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Chapter 3: The Local Tradition of Revenge

I decided to take a little drive through Tradd county in the afternoon, alone. There was a part of me that just wanted to reminisce a little–as if there were a few good memories to squeeze out this place. But as I drove around, all I really found were reminders of why I wanted to leave. Archaic flags. Offensive signs and graffiti. People who just stared at me like they knew I didn’t belong.

My journey ended up taking me to the parking lot for Whitetails–the bar that Dan Trumbauer was known to frequent with his cronies, according to Heidi. I briefly considered going inside and doing some reconnaissance, but I quickly nixed the idea. I had no place in a bar like that, and I’d only be potentially compromising the plans that Heidi and I had made for later.

But I saw a cluster of men talking in the parking lot. Some of them looked vaguely familiar to me. Maybe they were guys I had gone to school with. People I had seen around once upon a time. Or…maybe all the men just looked the same around here. I may not have known Dan Trumbauer, himself–but I was willing to bet I knew men just like him. They were all in places like this. In parking lots like this. Spitting into the pavement, slapping each other’s backs, laughing.

There were a lot of Dans in Tradd County. They were the ones indoctrinated into the local culture at birth. They didn’t break away from it because they never wanted to. Their worth is measured by their masculinity, and their entire life revolves around that concept. Big trucks. Big guns. Big attitudes.

Maybe I knew them so well because I used to be like them myself. I’d drive my rusty Silverado to school and have some dick-measuring competition in the parking lot over how much mud was caked in our tires, or how fast we were driving on the highway. We’d gawk at the hot chicks and craft elaborate stories about the sordid and perverted things we’d do with them if we ever got them alone. Scoring–actually having sex–was the true threshold to cross to become a man. And to be a man in Tradd County is to be a god.

I thought I was one of them. And then they decided that I wasn’t.

“What the fuck am I doing here?” I muttered. I didn’t want to be here. I wanted to be back at the cabin. With Heidi and Marjorie. I turned the car around and left.

I found myself daydreaming about ‘justice’ on the drive back to the cabin. That was the word that Heidi had used, right? Of course, ‘justice’ in Tradd County is usually more synonymous with “revenge.”

When I returned to my father’s cabin later, I found that Heidi must’ve headed back to her place while Marjorie dozed on the couch. She looked adorable, all balled up and on her side. Despite wearing shorts, they weren’t quite long enough to conceal the bloated padding between her legs.

Heidi had left a note on the counter:

I took care of a rather nasty diaper this afternoon by myself. If you’re still playing along in our little game of house, the next one is all yours. I’ll be by early tomorrow morning for our plan. I assumed you haven’t said anything to Margie about it, and I haven’t either.


Prior to my little solo-jaunt into Tradd, it had been a pretty quiet day. Marjorie had spent most of the day either napping or making small-talk with me. I had left my phone out for her, just in case she wanted or needed to call anyone. As far as I could tell, she never did. Heidi was back and forth between my dad’s place and her own farm. And I got back to doing what I had been there to do in the first place–cleaning up and preparing to put the cabin on the market.

Honestly, it had felt really good to have Marjorie around. Even when she was just sleeping on the couch, it just felt…right. It had been a while since I was in any sort of relationship, and I had forgotten how enjoyable that sense of casual everyday-ness could be. I wasn’t about to ask Marjorie if she’d consider going on a date with me or anything, though I was still holding out hope that an opportunity would eventually present itself. Even if I needed to be pretty patient.

I poured myself a little General Mortimer’s–careful not to pour too much–and took a seat on the other end of the couch that Marjorie was napping on.

Looking around the old cabin, as I felt the cheap whiskey sear its way down my throat, I saw it as it had once been–back when my father was around. I had never lived here with him–he moved here after I had left Tradd County, but once in a while I had visited. Looking over at the old cast iron wood stove, I remembered him standing next to it and looking down at me as I sat in this very spot on the couch. He was disappointed in me.

I don’t know why you ever left. There’s good and honest work for you here.

I was doing fine for myself. Maybe he knew that already–not that it mattered. But he wanted me here, with him. Unless I came back, I was just wasting my time.

I never told him about what happened. About how I started falling out with the friends I had made around here. About how I had lost interest in things like hunting, chugging cheap beer, and gawking at cleavage. I wanted to write articles for newspapers and play my guitar. I wanted to be in a place with concerts and museums. I wanted to be in any place that wasn’t Tradd County.

You were either one of them, or you were their enemy. And so: they called me a pussy and a queer. I never took offense to the words themselves–it was the way they were weaponized towards me. We had a few fights. I’d like to say I held my ground, but I probably lost more than I won.

I suspected that my father knew. Such is life in this rural area–everyone knows everything. And so I wondered which disappointed him more: that I left Tradd instead of defending myself more, or that I had been branded a ‘pussy’ in the first place.

Looking down at Marjorie’s peaceful sleeping body again only further steeled my resolve. I was better than ‘revenge,’ and I knew that I shouldn’t let myself succumb to such a trap. But Dan deserved comeuppance for what he had done–and there was no other force in Tradd that was going to deliver it. On the drive home from Whitetails, I considered whether the absence of Marjorie in Dan’s life was comeuppance enough–maybe he’d have learned the lesson that people won’t stick around when you treat them like that.

But I doubted it. Dan didn’t seem like the ‘learning’ type to me. He’d eventually meet someone else and do something just as shitty. Maybe it wouldn’t involve diapers–but he’d find some weakness to exploit.

I had made up my mind: we were doing this.

“Oh, uhm, hi,” Marjorie said, slowly stirring and rubbing her eyes next to me. “When did you get back?”

“Just a little bit ago.”

“Everything okay? Heidi said you wanted to go and be by yourself for a bit.”

