come and peel me off the mattress. My dick was shriveled into nothing, and I was still gasping for breath. She didn’t look disappointed–she looked delighted.

“Well, if you don’t mind,” she said. “Ray and I are going to go again.”

Right there, I had an opportunity to say something. Yeah, I would’ve looked like the most insecure little bitch if I said that I did mind–but I had the right to say it.

Instead, I said: “Yeah, of course. Have fun.”

Oh, she had fun, alright. Another two hours of fun. He had twisted her into every position possible. She had climaxed so many times that I actually gave up counting the instances of it. All the while, I just laid off to the side, listening to her go on and on about how good his giant cock felt.


“You should’ve seen it,” she said. “I literally had cum leaking out of my ass, my pussy, and my mouth. I’ve never experienced that before in my entire life.”

“I–I was there,” I said. “Remember?”

“No, no. I know. But I’m just saying. I really wish you were up for another round. You have no idea what you missed.”

I had a pretty good idea, but I kept that to myself.

“You, uh, had a good time then?” I ask.

She nodded. “The best.”

I’m waiting for her to ask me if I had a good time. She doesn’t.

“Well, I guess I’m glad you got that out of your system, then,” I said, cracking some eggs into a bowl for pancake batter.

“Out of my system?” she laughed. “Jason, if anything, I need more of that in my system.”

I took a deep breath, trying not to lose my cool. “More? What are you thinking? Inviting over other people? Maybe trying it out with different folks?”

“Nah,” she said, taking a long slurp of her coffee. “I think we should have Ray over again.”

“Ray? Really?”

“You didn’t like him?”

“Oh, uh, he’s fine, I guess. It’s not like I know him too well. We didn’t exactly get a chance to sit around and chit-chat last night.”

“Maybe we should have him come over for dinner, then.”

“I guess we could do that…”

“I’ll text him today and see what his availability is.”

I sighed. “Y-yeah, sure. Do that and let me know what he says.”

“You are cool with that, right?”

Once again, she gave me an opportunity to say how I felt. But what was I supposed to say? That it annoyed me that I didn’t have the girth or stamina he did?

I kept it to myself. “Of course, babe. Let me know when he can come for dinner.”


Ray sat across from me at our dining room table, slowly cutting through his steak while staring off to his side, where Maya was sitting.

“...and so there’s only four minutes left–but I need, like, at least ten, you know?”

I wasn’t completely sure I knew what she was even talking about. My marriage to her has taught me to know when to smile, nod, or laugh along with whatever story she’s telling–but I hadn’t actually been paying attention to a word she had said for a while.

Instead, I had been watching Ray. I was studying the way he ate his food. The way he twirled the wine around in his glass before he took a sip. His body language. I watched the way he looked at Maya, and I watched the way she reacted. Honestly, I wasn’t sure what the appeal was. There was a nonchalant attitude to everything he did, like he could barely be bothered to care. He’d just sit there smiling at Maya while she talked. No nods. No laughing along. Just this static smile. And, you know, I guess he was handsome in a traditional sort of way–5 o’clock shadow, big callused hands, broad shoulders–but I didn’t really think that was Maya’s type. She had always liked, or so she told me, guys like…me. “Guys who look like they do all their heavy lifting in the library,” she’d say.

I could almost hear the conversation that Maya and I would have later. She’d say: “You know, once I got to know him, I didn’t like him as much.” She might even add: “Wasn’t it weird how he just kept staring at me while smiling?

Except, when I looked over to Maya’s face, I saw that she was looking right back at Ray–right into his eyes. And she, too, was smiling.

“That is really something,” he said, nodding his head. “It’s hard to believe that they still operate like that. After all these years.”

I almost rolled my eyes. As if he was actually paying attention to her?

But her eyes lit up. She had an expression on her face that I didn’t think I had seen in a long time. Maybe I hadn’t ever seen it before.

“Yes!” she exclaimed. “Exactly. See, I’m glad you get it. Because sometimes I try to explain it to other people and I just don’t feel like they understand my concerns.”

I sighed, realizing what was happening. Maya felt heard.

I listen. Or, I can listen. I felt like I listened to things she said all the time. So, was she actually feeling heard? Or was it just the thrill of being heard by someone new? Because that made a lot more sense to me.

“Alright, you’ll have to give me a moment,” she said, standing up. “I’ve got to run to the restroom. Wine just flows right through me.”

