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[Note from QH: Taking a chance and not censoring any words in this chapter. Fingers crossed there aren't any problems, but there's a chance that Patreon complains and I have to reupload this chapter. I suppose we'll see what happens...]

Need to catch up on Doing Business? Check this out. 


I reached out to grab the key from her hand, but she was quicker than I was, and her fingers clasped around it tightly as she pulled it away from me.

“Nuh-uh,” Mommy said, shaking her head as she grinned. “I’ll let you have that when you’re good and ready for it.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. “Mommy, I’m very much ready right now.” I was tempted to continue–to explain that I’ve considered myself ready since she had first locked my cock up–but I assumed she knew this already.

“You’ve waited this long,” she said. “What’s just a teeny bit longer?”

Under the water, her soft feet were between my legs, one on either side of my cage. They gently batted at my balls like she was a kitten, playing with a ball of yarn. I liked this too, of course. If she just wanted to play with my testicles with her feet for a few more hours, I was down for that.

We had each taken one of the edibles just a few moments earlier. It was like a piece of gummy candy, but the taste wasn’t what I was expecting. It tasted like, well, weed–with a hint of cherry, perhaps.

It probably wouldn’t be much of a surprise to anyone if I said that I had limited experience with cannabis in any form. I imagined that if anyone else had approached me with an edible and asked me to just take it, I’d have a long list of questions and concerns. But I trusted Mommy’s judgment, and I downed the thing without any hesitation.

“It’ll take a while for its effects to kick in,” she said.

“How will I know when–”

“You’ll know,” she said, interrupting me. “In the meantime, maybe we just enjoy the warm water and bubbles.”


“Yes, Baby?”

“Before? When you were, uh, washing me? I couldn’t help myself and I, uh, peed in the tub. Just a little bit.”

“Ha!” She kicked her head back and seemed to sink a little deeper into the water. “I thought you might. Well, would it delight you to know that I’m peeing in the tub…right now?”


“You don’t mind, do you?”

“No, Mommy,” I said, likely sounding a bit too excited. “I don’t mind at all.”

“I figured as much.”

Did the water actually feel warmer? No, that seemed impossible, though I had it in my head that she somehow did just increase the temperature with just her pee. Still, it was a delightful thought–that both she and I were marinating in the tub together. Soaking in each other’s piss.

“Mommy, may I ask you another question?”

“Mm,” she moaned towards the ceiling. “Of course, Baby. What is it?”

“Who was your assistant before Hillary?”

“Ah, that would have been Stuart.”

“Was he a good baby?”

Mommy scoffed. “No, not really. The little sneak would always try to take off his diapers. I used to have to wrap a layer of duct tape around his waist after putting a fresh one on him. Made changing him an absolute chore–but it was the only way I could make sure that he kept them on long enough to use them in the first place.”

“What happened to him?”

“It was a mutually agreed upon separation, I believe. He was interested in furthering his career, and I was just about exhausted from all the spankings I had to give him.”

“Does he keep in touch?”

“For a short time he did, yes,” she said. “We drifted apart. I didn’t take it personally. Life happens, you know? Everyone grows up a little, and the things that used to mean a lot to you suddenly don’t seem as important.”

I’m tempted to dig a little deeper. Who came before Stuart? Who came before that? But I don’t know what good any of those answers do me. One day, I’ll be just another link in that chain. Someone else might one day be asking Mommy to tell them about me.

“I like that you take an interest in me and my past,” Mommy said to me.

“I want to know everything about you.”

“Everything? Oh, there’s probably a few things about me you don’t need to know.”

I shrugged. “It’s all been interesting so far.”

“Why don’t you tell me something about yourself, Clarky. Something I don’t already know.”

“Oh, uhm…” I wondered if I had anything interesting to share. I racked my brain, but couldn’t come up with much. At best, I could talk about how I cheated on a history test in middle school by writing down all of my notes on an incredibly small piece of paper that I kept in my shirt sleeve. Somehow, I doubted that was the sort of thing she wanted to hear.

I considered telling her about my time with Ava the night before. But I opted to keep that to myself for just a little longer.

