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This week, the cafeteria will be rolling out some tasty new options for us, including grilled chicken sandwiches and macaroni and cheese–made fresh daily.

And, by special request, animal crackers and apple juice have been added to the shelves near checkout.

“I…need to be changed, Mommy.”

She didn’t respond. Or, at least, she didn’t say anything. But I watched her smile grow. She was absolutely delighted with everything happening in front of her. I could see it in her eyes–this was the best case scenario. I was turning out to be exactly the person she wanted me to be.

She spun around abruptly and walked away from me, back to the supply cabinet she kept the supplies for big babies such as myself.

“I’m afraid you don’t get a choice on whether or not I use baby powder this time,” she said, setting down the items she had pulled out of storage for this diaper change.


She was ready for me, artfully plugging my mouth shut with the pacifier.

“Lie on your back, Baby. Let Mommy take care of your smelly bottom.”

I did so, slowly exhaling as my back reached the carpet. I wanted to spit out the pacifier and further protest the use of baby powder, but I found the pacifier’s presence in my mouth to be soothing and distracting. As intended.

“I know, I know,” she said, peeling back the tapes on either side of the diaper. “You’re afraid that you’re going to smell like a baby all day while you’re here in the office. But is that such a bad thing? Are you not just a baby?”

I wasn’t going to react. But if I was going to, I wasn’t sure if I would’ve nodded or shook my head.

“Besides,” she continued, “it’s probably better that you smell like a clean baby instead of the dirty little poopy-pants you smell like right now. Isn’t that right?”

I nodded that time. I wasn’t sure that I agreed with her or not, but it felt like the right answer.

“And everytime you catch a whiff of yourself today, I want you to think about how it’s because you’re a baby. And Mommy put all this lovely powder on you.”

I wished I could’ve reacted in a different way, but I was still learning how to cope with this surge of new and strange emotions that left me…very erect.

“Ah, would you look at who it is,” she said, playfully batting at my stiffness. “This little fella again. “Isn’t that interesting? Wearing an absolutely filthy diaper in the office of your boss, and yet you’re still hard as a rock.”

The temptation was strong to take out the pacifier and attempt to defend myself, but I wasn’t even sure what I’d say. Sorry for being turned on by being made to poop my pants.

Thankfully, she didn’t need me to respond. She grabbed my hand and led it to my cock. “You’ve given me enough to do with this little mess. I’ll let you take care of your silly little boy-needs yourself. But I’ll still watch.”

For a split second, I considered doing nothing. Despite the erection, I wasn’t sure that I wanted to further humiliate myself.

But I was wrong. By the time I realized that I was incredibly turned on by everything that was happening, I realized that my hand was already stroking my cock.

“That’s it,” she said. “Be a good little boy and make yet another little mess for Mommy to have to clean up.”

I stroked myself even harder, feeling the tense friction between my skin and the shaft.

“You like this?” she cooed. “Touching yourself while you lie in your smelly diaper? The one you pissed and shit in? Are you a dirty little baby?”

“Yes,” I moaned. “Y-yes…”

“Are you just a dirty little piggy? Mommy’s little piglet?”

“F-fuck… Yes! Yes, Mommy! Yes…”

“Say it,” she said. “Tell me what you are.”

“I…I’m a dirty little…piglet. Mommy’s stinky little diaper-pig. Mommy’s little…” But my mind went blank as I reached climax. The world around me went white and faded out of existence. It was just me, the thick mass between my legs, and the feeling of sticky goo running through my fingers and dripping down my shaft.

“I think you’re ready for a diaper change now,” she said, somewhere outside of the pocket dimension I was floating inside of.

When I fully came to again, I was standing up and fully dressed. I could feel the thickness of the new diaper in my pants, just as I could hear its crisp crinkles–unyet sullied by multiple wettings. The last few minutes had been obscured by fog. I was a little disappointed that I had been out-of-body as she actually changed the diaper, yet I suspected that I’d get plenty more opportunities to experience that later.

