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You have [ONE] new voice mail:

“Hey Clark, it’s Ava. About last night…maybe we can talk about it sometime soon? Whenever you’re ready. You know where to find me.”


The haze of the rapidly-approaching trip with Ms. Heller had consumed almost all of my thoughts. There were other things that I should’ve been thinking about, but they had been pushed to the backburners of my mind. The burners way in the back.

I had listened to Ava’s voicemail that morning in my apartment before going to work. I was not only surprised that she reached out so soon, but that she reached out at all. I was kind of hoping the moment she was referring to–an all-too brief blip at the very end of her visit to my place–would’ve just been forgotten or disregarded.

I did want to talk to her. I just didn’t know what I was going to say yet. And there were just so many things on my mind…

“As much as I’d love to take you aboard a flight in your current state,” Ms. Heller said, her hand reaching between my legs to squeeze the bloated diaper that held her piss, “perhaps it’s time to get you into a fresh diaper.”

I had been shadowing her most of the morning, watching her every move and taking notes. She took calls and meetings. Sent emails. Consulted charts and graphs, all while pointing out the key details for an assistant like myself. Most of that time had been spent behind her desk with her, without pants–just marinating in the soggy padding of Mommy’s doing. Even when Ms. Beaufort came to visit.

“If you think that’s for the best,” I said.

She laughed, shaking her head. “You’re almost too much of a pushover sometimes, Baby. Which isn’t a complaint–to be clear. But eventually you’ll need to use a diaper for yourself. And this one feels about a drop away from being the Exxon Valdez. For your sake, and my sake–and the sake of everyone else on our plane later–I think a new diaper is in order.”

She was right, of course. I simply wasn’t ready to take off this diaper yet. I didn’t have a choice in the matter, however, and she once again changed me on the floor of her office. I was tempted to ask her if I could keep the old diaper. I had no idea what I’d do with such a thing…maybe just hold it in my hands. Maybe I’d sniff at it. It just felt like a crime to throw away something so steeped in her pee.

I said nothing, of course. There was no shortage of things for her to humiliate me with. I’d be doing myself no favors by adding another to the list.

“We’ll have to leave soon,” she said. “You brought your bag with you?”

“Yes, Mommy,” I said, nodding. “It’s at my desk.”

“And what all did you bring?”

“Not much…”

“Perfect,” she said, smiling.

Soon, my pants were finally back on, I was shutting down my work computer, and I was grabbing my bookbag.

This was it. Into the great unknown, led by the hand by my boss-turned-Mommy.

I suddenly remembered Ava’s voicemail. I quickly typed out a text to her:

“Hey. I’m not ignoring you. Just been busy this morning. And about to go to the airport with Ms. Heller soon. I don’t know when I’ll have a chance to chat. But I don’t want you to think you’re being ignored.”


Her response came swiftly:

“Don’t worry about it. Everything’s good. Have a safe trip, and I’ll see you when you come back.”

I didn’t believe her, nor did I want that to be the end of the conversation. Sadly, I’d just have to come back to this later and hope that she’d be willing to revisit this.

“How are you feeling?” Ms. Heller asked me as her Range Rover rolled out of the parking garage and onto the highway. We still had a 45 minute drive ahead of us to get to the airport.

That was a complicated question, but I took my best shot at summing up the answer: “Anxious. But, tentatively, excited.”

“For as good at being a baby as you are, you’re still too adult sometimes too.”

“H-how so?”

“Anxieties? Babies don’t have those.”

“Maybe they do,” I said. “That’s why they’re crying all the time.”

She laughed–a genuine and hearty chuckle. “Are you usually funny? I don’t know if I’ve ever thought of you as a particularly funny baby.”

“I have my moments,” I said. “But I don’t think I’m known for being particularly funny all the time.”

“What are you known for?” she asked.

“As of late? Uh…messing my diaper.”

I scored another laugh from her. “Fair enough.”

Truth was, this was what I had been looking forward to the most–these moments where it was just her and I, talking. No elaborately humiliating scheme. No other people. Just the two of us, talking.

“I’m going to be taking care of you,” she said. “Did I not say that enough? What else can I do to ease your anxieties?”

“I’m good,” I said. “Really. I just had a long night and…”

“Ava and Lyndie came over to your place, is that right?”

“Y-you know about that?”

She laughed, her gaze still set on the road ahead of her. “Is that really all that surprising, Baby? I know everything. It’s my job to know. I’m Mommy.”

