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Memo to all employees: Award plaques, trophies, and certificates should never be discarded in the trash. If you’re unsure of where to place one, please bring it to Office Management on the 8th floor.

Thank you.

“Where the hell have you been?” asked Lyndie upon my return to The Closet.

I wish I knew the answer to that. Another reality? One that was stranger than anything Lyndie would be able to believe?

“Exploring,” I said. It was the best I could come up with. I was hesitant to say much more. Lyndie was already so bitter about her experience here that I was afraid she’d turn against me too if I mentioned that I was meeting with anyone - let alone the CEO.

“Find anything good?”

“A vending machine that sells Jolly Ranchers,” I said. This much was true.

“Strange,” she said. “These people don’t strike me as the types who enjoy flavor.”

I was overthinking every single one of my movements. The thick diaper had this loud crispy crinkle to it that seemed to overpower any other sound in my vicinity. Or...that was just the way I perceived it. I was now walking carefully. Rotating my torso carefully. Sitting down carefully.

“You okay?” she asked.

“Yeah, of course… Why do you ask?”

“You seem weird,” she said. “Weirder than usual.”

“Do I...normally seem weird to you?

She laughed. “You’re...I dunno. Boyish?”

“I am a boy.”

“Well sure. But you’re trying to be a man, right? You’ve got this goofy little childlike look about you. It’s those big eyes and the way you look at the world around you. It’s cute. It’s...naive.”

Childlike? I decided that she could absolutely not find out about this diaper.

“Maybe the world just hasn’t crushed my spirits yet.”

“Maybe you haven’t been living yet,” she retorted–a comment that felt as foreboding as it seemed likely.

I had been given very few instructions from Ms. Heller, and even the ones that she did give me were vague: “Use them. Come find me when you need to be changed.”

It had all happened so quickly that it seemed like a hazy dream now. One moment we were just talking in her office. The next, I was on the ground with my pants off and she was putting a diaper on me. I let her do that? Now, I was wondering if I was forgetting details. Was there more she had said that I was just forgetting?

Did she literally expect me to use the diaper?

The workday didn’t have much time left in it. 5:00 PM was on the horizon, and it seemed to be the division between those who were willing to drop everything–regardless of what they were doing–and those who were going to stay later until the work was done.

I didn’t know which side of that line Ms. Heller fell on, but I didn’t want to assume anything. Nor did I want to let her down. I carefully weighed my options and quickly came to a few decisions. I’d need to wet my diaper. And I’d need to find Ms. Heller. And I’d need to do both of those things by 5:00 PM.

It was 4:30.

My foot began tapping uncontrollably. I had never worn a diaper before. Not since I was an actual baby, anyways. And now I was going to...use it?

Who keeps diapers in their office anyways?

“You alright?” Lyndie asked, glancing down at my foot as it jackhammered its way into the ground.

“Oh...yeah. Thanks, I’m good.”

“You sound like you have ants in your pants.”

You have no idea what's in my pants right now. “Just...getting restless, you know? For the end of the day.”

She was mostly distracted by her phone, which seemed ideal for me. I didn’t dare walk past her again with my loud diaper, so I was just going to have to settle down and do it there. Right there. With her in the room.

There’s no way. There is absolutely no way that I can do this.

But...it suddenly felt way easier than it had moments earlier. I don’t know if it was the stress or the presence of the diapers or what–but I could suddenly feel my bladder begging for my attention.

Easy. This is easy. All I have to do is...pee.

Nothing. Nothing happened. Nothing came out of me. I had to pee, so why couldn’t I just pee? I tried again, making the most conscious, strenuous, effort to piss I’ve ever made in my life.

A tiny grunt escaped my mouth.

“Are you...sure that everything is okay with you?” Lyndie asked.

I feigned a cough, as if whatever she heard earlier was just...more of this? She either bought it, or never cared that much in the first place, because she was reading her phone again.

You can do it, you can do it, you can do it. It’s just...peeing. You do it all the time. You can do it anytime, anyplace. All you have to do is do it now. In...your pants. With Lyndie in the room.

I could feel it. I could just feel my bladder growing more desperate for release, no thanks to my efforts to provoke it. It felt close. Just a little more…

A little sigh of relief as I felt the hot spurt of my stream escape into my diaper. The warmth spread, and a wet heaviness enveloped all of the padding between my legs. It was weird. It was gross–or at least I was raised to believe such a feeling would be gross.

It was one of the most thrilling things I had ever done.

“It’s close enough to 5,” Lyndie said. “I’m outta here.”

“Yeah, go for it. Get out of here.”

She shot me a quizzical look. “Are you staying? Aren’t you leaving too?”

We had walked to the subway station together the last week or two. And...if I was going to stay, I’d need a good excuse as to why I was.

