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One: A Day with Ava

[Note from QH: The timing for this story is, vaguely, between the end of the first season and the start of the second.]

7:15 AM

“I had to throw out some english muffins this morning because they went stale. The package wasn’t even opened yet. And then I looked at the milk in the fridge and that’s barely been touched. I’m going to bet that if I look at the box of cereal in the cabinet, that’s still sealed shut. Seriously, Ava, are you even eating breakfast? I keep buying you this food, only to have to throw it away because you ignore it.”

Which answer was worse: that Ava was eating breakfast–it just wasn’t the food that her mother was buying? Or what her breakfast actually consisted of?

Neither sounded like particularly great answers. “Sorry.”

“Breakfast is the most important meal of the day,” her mother said, hands still on her hips. “That’s what they say.”

Who were they? Were they big-breakfast? Big corporations who said things like that so parents stocked up on breakfast foods?

“I know, I know,” Ava said. “I, uh, just get so busy in the morning and…”

“You used to eat breakfast everyday,” her mother said, shaking her head. “And ever since you started at that job in the city, you never do. Please don’t tell me you’re spending all your money on overpriced lattes and muffins at the chain coffee shops.”


“So you’re just…not eating?”

“Uhm…my office serves us breakfast,” Ava said, shrugging. It was sort of true.

“What are they serving you?”

Please, Mom. Don’t make me have to keep lying. “You know…all kinds of stuff. …Milk?”

“Milk? They serve you milk? Sweetie, that’s not breakfast. You need more than milk.”

“I promise. I’m getting breakfast.”

“So should I stop buying breakfast food for the house?”

“I mean…maybe it’d be good to have around on the weekends. Maybe just buy less of it? During the week, I’m all set.”

“I worry about you, Ava.”

“I know, Mom. But I’m a big girl.”

Sort of.

Ava was wearing a diaper as she said that to her mother–a wet diaper, at that. Soon, she’d be grabbing her backpack and heading out the door to go to work, where she’d be breastfed by her boss. None of that supported her claims of being a ‘big girl.’

Actually, it was a bit of a miracle that her mother didn’t know more about Ava’s secret life at work. As far as Ava knew, her mother was never the nosiest of mothers–she seemed to respect Ava’s privacy and autonomy as a blossoming adult. But that trust had left Ava with the takeaway that she could be a little lazier. Her diapers weren’t all that well hidden. There was probably a pacifier sitting on her nightstand. And eventually, her mother would ask why Ava never had panties in her laundry basket.

On top of that, she had been wearing diapers pretty regularly, even when she wasn’t at work. These weren’t thin and discrete undergarments–these were giant diapers that were as fluffy as they were crinkly. She sometimes wondered if she was daring her mother to notice. Did she just want the curtain to be pulled back so that she didn’t have to make the effort–no matter how small–to hide who she was now?

Ava felt she knew her mother well enough that she’d be able to tell if her mother did know. As of right now, that didn’t seem to be the case.

But it seemed inevitable.

7:40 AM

Ava’s mother often asked if Ava was looking to date anyone–a question asked so often, it had devolved into the simple query: ‘Any prospects?’ Translated from the language of maternal love, it meant, roughly: ‘Hey, I love you, but you’re getting a little bit older and I wonder when you’re going to get move out, find a partner, get married, have children, and–eventually–take care of me after I retire.’ Not an exact translation, but this is what it often felt like.

Worse, the question had embedded itself in Ava’s psyche, and she found the question bubbling up in her thoughts regularly these days.

Like as she walked down the street to the subway station to go to work. Any prospects?

No, probably not. Yes, she was in love. But it was a different sort of love than the kind reserved for boyfriends. Or…girlfriends–she hadn’t quite figured out how she felt about that yet. But she knew love. And it was, as most romantic things are, complicated.

Neve Beaufort, Vice President of Product Development. A transplant from Toronto, with her mother actually having spent most of her life in Paris–which probably explained Neve’s spellbinding accent. Two short years ago, Ava had been called into Neve’s office for a meeting that would change the course of her life forever.

Amusingly enough, Ava couldn’t even remember how that conversation went. In fact, she’d often try to imagine what conversation could’ve convinced her to start wearing diapers and suckling from her boss’s breasts, but none ever seemed all that plausible. Maybe I was drugged. Hypnotized. Magic? It didn’t really matter to her much now–this was just how it was these days. She was a baby.

Any prospects?

