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‘Tis the season. Are you enjoying your pumpkin-spiced baby powder? Your maple-coated pacifier? Caramel apple…diapers?

Halloween is over, and I’m just going to go ahead and assume you were dressed as a baby when you went trick ‘r treating. Didja get as many compliments on your diaper as you got fun-sized Butterfingers?

I’ve been busy, of course, writing plenty of new stories. Let’s take a little peek at what’s coming up in the next few weeks, yeah?

  • A three-part story about…magic! More specifically, the consequences of magic. As you’ve probably seen, I don’t dabble in the fantastical all that often…and this story isn’t as fantastical as you might think it is. But, still, it was an idea I was excited to try to flesh out. If this story goes over well, I’d be tempted to write some more about the merging of diapers and magic. This one will be available to all Tier 2 and Tier 3 subscribers.
  • For just the Tier 3 babies: A story about opening up your relationship to a third person, and what happens when that new partner knows more about you than you’d like.
  • And, of course, plenty more Doing Business. As we get a little deeper into our second season, Mommy and poor little Clarky are taking a trip out of state. New friends. New humiliating situations. New toys in Mommy’s arsenal. After 20-some chapters in the office, I needed a change of scenery. I hope you enjoy this adventure. And don’t worry, we’ll eventually get back to the office, with plenty more naughty tales to tell.

A few other housekeeping tidbits:

  • There’s a new banner on the main page of the Patreon. Nothing too exciting, but the old one was always intended as a placeholder.
  • Made a few small changes to the QH Discord server. Mostly adding/deleting channels. I may open it up to the public (non-subscribers), mostly for the purposes of discussing ABDL writing. But Patreon subscribers would still have access to all channels, including some that won’t be available otherwise.
  • Actually, while we’re talking about Patreon, it isn’t seeing a whole lotta use. Which is fine–it’s nice just to have it around for anyone who wants to chit-chat. But this is just a reminder that it exists. If there’s any particular reason you’re actively avoiding the Discord, or if you wish something was different before you participated, reach out to me and let me know what you’re thinking. I’m open to suggestions.

And, finally, as we crawl through the third year of this Patreon, and I think about the great folks who’ve supported me along the way, I’d like to offer the chance to share my platform a little. Are you an ABDL writer? Artist/cartoonist? Film-maker? Picture taker? If you’re making ABDL content and you want to share it, say hi! I’d love to share your creativity with everyone else here, and help expose you to a wider audience.

That’s all I got today, kiddos. As always, if you have any ideas, suggestions, love letters, hate mail, or you just want to talk about comic books and/or good music, don’t hesitate to shoot me a message.

Stay naughty.




D. Karch