“You know what?” I said, shrugging dramatically. “I forgot that I have to print some shit out for school. I gotta take care of that for a few minutes. But I’ll see you tomorrow?”

She shrugged–the best form of acceptance she could offer. “Yeah, sure. Have a good night. Use up all the company’s ink.”

She was gone, the door was closed and it was just me and my diaper. I leaned back in my chair, plunging a hand down my pants to feel the saturated garment. The firm padding was so different compared to how it felt when dry.

I wanted to show her. I wanted to show Ms. Heller and make her proud of me.

What? Make her proud of me...peeing myself?

It was a complicated set of emotions. I had to focus. There’d be plenty of time to second-guess my strange life decisions later. Right now, I promised the head of my company that I’d use my diaper, and now I needed to show her that I had.

I gave Lyndie a few minutes head start before I ventured out of The Closet myself, but even with that buffer, I had never felt so self-conscious. It was as if a giant spotlight was shining on me. Any moment, someone, anyone, would spot me and would immediately be able to see not only what I was wearing under my clothes, but they would also know what I had done in them.

Realistically, logically, I knew this was unlikely. Still, this didn’t feel entirely implausible either. This diaper was thicker than any pair of boxers or briefs that any other man in this building wore, for one. I had also added what felt like a gallon of liquid to it. If the weighty sag of the bottom of my diaper wasn’t visible, then my forced waddle as a result of the wetting had to have been.

Down the maze-like corridors I went, yet again, dodging worker ants scrambling around to finish their end-of-day projects. Time may have been on my side after all.

“Mr. Ashworth,” a deadpan voice said from my side. “Here yet again?” Daniel seemed even less pleased to see me this time than he had earlier.

“Ashburn,” I corrected him, again. “I’m here to see…”

“Ms. Heller, yes?”

I nodded, though I wasn’t appreciating his tone.

He clucked his tongue - a cocky little passive aggressive gesture designed not to be challenged. He tapped a button on his phone. “Ms. Heller?”

A brief pause.

“The intern is back. Shall I take a message or… Right. Of course. One moment.”

With a sigh he hung up the phone. I wondered if it was going to be like this every time I came over here. I didn’t bother waiting for him to acknowledge her confirmation, I waved to him and walked to her office.

“Come in,” she said as my hand approached the door knob. “Close the door behind you,” she added as I stepped into her office.

“I didn’t catch you at a bad time or anything, did I?”

“There’s no such thing as a ‘bad time,’ my dear.” Her voice was seductive. She was a cartoon snake coiling around me and staring into my soul with her swirly hypnotic eyes.

I loved it.

“I...I did what you asked me to.”

She smiled, standing from behind her desk, her hungry hands rubbing together. “Is that so? And what, exactly, did you do?”


“I can’t smell you from here, so I’m going to assume that you didn’t…”

“N-no,” I said, cutting her off. “I could never do that. Has...someone done that?”

She offered an innocent shrug and smiled. “A lot of things have happened in this building. I could tell you anything and you’d believe it. Let’s worry about you and what you actually have done in your pants.”

“How...do you want to do this?”

“You’ll stand right there, where you are.” She maneuvered around her desk and approached me. “I’m going to pull your pants down and have a look for myself.”

I nodded.

She hastily unbuckled my belt and unzipped my pants. “You’re very obedient. Compliant. Some people would say that’s a fault.”

“Do you feel that way?”

With a hand on either side of my pants, she tugged them down to my knees, exposing the plump swollen diaper that hung between my legs. She continued to speak as her hand gently cupped the bottom of the diaper, feeling how heavy and sodden it had become: “I am of the mind that there are two types of people–leaders and followers. And, contrary to popular belief, one is not more powerful than the other. Both need each other. Some may argue that there should be no leaders at all, but...inadvertently, there’s always a leader. There has to be. Myself? I’m a leader. You? You’re a follower. You need me. But I need you.”

“You need...me?”

“These diapers aren’t going to dirty themselves. And I’ve only just begun to play with my new toy.” She slowly slid the backs of her fingers up the front of the diaper. I felt myself stiffening inside of it. “Yes, I need you.”

I wasn’t sure what to say. Well, I knew what I wanted to say, but it didn’t seem relevant to anything she had just said: “Thank you.”

She laughed. “For what?”

“For letting me do this with you?” No, that didn’t sound right. I corrected myself: “For you.”

“You’re a good boy. I think we’re going to have fun.”

I nodded.

“Would you like for me to change your diaper?”

I had just assumed that this would be what happens next, and I would have been fine with that. Having agency over that decision was a pleasant surprise–though I realized that it might have just been the illusion of agency. “Yes.”

“Should I ask in the future?”

Betraying the thought I just had: “No.”