I took a sniff of the air. There were a lot of scents bombarding my nose at once. Baby powder. The lingering stench of my old diaper–now bundled up in a plastic bag on the floor. And sweat. My own, assumedly.

“Well now,” she said. “There you go. Changed and ready for another big day.”

With my hand on the doorknob, I realized that the pacifier was still in my mouth. I sheepishly let it drop from my lips and into my hand. It could’ve been just a silly oversight on my part, but I wondered if I’d see this exacerbate over time. It was a reminder that for as deep as I would fall into Ms. Heller’s wild world, I’d need to keep a foot in reality too.

I tried to hand the pacifier back to her, but she shook her head. “Why don’t you hold onto that. Just in case you get fussy later.”

I slipped the pacifier into my pocket with a sigh. I doubted that I’d ever get ‘fussy,’ but the idea of carrying around additional reminders of my new role was exciting.

“Before you go,” she said, with the slightest bit of hesitancy, “I have something else I’d like to ask you.”

“Oh?” My mind quickly raced, trying to guess what she’d throw at me now. Would I have to do some other ridiculous task for her? Eat a jar of baby food in front of Lyndie? Call my mother and tell her I’m wearing a diaper? The worst part of all that speculation was, of course, that I’d at least consider anything she said.

“There’s an open position now, with Daniel’s departure. It’d be a full-time job, of course. But with pay and benefits.”

“Are you asking if I’d want to be your assistant?”

She nodded. “Technically, human resources would want to be involved. There’d be this whole process of posting the job internally and interviewing candidates and whatnot. But, as you know, I wield a good amount of power around here. I can make it happen.”

“Wow, I…” It was a crossroads I didn’t expect to be in. This was an internship. I was in school. To take on a full time job now, I wasn’t even sure how I could make that work.

“You, obviously, don’t need to make that decision right now. But, I’d like it if you considered it.”

“I’m flattered,” I said. “But what makes you think I’m qualified for that position?”

“All you have to do is do what I tell you to. And you’ve done a very good job of that so far.”

I was blushing again. I opened my mouth to reply, but I didn’t know what to say.

“Go,” she said. “We can talk about it later. You’ll be coming back to me when you need a change, yes?”


Yes?” she asked.

Oh, right. “Yes, Mommy.”

“Good boy. I’ll see you later.”

It wasn’t my first walk back to The Closet with a new diaper on, but I had never felt more exposed. The gentle, but omnipresent, crinkling that came with every step was one thing. But I could smell the baby powder emanating from my bottom. It surrounded me like a cloud, and I just knew that it’d follow me around wherever I went.

I was tempted to just leave the office altogether. Besides Lyndie and Ms. Heller, would anyone even notice that I was gone? Maybe it’d be better to play hooky rather than cram myself into a small room with Lyndie.

No, I couldn’t do that. Ms. Heller would be expecting me to return for a diaper change and I wasn’t about to let her down.

Which meant that I’d have to return to The Closet and face Lyndie. I tried to keep an optimistic mindset about it. Maybe she wouldn’t notice. Maybe she’d have nothing to say. Maybe all my worrying was for nothing and it wasn’t actually that big of a deal.

“Where have you been, and why do you smell like a baby?” she asked immediately as I entered our small office.

My heart sank and I instantly felt queasy.

“Like…a baby?”

“I dunno,” she said with a shrug, half-looking up from her laptop. “It didn’t smell like that a minute ago. Now it smells like my baby niece’s nursery in here.”

Sighing, I sat down next to her, opening up my own laptop. I debated on what the move was going to be. Did I even bother attempting to play dumb? Or did I just tell her? Maybe I didn’t even need to tell her everything. Just a little bit.  But I had no idea what ‘a little bit’ would even be. That didn’t stop me from starting a conversation, with the hopes that I’d figure it out when I had to.

“Can I run a hypothetical by you?” I asked.

“I guess,” she said. “Sure.”

“Let’s say that a...celebrity walks up to you on the street. One that you know, but who clearly wouldn’t know who you are. They’re sexy and famous, and it feels like a huge honor for you to see them in person, let alone have the chance to talk to them.”