“Is it that hard to think of an interesting fact about yourself?”

“It’s harder than it should be.”

“That’s one of the reasons we’re together,” she said. “I’m giving you experiences. Someday, someone you care about will ask you to share an interesting story about yourself. And you can regale them with the tale of how you and your Mommy shared a bathtub full of pee.”

“Well…the bathtub isn’t just pee.”

“Sure, sure. But the person you tell this story to doesn’t know that.”

“That might be too much pee,” I said. “Even for me.”

“You think? Because it sounded like a fun idea to me. If I ever make the pee-tub a reality, you’re saying you won’t join me for a dip?”

I laughed, unsure if this was a joke or if she was serious. “I suppose I’ll make up my mind when I see it for myself.”

“I’ve seen your work, Baby. You talk a good game. But when a tub of my pee is in front of you, your eyes will grow big and you’ll dive in–headfirst.”

“There’s only one way to find out,” I said.

“I do love when you’re cheeky.”

The conversation slowed a bit after that. Her legs remained between mine, and it felt good just to be touching like this beneath the water. Between the soft lighting of the bathroom, the stillness of the bathwater, and the perfect quiet of her home, I felt myself being lulled into a near-catatonic state.

It was hard to say how long this lasted. Minutes, maybe. But suddenly the water seemed a lot cooler than I remembered it being, and I suspected that I must’ve drifted off for a little bit.

Mommy, on the opposite side of the tub, was opening her eyes too. A smile was spreading across her face.

“How are you feeling, Baby?”

“I feel…” Before I could say the word ‘fine,’ I realized that the world was starting to look a little different around me. Everything seemed…further away? But when I focused on any single point in the room, I felt like I could draw it closer to me with my mind.

This must be that edible, huh?

She laughed–this girlish squeal unlike anything I had ever heard from her before. “Are you feeling what I’m feeling?”

“I think so.”

“We should get out of the tub,” she said. “It’s getting cold. And we’re going to turn into little prunes.”

I realized that, at some point, my legs had become entwined with hers. I pulled my legs away, allowing for both of us to stand up. I couldn’t help but blush again, seeing her phenomenal body glistening before me while my boyish husk stood there with a cage dangling in front of me.

“Do you think I need a diaper?” I asked.

“Are you going to poop in my bed?”

“No…I doubt it.”

She laughed again, another girlish giggle that felt a bit more candid than I was used to.

“A shame,” she said, finally composing herself after a moment or two. “Wouldn’t that have been fun?”

I couldn’t tell if she was kidding or not.

“We’ll go to my room,” she said.


“I’ll unlock you, and you’ll have to fuck me.” Even the way that she was talking to me felt different. I wouldn’t say that it was any more commanding than it usually was–but it felt more direct somehow. Like we were on an entirely new wavelength together, a place where only she and I existed, and this was just how we talked to each other here.

“Of course.”

“And then I’m going to give birth to you,” she said, nodding. “And you’ll officially be my baby.”

I had no idea what that meant. But in my slowly-building haze, it was still the greatest idea I had ever heard.

“Y-yes please.”

“Come, follow me.”

I have no fucking idea where we are, and no idea where we’re going. She’s holding my hand tightly and pulling me behind her. Her energy feels so different. It’s not bad, and it’s not even ‘better.’ I find it to be thrilling. I wonder if she sees me any differently.

I find myself focusing on random details of her home as we pass by them. There’s a painting on the wall–something abstract with big blocky splotches of green and purple paint. I felt like I got it. I couldn’t put the feelings into words, but I felt like I could comprehend the emotions the artist was trying to convey. Something about the duality of society?

“Are you okay, Baby?”

“This painting…”

She laughed and put her hand on my shoulder. “Try not to get too lost in that one. I just bought it because it looked cool.”

My eyes followed the wood grain patterns on the floor as we walked.

“Are you still here with me, Clarky? Are you still on Earth?”

I laughed. “Yes. It’s just a slightly different version of Earth from the one I’m used to.”

“Is it better or worse?”

“Better, I’d say. Is the real Earth this pretty?”