“I just had some, uh, thinking to do, that’s all.”

“Did you see Dan out there?”

It was a peculiar question, considering I probably wouldn’t know Dan Trumbauer if he was standing right in front of me. For all I knew, he was one of the guys in the Whitetails parking lot.

“I don’t think so.”

She sat up on the couch next to me, running a hand through her hair. “I should…probably get changed.”


“Just a little wet. Well…maybe a lot wet.”

I chuckled. “Do you want some help?”

Her cheeks got a little rosy as she shrugged. “I kinda do? But at the same time, I’m kind of worried that I’m…”

“That you’re what? You shouldn’t be worried about anything, you know. We just wanted to help.”

“I know, I know. And I appreciate it too. I’m just starting to feel like I really am a helpless infant.”

“I thought that’s what you wanted,” I said. “Isn’t it?”

She laughed, her cheeks blushing brighter. “I…I never said that, did I? Out loud?”

I shrugged. “You didn’t have to say it.”

“I swear, I’m perfectly capable of being an adult woman.”

“Sure, sure. But that’s a choice an adult woman can make, right? To know that you can be a responsible and independent woman if you had to be, but choosing to let yourself be doted on?”

“Hrm. Y-yeah…that’s true.”

“I have yet to think that you’re completely helpless. I think you have needs–and you lucked out in meeting some people who are willing to help you fulfill them.”

“Can I tell you a secret?” she asked. I couldn’t be sure, but it seemed like she had slid a little closer to me on the couch.

“Of course. Anything.”

“Don’t get me wrong…everything that Dan did to me was coming from a place of anger and with the intent to humiliate and ridicule me. No part of him wanted me to, uhm, enjoy it. But…”

“You did,” I said, seeing where this was headed. “At least a little bit.”

She nodded. “Not always. And not to the point where I craved any of it. But there’d be moments where it’d hit me in a way that I wasn’t expecting.”

“That’s nothing to be ashamed of,” I said. “And it doesn’t excuse him.”

She seemed to be sitting even closer to me now. “When I saw your car stop on the side of the road, and you got out and started walking towards me? And I was wearing just a filthy diaper while tied to a tree? The very first thought I had was that it felt so naughty to be spotted in that sort of condition. I mean…I was still miserable. I still wanted to disappear off the face of the earth. But…”

“I get it,” I said, putting my hand on her lap. “And I promise that I won’t judge you for saying that.”

She was sitting right next to me now. I could feel her body pressed against mine. She reached down, putting her hand on top of mine.

“I feel ridiculous.”

“You shouldn’t,” I said.

“Would it be weird if I…sat on your lap?”

I felt my heart pounding in my chest. I had no idea that such a request would sound so appealing to me. I patted my lap. “Come here.”

She carefully hoisted herself up from the seat next to me, maneuvering herself over my lap with her back to me. Once in the right position, she eased herself down atop me–her thick diaper squishing between us. I immediately wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her tight against me.

“Does that feel good?” I asked.

“It…it really does.” I couldn’t be sure, but it almost sounded like she was crying a little. Though I didn’t think she was sad.

“Thank you,” she said softly. “For everything. And…I’m sorry.”

“Sorry? For what?”

“For this…”

I could hear it–the sound of her streaming piss into her diaper again. I felt the already-warm cushion between us get a little warmer. I swore I could feel the diaper expanding further in her shorts. And, then, I could feel something else. Wetness. My own pants were getting soaked. Clearly, her diaper was at capacity and overflowing now, with the excess moisture flooding into her short shorts and into my lap.

I laughed. “Now look what you’ve done. We’re both going to need to be changed now.”

I expected another apology, but instead, she just snickered to herself as she wiggled her saturated bottom in my lap.

“C’mon,” I said. “Let’s get this taken care of before you make an even bigger mess.”

I helped ease her off of my lap so that her feet were on the ground again. Before standing myself, I took a quick look at my pants, finding a sizable wet splotch in the front of them. I couldn't even be mad–especially not while my hard cock was creating a little tent where her diapered ass had once been.

I led her back to the master bedroom by the hand, grabbing the pack of diapers and the wipes as we passed by them. While I wasn’t completely confident in my diapering abilities, I felt like I at least had the jist of it. I’d do my best, and Heidi could always straighten it up later if needed.

Soon, she was on her back on the bed, the wet shorts removed and cast aside. Her legs were splayed wide open, and her wet diaper was unfurled between them, her body still lying on half of it. Looking down at her pussy–the moistness of it glistening in the room’s lighting–I realized that changing her was the last thing I wanted to do.

“Look,” I said. “Before I get to changing you, I was wondering if…”

“Yes,” she blurted out. “Whatever you want to do. P-please…just do it.”

I bit my tongue and resisted the urge to talk more about all the things I wanted to do. She had just given me carte blanche, and I trusted that she meant that.

I leaned in, aiming my face square between her legs. With the soaked diaper just beneath my face, I planted my lips on her vulva, and reached out with my tongue–carefully exploring until I found her clit.

I waited for a moment, curious to see if she’d give any indication that she didn’t like or want this. Instead, she muttered a long and inviting series of moans. I proceeded, letting the tip of my tongue dance up and down and from side to side. I followed her moans and grunts like a game of ‘hot and cold’–using her reactions as a gauge to manage my tempo and where I should be concentrating my energy.

“Da…da…” she muttered. It sounded like she was trying to say something, but she couldn’t quite get it out. Then, she seemed to finally find the words–practically screaming it out: “Daddy!”


All I really recall from that point on was wetness. The diaper that my face was partially rested on was wet. Her pussy was wet, and getting wetter by the minute. My own tongue and mouth were wet. Everything was just wet.