Well, there was this newish boy in the office named Clark. The two even had a bit in common already–with him being in diapers himself.

Two people, roughly the same age, made to wear diapers and act like infants at work–maybe that was a recipe for some sort of connection. Make no mistake, Ava liked her arrangement with Ms. Beaufort. But it wasn’t like she could tell other people about it. But she could talk to Clark about it, and he’d know exactly what she was talking about. Plus, he was cute. Kind. He seemed to genuinely care about people. Who knows–she might have had a crush on him even if he wasn’t wearing diapers.

Alas, he seemed a little too far up Ms. Heller’s bottom to be able to reciprocate those feelings. Not that she could blame him–it looked like a nice place to be. She had fantasized a few times about visiting Ms. Heller’s ass herself.

Any prospects?

No, probably not. And that was fine. She’d just live her best baby life until she couldn’t anymore.

8:55 AM

“Good morning, Darling. I do adore that skirt on you.” Ms. Beaufort was waiting at her office door, as she usually was in the morning, waiting for Ava.

“Thank you,” Ava said, blushing a little. She had hoped Ms. Beaufort would’ve noticed–she bought the cream-colored skirt because she knew Ms. Beaufort would’ve approved.


The question would never not make Ava blush. Too, Ava would always be hungry for Ms. Beaufort’s milk.


“Well then, let’s have a look at your diaper first...”

Ava was already turning herself around and bending over–she knew the routine by now. She felt Ms. Beaufort lifting the back of her skirt into the air so she could closely examine Ava’s diaper. A hand felt and cupped the padding–part of the inspection, but a part that always gave Ava’s nerves a pleasurable little tingle.

“Just a little wet,” Ms. Beaufort reported. “I suspect this one will last a little longer, what do you think?”

“You’re probably right,” Ava said.

Truth be told, Ava was never the best judge of how close to capacity her diapers were. She had a bit of a reputation–first with Ms. Beaufort and now with Lyndie–for being prone to leaks. Rarely ever was it a severe leak–just little damp patches in her pants or skirts. But any leak could prove dangerous while in the office. Ms. Beaufort would try to put Ava’s mind at ease when a little leak had sprung, saying things like: ‘Nobody walks around the office staring at other people’s asses.’ It was nice to hear, but she didn’t believe it to be true.

“On second thought,” Ms. Beaufort said, shaking her head, “I feel like I’m going to regret that later when you come back to my office with a wet spot on the back of your skirt. And with that color skirt? I think it’d be a bit obvious. I’ll feed you first, and then change your diaper.”

“Yes, of course,” Ava said, obediently nodding.

“So if you’ve got anything left in you, you might as well fill the diaper now.”

Ava had another reputation, too–incredibly stinky diapers. Ava didn’t actually believe that her soiled diapers smelled that much worse than anyone else’s would’ve, but maybe she just lacked the experience to know better. She suspected that people just said this to her because they knew how badly it embarrassed her to hear it.

But this reputation–truly earned or not–had given her a little anxiety about using her diapers at work. She had heard the stories about Clark being made to tromp around in his smelly pants, and she was thankful that Ms. Beaufort had never expected the same from her. If Ava was going to mess herself in the office, this was probably the time to do it.

“We’ve got a busy day,” Ms. Beaufort said. “Let’s get it started.”

This was a pretty standard start to the day, Ms. Beaufort planting herself on the far end of the small sofa in her office, unbuttoning her blouse and loosening her bra, while Ava positioned herself across the rest of the sofa–her head supported by Ms. Beaufort’s hand as Ava latched onto the nipple. As Ava began to suckle, Ms. Beaufort took a moment or two to settle herself with a gentle moan before going over the day’s itinerary.

“We have that meeting with, uff, Paul Fellows over on the 4th floor today. I’m grateful for how hard, mmm, you tried to get that meeting cancelled or rescheduled, but it’s not your fault the man is so damn stubborn. Honestly, it’s probably for the best we get this meeting over with. The sooner we talk to him, the, mmf, longer we have until the next time we have to discuss expense accounts.”

Ava gave an approving moan directly into Ms. Beaufort’s tit as she continued her meal.

“There’s another meeting this afternoon with the creative team. I’m not sure why we were invited to this one, it’s regarding projects that we, ohh, aren’t going to be responsible for. But that’s fine–I do love a meeting we can daydream our way through.”

Another subtle, wet, mumble from Ava’s lips.

“Careful down there,” Ms. Beaufort said, gently stroking Ava’s hair with her free hand. “I didn’t put your bib on you today, and I’d hate to see you dribble all over your top.”