“Of course,” Ray says. “Take your time.”

I braced myself for awkwardness as she walked away. Not only did I not have much to say to him, but there wasn’t much I wanted to hear him say to me.

“You doing alright?” he asked.

I sure as hell hoped that he just asked that sort of question to everyone. Because it would’ve annoyed me if he looked at me and somehow thought that I wasn’t doing well.

“Yeah, I’m good,” I answered. “You?”

He shrugged. “Admittedly, I’m having a pretty good time tonight. Your wife? She’s a real catch. I’m sure you know that, though.” There was a hint of condescension in his voice. Not enough that I felt I could call him out on it, but enough that it ruffled my feathers.

“That’s, uh, why I married her.”

“I feel like I don’t know that much about you,” he said. “You’ve been kind of quiet all night.”

It was a fair observation, but I didn’t think it was one worth saying aloud. No, maybe I hadn’t said much–but I didn’t think he had either. It was Maya who had been doing the bulk of the talking since Ray first showed up.

“Well, what do you want to know?” I asked.

He laughed, running his hand through his thick hair. “I want to know what your problem is with me.”

I wasn’t expecting that question. I scoffed, shaking my head incredulously. “Problem? I don’t have a problem.”

“Dude. You’ve been staring at me all night. You didn’t think I’d notice?”

I felt my cheeks warm and my heartrate leap. I was being called out, and I didn’t care for it. “Sorry, I wasn’t trying to, uh, make you uncomfortable or anything. I just…”

“I’m baaaaack,” sang Maya, bouncing back into the dining room. “What’d I miss? Anything good?”

Ray answered before I could: “We’re just chatting. Getting to know each other a little.”

“That’s great!” she said, her eyes on me as she smiled. “I was worried that it was going to be awkward.”

“Nope,” I said, shaking my head. “Not awkward in the least.”


Maya was on her hands and knees atop our bed. Her head was bobbing between my legs–her lips sliding up and down my shaft. On the other end, Ray–and his massive cock–was buried deep inside her, and his large hands were on her hips, guiding her bottom back and forth. We all seemed to be enjoying ourselves–though I found that I was enjoying the moment more when I just pretended that Ray wasn't there.

Her lips slid off of my cock, and she looked up into my face with a mischievous smile. It had been a long time since I’d seen that look. It usually meant that she had a rather naughty idea that she wanted to float past us.

“Do you…oh…know what I want to…oof…see?” she asked, her words riddled with moments of ecstasy.

“What?” I asked.

“Well…it’s up to you guys if…ooooh…you want to do it or…uhm…not. But I’ve always wanted to…er…a guy sucking another guy off…ooh…right in front of me.”

I swallowed hard as I looked down Maya’s body to Ray–still attached at the other end. He was smiling.

“Yeah?” he asked. “Well, we’ve got two good looking guys right here. We could make that fantasy into a reality for you. Right, Jason?”

There was a lot I probably would’ve been open to. But I sure as hell wasn’t interested in Ray sticking that fucking salami down my throat. “I dunno…”

“Aw, come on,” Maya cooed. “For me?”

I was in an awkward spot, once again. Saying no now was like saying I didn’t love my wife.

But before I could even process what I wanted to say next, Ray was already talking: “You know what? Jay, why don’t you sit back. I’ll suck on your dick for a few minutes.”

“R-really?” I asked. I didn’t think he was just going to volunteer like that. It felt like a sort of victory to me. I laughed and shook my head. I wouldn’t say the words aloud, but I certainly thought them: “Looks like the little bitch-boy finally learned his proper place in our bedroom.”

It was a slam dunk for me. No matter what happened for the rest of the night, he’d be the guy that sucked on a dick. Good luck flaunting your masculinity after that.

Maya slid away from the two of us, giving Ray space to crawl up between my legs as I sat back against the headboard. While I wasn’t sure that I actually liked the idea of being sucked off by another man, this seemed a lot better than the alternative.

What surprised me was how little hesitation he had. He simply crawled forward, opened his mouth, and immediately bobbed down to swallow my cock. And once I was inside of his mouth, he wasted no time in sliding his head up and down my shaft. Not only had he shown no doubt about any of this–but he was actually pretty good at it too. Fuck, he was actually great at it. This might’ve been better than what Maya had just been doing with her mouth.

I looked over at her and smiled. “You see that? He really knows how to suck a dick, yeah?”