And then she came. It was quite possibly the most intense climax I had ever witnessed–her body buckled and shook as she moaned so loudly that her voice would crack and border on becoming a scream. She sprayed into my face, and I felt heavy drips rolling down my cheek into the open diaper.

“Fuck,” she finally said. “Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuuuuuuuck.”

“Was, uh, that good?” I asked, lifting my dripping face up from between her legs. I could only imagine how my shit-eating grin must’ve looked to her.

“I…I’ve never done that before.”

“That was incredible.”

She opened her mouth, but all that came out was an exasperated “Guh…”

“Now then. How about that diaper change?”

“Y-yes… I think I need that.”

“Should, uhm, Daddy take care of that for you?”

Her cheeks turned an intense shade of red that I wasn’t sure I had seen since I had cut her down from the tree. “I…I can’t believe I said that.”

“It’s okay,” I said, “if you want to call me that.”

She covered her face with her hands. “Oh my god… What the hell is wrong with me?”

I laughed, sitting up in the bed and grabbing the baby wipes. “Nothing, I don’t think. You’re absolutely perfect.”

I can’t say that I did the best job of diapering her, but it at least seemed sufficient–and that was the best that either of us could ask for. I bagged up the soggy diaper and brought it to the trash can out back, where I saw the other discarded diapers from the last day or two. Not that long ago, such a sight wouldn’t have made any sense to me. Now, I felt like I’d be depressed if I didn’t see dirty diapers in the trash can.

Set your alarm,” said a text message from Heidi. “I’m thinking it’s got to be early. I don’t want to get there any later than 4 AM.

I texted back: “My thoughts exactly. Why don’t you pick me up at 3:30.

That was that. All that was left to do was get to bed, get a little rest, and then…justice.

My phone’s alarm went off at 3:30 AM on the dot. I rolled over, grabbing my phone and turned the alarm off as quickly as I could, hoping that I didn’t wake the lightly snoring Marjorie who was curled up near me.

“Wh-where are you going?” Marjorie asked, her voice soft and still half-asleep.

I wasn’t sure how to answer that. “Uh…”

“Are you going over to Heidi’s to help with the goats?”

I laughed to myself and nodded–though she couldn’t see that in the dark bedroom. “Yes. That’s exactly what I’m doing.”

“Okay.” She rolled over, and as fast as she had stirred, she was fast asleep again–cute little snores coming from her mouth.

I threw on some clothes and drank some of the cold remnants of the coffee still in the machine from the day before. It was kind of gross, but I needed a little something to give me a jolt of energy and this was right there. Moments later, I saw headlights down at the road in front of the cabin. Heidi was there, waiting for me. I quickly sprinted out the door and down the driveway, leaping into the passenger side. It felt like the minivan was already moving again before I had even closed the door.

“You know where he lives?” I asked. I couldn’t believe that I hadn’t considered the question before.

“Pretty sure,” she replied.

I trusted her judgment. Unlike me, she had never left Tradd. She probably knew this place better than I ever did.

The first few minutes of the drive were silent. We both just stared ahead at the dark road as it wound its way through woods and fields. For a while it felt kind of peaceful and serene. But then, it started to feel awkward–like there was a conversation we were supposed to be having, but weren’t.

“Hey,” I said. “Is everything cool?”

She shrugged. “I’m not mad, if that’s what you’re thinking.”

“What are you then? Because you seem to be…something.”

She laughed to herself. “Well, I was trying to keep it all to myself. But since the last few days have been insane enough as it is, I see no reason to keep pretending…”

“Go on.”

“You know I loved you, right? Like, back when you lived here? I…really saw us as being, like, each other’s endgame.”

Did I know that? I wasn’t sure. I knew she had feelings for me–just as I had feelings for her. But at the time when we should’ve been figuring those things out, my life was in a bit of a downward spiral. I had fled Tradd County, and in the years that followed, my only connection to the place was my lackluster relationship with my father. Though, I did often feel like…

“I abandoned you,” I said. “I…regret that.”

“You didn’t abandon me,” she said, sounding like she was almost going to laugh. “You didn’t leave me here to die or anything. I guess…I just wished that we had stayed in touch.”

“That’s fair.”

“I think Margie likes you,” Heidi said, seeming to change gears.

“She likes you too.”

“She likes you,” she said.

“I like her too,” I said. “But…”

“Don’t say that you also like me,” Heidi said, shaking her head. “I don’t want to hear that now. I wanted to hear that ten years ago.”

“I’m going back home today,” I said. “Like…leaving Tradd.”

“What about Margie?”

“That’s up to her, I guess. If she wants to come with me, I think I could make that work. But if she has other plans, I’m not going to get in her way. But, the point I wanted to make was that…you could come too. We could all get out of here together.”

“I can’t just leave everything behind,” she laughed. “I’ve got the farm. The animals. And even if I didn’t, you can’t just uproot your whole life and leave.”

“I know, I know. I just wish…”

“Hold up, Daddy. That’s Dan Trumbauer’s place ahead.”

I had a general idea of where we were–I had probably driven down this road a thousand times when I was a kid. A pretty quiet rural street with a smattering of houses and farms in between groves of trees and fields. Too, we were only about a half mile from Hendricks Hill, where I had found Marjorie in the first place.

We pulled off to the side of the road just before we were in front of it. And then, we just waited.

“It won’t be long now,” Heidi said. “He goes to work pretty early.”

I’m tempted to ask how she knows this, but it doesn’t seem important right now.

“H-how do you think we should do this?”

She shrugged. “It’s the first time I’ve ever jumped someone before.”

We both laughed.

“Maybe we hide behind his truck,” I said. “When he comes out, we jump out and…”

“Yeah,” Heidi nodded. “You hold him. I’ll knock him out.”

I laughed again. “Is that in your skill set?”

“There’s a lot about you don’t know,” she said with a wry smile. “ You’ve been gone for a while.”