“I didn’t realize that…”

“Ava tells Neve every little thing she does. Ava farts into her diaper, and Neve probably gets a three-paragraph report about it in her email within 10 minutes. So, of course, she told Neve yesterday that she was invited over to your apartment yesterday. And, in turn, Neve told me.”

“I…I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you myself. I didn’t think that you’d want to know…”

“You’ve been under no obligation to tell me what you do in your life outside of work,” she said. “Did you have a good time?”

I sighed. “I had a good time…”

“I feel a ‘but’ coming.”

“I-it’s nothing…”

“Oh come now, Baby. That’s what mommies are for, yes? To listen? Comfort? No matter how trivial you think your little problem is.”

I took a deep breath. I did want to talk about it with someone. In a perfect world, maybe I’d have shared this sort of thing with Lyndie. Sure, she’d probably tease me a little. But she’d eventually listen. Such ‘big sister’ energy. In her absence, though, maybe Mommy really was who I should be sharing this sort of thing with.

“Ava kissed me last night.”

I watched her eyes widen as she continued to stare out the windshield. “Oh?”

“Well…she tried. I guess…she actually did kiss me–I just didn’t reciprocate?”

“No? Don’t you find her to be quite adorable?”

“Y-yes, of course I do. I think she’s very cute. And very nice. I-I just wasn’t expecting it and…I was afraid.”

“Afraid?” She laughed again, shaking her head. “Afraid of what? Ava might be the only person with a chance of being a bigger baby than you.”

“No, not afraid of her,” I said. I swallowed hard, not sure if I wanted to admit this aloud or not. But, here went nothing: “Afraid of you.”

“Hmm.” Ms. Heller took a beat or two to think about that as she drove. “I suppose we should unpack that, yes?”

I shrugged.

“Why on earth would you be afraid of me?”

“Because…I’m your…baby?”

“And that means you can’t be kissed by other girls?”

“I don’t know,” I said, shaking my head. “I just…I’m yours. You know?”

“Mm,” she moaned. “Well, fuck. That just melts me a little, if I’m being honest. Such dedication. You might have earned yourself a few minutes out of your cage tonight.”

That certainly got my attention. Just the thought of release made my cock attempt to expand, straining against the warm steel of the cage.

“Do you think that I’d forbid you from kissing someone else?”

I shrugged. “We never talked about it. And, given my track record with romance, I didn’t think that it was ever going to come up.”

“Do you have feelings for Ava?”

“She’s really nice,” I said. “I like her. But…it’s hard for me to have feelings for anyone right now when I’m so enamored by you, Mommy.”

“Sometimes I wonder if you’re a robot.”

“A…robot? Do you think that I sound…fake?”

“No, no, Baby. I simply mean that you say all the right things, all the time. It’s too good to be true.”

“I feel the same way about you,” I said. “For all the humiliation and embarrassment…it all still feels, surreally, too good to be true.”

She took a hand off of the steering wheel and reached over into my lap, squeezing the thick padding between my legs through my pants. Goddamn, I wanted release from this cage so badly.

“I’m glad you talked to me about Ava, Baby.”

“P-please don’t be mad at her. Or get her in trouble with Ms. Beaufort.”

“I could never be mad at Ava,” she said. “I’ll likely tell Neve. But only because we tell each other these sorts of things. Nobody’s going to be upset about it.”

I nodded.

“I have no opinion on you and Ava making little kissy-faces at each other, if that’s what you choose,” she said, squeezing my diaper again. “I understand that it’s not something you want right now. But maybe someday you will.”


Do I regret not kissing Ava back? Absolutely.

“Will you come to me if you change your mind?” she asked. “Will you come tell Mommy when you feel a special way about another little girl–whether it’s Ava or someone else?”

“W-would you like me to, Mommy?”


The very thought of such a conversation sent a shudder right through me. I could barely even imagine what that conversation would look like. “Mommy, may I please fuck Ava?

“You’re such a good boy.”

“I’m trying.”

“I showed another man the key to your cage the other day,” she said, apropos of nothing.

“Y-you did? Who?”

“Oh, you wouldn’t know him. Unless, of course, you’re up to date on all the hot-shot hedge fund managers in the city.”


“To be honest, he’s not really my type,” she said, shrugging. “He’s handsome and well-mannered and such. I’m sure he’s husband material. But I think I’m broken, because I just have little-to-no interest in a man who I don’t have to take care of.”