“Oh my god,” she said, her eyes wide and full of delight. “That’s so fucking hot.”

“I know, right? You like seeing your husband mouth-fucking some dude?”

But she wasn’t really paying attention to me. She was staring at us, but her eyes seemed more focused on Ray’s mouth. She even leaned in closer to watch his movements.

“That is amazing, Ray,” she cooed. “That is incredible technique.”

The fuck? He’s the one slobbering all over my dick, and yet she still seems turned on by him?

“That’s the shit I like,” Maya continued. “I like a man who isn’t afraid to get dirty.”

I scoff, thankful that she can’t see that I’m rolling my eyes and shaking my head. She wants to see a guy get dirty? Fine.

“Alright,” I said. “Let’s…fuck…” I’m momentarily thrown off by a twisting motion he makes with his mouth–sending waves of pleasure through my body. “L-let’s…uhm…switch.”

“Yeah?” Maya said, sheer excitement in her voice. “You really want to…”

“Give it to me,” I said.

Ray wasted no time in backing away from my cock, leaving drops of his saliva to roll down my shaft. He planted his ass down on the bed, opening his legs wide for me. “Come on over, big boy.”

I was a fool for thinking that I could pull off the same thing he did. He managed to make blowing another man look hot–or at least, Maya seemed to think so. He was confident. Unphased. Hell, he looked like he actually enjoyed it. I lacked that same confidence. I wasn’t even sure that I could pretend to have that sort of confidence.

I stumbled forward in the bed, trying to at least keep a smile on my face.

“You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to,” Maya said.

Was that the message my body language was transmitting? Damn.

But I couldn’t just back away and admit that I had no interest in putting my mouth anywhere near Ray’s cock. Not after the little show that he had put on–the little show that had won him even more of Maya’s respect.

“No,” I said. “I totally want to do this.”

It felt like another backfire. Now I sounded a little too eager to suck another man off.

“Well, come on then,” Ray said, shaking his dick at me. “Come get a mouthful of this.”

I supposed it wasn’t too late to bail, but with every second that passed, I would only be adding additional shame to my refusal. I felt like I now had to commit. So I crawled forward, opened my mouth, and lowered it over the head of his cock.

He immediately took over the situation, placing his hands on either side of my head. He was now in control over how and where my head moved–and he was guiding me up and down his shaft–the girthy mass consuming the entirety of my mouth.

“Oh shit,” Maya said. “That is so fucking hot.”

That’s better, I was thinking. It was about time I won some of her respect–even if I had to suck another man’s dick to do it.

“The way that you just grab his head,” she continued. “It’s like you own him. You’ve made him your little bitch.”

Jesus Christ. No, she wasn’t watching me. Once again–she was watching him. She was obsessed with everything he did. The man could do no wrong, it seemed. He was somehow good at both getting his dick sucked and sucking dicks.

I tried to pull away. I wanted to make it clear to everyone that I was not anyone’s ‘little bitch.’ But…I couldn’t. He had me locked in place, and my mouth was still stuffed with his manhood.

“Do you know what he likes?” Maya asked Ray.

No. Maya, no. Don’t fucking tell him!

Ray laughed. “What does he like?”

“He likes getting spanked like a little boy.”

I groaned with disapproval, though I still found myself stuck.

“That doesn’t surprise me much,” Ray said. “He looks like he could use a good spanking.”

I was fuming. I wanted to put an end to everything. I wanted to pull his cock out of my mouth, step back, and tell them both that they could go to hell. Ray would get kicked out of the house. Maya would sleep on the couch. I wasn’t going to be made into a joke in my own bed–no matter how true her little revelation was.

“What do you think?” Ray asked. It took a second to realize that he was talking to me. “How about we get my cock out of your mouth and get you over my lap. Would you rather we do that instead?”

Fuck, I was pissed. I was ready to throw punches. I was ready to tell him that he can fuck off and that he won’t be welcome back in my house ever again.

But…hold on for a minute.

I felt those big hands on either side of my head. I’d be lying if I said that I wouldn’t like one of those things slapping my ass. And over his lap? That didn’t actually sound bad. In fact, it sounded like something I had fantasized about once or twice.

There was another opportunity there too. Just as Ray had won a few points with Maya by being so confident in sucking my cock, this was my chance to show that I, too, could just go with the flow. I’d own my desire and take my spanking like a man. He’ll see how I take my spanking and then he’ll be begging for one of his own.