She was joking. Maybe? It seemed like the kind of thing that she’d joke about. Though if she was being serious, I could at least believe that she was capable of it. The years of farm work had done her well, and I suspected that she could pick me up and lift me over her head if she had to.

She looks like she could carry a big baby around too, if she had to. No, no. This wasn’t the time to think about that.

It was a surreal moment, the two of us trying to remain hidden outside of Dan Trumbauer’s house in the early hours of the morning. There were moments where it felt incredibly badass, and then there were moments where it felt like we were making a huge mistake.

“This isn’t right,” I whispered to Heidi. “We can’t just…take the law into our own hands.”

“If we were anywhere else, I’d be inclined to agree with you,” she whispered back to me. “But nothing is ever going to happen to this guy unless we do it ourselves. Not in this place.”

I sighed. “Yeah…you’re probably right.”

Were it left up to me, I probably wouldn’t be sticking around for this plan. But she seemed so poised and confident that it bolstered my confidence considerably.

“There,” she said, pointing up at a window on the far side of the house. A light had just turned on. “He’s up. Getting ready for work. It won’t be long now.”

Were it any lighter out, we probably wouldn’t have been stationed where we were. We were behind his truck, our backs to the road. If anyone drove by right now, they’d probably see us. But the road was barren, and we were lucky enough that we could probably see headlights from a half-mile away on either side if someone was to actually drive by.

We waited. And waited. One light would turn off in the house, and another would turn on. And we followed that sequence across the width of the house. I tried to imagine what he was doing–probably the normal morning routine. Get out of bed, go to the bathroom, get dressed. Go to the kitchen, make some coffee and breakfast. Go to the mud room, get shoes and jacket.

“Here he comes,” Heidi said as the door opened. “Ready?”

My response was just a soft grunt–a noise that probably could’ve been taken as whatever answer she wanted it to be.

He emerged from the house and shut the door behind him. In one hand was one of those old metal lunch boxes in one hand–the likes of which I probably hadn’t seen anyone using since I was a child–and a thermos in the other.

For a few seconds, nothing happened. I still wasn’t entirely sure what the actual ‘plan’ was. I knew what the end was supposed to be, but not the means. And as Dan got closer and closer to his truck, I feared that we were going to be left running away when neither of us acted.

But then something happened. Something. I wasn’t entirely sure what it was–all I knew was that one moment Heidi was crouched next to me behind the truck. And then she wasn’t. She had leaped towards him, making some sort of noise. Maybe she was yelling something to him, or maybe she was just growling. He screamed–screeched, really–seeming to be simultaneously surprised and terrified.

“What the f–”


When I came around the corner of the truck, I saw that Dan was already on the ground and Heidi was on top of him–easily pinning him to the gravel driveway.

“What…what the fuck…”

“Don’t you fucking yell, Trumbauer. Or I’ll knee you in your balls so hard that a surgeon is going to have to extract them from your guts.”

“Wh-who are you?” he muttered. “What do you want? I…I don’t have any money and…”

“We’re not here to rob you,” Heidi sneered. With a smile: “We’re here for revenge.”

I couldn’t see his face from my vantage point, but I could see the silhouette of his body in the dim early morning light. It seemed to shake and spasm–the movements of a man completely out of his element.

Heidi had fished something out of her pocket. I didn’t know what it was, but once she had found it, Dan’s voice had been reduced to a muffled mumble.

She helped him to his feet and began escorting him towards the minivan. His eyes met mine–showing no sign of recognition. I had wondered if he’d remember me from the bar, but it didn’t appear that he did. In his mouth was…a pacifier? Heidi had used a ribbon or a strap of some sort to tie it around his head to hold it in place. We didn’t discuss this, though I felt it was a nice touch. His hands were bound together with a zip-tie.

Just as he neared the car, Dan made a half-hearted effort to sprint away. Heidi’s arm immediately grabbed him by the shoulder to keep him in place. He tried to say something to her through the pacifier, but it came out as an indecipherable blob. As quickly as she grabbed him, she spun his body around and used one arm to press him against the side of the minivan. Her other arm wound back before launching an open palm into his ass with a mighty THWACK!

“Augh!” he bellowed.

Heidi followed that up a few more blows to his ass. It was a spanking. She was literally spanking him like he was an actual toddler.

“There’s a lot more of that, if you want it,” she said to him. It was a commanding tone, and the most mean-spirited I had ever heard her voice before. It almost felt personal.

And it was, I supposed. It was personal for both of us. We weren’t just here for Dan–we were here for all the guys who were like Dan. All the Dans we had ever encountered in our entire lives.

Of course, we were here for Marjorie too.

I sat in the back next to Dan as Heidi drove down the road. I was afraid that Dan would bolt again. All he’d have to do was start thrashing about, or swinging his head at me, and I’d have been out of my element. I haven’t had to fight anyone in a long time–and I hadn’t won the last few fights I could remember being in.

He seemed–no pun intended–pacified. His eyes watered and his cheeks were puffy–he looked like he had been taught a lesson already. The expression on his face now was of a man who had never been put in his place before.

It seemed about time.

“We’re here,” Heidi said, stopping the car again.

The sun was just starting to peak over the horizon, providing just enough light that you could make out the bigger details of the world on the other side of the minivan’s windows. Enough light that Dan immediately knew where we were.

We were at the base of Hendricks Hill. The same place I had found Marjorie tied to a tree.

It was obvious that Dan knew where we were too. Not only that, but he had pieced together everything. He now knew that the same person, or persons, who had freed Marjorie the other day had now brought him back to the scene of the crime. And if we had brought him back here, so early in the morning, that could only mean that we had one specific intent.

He shook his head while trying to mumble something through the pacifier. Something that almost sounded like “Please no! You don’t have to do this!”

