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Well, folks. This week marks the last chapter of Doing Business and…

Oh wait. Sorry, I left out a few important words. Hold on, let me start over again:

This week marks the last chapter of the first season of Doing Business.

There’s more coming, I swear. Lots more. I’m currently writing chapters that are somewhere in the 30s.

I usually have a pretty good idea of what the bigger beats of a long story are going to be. For example, when writing Bottoms Up, I knew what I wanted the story arcs to be for Effie, Grace and Layne. I knew where I wanted them to end up–I just didn’t know how long it was going to take for me to get there.

Doing Business is a little different in that regard. I had a lot of short-term plans, but no long-term ones when I started writing it. I chose to run with that, mapping out a first “season” that would bring me to a point that felt like a natural end for one story arc, while setting up possibilities for new stories with the same characters.

Chapter 18 felt like a fitting end for the current story arc–but that’s all I’ll say about that for now, since you haven’t read it for yourself yet.

What’s next? Season 2, of course.

Doing Business is going to take a week off after this week’s chapter–giving me a little extra time to finish polishing up the next batch of chapters.

As for how long the story will be when it’s said and done? I have plans for at least one more season after the next one, which I’ll probably be working on by the time you’re reading chapters from Season 2.

I consider Doing Business to be one of the more successful stories I’ve written in the last few years–the positive feedback I’ve gotten across the platforms I’ve shared it on has been incredibly motivating. And, y’know, that’s pretty important with a story that’s this long. Believe it or not, I’m still not sick of typing the name ‘Lyndie.’

So, hey: Thank you. Thanks for reading. Thanks for hitting the heart icon. Thanks for leaving comments. Thanks for chit-chatting with me about the story in private messages and Dischord.

I hope you like what’s coming next just as much as you’ve liked what you’ve already read.

Stay naughty,




This story is so fantastic. I kinda never want it to end to be honest


It may be my favorite ABDL story ever, so that's good! It was the deciding point for me to get Patreon and start supporting you!