She laughed, squeezing my hand a little tighter. “You are such a delight, Baby.”

I don’t feel incapacitated in any way, shape, or form. I don’t feel like I’ve lost any agency or that the wrong senses have been dulled. Perhaps, if any of those things were true, I wouldn’t know. But I felt confident that Mommy’s treat hadn’t impeded me–it had just enhanced everything.

Another thing I was trying to adapt to was my lack of a diaper. I had been wearing them so often that it suddenly felt strange to go without. Had it really been that long since I had moved around this much without wearing a diaper? My legs had fully acclimated to walking while factoring in the added bulk of padding. Now, I was back to walking awkwardly–my legs unsure of what they were supposed to be doing.

“Come,” she cooed to me, ushering me into a room.

The bedroom was stunningly simple. The massive bed was the centerpiece of the room, and there was little else in terms of furniture. I assumed that some of the doors here went to walk-in closets–some of which, I was willing to bet, were larger than the room I slept in at night.

“I can admit they’re impractical,” Mommy said, plucking one of the many decorative pillows off the top of the bed. “But I do love the way they look. How basic of me.”

“You take them off the bed every night?”

She chuckled to herself, almost like she was just realizing the absurdity of that herself. “Not every night. They’re usually only on my bed twice a week–the days that Marnie comes by.”


“She stops by twice a week to clean for me,” she said. “A cute girl–about your age. I’d love to see her in a diaper too, but she doesn’t strike me as the type who’d like it.”

I wondered if this was how Mommy looked at everyone–instantly deciding whether or not she wanted to see them in a diaper.

“I had this sinful thought the other day,” Mommy continued. “How naughty would it be if Marnie was to catch me wearing a diaper?”

I felt second-hand embarrassment, and my cheeks blushed for her. “That’d be, uhm, quite naughty.”

“I’d never do such a thing, of course,” she said, shrugging.

I doubted that, just a little. This was the same woman who dragged me to a restaurant with a vibrator in my ass. And the same woman who made me walk around the office in a dirty diaper. Still, I hoped that was a hard limit for her.

There was still something I wanted to follow-up on, though. “Do you want to wear a diaper, Mommy?”

“I didn’t think I did,” she said. “But I’ve been thinking about it since I brought it up in Seattle.”

“You should,” I said, nodding. “It’d be really, uh…” I stopped myself, nervous that I was sounding far too enthusiastic.

“It’d be what?” she asked, a teasing smile on her face as she continued to take the decorative pillows from the bed. I wondered if she had a place where she put them, but to my surprise, she was just tossing them in a pile on the floor.

“Cute. It’d be, uhm, cute, Mommy.”

She laughed. “Noted.”

Mommy threw herself onto the bed, her ravishing body landing on her side–a pose that felt ripped out of a porno-mag. I still couldn’t believe the version of Mommy I was seeing tonight. So frisky and spirited.

“Come here, little boy.”

I crawled up onto the bed, wiggling my way over to her. Her other hand–the one that hadn’t been pulling me to her bedroom–remained tightly closed, I noticed. It was still holding the key.

“Do you want this?” she asked, holding her hand out towards me.

“Y-yes, Mommy.”

“How badly do you want it?”

I couldn’t even use words to express my want, and I just sighed as I shook my head.

“I have a feeling you’re going to cum rather quickly,” she said.


“I won’t be mad if you do, Baby. The question is: Where would you like to be when your stiff little cock finally gets to explode? Do you want to be in my mouth?”

I felt tingles throughout my body as I tried to imagine what that would even be like.

“Or…do you want to be in my pussy when you erupt, Baby? Maybe my tight little asshole?” She laughed to herself upon saying this, like it was so naughty of an idea that she couldn’t even contain herself. “Let’s not be silly, of course. Your cream would be all over the place by the time we actually got you in the backdoor. A goal for another time, perhaps.”

“Uhm…” I truly had no idea how to respond. Did she actually expect me to say what I preferred?

“First things first, let’s unlock this little cage.”  She reached towards me, grasping the bundle of my caged cock and my balls with one hand while her other slowly approached with the key.