“Credit where credit is due,” Heidi said, opening the back of the minivan to retrieve one of the disposable diapers she had bought for Marjorie. “You did craft a rather humiliating little punishment. Tied to a tree? Left for hours, with just a diaper? That’s some real sinister stuff right there. I wouldn’t have thought of that on my own.”

I was tempted to let Heidi do most of the heavy lifting, but when it became obvious that we were in complete control, I found myself starting to feel a little more empowered.

“Here’s the problem,” I added. “That woman you had tied to the tree? Marjorie? She didn’t deserve that. I’d argue that there isn’t anyone who’s ever deserved that. Except, maybe…”

Heidi tagged herself in as she grabbed Dan’s docile body, pulling him out of the vehicle. “You, Dan Trumbauer. You deserve this.”

I held him in place as Heidi grabbed each of his legs and took his boots off, tossing them into the ditch. Once or twice, he attempted to squirm free, but I was feeling stronger than I had in a long time, and I focused all my strength to keep him in place. It seemed that he quickly learned that he wasn’t getting away.

“Nuh,” he said through the pacifier as Heidi unfastened his belt and began to pull his pants down. “Pweese. Nuh!”

Heidi’s open hand flashed through the air, smacking his ass yet again. SMACK!

“Okay, fine,” she said. “I see we’re doing this again.”


The sound of these spanks cut through the early morning silence. I was reminded of my childhood out here in the country. You’d hear all sorts of noises echoing across the valley, and you’d never be sure what they were or where they had come from. Perhaps there was someone out there now–maybe even a friend of Dan’s–who could hear the piercing slaps of Heidi’s hand landing on his bare ass.

I expected more resistance from him. I expected his legs to kick wildly. But he seemed to just slump in my arms, surrendering the last of will.

His pants and boxers were lowered down his legs and pulled off of his feet. Again, they were casually tossed into the damp ditch near his boots–discarded like they were just pieces of trash. His manhood–if one could even call it that–hung between his legs. It was a flaccid little lump of flesh, and quite possibly the least intimidating feature on his body.

“We’ll be affording you the same luxury that you gave Margie,” Heidi said, holding up the diaper. “Do you think you can go the whole day without an accident? I sure hope so. For your sake. Somebody’s going to find you eventually, right? Do you want your dirty diapers to be part of that story?”

Again, I expected a fight from Dan. I could feel his body tensing. I could see him cycling through expressions as he tried to evaluate the situation. But there was no fight.

Heidi opened up the disposable diaper and threaded it through his legs. Her angle–and even our location on the side of the road–seemed like it would put her at a disadvantage for effectively diapering him. And yet she managed. Her firm hands and calm disposition almost made it seem as if it was as easy as diapering the willing Marjorie as she lay on her back.

For the first time, it felt like I was seeing Dan Trumbauer for who he really was–a pathetic and sniveling little creature. Tears rolled down his cheeks as she pulled the diaper taught and taped it shut. He whined and offered incoherent babbles through the pacifier, though there was no real passion put into anything that was coming out of his mouth. He was nothing without the support of his fellow assholes. Hell, he was nothing without someone to bully himself.

“There we go,” she said. “Little baby is ready for his big day.”

I had his shoulders, and Heidi had his legs. We carried his limp body through the trees and shrubs until we made it to the same tree that Dan had tied Marjorie to before.

There was a moment or two–about halfway between the tree and the road–where I wondered if we had made our point already. We could just drop him here in the woods and walk away, knowing we’ve already dispensed a lesson by dragging him from his home before depantsing and spanking him.

But I thought of Marjorie again, and the look of her bloated diaper as I approached her. No, he deserved all of this.

“Pweese,” he muttered one last time.

Heidi and I both laughed like it was a genuinely hilarious joke he just told us. I held him up against the tree. Heidi got the rope. And Dan, he just stood there and let it happen.

“How often did someone stop for Marjorie?” I asked him. “Probably not often enough, right? Because she was always still there when you came back to get her.”

“I sure hope people around here are nicer to you,” Heidi added. “What do you think? Your bar buddies? If they drove by here and saw you tied to a tree in a diaper, do you think they’d stop and help you? Or do you think they’d just laugh and keep driving?”

He offered a muffled response that neither Heidi or I had interest in deciphering. We went about our business, tightening the rope and making sure that he was secure.

“That should do it,” Heidi said, patting the front of his diaper. “Nothing left to do now but wait. And, you know, use your diaper like a good baby.”

“We should’ve brought one of Marjorie’s used ones,” I said to Heidi.

“And, like, have put it on him?”

I nodded.

She laughed and cringed simultaneously. “Gus. That’s real fucking dirty. But I also kind of wish I thought of that before we left.”

“What do you think?” I asked. “Want to get out of here?”

“I’m ready,” she said to me. To Dan: “Good luck.”

It was a quiet drive back to the cabin. Neither of us even attempted to start a conversation. Not about Dan, not about Marjorie. Not about anything. I could imagine that she, like myself, was wondering if we had actually done the right thing or not. Or if there was a chance for this to ever blow up in our faces. I didn’t think so, but that wasn’t going to stop me from thinking about it.

When we rolled back up to the driveway of the cabin, it was still earlier than when I’d usually get up in the morning. Marjorie would be, no doubt, sleeping still.

“I’m going to make some coffee,” I said.

“I’m going to make some breakfast,” she responded.

Soon, the cabin filled with the smell of coffee, maple, and cooked bacon. And such scents seemed to have pulled Marjorie from my bed. She shuffled into the kitchen wearing only a t-shirt and a noticeably droopy diaper.

“Y’all always get up this early?” she asked, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

“Only when there’s work to do,” Heidi replied. “Come. Sit. Have some breakfast, Margie. And then maybe we’ll take care of that diaper of yours after?”