Ray eases my mouth from his cock. Honestly, he looks a little relieved. I can’t say I blame him–I had no idea what I was doing, and was barely putting any effort into his pleasure.

“What do you think?” he asked. “Want a spanking?”

“Let’s go,” I shrugged. “Over your knees, right?”

He was a little taken aback by my willingness. Even Maya looked pleasantly surprised.

“Yeah,” he said, nodding.

“Aw,” Maya cooed at me. “I bet you’ll love this.”



He had been spanked before, as an adult. After he had told Maya about his little fantasy, she’d bring it up once in a great while–offering to slap around his bottom for a little bit. It was good, but not great. For one, she was just too gentle. Even when he told her–practically begged her–to put some more energy into her swats, she just didn’t seem capable of causing pain.

Also, her heart just wasn’t in it. Spanking, as it turned out, wasn’t something that excited her all that much. She didn’t want to be spanked herself, and she was only spanking Jason out of obligation.


Look, a half-assed spanking was better than no spanking at all, he reasoned. But her efforts only served to enhance his deepest fantasies. He wanted a real spanking. He wanted it to hurt. He wanted it to leave marks. He wanted to be thrown over someone’s knees like he was a tiny child. He wanted to be laughed at and mocked when he cried because of the pain.

The lesson, here, was to be careful what you wished for.


“P-please…no more!” he cried out.

He made an effort to wiggle free from Ray’s lap, but he found himself pinned down by Ray’s other hand–the non-spanking hand.

And Ray was laughing. Maya was laughing too. Hell, she had tears in her eyes. And a hand in her panties.

As it turned out, she did like spanking–but only when she was watching someone else do it to Jason. Then, she seemed to like it a lot.

“Are you serious right now?” Ray asked. “I just started, and you’re already asking to stop?”

“Y-you’re hitting me really hard.”

“I am not,” Ray laughed. “In fact, I was trying to take it easy on you so that you wouldn’t feel too embarrassed in front of your wife.”

That changed his tune a little bit. He wasn’t lying–he did think that Ray’s blows hurt. But he didn’t want to look like a complete wimp in front of Maya. Besides, it wasn’t like he wasn’t enjoying it at all–he was still hard as a rock. Having his bare ass on display while another man pummeled his backside was as hot as he imagined it would be. It was just the pain he could’ve done without.


He held his breath in an effort to not scream out from the pain. It worked, though he could imagine his face was still broadcasting how he actually felt. Tears were welling in his eyes, with one already escaping and rolling down his cheek.

“Oh my god,” Maya laughed, shaking her head. “Are you crying right now?”

“Now now,” said Ray. “Spankings can be a lot for a little guy like him.”

“Heh. Little guy.” She was shaking her head.


That one had caught him off guard, Ray’s palm making a perfect impact in the center of his left ass cheek. The sharp pain rocketed its way through his entire body, forcing a pathetic yelp out his mouth. This brought out more tears. There weren’t just rogue tears falling down his face, there were entire streams trickling from his eyes.

“I bet that hurt,” Maya shrugged. “But I bet you also liked it, didn’t you? Little guy?”

He really wished Ray hadn’t said that. It seemed lodged in Maya’s head now–which almost guaranteed that he’d be hearing that for a long time now.

Here’s your breakfast, little guy.

Do you want to go to the store with me, little guy?

How was work today, little guy?

But, goddammit, he did like it. He liked feeling stuck and helpless. He liked feeling manhandled. He liked how turned on Maya seemed to be by how pathetic he looked. He was even coming around on the pain.


He was suddenly a mess. His face was a mess of tears and snot. He was only now realizing that his breathing was starting to sound like infantile little whines.

“Aww,” she cooed. “The poor baby’s bottom must be hurting something awful, hmm?” Baby talk. He couldn’t believe that she was actually talking to him like he was a baby–in front of another man, no less.

Not that he had any idea as to what he might say, but he opened his mouth to try and respond. Instead, he was caught off guard by another firm…


Instead, all he managed to blurt out was an anguished sob. If his goal was to sound like anything other than an infant, he had failed.

“I think it’s pretty clear you’re just a little boy, aren’t you?” Maya said.

