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I’m writing this from my new office. I'm completely moved into the new house. Unpacked? Well, no. But I’m working on that. Slowly. I need to not touch boxes for a week or two.

Pardon the mess. I swear, I’m working on it.

How are you? Good? Dry? Do you need a change? Come here and let me check…

Things aren’t quite “back to normal” yet around the nursery, but they’re closer than they’ve been in a few weeks. I was actually able to get some writing in this week too. And it felt real good to get some words down again. I’ve had a list of story ideas in my phone, and I was adding to it multiple times a day. There’s quite a few stories that I’m very excited to tell.

So as I catch my breath and get back into the writing routine again, I’d like to thank all of you who’ve stuck around for the last month. While the stories were being posted as usual, I know I’ve been behind in responding to comments, messages, and emails. I’ve read ‘em all, and I owe a few of you some responses.

We’ll talk again real soon–this month marks the QH Patreon’s 2nd anniversary, so you just know I’ve got things to say about that.

Stay naughty,



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