“Oh, uhm…” her cheeks turned a bright pink.

“We can see you’re pretty soggy,” Heidi said. “Nothing to be ashamed of.”

Marjorie offered a noncommittal shrug before sitting down next to me–the sound of her diaper making a juicy splurt as she eased her bottom into the hard wooden chair.

“So…really,” Marjorie said, as she chewed on a piece of a pancake. “What were you two doing this morning?”

We hadn’t really talked about what we’d reveal to Marjorie after the fact. But we needed to say something–it was evident that something had been afoot.

“We, uh, paid a visit over to Dan’s house this morning,” I said.

“Wh-why?” There was concern on her face. I wondered what was going through her head. Just what did she think we were actually capable of? “You didn’t…hurt him, did you?”

Heidi sighed and shook her head. That maternal look of “you’re far too innocent for this world.”

“We didn’t hurt him,” I said. “But we did have to teach him a, uh, lesson.”

“What…kind of lesson?”

“He needed to know that he can’t do mean things like that to good people like you,” Heidi said, putting her hand over Marjorie’s.

I looked at Heidi. “Should we show her? After breakfast?”

“After breakfast,” Heidi nodded. “And after I change her diaper.”

Marjorie blushed a little before nodding. I had been wondering what the end of our game was going to look like. I imagined it being as simple as Marjoire saying something like “No thanks, I think I’ll take care of my own diaper.” But apparently we weren’t there yet. Heidi and Marjorie both seemed invested still. I certainly was too, though I was pretty sure that when the game finally did end, I’d be the last to know.

“So, I’m leaving today,” I said, over breakfast. “I think I’ve done everything I wanted to at the cabin for the weekend, you know? I’m going to head back home.”

I didn’t ask the question, but it felt implied: “Marjorie, what is your plan?

Marjorie sighed and absentmindedly stirred her spoon around in her coffee cup. “I guess I should call my Mom or something.”

“Do you want to call your mother?” Heidi asked. “You don’t have to call her if you don’t want to. But you should probably figure out what you’re going to do.”

“Well…I don’t have, like, anything. I need clothes. And, uhm, diapers. And…things. I probably can’t ever go back to Dan’s place again. But I at least have stuff back at my Mom’s place, so…”

Heidi and I both looked at each other at the same time. Just as this wasn’t the first time that I had such a thought, I was certain that this wasn’t an epiphany for her either.

We both said the same thing at the same time: “You’re welcome to stay with me.”

There was a brief moment of dead silence before we all started to crack up.

“Please don’t make me choose,” Marjorie said. “I…I could never make that sort of choice. I just wish that, uh…” Her voice trailed off and her cheeks flared again.

“What do you wish?” I asked.

“I know that it’s not likely. And probably even asking for a lot. But I just wish…it could be like this forever, you know? The three of us?”

Heidi and I shared another glance. We didn’t need to say a word to each other to have an entire conversation. We could spend all day asking each other questions about why we never actually made a move to have a relationship sooner, or whose fault it was that we stopped communicating. But when you looked past that baggage, there was no denying that we really did see the potential for a good future together.

And, well, the idea of having a weird little family with Marjorie was rather tempting.

“Finish your breakfast, Margie,” Heidi said, her maternal tone sounding incredibly natural. “We can figure this stuff out later.”

Marjorie obediently did as she was told, going back to work on her plate. Meanwhile, Heidi and I’s eyes remained fixed on each other’s. We were smiling.

After the dishes had been washed, and the diaper had been changed, we were back in the minivan again, rolling down the Tradd County backroad as we headed towards Hendricks Hill. We still hadn’t told Marjorie what we were going to show her, and she had stopped asking as well. But the closer we got to the hill, the more that Marjorie’s smile seemed to grow. She seemed to know–or at least hoped she knew–what she’d be seeing soon enough.

“There,” Heidi said as the minivan slowed down at the bottom of the hill. She pointed out her window towards the white object amongst the trees off to the side of the road. Not far past the pair of pants and the boots that were still sitting in the ditch.

You didn’t have to look too hard to see Dan Trumbauer’s wriggling body–still bound to a tree in just a flannel shirt and white diaper. His head arched in our direction. There was that pacifier, still in its right place. He had the look of someone who had glanced over this direction many times already this morning. Had people been stopping? Pointing? Laughing?

For a moment, Marjorie didn’t say anything at all. And then, finally: “Is that what I looked like when you found me?”

I scratched my head. “Yes. But also, no.”

I couldn’t put my finger on how seeing Dan in this position looked different from when I saw Marjorie up there. And then I remembered what she had confided in me the night before: that there was a very small part of her that got a rush out of what Dan had done to her. And while I certainly hadn’t recognized that at the time–I could see the difference now as I stared out at Dan. I had never seen anyone in such a state of pathetic defeat.

Heidi stuck her phone out the window, snapping a few photos. She even zoomed in.

“I swear, the middle of his diaper looks…yellow,” she said to us.

“I believe that,” I said. “Looks like it’s sagging too. As best as I can tell.”

“Poor baby,” Marjorie said in a hushed tone–seemingly to herself.

“What do you think, Margie?” asked Heidi. “Has justice been served? Should we cut him down?”

I was already reaching for my pocket knife when Marjorie surprised me with her answer: “No.”

Heidi’s eyebrows lifted: “Are…you sure?”

“Do you think that was the only bad thing he had ever done to me?” Marjorie asked. “Someone with the capacity to tie someone to a tree naked? Or in a diaper? Because that wasn’t the only thing he had ever done to hurt me.”

I had questions. No doubt Heidi did too. Maybe someday we’d actually have a chance to ask them–though today certainly wasn’t going to be that day.