Few things made Ava blush as much as needing a bib wrapped around her neck before she began to suckle from Ms. Beaufort’s dress. Even the mention of it now had turned her cheeks a lovely shade of fuschia.

“Anyway,” Ms. Beaufort continued, getting back on topic, “it’s looking like a pretty standard day. If you haven’t finished compiling the numbers from the, errm, sales team yet, I was hoping to have them ready by tomorrow morning. Do you think that’s doable?”

“Mmhmm,” Ava answered, face still pressed tightly against her breast.

“Very good. Now then, let’s finish feeding you so we can get on with our day. Oh–and don’t forget to finish filling up your diaper.”

Ava made a half-hearted effort to push on her bowels, but the tank seemed empty for now. Probably for the best. But another wetting seemed quite possible, and she allowed herself to flood her already-moist diaper. Ava had long maintained that using her diaper while breastfeeding was a pleasure unlike any other–near orgasmic at times. Someday, she hoped, she’d reach climax just from pissing her diaper while sucking from Ms. Beaufort’s chest.

“I know that look,” Ms. Beaufort said. “Is someone piddling their pants?”

Ava offered a little nod.

“Thought so. Get it all out. We’ll get you into a fresh diaper and then we’ll get started on the less-fun parts of our day.”

11:15 AM

“What are you doing for lunch today?” Lyndie asked.

Ava had made few friends in the post-college world, and she resigned herself to the fact that she wasn’t going to build a new social network in the office while wearing a diaper. Maybe this was why she had been so excited about the new addition of Clark and Lyndie to her world. Clark was, well, a cute boy–and it had been a while since she was excited about one of those.

Lyndie was something else, though. She was cool. Calm and collected. Compassionate, but snarky. She was the big sister Ava had always wished she had–even if she was pretty sure that Lyndie was younger than she was.

Sometimes, Ava just wanted to be sitting in front of a TV that played a trashy reality TV show while her and Lyndie stared ahead in pajamas. Sometimes, she wondered what Lyndie’s lips tasted like.

“I, uhm, didn’t have any plans,” Ava responded.

“Not milk?” Lyndie teased.

“N-no…that was breakfast.”

“Good. How about you and me go grab some pizza for lunch.”

“That sounds great,” Ava said, tapping the imaginary brakes so that she didn’t sound too excited. “I assume that Clark is coming?”

“I’ve had enough of him and his smelly bottom for today.”

Ava wasn’t exactly sure what the context was for this gripe, but she could use her imagination a little.

“I promise I won’t, uh, stink.”

Lyndie snort-laughed and nodded. “All I’m asking for is an hour without having to smell someone’s dirty diaper. You can handle that, right?”

Ava shrugged. “Pretty sure.”

12:10 PM

Ava was in no rush to touch her steaming-hot pizza. First hand experience had taught her to be wary of the catastrophic damage the hot cheese would do to the roof of her mouth.

Lyndie, on the other hand, either had no regard for the safety of her mouth, or she had a mouth like a furnace–capable of ingesting fiery hot coals if she had to. There was no hesitation on her part, she simply lifted the slab of molten cheese and sauce and shoved it into her mouth. No flinching. No obvious pain. No expression that would suggest that she had made a terrible mistake. Ava was in awe.

“So,” Lyndie said, swallowing the last of her initial bite of pizza. “Is it weird that I don’t know that much about you? I’ve changed your diapers, and yet I have no idea what you’re into.”

The statement was offered with such blase indifference that it took Ava a moment to realize that she had just openly talked about her diapers at the pizza place. Her cheeks were glowing, but she did her best to match Lyndie’s nonchalant tone.

“Y-yeah, that is pretty funny,” she replied. “Well, what do you want to know? You’ve seen the worst of me, I guess. Seems like there’s no point in hiding anything else.”

“The worst?” Lyndie asked, grinning mischievously. “I’ve heard about the putrid diapers you’re capable of. I haven’t experienced that just yet.”

Ava shrugged, her cheeks turning a deeper pink. “Uh, yeah, Ms. Beaufort does seem to like to tell people that… I’ve never really had anything to compare it to though. Maybe Ms. Beaufort hasn’t either. And so if Clark is going to be messing his diaper too…”

“Oh, this is a good idea,” Lyndie said, nodding as she started chewing her next bite. “We’ll have a stink-off to see which baby makes a more revolting diaper.”