“N-no…” This wasn’t what was supposed to have happened. He was trying to show how adaptive and open minded he was. Maya was supposed to be just as excited by his eagerness to be spanked as she was when Ray wrapped his mouth around his cock.

“Let’s not be silly now,” she laughed. “You can’t actually believe you’re a big boy now.”

Why is she talking to me like I’m a damn child?

“Well…I mean…”

“Let’s face it, kiddo…” Ray’s voice sounded booming and deep, thick with authority. Had he always sounded like this? “...one of us is clearly a superior man. And it’s not the one crying and throwing a fit while getting a spanking.”

Maya bit her bottom lip. “Ray?”


“My pussy is really wet. Can you put down the baby and come fuck me?”

“With pleasure.”

“W-wait. I’m not a baby. I’m a man. And…”

Even if he had actually gotten out the words, they wouldn’t have heard him. They were both laughing rather loudly.

Ray didn’t just dump him off of his laugh. He didn’t push him off or even slide him off. He actually picked Jason up from his lap, and relocated him to the bed where he dropped him like a sack of potatoes. And he did it so effortlessly–like he was as strong as Jason was pathetically lightweight.

“My cock is so fucking hard for you right now,” Ray said to her.

Her response was to sit back in the bed, her legs opened wide as she pulled aside the crotch to her lavender panties. Her dripping pussy was on display, hungry for his manhood.

“But…what about me?”

She let out a sharp “Ha!” and shook her head. “Why don’t you suck on your thumb and watch as the adults have some fun, baby.”


Ray turned to look at him. “Either you put the thumb in your mouth and suck on it, or I’ll pull you over my lap and spank you until you’re pissing yourself.”

He responded by following his instruction–lifting his thumb to his mouth and letting it slip between his lips.

“Oh god,” Maya moaned. “Keep talking to him like that while you fuck me.”

Ray laughed as he grabbed his shaft and slowly guided it between her legs. She moaned so loud that it almost broke into a scream.

“Ohhhhh fuck,” she shouted.

“Yeah? Does it feel good to be fucked by an actual man?”

“Oh my god, yes. Not some pathetic little baby.”

“He’s a joke, isn’t he?”

“Is it bad that I…oh…want to see him piss his pants?”

Ray laughed. “Oh, I bet I could make him.”

“You should. That’s what little babies do, isn’t it? Piss…uff…themselves?”

Ray grunted as he pulled back and rammed his shaft into her again. “Yeah…except babies wear diapers.”

“Don’t you worry,” she huffed. “Next time you come over? I’ll…uhhhhm…make sure he’s in a diaper.”

Jason pulled his thumb from his mouth for a moment. “Now…wait a minute…”

“If I hear another word from you while I’m fucking you mommy,” Ray growled, turning his head back towards him, “I’ll spank you so hard that you won’t be able to sit on a toilet for a week.”

“And then you’d have to use your diapers,” she laughed.

They were both laughing, though the laughter quickly turned back into carnal grunts and moans as Ray’s hips thrust between her legs over and over again.

Meanwhile, he was sucking his thumb. It wasn’t just sitting there in his mouth–he found that he was actually suckling on it. As best as he could recall, he had never done this before in his life–at least not since he was an actual baby. But it was comforting in a way that nothing else had felt in a very long time. It felt right–especially as he watched his wife’s body arch and spasm as Ray brought her to yet another climax.

He was rock hard himself, of course, and his free hand wrapped around his shaft so that he could pull at it. He was thinking about diapers. He didn’t really love the idea of being made to wear them–especially not in front of Ray. But–shit–there was certainly something about that idea that just made him want to stroke himself even harder.

“Don’t forget to…uhh…thank you Daddy…” Maya said, her face pointed up at the ceiling as she moaned along to Ray’s rhythm. It was pretty evident who she was speaking to. “Thank him for…uff…spanking you and…reminding you what a…ooh…what a little baby you are.”

“Th-thank you…?”

“No, no,” Ray said, not even bothering to turn his head. “You have to say my name.”

He knew what Ray meant–he just didn’t like it. He didn’t want to say it. He didn’t need there to be yet another point in which it was made obvious how much more superior Ray was than Maya’s actual husband.

“Don’t keep…umf…the man waiting,” Maya said. “Thank your daddy.”

“Th-thank you…Daddy.”

They loved that. Harder laughing. Harder fucking.

Ray grunted: “I’m…going to…”

“Yes!” shouted Maya. “Fill me up, Daddy!”


