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I don’t remember the first ABDL story I ever wrote. But I do remember the first story I ever shared online–posted on a message board that has long since vanished from the internet. It was called something like It Happened on the 6th Floor. Maybe I got the floor number wrong.

The gist of the story was there was a young man who was frequently hiring a sex worker to come to his apartment to treat him like a baby. It was implied that this was not something the sex worker normally did, and she wasn’t really fond of it either.

Maybe she said something like: “Okay, I’ll do it again, but it’s going to cost extra.”

But this guy is also an asshole. He’s not grateful that she’s willing to go along with his strange desires–he’s rude and demanding, with no respect for her or her time.

And so, for her, enough is enough. No amount of money seems worth having to deal with his bad attitude. She ties him to the bed in only a diaper–which he sees no issue with, since it’s what he would’ve wanted her to do anyways. But instead of teasing and babying him–she just leaves. And he’s left tied to a bed, unable to escape himself. Eventually he’ll have no choice but to use his diaper. And, eventually, someone will find him in that state–tied up and in his soiled state.

That was the whole story.

I only remember one comment in response, and it was from someone who (at the time) I thought to be an influential person in the ABDL scene. And they said: “That story was too dark for me.”

I found that response to be weirdly inspiring. And I’ve been writing ever since.

And I won’t say how long it’s been…but it’s been a while. If you were born on the day I shared my first story online, you’re legally allowed to read the smutty stories I’m publishing today.

I try to write other things, I really do. I’ve got all sorts of ideas. A story about a barbarian, birthed by a dark ritual, who is unleashed upon an enemy army. A story about a young man who can communicate with his dead brother when listening to his brother’s records. A story about a narcoleptic police officer pursuing a criminal with insomnia. But those stories come harder to me. Even when I’m feeling really excited about one of those ideas, I struggle to get the words out as easily.

But diapers? Man, I can write about diapers all day.

So today marks the 2nd Anniversary of the Quietly Humiliated Patreon. But, obviously, I’ve been writing stories for a bit longer than that. One could argue that this anniversary feels a bit arbitrary–this Patreon is just another chapter in a much longer story.

I don’t think that’s the case, though. This Patreon account isn’t just more stories about people with stinky bottoms (but, you know, there’s an awful lot of that too). It’s a partnership. A community.

This isn’t a message board or forum, and it’s not social media. My stories don’t just show up in your feed because you clicked a button once three years ago. You’re reading these stories because you want to read them. You’ve gone out of your way, and pledged your hard-earned diaper money to me in exchange for these stories. And there hasn’t been a day that’s gone by in the last two years where I haven’t thought about that.

Whether you’ve been here since the beginning, a few months, or you just subscribed yesterday, you chose to support me. And, yeah, that’s different than me throwing my shitty story about a guy tied to a bed up on a message board and crossing my fingers that somebody reads it.

I write a lot. I’ve got a pile of stories ready to go for the weeks ahead. I’ve got a few that I’m working on. And I’ve got hundreds of abandoned stories that, for whatever reason, didn’t feel like they were worthy of your time and money. Sometimes I can pick out one of those stories and rehab it into something good, but usually they just sit there in the Story Graveyard. RIP.

All this to say: As much as I love doing this, I couldn’t do it without you. You’re motivating me. Your presence inspires me to write more–and the more of you there are, the harder I’ve worked to make sure I’m putting out the best stories I can.

Simply: Thank you.

Onwards to another year.

More babies, on the verge of tears, who are looking up at Mommy and hoping that she’ll change their dirty diaper.

More novice kinksters, caught in the act by someone who should not know they’re into dressing like a baby.

More pathetic spouses, forced to watch their partners get pleasured by a near-stranger, while they helplessly wet themselves.

More of whatever the hell it is you like. Honestly: Talk to me. Tell me what kinds of stories you like. Is there a type of story you’ve been hoping for but haven’t seen yet? More stories similar to your all-time favorite? Is there some kink you think I should try writing about? CLOWNS? Do you want me to write a story about a sexy clown? Let’s talk about it.

Right now, I’ve got to get back to working on this story. I can’t wait for you to read it.

Much love,




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