“I don’t think I’d want to win that.”

“I’m making a note of this in my phone,” Lyndie said, quickly tapping away at the screen of her phone. “But go on, I still want to know more about you. Favorite…band?”

“I usually tell people it’s The Beach Boys.”

“But your actual favorite band is…”

Ava cringed a little. “BTS?”

“I don’t think I know what that is.”

“The, uhm, K-Pop boy band?”

“Oh right,” Lyndie said, chuckling behind her hand. “Well…I mean, you like what you like…”

“Their songs are catchy,” Ava said, sounding like she was trying to justify it to herself too. “I don’t know. It’s a guilty pleasure.”

“There’s no such thing,” Ava said. “If it brings you pleasure, it’s just a pleasure. You shouldn’t be made to feel guilty about it.”

“I guess I could say the same for diapers…”

“Find them to be pleasurable, do you?”

“Maybe,” Ava said. “It’s not just diapers, though. It’s everything–the big picture. The coddling and the way that Ms. Beaufort takes care of me.”

“The breastmilk?”

Ava laughed, seeming to shake some of the nervous energy she had at the start of her meal. “Oh my god. It’s my favorite thing in the entire world. You have to try it.”

Now it was Lyndie who was blushing a little. “Me? Oh, I dunno. I’m not a, uh, baby myself and…”

“I’m positive that I could convince Ms. Beaufort to let you try sometime. If you wanted.”

“I’ll think about that.”

“Please do,” Ava said.

“Back to you, though. Live alone?”

“No. I live with my mother.”

“That sounds…dangerous. You don’t go waltzing around the house in a diaper, do you? Or…does she know?”

“No, she doesn’t know,’ Ava said, sighing a little. “Or, at least, I pray that she doesn’t know. I try to be careful around her, but…I know I’m slipping a little. Getting a little too comfortable with my role as baby, you know?”

“That makes sense,” Lyndie replied.

“What about you?” Ava asked. “I feel like I don’t know you all that well myself. Do you live alone?”

“Not yet,” Lyndie said. “But I’m working on it.”

“This sounds interesting.”

“I’m living with my ex. We just broke up a few weeks ago. He swears he’s trying to get a new place to live but it seems to be taking forever.”

“Oh jeez,” Ava said, shaking her head. “That sounds terrible. Do the two of you get along?”

“Not especially,” Lyndie laughed. “Even that foundation of friendship gets trashed when someone cheats on you.”

“I’m so sorry. I hope you get out of that situation soon.”

“Me too. I suspect he’s going to be gone sooner than later. If I’m being honest, I’ve never been all that excited about living alone–but I think I’d prefer that to living with him.”

“Well, uh, if you do manage to get his ass out the door and you’re looking for a new roommate…”

“Yeah?” Lyndie asked, eyebrows raised as she smiled. “You’d be interested?”

“I’ve never lived on my own before, so I can’t promise I’d be the best roommate.”

“And you do smell bad. Supposedly.”

“I would never want to subject you to my diapers both in the office and at home, though.”

“I’m just teasing,” Lyndie said. “I love the idea, personally. If you’re serious, that’d only give me more ammunition to push my ex out the door.”

“I think…I’d really like that,” Ava said, nodding and smiling as she imagined the perfect world where she got to live with someone as cool as Lyndie.

“I think I’d like that too,” Lyndie replied.

1:35 PM

“We’re due in that meeting with creative in a few minutes,” Ms. Beaufort said from behind her desk. “How are you doing on the reporting from sales? If you need the extra time to get that done, I’m thinking you don’t have to join me at this meeting.”

“All done,” Ava said proudly. “I just shared the file with you a few minutes ago.”

“Good girl,” Ms. Beaufort replied, smiling wide. “And your diaper?”

“Damp,” Ava said.

“Bend over, love. I should probably check it again now. That meeting is going to be a long one.”

3:40 PM

“I thought that meeting was only supposed to be a half hour long,” Ava said to Ms. Beaufort as they quickly marched down the hall towards Ms. Beaufort’s office.

“Almost two hours!” Ms. Beaufort exclaimed. “Such a waste of time.”

“I, uhm… I think I might have…”

“Why do you think we’re walking so quickly?” she said to Ava. “You’ve got a damp spot on the back of your skirt. How much did you wet yourself during that meeting?”

“I had a lot to drink at lunch, I guess.”

“Tsk tsk,” Ms. Beaufort clucked, sounding only half-sarcastic. “I’m wondering if I need to get you thicker diapers.”