They hadn’t talked much in the days that followed. The house seemed to have the same standoffish atmosphere as when they were fighting–but he was pretty sure they weren’t fighting. He was just avoiding her, and she–in turn–seemed to be giving him whatever space he needed.

And then, one afternoon, he saw the package sitting on the kitchen counter. It was still sealed, so he couldn’t look inside of it–but he felt like he just knew what was inside of it.

“Did you see what got delivered today?” Maya asked, walking into the kitchen.

“Is this…”

“Ray’s coming over tonight,” she said.

“And you really expect me to, uh…”

She shrugged. “Do you really want to find out what would happen if you weren’t wearing them tonight?”

He shook his head. Though, actually, he was much more curious to see what would happen if he was wearing them.

He picked up the box off the counter. “I guess I should, uh, figure out how to get one of these things on?”

“You don’t have to do it by yourself,” she said, smiling warmly. “I’ll come with you. I’ll help you.”

It was a tone he felt he hadn’t heard her use with him in a while. It was nice.

“You know,” she continued. “It doesn’t make me love you any less if you’re a baby.”


She shrugged. “I mean, let’s face it. You’ve never really been the ‘alpha’ before, right? And Ray clearly is. I think it’s just better for everyone if you accept your role.”

“As baby?”

“Right,” she nodded.

“But that’s not fair,” he said. “He gets to fuck you? And I get to…suck my thumb and sit there in a fucking diaper?”

“Don’t act like you wouldn’t enjoy that, Jay. Besides, you’ll get lots of attention yourself. Daddy really wants to spank you again. And I’m looking forward to changing your diaper in front of him, too.”

“Ch-changing? Maya…you really think I’m going to…”

“I know it sounds weird,” she shrugged. “But, just think about it. Think about Ray bending me over and fucking me from behind. And you’re sitting right there in front of me, staring at my face as he does it. And all you can do is suck your thumb. Then, you pee yourself. You just let it all out into your diaper like a little baby. And when we’re done having all of our adult fun, we turn our attention to you. I open your diaper on the bed and change you–just like a baby. And I play with your little cock as I tell you what a good little boy you are. Meanwhile, Daddy’s got his dick in your mouth–you know, to help soothe you.”

He can imagine it. He can almost taste Maya’s juices on Ray’s cock as it's in his mouth. The remnants of Ray’s own climax, even.

“And I’ll make sure you get your own pleasure too. Of course, you’ll have to squirt into a fresh diaper. But I doubt you’ll mind that much.”

That all sounded pretty nice. Except for one part. “But…Maya. I still want to fuck you too.”

“Aww,” she laughed. “And you can! Just…not when Daddy is around. Because when he’s around, my pussy is his. You understand, don’t you?”

He didn’t love this answer, but it did make a surprising amount of sense to him. While he had never imagined being infantilized in his own bedroom by his wife and another man before, it seemed to tap into the same emotions as his fantasies of being dragged over someone’s knees and spanked until he cried. Actually, if anything, it seemed to heighten those same emotions.

The more he thought about it, the more diapers made a lot of sense.

“I understand,” he finally said.

“I thought you would. I know it seems like a lot now, but I bet you’re going to grow to love being a big baby.”

He laughed as he nodded. “Yeah…I could see that happening.”

“Why don’t you get on the bed. I’ll put you into your first one now. That should give you plenty of time to get a feel for it before Ray comes over.”

He nodded, doing exactly as she suggested.

As she pulled his pants and boxers off, he thought about Ray and how perfect he was. Great body. Handsome face. Giant cock. Seemingly superior in almost every way.

But Maya didn’t just want ‘superior.’ ‘Superior’ wouldn’t mean as much to her if she didn’t have something to contrast it with. She needed the big stupid baby, pissing himself and sucking his thumb.

He started laughing as he lifted his bottom off of the bed so that Maya could slide the diaper under him.

“What?” she asked. “What’s so funny?”

He wasn’t sure if she would understand. He was thinking about how, when it came to being completely pathetic, that might have been the one thing he was better at than Ray.

“I’m just going to assume you’re just that excited about diapers,” she shrugged.

“Yeah,” he answered. “That’s exactly it.”



Paul Bennett

Loved this story. Thanks QH!


Wow. This is, without comparison, the best and hottest story I’ve read. Amazing. Absolutely amazing.


Wish you would continue this story.