Thisishappening. Thisishappening. Thisishappening.

The room was so silent that I could hear every groove of the key slip into the lock. Click, click, click, click. All she had to do now was turn the key. My body became infinitely still and I held my breath. My ability to continue living required her to turn that key.

But then she began to pull it out of the lock. Click, click, click, click.

“I’m just teasing,” she said, flashing me an enormous grin. “You should see the look on your face.”

The key went back in. And then, one final noise as she turned it. Ch-chunk.

“Hold still, Baby. Let Mommy get this completely off of you.”

I could feel myself growing already, and by the time the cage was free from my body, I was already fully erect. And it felt…alien to me. I had reached a level of complacency with chastity where I no longer really felt my penis anymore. It was just sort of there, buried in stainless steel. Pleasure and arousal were defined by a general aching in my groin, and I had begun to forget what erections were even like.

I remembered now. Oh Lord did I remember. It was like having a limb reattached after having gone without for a long time.

Oh wow, I remember feeling this way.

“Wasting no time I see,” she said, the back of her hand petting my shaft.

“I…I want you, Mommy.”

“I know you do, Baby. But do you think I can trust you to please me first? If I sit on your face, do you promise not to just spurt everywhere when you begin to taste me?”

I wasn’t sure I could make a promise about that. And yet I answered: “Of course, Mommy.”

“Very good. On your back, then. Open wide.”

And then she was on my face. She’d been here before, of course–I knew just what to do. Perhaps I knew too well, as I let my mouth go into autopilot–licking and slurping from her body. The last time I had done this, I used both of my hands to support her atop me. This time, however, I was attempting to do the job with just one hand, as I let my other grasp at my firm cock. I didn’t want to do anything foolish like stroke myself to completion before she had her way with it–but I was so eager to visit with my old friend that I couldn’t help but grab it and hold on for dear life.

“It was a mistake to have unlocked you,” she said, abruptly stopping her body’s gyrations against my face.

I didn’t have the ability to respond, though perhaps her body’s proximity to my brain was enough for my telepathic question to get through to her: “Why?

Either she received that message, or she knew I’d ask that question: “Because you’ve lost some of the fire you had when you were locked up. All you had to focus on was me, you know? And now? Well…where’s your other hand, Clarky?”

Sheepishly, I began to pull my hand from my dick.

“No no,” she said. “Leave it there. We both learned a lesson tonight, didn’t we? In the future–if I ever choose to unlock you again–it won’t be until after I’ve gotten all the pleasure I need. Go on, now. Finish what you’ve started with me. We’ll focus on quality the next time we do this.”

I left my hand on my cock as I continued to eat her out, her body’s tempo returning.

I did feel as if I had learned a little life lesson in this moment–the importance of devoting my full attention to whomever’s pussy I was devouring. Were it Ava atop my face–oh, what a thought that is–I suspected she’d be too polite to say anything to me. Mommy could always be depended on to keep me in my place, though.

A moment or two later, both of my hands were on Mommy’s ass, holding her in pace as her grinding intensified. I couldn’t remember taking my hand off my cock, but I was happy I had. I was suddenly finding myself in the zone–exactly where she had wanted me to be in the first place.

It was easy to get lost in her rhythm. Even easier considering the hazy high that still had a hold on me. Part of me was doing my damndest to bring her the best orgasm she had ever experienced in her entire life–high-me truly believed I was capable of such a thing. The rest of me was out of my body. Perhaps out of this world.

I couldn’t say where I was. Someplace dark and wet–yet I found this to be rather comfortable. I wanted to stay here forever. I felt like I could just…curl up into a tiny little ball. Just a warm and secure little baby.

Oh, wait. Had I managed to somehow crawl into Mommy? Was I inside of her? Was I in her womb?

I laughed, sort of. Really I just made a slobbery mess of myself as my lips vibrated against her pussy. My tongue was still hungrily devouring her–outside of her body, I assumed.

As best as I could tell, I was somehow both inside and outside of her at the same time–and this made complete sense to me. It was a pleasure and an honor to experience Mommy like this.

