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Fourteen: Endtimes

Never in her life had she expected to find herself wishing that she had more time to stay in a diaper. Yet as she waited for Syd to emerge from the nursery after their change, her hands gently squeezed and rubbed the front of her soaked diaper again. The diaper had cooled a little, but the padding had only grown denser and heavier. It hung from her shamefully; the bulk serving as a constant reminder that she had done something that most adults in her world would’ve frowned upon.

Her mind returned to that imaginary CALM meeting - standing before the people that had originally sent her to Bottoms Up in the first place. She’d tell them that she was no longer able to challenge the store before the city council. Everyone would ask why. She’d give them the reason: Because if the store didn’t exist, where would she get her diapers?

She wanted a pack of Carnivals. Maybe some Buttercups. Cloth seemed interesting for a number of reasons. Maybe she needed some onesies. And a pacifier of her own. And a bonnet. And a diaper pail for dirty diapers. And she’d need to get a bottle. Would a jar of baby food make for a good breakfast?

Her fingers pushed in on the damp panties, still trapped inside her diaper. She moaned softly, feeling her cheeks warm as she did. What an absolutely shameful thing.

“Ready, Princess?” asked Harper.

Returning to Earth, Grace saw that Syd had already returned to the blankets in a fresh all-white diaper that looked thicker than any she had seen yet. She wanted whatever that was.

Grace nodded, following Harper back into the nursery.


“Alright, Baby Puddles. You’re up.”

He wasn’t being summoned for a diaper change. Just the opposite, really - he was getting more dirty diapers added on top of the one he already wore.

“Are you coming?” she asked again when he hesitated to get up. “C’mon!”

Within his diaper, he was still entirely firm. He was pretty sure that wasn’t going away anytime soon. In fact, he wondered if he may be permanently hard. The sight of these other babies - so close, yet so far away - may have broken his body. He’d never get the sight of Grace pissing her diapers out of his head. He’d never forget Syd’s victorious smile. He’d never unhear Harper describing how he had blown-out a number of diapers in the past.

“I...maybe give me a few minutes?” He had once more taken the pacifier from his mouth, holding it tightly in his hand.

“What? No, come on. Let’s get this done.”

“I...I can’t get up right now.”

Harper left the nursery and returned to the blankets with hands on her hips and a smile on her face. “Oh? And would you care to tell me why not?”

He shook his head. “I’d rather not.”

“Babies?” Harper asked the other two. “Any guesses as to why Baby Puddles is so adamant about staying in place?”

“Is he afraid of us seeing his diaper sag?” asked Grace, whose fingers stroked her new clean diaper.

“Maybe,” said Harper. “Though I would bet it’s...something else.”

Syd guessed next: “Is he nervous he’s going to leak?”

“You should talk,” Harper said with a smile. “We changed your diaper just in time. Given a few more minutes, you’d be a little Puddles yourself.”

Syd blushed and looked down at their new diaper.

“I’ll give you all a little hint,” Harper said. “This little boy here loves his diapers. And, what more, he loves seeing other cuties in their diapers. And I don’t think it’s exactly a mystery that Baby Puddles is especially fond of Princess here…”

Grace’s hands rose to her face to shield her glowing cheeks from everyone else.

“Put that all together, and…”

“Does Baby Puddles have a stiffy in his diaper?” asked Syd.

Nobody actually needed to confirm this. It seemed obvious with even a casual glance at the front of his diaper. It had tented up and out from his body - like a spear behind a tent.

“I suppose this is part of the reason he had lost the little challenge, of course. I’m sure it’s not easy to piddle himself in a diaper when all that blood is flowing down there.”

“Is there any way to help him?” asked Grace with a knowing smirk. “I mean...it can’t be comfortable. And I’m sure he wants to use his diaper.”

“Oh there’s plenty of ways to help him,” Harper said. “The problem is that they’d all be playing into some of his craziest fantasies. I’m not sure we all want to be part of that, do we? I mean, we’re here for us.”

Grace shrugged. “Sorry, Puddles. I tried.”

He was completely torn on whether he liked her even more for being willing to say that the answer was to get him off, or he liked her less for teaming with Harper to torture him.

“Look, we all know you’re concealing a weapon in there now,” Harper said. “So get up, come to the nursery, and we’ll get you into your diapers.”

Despite not wanting to have to march past the other babies with his pronounced erection, Harper wasn’t wrong. The sooner this moment was over, the sooner the next moment would come - and maybe, for once, that one wouldn’t make him the butt of a joke.

So he stood, his tented diaper fully on display and acting as a magnet for laughter, and he followed Harper into the nursery.

“Is this fun?” she asked as he laid atop the changing table. “This isn’t too much is it?”

“If it was, it’s too late to change that now.”

“Am I being too mean?”

“I can take it,” he said with a sigh. “I mean, god knows I love it. I just wish I didn’t...love it so much in front of them.”

“If it’s Grace’s reaction you’re worried about, you shouldn’t be. She’s taken to diapers like...a real baby.”

“Sure, she likes the diapers. But what about me? Have I backed myself into a corner? Will I forever be just a pants-filling diaper-wearing baby with a hard cock to her?”

Harper laughed and shrugged. “Probably. But I think she likes that.”

Harper held up two diapers, both of which were soaking wet - the saturated padding visible through the plastic exterior. “Which one goes on first?”


The motions were similar to a diaper change. He lifted his bottom and she fed the diaper under him before threading it through his legs. Her diaper had been smaller than his, given the bulk of his diaper - and anything inside of it - but she was able to get it in place easily enough before unspooling a long strand of clear packing tape. His bottom lifted again so she could weave it under him before wrapping it around the diapers like a belt. And while he couldn’t actually feel Grace’s wetness against his skin, the weight and bulk of his own diaper changed considerably as the two diapers became one.

