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Why hello there!

How have the April showers been treating you? Hopefully no leaks in anything other than your diaper…

Things have been good here, thanks for asking. As always, I’m working on future stories to delight and titillate. I think there’s some pretty good stuff on the horizon…though I suppose I’m a little biased. Hopefully you’ll feel the same way!

Let’s take a look at what’s been happening around the nursery as of late, as well as what we can be looking forward to in the near-future:

  • Doing Business: Memorandums wrapped up last week, and I want to thank everyone who read, liked, and/or commented on it. I wasn’t sure how it’d go over with everyone, but all the feedback I’ve gotten seemed quite positive. I think I’ll be doing this again between seasons 3 and 4 of Doing Business.
  • Speaking of: Season 3 of Doing Business starts this Friday! The misadventures of Clark continue. He’s back from his business trip with Ms. Heller and he’s ready to get back to work. You know…filling his diaper for Mommy? While I didn’t initially intend for it to be this way, it ended up being the longest season of the series so far. I can’t wait for you to read it! 
  • For Tier 3 subscribers, the second half of Do Better drops next week! I was pleased with the reaction to the first part, so I’m hoping y’all dig the second half just as much.
  • We’re halfway through Stupid Baby Story Club right now, and the next chapter will post in early May. Again, this was sort of a test to see how well a story like this would do. I’d love your feedback on this one. There’s lots of room to continue this story after Chapter 6, but only if it's something you want more of.
  • Hey, did you know that subscribing to my Patreon gets you access to a Discord server? Well…it does. Admittedly, it can be kind of quiet at times–but I do drop by when I can to chit chat about stories, video games and whatever else. I’d love it if you joined us for a conversation!

Lastly, I just want to thank all of you for continuing to support me and my writing. It’s not lost on me that everything is expensive right now, and it’s getting harder to stretch that diaper money. But it’s very encouraging to see folks stick around still, as well as the new and returning subscribers. I appreciate all of you very much.

As always, feel free to drop me a line. Say hi. Say bye. Gimme some feedback. I’m here working for you, and I want you to get what you want.

I’ll see ya around.

Stay naughty,


PS: Oh yeah, here's a little peak at the new season...


Paul Bennett

I like the Stupid Baby Story Club vignettes and would like to see that continue.


I have fallen for Stupid Baby Story Club. It's unique and I wish I had a group like that to go to lol.