I turned back to face her again. I liked hearing her talk about herself.

“He’s a regular at my gym, though,” she continued. “So we see each other often. We do a fair amount of flirting. Which, you know, is whatever–I flirt with a lot of men. I’m good at it, and it gets me what I want quite often. But this guy–Rick–he’s probably the closest thing there is to a nice, normal, man who I’d actually entertain the idea of going on a date with. He’s vanilla, of course. Not even, like, french vanilla–whatever that is.”

“With french vanilla,” I said, “the ice cream is made with an egg custard.”

She laughed, and gave my diaper another playful squeeze. “What a smart little baby.”

I shrugged.

“We met up at the juice bar the other day,” she continued. “He bought me some sort of dragonfruit thing. Honestly, I don’t really get those healthy juices. No matter what you order, it always comes out looking green and tasting like bananas.”

“I…wouldn’t know.”

“Anyway, he sees this chain hanging around my neck, right? He asks if it has any special meaning for me.”

“D-did you tell him?”

“Even at my most flirtatious, Baby, I’m not one to lie. I hoisted your key right out of my cleavage and I showed it to him. I said that this key was for something very important to me.”

“What did he say?”

“Well, obviously, he wanted to know what was so important that it was locked up, with the key remaining in my position, and around my neck, at all times. And I told him the truth: I had locked up my new assistant’s little cock in a cage. I didn’t mention the diapers. Not this time.”

My heart was pounding. I felt humiliated, and I wasn’t even present for that conversation. It was with a man that I would, likely, never even meet.

“W-what did he say to that?”

She shrugged. “He laughed. He thought I was joking. He did admit that he didn’t quite get the joke, but I think he just assumed that I had some weird sense of humor. I didn’t correct him. I didn’t really care to. I could’ve shown him some pictures, I guess. But it didn’t seem all that important in the moment.”

A little sigh of relief from me.

“I may keep him around yet,” she admitted. “I doubt I’ll actually ever come around on having romantic feelings for him. But maybe I’ll have a use for him someday.”

“A use?” I asked.

“Sure. Maybe it’d be fun to fuck with him a little one night. Invite him over for a nightcap, and let him play with my pussy a little. Then, maybe, we hear a sound on the baby monitor. I tell him we should check on the baby. He, of course, would be confused–I’ve never mentioned having a baby before, you know? He follows me to the nursery. And there you are, lying on your back in your big diaper. All fussy because you’ve filled it to the brim.”

“I…I don’t know…” My face felt like it was melting off of my skull. I couldn’t breathe. Was it possible to feel both incredibly hot and incredibly cold at the same time?

She laughed. “I’m teasing you, Baby. I swear, it’s too easy.”

I took a few deep breaths and attempted to center myself again. The problem continued to be my locked up cock. I had never gone this long without being able to touch myself before, and the lack of relief seemed only to heighten every emotion and thought of mine.

Per the sign on the side of the highway, the airport was only a few miles away now.

“How’s your diaper holding up?” she asked.

“It’s dry, Mommy.”

“I’ll change you again at the airport, if you need it. Otherwise, you’ll be flying in the diaper you’re wearing now. Do with that information what you will.”

Sound advice. If I wanted to spare myself the potential humiliation of being stuck in a dirty diaper for the entire flight, my best bet was to use the diaper now.

And that was the thing about exclusively wearing and using diapers for the last few weeks–it seemed that I was just always on the verge of having another accident. My bladder was on call now. I could probably even summon something from my bowels if I really wanted to.

This was all her doing. She was making me into the perfect baby–the one who could fill their pants on demand. I liked that. I was proud of it, even. And when I began to pee in my diaper, feeling the warm pee get soaked up into the padding, I could barely contain my excitement for telling her what I had done.

But Mommy, per usual, was a step ahead of me.

“Does that feel good, Baby?”

“Y-yes, Mommy.”

“That’s a good boy. Don’t stop there. If we’re going to change your diaper anyway, you might as well get it all out of your system. What do you think, little boy? Can you push a stinky little mess into that diaper too? For me?”

“Yes, Mommy.”

“Good Baby.”

Two miles to go until the airport. Without a single thought as to where, or how, or when she’d change my diaper, I did the only thing I could think to do: filling my diaper because I wanted to make Mommy happy with me.




He's gonna have fun with TSA


I love this story