She shrugged, seemingly willing to play along. “I’m going to pretend it’s...Harry Styles. Okay?”

“Yes, that’s fine.”


“So...Harry, right? He’s like: ‘Hey, I want to do this crazy sex thing with you.’ And you, obviously, want that opportunity, right?”

“Like, how crazy are we talking? Is he just showing me a paddle? Or does he want to cook me and eat me?”

I was trying to think of a good example, and I just riffed off the top of my head. “Let’s say he wants to give you an enema.”

“Not really my thing. But, if that’s what Harry wants…”

“Okay, but here’s the thing. He’s not going to tell a soul about this. It’s only going to be you and him who knows this ever happened. You could go and tell other people about this, but they’re not going to believe you when you say that Harry Styles gave you an enema.”

“I dunno,” she said. “That doesn’t seem so bad to me. Is that what this is about? Do you want Harry Styles to give you an enema?”

“Ok, wait. This analogy isn’t working…”

“Clark, is someone from the office trying to give you an enema?”

I winced. My attempts to craft a hypothetical situation had landed Lyndie much closer to the truth than I was comfortable with.

I decided to start over again: “There’s a woman here. She’s management. Like...real big important management. She’s kind of singled me out on account of being a new and naive little intern and she’s made it abundantly clear that she’d like for me to be her…” I couldn’t even finish the sentence. I wasn’t sure how to.

“To be her what? Plaything?”

“Something like that. She has power, you know? Power over me. I see something in her that I really like and respect and I...want to be the person she wants me to be.”

“So…this isn’t hypothetical? This is really happening?”

I sighed, debating on how I was going to answer that.

“Oh shit,” she said. “It is, isn’t it? Who? Who is making you into their little sex slave?”

“I’m…not a sex slave.”

“Then what are you?” she asked.

I shrugged, completely exasperated. “Plaything seemed more accurate.”

“So what’s the issue here?” she asked. “Like, I find it hard to believe anyone wanted you to be their little interoffice toy. But, assuming you’re telling the truth…isn’t this all a good thing? The best possible outcome for a stupid and boring internship?”

“I guess that’s what I’m trying to figure out. There’s a lot at stake...but that could go both ways. If we get caught, it might look just as bad for her as it does for me. She has potentially a far greater height to fall from. But I could lose my chance of ever climbing the ladder to begin with.”

“Which seems like a pretty good argument against pursuing it.”

“Except…” I said, slowly.

“Except you want what she’s offering. Pretty badly, I’m guessing?”


“I mean, you probably don’t need me to tell you it’s a bad idea. It’s selfish, irresponsible and could have long term ramifications for you.”

“I know.”

Lyndie sighed, adding: “But...fuck. I’m hella jealous right now. Do you have any idea how often I fantasize about my boss pulling my pants down and fucking my ass in the copy room?”


“I dunno. I mean, I’m not going to be the angel on your shoulder.”

Now that I’ve said it all aloud–and I had said far more than I had expected to–I wondered where we went from here.

“You only live once,” she said.

“So you think I should do this?”

“I would.”

I silently nodded as I pondered over what I’d do next.

“Are you going to tell me what Boss Lady wants out of you?”

I shifted in my chair, feeling my diaper crumple and crinkle beneath me. I had already wet it a little on the way back from Ms. Heller’s office–a little experiment to see if I could.

“Kinky stuff,” I said with a shrug. I thought I was revealing a lot, but given her blank stare, I realized I hadn’t said much at all.

“Clark, I bet everything is kinky to you. Do you think getting tied up is kinky? Getting paddled?”


She rolled her eyes.

I wanted to get it off my chest; all of it. If I could trust anyone with it, maybe it was Lyndie. Not that I knew her especially well, but did I have much to lose in telling her? We didn’t know each other outside of the internship. No mutual friends. No other connections. Worst case scenario, if I quit and never came back, I’d never see her again.