Heidi nodded. I nodded too.

“Let’s get out of here,” Heidi said. “Do you want to wave goodbye, Margie?”

“Just this,” she answered, sticking both hands out the window–middle fingers extended on both.

It was hard to shake the feelings of guilt that would occasionally wash over me as we drove back to the cabin. Were we anywhere else, I’d probably have felt bad about what we did that morning. But this was Tradd County. This was the closest Dan Trumbauer would ever get to answering for what he had done.

“Wet his diaper already,” Heidi muttered to herself. “How about that?”

“He’s not the only one,” Marjorie said.

“Already?” I asked. “Didn’t you just get a fresh diaper before we left the house?”

“Gus, she’s just a baby,” Heidi said.

“N-no…I didn’t use it yet. But I think I might soon. M-maybe, if we could get back to the cabin soon… I could use the potty?”

Her use of potty was deliciously juvenile to me. But the stress in her voice seemed to suggest that this would be more than just wetting herself.

“Just go,” Heidi said from the driver’s seat. “Let it out.”


“Oh come on now,” Heidi quickly said. “I’ve already seen you at your stinkiest. Just let it all out.”

Honestly, I expected more hemming and hawing from Marjorie. But Heidi’s words seemed to have flipped a switch in Marjorie’s head, because her worried expression was quickly replaced with a big goofy smile.

“I…can probably hold it a little longer.”

“You don’t have to,” I said. “You heard Heidi, right?”

“Mommy,” Heidi said. “She heard Mommy.”

There was an energy in the minivan. We were all practically salivating, waiting for Marjorie to do her dirty deed in her diaper. But it was more than that. Whatever game we had started, we weren’t ready to end it yet.

I found myself saying one of the most ridiculous questions I had ever asked in my life: “Do you have to make poopies in your diaper, baby?” But I didn’t flinch or cringe. It was such a rush to see the look of joy on Marjorie’s face when I asked.

“Y-yes, but…” She bit her bottom lip.

“Just do it,” I said.

The response came from her bottom, not her mouth. A muffled–but still quite loud–blort, accompanied by the sticky sound of a sizable mess squelching its way into vacant spots in her diaper as she remained seated.

“Holy… That was loud,” Heidi said, shaking her head.

“Well…that diaper’s not clean anymore,” I added.

“It’s okay. We can change it when we get home.”

“N-no,” Marjorie said, shaking her head.

“No?” I laughed. “What do you mean no?”

“She’s not ready to have her diaper changed yet,” Heidi said smugly. “And frankly, I’m not ready to change her yet either.”

We were pulling into the driveway of the cabin now. That energy we had been feeling–it seemed to be amplified every minute that we sat in the car. The three of us were like a powderkeg now, primed to explode.

“When we get inside,” Heidi continued, “Margie, I want you to…”

“Y-yes, Mommy,” Marjorie said. “I’ll do it. I’ll do anything.”

Heidi shot a quick glance in my direction, her eyes meeting mine. She didn’t have to actually say anything to me. Just like Marjorie, I found myself willing to do just about anything with the people in the car. Heidi’s smug grin suggested that she was on the same page.

I was pretty sure we didn’t just teleport from Heidi’s minivan into the bedroom–but I certainly don’t remember how we got from one place to another. It was as if I blinked, and when I opened my eyes, Marjorie was on her back on the bed, her clothes stripped away except for her absolutely filthy diaper.

Of course, I couldn’t see Marjorie’s pretty face–Heidi, nude herself, had already taken a seat upon it, and was in the process of getting eaten out. Her body gently bobbed up and down on the baby’s face, her tits bouncing in a way that I found to be rather hypnotic.

“Clean her up,” Heidi said to me, her voice low and breathy while Marjorie pleasured her. “Just a little. Just…enough.”

I could imagine myself needing a little more direction if we were outside of this fog of lust. But I felt like I got what she was suggesting. I tore open each of the diaper’s tapes and pulled down the front of it to reveal the swampy disaster within. As badly as I wanted to see Marjorie’s blushing cheeks as I assessed the damage, seeing her lips going to work on Heidi was even better.

“Hoo boy,” I said, adopting the most ‘daddy’ tone that I could summon forth. “Someone sure is a stinky little baby, huh?”

“It’s her,” Heidi moaned, pointing down. “This is the dirty little baby, right here.”

It was hard to be sure how Marjorie was reacting to our words, but I chose to believe her bodies writhing motions were signs of satisfaction.

I followed Heidi’s instructions and cleaned her up–but just a little bit. I took a wipe and wiped away any of the mess that had been squished into the front of the diaper. With that done, I folded the front of the diaper back over the stinking lump, keeping it tucked between her legs.

Heidi offered an approving nod before kicking her head back to let out a guttural moan. Translation: “I trust you know what to do now.

I sure did. I held Marjorie’s legs into the air, spread apart, and entered her wet and throbbing pussy. We quickly found our rhythm–all three of us at once. I’d thrust into Marjorie, who seemed to have found a way to transfer that energy into the magic she was performing with her mouth on Heidi. Heidi, in turn, would grind on Marjorie’s face–sending a series of shockwaves down the baby’s body, seeming to pulse around my cock. All whilst the putrid scent of the dirty diaper continued to permeate through the room. There was no doubt that, by the end of this, we’d all smell like we needed a good change and bath.

Marjorie would be the first to cum, or at least that’s what I assumed had happened. Her body began to shake and shudder so much that both Heidi and I paused for a moment. But when Marjorie’s hands grasped Heidi’s thighs to hold them in place–we knew to keep going as Marjorie tumbled deeper into pleasure.

Heidi would be next. She bit her bottom lip and let out an epic “Mmmmmmmfffff” as she arched her back. I could only assume she was squirting all over Marjorie’s face, because her face and Heidi’s thighs were suddenly covered in slick wetness.