“I…I dunno about that. These are pretty loud as is.”

“I think about it. But what’s the point of diapers if you’re going to keep leaking through them?”

“Why don’t you head down to the nursery. Let Lyndie take care of you. I would, but…I’m expecting a guest or two in my office in a few minutes.”

“S-sure,” Ava replied.

3:50 PM

“Oh, come on,” Lyndie cooed. “It won’t be that bad.”

“No way! I’m not just going to…poop myself for your pleasure.”

“You wouldn’t be doing it just for my pleasure,” Lyndie shrugged. “You haven’t pooped all day, right?”


“So you probably have to go. And you’re in the nursery already. Why not just…do it.”

“I don’t know,” Ava said. “It would be so weird. Having someone watch me…go?”

“Do you know how many times I’ve watched Clark fill his diaper?”

“R-really? How many times?”

“Well, maybe just once or twice. But that still seems like enough. I promise, this will stay between you and me. Just fill up your diaper, and then we’ll get you onto the changing table and into something fresher.”

“You’re…not going to make fun of me?”

“Oh, I might do that,” Lyndie laughed. “But I’m going to take care of you too.”

With a little more coaxing, and a number of sighs, Ava found herself squatting in the center of the nursery, pushing a sizable log into the back of her diaper. She groaned and grunted as she pushed, all the while, catching glimpses of Lyndie’s smiling face from the corner of her eye.

5:15 PM

Ava walked down the street, heading towards the subway station. Another day down.

Usually, this walk was a peaceful one–a time to distance herself from the chaos of the workday, while centering herself in preparation for another night of wearing diapers at home without her mother finding out.  Today, however, she had a lot to think about. Stink-offs–whatever they were. The possibility of thicker diapers. Pooping her pants with an audience. And Lyndie.

The idea of being able to live with Lyndie was very exciting. Living with her mother had been fine, but it had also been a little stifling. There had been little growth. Little finding herself. She needed to blossom. She needed to…grow up.

While wearing diapers, of course. Ava wasn’t ready to give those up anytime soon.

7:15 PM

“How was work today?” her mother asked.

Neither had ever planned for it to be like this, but a routine had developed over the last few years. Ava would come home from work, change into some more comfortable clothes, and then they’d have dinner together. Then, her mother would put a kettle on the stove and make some tea for them. Over a cup of hot tea, and usually with some dessert of some sort, they’d talk about their days.

Tonight, they were splitting a sticky bun.

“It was, uhm, good,” Ava answered, glazing over the leaking diaper and stinky mess of her afternoon.

Ava wanted to bring up the prospect of moving in with Lyndie, but she decided she wasn’t ready for that conversation just yet. It might have been too soon, for one–Lyndie didn’t even have the vacancy just yet. But, also, Ava wasn’t sure how her mother would take the news. Surely she knew that Ava would have to move out at some point, but that didn’t make the conversation any easier.

“I wanted to ask you about something,” her mother said.

“Hmm?” Ava replied, a little absentmindedly. She was thinking about what her imaginary room in Lyndie’s apartment would look like.

“I had to go into your room today. I didn’t want to snoop around or anything, but I thought you might still have the vacuum cleaner in your room.”

Now she had Ava’s attention.

“Oh, right,” Ava said, cautiously. “I should’ve returned that to the closet the other day. I assume you found it?”

“I did,” her mother said, nodding. “But I also found some other things that didn’t make a lot of sense to me.”

Ava’s heart pounded in her chest. “Oh? Like…what?”

“Diapers? Pacifiers?”

Red alert. Red alert. This was the moment that Ava had been trying to prepare herself for since the very first night she wore a diaper home from work. But no amount of stressing or thinking about it had ever prepared her for the actual moment her mother confronted her about it.

“Ava…are you one of those people who like to dress up as a…baby?”



D. Karch

QH, This is one of the Best interludes of the whole story. It's been awhile since you had mentioned Ava in any more than a few words. I was always hoping that you were going to include her in more of the plot line, but she wasn't integral to Clark's story I guess. Anyway, this was Soo Awesome to get a look behind the curtain on Ava's life as it's interesting how she lived with her mom and that she was infatuated with her Mommy/Boss. In the future I hope We All can get more of Ava's life in the story, maybe Mommy Heller and Mrs Beaufort have a sleepover, or maybe a long day of work, with their pets.


I hope you continue the conversation with her mom. And Ava and Lindy would be a great reason to make more content