“It’s...weird,” I said. “Embarrassing.”

“Okay. Well, look. I’m not gonna sit here and guess all day. But if you do wanna talk about it, just remember that I said that you can tell me and…”

I blurted it out: “She has me wearing diapers!” It was a relief to get it off my chest. But the uncomfortable silence that had followed made me second guess myself.

“Diapers?” she finally asked.

I nodded. “Yeah. Have you…ever heard of anything like that?”

“Age play,” she said. “Yeah. Never really got into it myself. But I kind of get the appeal. Control and mommy issues and all that.”

“I don’t have mommy issues.”

“Are you going to call her ‘mommy’?”

“I’m not going to answer that question.”

She laughed. “How do you feel about it? Interested? Adamantly opposed?”

“Oh...quite interested.”

“Really?” She sat back in her chair and laughed. I watched her scanning me with her eyes, maybe trying to imagine me in a diaper. “I would’ve never guessed that it’d be your thing. But, I dunno. I can kind of see it. You got that cute little boy thing going on.”

“I…I’m not a…”

“Wait,” she said, sliding forward on her chair. “Are you wearing a diaper right now?”


“Shit. Holy fucking shit. You’re wearing a diaper right now, aren’t you?”

I wanted to deny it, but I was sure that she already knew the answer. “Yeah.”

“I want to see.”

“What? No way! I can’t just…”

“Look around us, Clark. No windows. They stuck us in a closet. Nobody else is going to see.”

“I can’t just pull down my pants for you.”

“No? I’ll do it. Right now. Say the word and I’ll just pull down my pants.”

“Yeah, but…” I wanted to tell her that it wasn’t the same thing–she wasn’t, as far as I knew, wearing a diaper.

But she was already standing, and with one fluid motion, she had pushed her pants to her thighs, exposing her purple panties to me. I wished I had the ability to make this moment about that. Her tight panties on her cute body, right in front of my face–were this any other time, this would’ve been the highlight of my day. My week. My year. Now? It was a bizarre footnote in a day in which I shit myself on the floor of the CEO’s office and showed my diaper to my only peer. She quickly pulled her pants back up, forever letting that moment seem like a fever dream that I had only hallucinated.

“Fine,” I said. I stood up and did the same. For the second time that day, I pulled my pants down to show someone my diaper.

“Fuck,” she said, shaking her head in disbelief. “That’s a fucking diaper.”

“I know.”

“And who is making you do this?”

“Nobody is making me do anything,” I said.

“Okay, sure sure. Who are you, uh, trying to please?”

“Gabrielle Heller.”

“Oh, you mentioned her the other day. What does she do here again?”

“She’s the, uh, CEO…”

“Oh, wow. Clark. You…really got yourself into something, haven’t you?”

“That’s an understatement.”

An awkward silence hung in the air for a few moments.

“Alright, well, you can pull up your pants,” she finally said.

I hadn’t even realized my pants were still down, the diaper still on display. In my rush to pull them back up again, I heard something tumble onto the ground. Probably a pen or my keys or something like that.

“Here, you dropped something,” Lyndie said, bending down to pick up whatever had fallen.

“Thanks,” I said, reaching towards her, not even thinking about what it could be.

“Oh,” she said, a smile growing on her face. She held the item in front of her face–both to get a better look at it and to taunt me with it. It was the pacifier. “Well isn’t this interesting?”

“Can…I have that back?”

“Will you throw a temper tantrum if I don’t?” she teased.

I felt frustrated for a moment before remembering what Ms. Heller had said about me needing the pacifier in case I had become ‘fussy.’ This might have been ‘fussy.’

“N-no…I just–”

“I’ll give it back to you,” she said. “Open wide so I can put it right where it belongs.”

I didn’t even think about it–I just opened my mouth and let her slide the pacifier between my lips as I had when Ms. Heller had done so.

“Well isn’t that the cutest thing?” she cooed. “Maybe you should leave that in. I’m sure your new Mommy would like that.”

And just like that, my weird days had gotten even weirder.



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