And that had been enough to push me over the edge. I drained my cock deep into Marjorie, feeling her squirm and moan beneath me as I filled her up.

“Now then,” I said, slowly pulling myself out of her, and seeing the folded over diaper that concealed the massive mess that was still contributing a dense aroma to the room. “We really ought to get that diaper taken care of.”

“Come on, Daddy,” Heidi said. “We’ll do it together.”

It felt like a natural end point for our little game. I had to get back to real life sooner than later, and I needed to get the business with my father’s house sorted out. Too, having left a man tied to a tree in a diaper, it just seemed smart to get out of Tradd County before anyone could start pointing fingers in our direction.

Marjorie needed to move on, too. She needed to get away from Dan–away from Tradd County herself, perhaps–and start the next chapter of her life.

“Have you given any thought as to what you want to do next?” I asked her as we loaded some bags into the back of my car–mostly belongings of my father’s that I wanted to keep for myself.

“Well, I guess I’m going to call my Mom and…”

“You should just come home with me,” I blurted out.

“But…” She tried to keep a straight face, but there was no hiding that smile. “Are you sure? Because we don’t actually know each other that well.”

“Let’s get to know each other, then,” I said. “If it doesn’t work out, you move on. Which is what you have to do anyway. At least this way you have a guaranteed place to stay while you figure it out.”

She lunged forward and wrapped her arms around me tightly. “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

“Of course.”

“But, I should warn you.”


“I’m not potty trained yet,” she shrugged.

“I don’t think it’ll be an issue,” I said.

“What about Heidi?”

“What about her?”

“Do you think she’ll leave?”

I shrugged. “She has roots planted here. But…yeah, it’d be nice if she changed her mind, wouldn’t it?”

Right on cue: “My ears are burning,” Heidi said, carrying some more things to put into the back of my car.

“I, uhm, am going to stay with Gus for a little while,” Marjorie said.

“That’ll be good for you,” Heidi said. As best as I could tell, she sounded genuine. “That’ll be good for the both of you.”

“I want you to come with us,” Marjorie added.

Heidi nodded and sighed, running a hand through her hair. “Yeah, I…” It seemed like she was going to make an excuse, but she stopped herself. “You know, I’ve been thinking about leaving Tradd County too.”

This came as a surprise to me. “Really?”

She shrugged. “If I ask myself what makes me happy anymore, I’m not sure that it’s me living by myself in the heart of this place.”

“Well, if you ever decide to leave, I have a place you can stay.”

“Can my goats come?”

“Goats and diapers,” I chuckled. “Maybe my place isn’t big enough for all that.”

“Well, if you need to find a better place, maybe I can help with that?”

Meanwhile, Marjorie’s little feet were practically dancing with excitement as she heard us talking. It was hard to ignore her energy–maybe because Heidi and I were feeling it too.

“We’ll figure it out,” I said. I wasn’t just talking to Heidi–I was talking to Marjorie too. Maybe I was even talking to myself.

We all knew what we wanted, and for the first time it seemed like we might have been on the same page too.

Later, we’d say our goodbyes to Heidi. None of us seemed all that sad about it, though. It didn’t feel like we were saying goodbye for an extended amount of time. This was just temporary. Soon enough, we’d figure something out. And then, fingers crossed, we would all be together again.

The drive out of Tradd County was mostly quiet for a while. We both seemed to be studying the world around us as we drove through it.

“What would you say was the best thing about Tradd County?” Marjorie finally asked.

I had to mull the question over for a few minutes.

“Maybe it’s the fact that it shows you all the things you don’t want? I know the person that I was when I lived here. I know the person I don’t want to be. This place inspires me to better myself.”

“Yeah,” she nodded. “Well said.”

“And what about you?” I asked. “What do you think the best part of Tradd County is?”

“Oh, I could probably just rip off your answer,” she shrugged. “But honestly? Probably the last smelly diaper I put in the trash back there. I’d take that over the rest of this shithole any day.”

“Ooh. I’d like to change my answer.”

We wouldn’t be around to see how it ended for Dan. Heidi had heard a few rumors circulating around the dive-bar scene, though. The first time she heard the story, it was framed as though Dan had been jumped and tied up as part of a robbery. This version of the story was the most sympathetic towards Dan–painting him as just a victim.

This would not be the version of the story that stuck around.

Future tellings would differ in a few ways. Sometimes it was one of his friends who found him. Sometimes it was a stranger. Sometimes the story was that people had to go looking for him because he didn’t show up at Whitetails that evening. Usually, Dan was found naked in these stories. Once, Heidi said, she heard a version where he was found in a diaper–a ‘well-used’ diaper, at that–but the story had been prefaced by: “Well, take this with a grain of salt, because it’s pretty hard to believe…

Heidi suspected that if she spent any time over at Whitetails, she’d hear a version of the story that was closest to the truth–a story so humiliating that Dan had to distance himself from anyone who had heard it. That was usually how all versions of the story ended: “He doesn’t really get out that much anymore, save for work and stuff like that.”

Sometimes I felt a little guilty about it. Most of the time I didn’t.

We eventually stopped talking about Dan. He wasn’t important anymore. We had other things to care about. We were building a future. I had to sell my father’s house. Heidi wanted to start the process of selling her farm. And the plan was to find a nice plot of land where we could finally settle down, together, and raise some goats.

And, of course, our little girl.




This story has been a favorite of mine and while I would love to see it continue I also think it’s perfect in how it ended.

Paul Bennett

This was a wonderful story. Thanks QH for writing it. Perhaps one we'll read a continuation. Or we can all speculate in our own way on what will happen with Mommy, Daddy and their adult baby girl, and all the antics they'll get up to.