Don’t let me out,” I said to her. I might not have actually said, I might have just thought it very loudly.

To my surprise, I got a response. “Would you like to stay here forever?”

If you don’t mind…

Hoo boy. I doubted any of this was real, and so I had to assume that the cannabis was just doing a spectacular job on me.

“You…what are you…” Mommy was somewhere, trying to say something to me in between little gasps and breathy panting. “Fucking hell, Baby… How are you–ooph–doing this?”

It sounded good, whatever it was I was doing. I sent a message to myself–the part of me that was on the outside: “Hey, make sure you keep that up.”

Yeah, you got it,” I replied.

“Oh fuck,” she said. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!

I had heard Mommy climax before, and this sounded different. I wondered where she was right now. Was she atop my face? Atop someone else’s face? Was she on Earth?

“Ohhhhh!” she exclaimed. There were a series of high-pitched squeals coming from her mouth now as her back arched and I felt her squirt into my mouth. I had never tasted anything better in my life.

The bit of me that was inside of her was disrupted. I was being pushed out. I was being…birthed?

Suddenly, she was lying next to me on the bed, rapidly taking as deep of breaths as she could manage. Her fingers lazily stroked my wet face.

“There,” she said, her voice so soft that I could barely hear it. “You’re mine now. My baby.”

“Good,” I replied, the response sounding so breezy that I could’ve been affirming just about anything.

“Ah yes,” she laughed, as if my voice had reminded her that I was still next to her. “We needed to, er, take care of you too, yes?”

Please please please please please. “If you’d like.”

“Oh, I’d very much like to. Just…give me a moment, dear. You just about caused Mommy’s head to explode.”

I’m far too polite to ask for details, either now or later. But I would’ve loved to have known where that climax ranked among the best she’d ever had.

“Come here,” she said. “Come crawl between Mommy’s legs.”

I was there so fast that I could’ve sworn I had teleported.

She reached forward, grasping my cock in her hand–she was very careful with it, treating it like it was just a fragile baby bird.

“Do you want to put this inside of me?” she asked, giving my shaft a mild squeeze.

“Y-yes, Mommy,” I said. “Please.”

“I want you to cum inside of me. You can do that, can’t you?”

“Yes,” I said, my head eagerly nodding.

“Show me. Show me what a good boy you are.”

And then I’m inside of her. I’m not entirely sure how I got there–if I had just slid myself in, or if she had guided my cock into her throbbing wetness. All I knew was that I was there.

One. Just one single thrust. One gloriously blissful thrust that all future thrusts of my cock would be compared to. And then I came inside of her.

She moaned, but she was laughing too. Meanwhile I was moaning and carrying on like I just had the greatest sex of my life. I collapsed atop her, my hand grasping at one of her exposed tits pathetically. It was a truly incredible climax. I just wished I had earned it.

“Oh, poor boy,” she cooed into my ear. “Was that it? Was that all you had for me?”

“I…I think so…”

“That’s a shame. I’d say ‘better luck next time, but…well, maybe we’d be better off if we just kept that little thing locked up. What do you think?”

“Yes, Mommy,” I whispered. “P-please.”

While I had never felt more pathetic than I had in that moment–and I say that as someone who had thought I had already reached the most pathetic point in my life multiple times over the last few weeks–her gentleness with me had kept me at ease. It might have been the only thing preventing me from having some sort of infantile crying session.

“You did good,” she said, stroking my back. “As good as a big baby could be expected to do. And didn’t that feel good?”


“I’m proud of you.” I wasn’t entirely sure why she’d be proud of me, but I didn’t question it. I needed to hear that so badly.

“We still need dinner. Are you hungry? Or…did you have too much to eat already?”

“Oh, uh…” I laughed a little, catching her little smirk. “I could eat.”

“Good. Be a good boy and clean me out with your tongue, won’t you? And when you’re done, maybe we’ll actually think about dinner.”



Ruby Teagan

Makes me wonder if any of her other previous secretaries have been invited to her house in the past - like is it something she's done before, or maybe Clarky is special?