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Hey Babies!

It’s been a minute or two since I last checked in with a blog post. I thought the last one was a month ago, but it was actually more than two (and a half) months ago. Whoops.

First and foremost, I want to welcome all the new faces here on the QH Patreon. There’s been a surge of new subscribers over the last few months, and it’s been really nice seeing some new names pop up, along with some returning ones. Stick around and read some stories! Play with us.

It’s been a busy month or two here in the nursery. I’ve been trying to stay at least a month ahead with my stories on Patreon. So far so good, and as of today, I’ve got stories ready to go that take us up to May! And I try not to be too much a horn-tooter, but I’ll say that I’ve really enjoyed working on some of these upcoming stories.

Here’s a little tease of some of the exclusive stories coming up over the next few weeks for the Tier 2 and Tier 3 folks:

  • Not a sequel, per se, but a story set in the same universe as His Second Infancy.
  • A humiliating pants-filling story that, for once, doesn’t include diapers.
  • Locked up. Mostly immobilized. Helpless. Left alone far longer than he thought he would be.
  • A good husband who wants to be an even better Daddy.

And, of course, I’m working on new stories. I’ve been spending a lot of time on the next serialized/weekly story that’ll come after “Bottoms Up.” Actually…I’ve been working on it since before “Bottoms Up.” The goal is to have it ready to go in May. Fingers crossed.

Hey, did you know that this Patreon is also connected to Discord? Drop by the QH Discord server and chat with us about the stories, ABDL in general, or just complain about stuff!

As always, thank you x1,000,000 for being here. Your support 100% makes these stories happen, and the bigger this audience gets, the more time and energy I’m able to devote to this content. I appreciate you. Yes, you.

Stay naughty.




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