“I thought so. Let’s go, then. On the ground. On your back. We’ll get you into a clean and fresh diaper.”

“Oh, well...it’s the end of the day for me,” I said. “So I need to go home and…”

“I’m going to put you into another diaper. And I’m leaving it up to you what you do with it.”

She pulled some supplies from her closet. I couldn’t see what everything was, but I could see the bulky new diaper in her hand.

This wouldn’t stop feeling weird for a very long time, I suspected.

She knelt on the ground, shifting the hem of her short dress out from under her knees. Leaning forward and between my legs, she unfastened the tapes on both sides of the diapers. She eased back the front of the diaper through my legs, revealing my hardened cock.

She swirled a single finger in my moist pubic hair, giggling to herself.

“Do you have a girlfriend, Mr. Ashburn? A boyfriend?”

“No…” I said.

“So, nobody would miss your youthful coat of fur down here if I lopped it all off?”

“You...you’d do that?”

“I’d like to. How would you feel about that?”

It felt...different. She wasn’t suggesting something permanent, though it was something that would...linger. She’d leave her mark on me, and until the hair was back–if it was allowed to come back at all–I’d know it was her doing every time I saw myself in the mirror. It somehow felt like a step beyond just wearing a diaper for her.

But, of course, I just nodded my head.

“Excellent,” she said. “And what of this?” She grasped my cock in her hand, slowly letting her fingers run up the shaft before sliding them back down. “This seems...cumbersome. It’s probably difficult enough to wear a diaper around the office. But a diaper with this happy little fellow bopping around? Maybe we should do something about that too.”


“I have some ideas. For now, what if I just…”

Her grip tightened on my cock and her hand continued gliding up and down on my shaft. There was very little lubrication, and what was there was just the lingering droplets of my own piss. And seeing this attractive and powerful woman between my legs, rubbing my own urine into my cock only made me harder. It only made me want release even more. It only made me want…

I came, sloppily, launching a glob of white onto my belly. For an all-to-brief moment, I found myself awash in bliss, only to quickly remember where I was. And who I was with. My cheeks flared. I felt like a twelve year old boy again, making a mess of myself while I tried to discover my body.

“Now isn’t that just adorable,” Ms. Heller cooed. “That barely took a minute.”

I didn’t actually mind, given the circumstances, but my ego couldn’t just stand idly by without trying to offer an explanation. “Ah...well, you see…”

She planted something in my mouth, the soft rubber-like bulb pressed between my lips could only be a...pacifier.

“Enough out of you. You just let me clean you up and we’ll get you into a new clean diaper. I do believe we’ll need to do something about this pointy little toy of yours, but I believe I have some answers for that as well.”

I should’ve been paying better attention, but between my post-climax haze and the newborn oral fixation with the pacifier, I was a million miles away. I bit at it. Sucked on it. Ran my tongue around it. It was so simple. I could see how such a simple object might soothe a toddler.

The more I played with the shape in my mouth, the easier I found it to slip into a natural suckling motion.

Things were happening near my bottom. The feeling of a damp cloth running across my butt. Another, swooping up between my legs, and another tightly wrapping itself around my now-flaccid shaft.

“Do you live alone?” she asked.

“No,” I said through the pacifier. “Roommate.”

“Shall I spare you the baby powder?”

I nodded. I already knew I was going to be self-conscious about wearing the diaper out of this building and back to my apartment. But to smell like an actual infant? That seemed like more than I could handle.

But eventually…

The new diaper was slid under me, and she quickly folded it around me, securing it in place with the tapes. I’d hesitate to say that she was an expert–because maybe the process was far more intuitive than I knew. But she certainly had a level of comfort with it that I wouldn’t question.

I plucked the pacifier from my mouth. “Do you have children?”

“I do not,” she said. “Not for lack of trying. I suppose any psychologist would have a field day if they heard me say that while I put you into a diaper.”

She snatched the pacifier from my hand and popped it back into my mouth.

“When I put a pacifier in your mouth, however, it stays until I remove it. Is that understood?”

I nodded, feeling my cheeks glow again.

“I trust you know how to put your own pants on?”

I nodded once more.

That’s when she pulled the pacifier out from my mouth. “Good. I’l hold on to this. Why don’t you go and get dressed? I’ll see you tomorrow morning?”

“Will we do this...every day?”

“Do you want to do this every day?”

I started to shrug, but I stopped. I nodded instead.

She smiled. “Come see me in the morning when you get here.”

“Your assistant. Daniel?”

She scoffed. “What about him?”

“He’s...nosey. I don’t want to say ‘suspicious,’ because I don’t know if I’m right or not, but…”

“Say no more. I’ll deal with that. You just be here tomorrow morning. Understood?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“I don’t care for ‘ma’am,’” she said. “I asked you to call me Mommy, remember?”




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