Next came Syd’s diaper. The same process was followed, resulting in a massive blob of saturated padding between his legs.

“That must feel strange, huh?” Harper asked. “These soaked diapers hanging between your legs - yet your diaper is still dry.”

“This is ridiculous.”

“You love it.”

“No comment.”

Sitting up, the feeling was indescribable. Layers of diapers, each at varying levels of saturation. They slipped and slid against each other, though they remained held in place by the thick belt of tape wound around the diapers. In a lifetime where he thought he had experienced some of the naughtiest things this kink could offer - this was entirely new.

“I have something else to give you,” she said.

“Oh? I think I’m at capacity as far as other dirty diapers go. You aren’t wearing one too, are you?”

“You wish,” she said flippantly. “I’d argue this is better.”


Harper held up a small wad of yellow cloth. At first he didn’t quite know what to make of it, but as she unfurled the cloth, he could see that it was a pair of yellow panties. With a duck on them.

“Cute,” he said. “But they’re wet? I don’t get it.”

“A certain little Princess was wearing them tonight,” she said. “It pained me to take them off of her, but I gave them a good home inside of her diaper.”

“Oh,” he said. “She…”

“Pissed all over them? Yup.” She took a little sniff of them. “Quite pissy.”

“And so what are you doing with them now?”

“Well… I figured that if you’ve inherited her diaper, maybe you should inherit the panties too.”

“Wait, so…”

Harper shoved the damp panties down the front of his own clean diaper. Feeling the wet cloth against his skin - knowing where they were and how they got wet - came close to short circuiting his brain.

“Compose yourself. We should go back,” Harper said.

“They’re going to eat me alive.”

“I’m going to let them.”

He sighed.

“Do you want my advice?”

He shrugged.

“Roll with it. Wherever tonight goes - whatever they want - just roll with it. You’ll be glad you did when this is said and done.”

He nodded, knowing that she was completely accurate about that.

“And one more thing?”


“Put the pacifier back in your mouth. And do not take it out again unless I say so. Next time, I’m putting you over my knees in front of them.”


“It’s too much,” Grace said with a straight face as she shook her head.

“You think?” asked Syd.

“Like, I was so close to feeling...something. Like, feeling so small and vulnerable? That, uh…”

“Little space?” Harper asked.

“Yes, right. Exactly. But then I see this,” Grace said, pointing at Layne. “And, well, I could never look that pathetic.”

“Feeling small is not the same as being pathetic,” Harper said. “Baby Puddles may manage to be both small and pathetic, but don’t let that deter you from feeling either one of those, if that’s what you want.”

“Is he still, uh, packing heat?” asked Syd.

Harper reached around to the front of the massive and awkward omni-diaper of Layne’s and ran a hand up the bulky padding. She nodded. “Unless he stuck a log down there…”

“While you guys were in the Nursery, Grace - uh, Princess - and I were talking,” Syd said, a sly smile on her face.

“Oh? And what were you naughty babies talking about?”

“We were just thinking about how unfair it must be to be so aroused that you can’t even wet yourself. That has to be hard.”

“No pun intended,” Grace added.

“A little bit intended,” Syd said. “Because, you know, we’re quite aroused too. But we’re still able to have accidents.”

“Well that’s very nice of you to think about your baby brother like that. Are you suggesting that...we do something about his little problem?” asked Harper.

“Yes,” Syd said. “Sort of.”

“Sort of?”

“We think he should be allowed to, well, get off. But we don’t think that should be our responsibility,” they continued.

“Are you saying that I should be getting him off?” asked Harper.

“No,” Grace said. “You should...play with us. But you should let Puddles get himself off.”

“Interesting,” Harper said, looking back to Layne - standing there with three diapers sagging between his legs. “You really think we should allow him to reach down in there and take care of himself?”

“I mean, you could always make it more interesting,” Grace said. “We could say that he’s not allowed to use his hands.”

“That is interesting,” Harper said, stroking her chin. “Baby Puddles? What do you think about that?”

He shrugged. Then shook his head. Then nodded.

“Some mixed signals there…”

He nodded one more time.

“The other babies are on to something, then. Go ahead, Puddles. Why don’t you go ahead and try and find a way to make that grotesque excuse of a diaper nice and sticky too?”


This was how he imagined the biblical endtimes would be: everything turned on its head, and the world twisted out of shape. Nothing would make sense, nor would it ever again. His latest archnemesis would conspire with his wife’s new partner to leave him sexually frustrated in an outrageously heavy diaper.

The temptation was strong to just fold his arms, sit down, and suck on his pacifier until all of this had blown over.

The temptation was even stronger to give in to the wants and desires of this naughty chorus and just throw himself on the ground and hump the pile of dirty diapers he had become attached to.

And in this world where Grace Vander-spoon could wet a diaper while her balled up panties were inside of it - the same panties that were now swimming inside of his own diaper - it was hard to come up with a good argument for why he shouldn’t.

So he dropped to his knees, leaned forward until his hands were sprawled out before him, and proceeded to thrust his thickly padded hips into the ground. Over and over, until he found the right angle.


“I know you must be dripping right now,” Harper said to Grace. “I feel like you’ve been in a near-climax since you walked through the door.”

Grace’s hands were already on her diaper. “I...uh-huh.”

“Can I help?” asked Syd.


“I’ll help you if you help me.”

Harper had expected a different evening. Maybe it shared some of the same elements this one had, but it would’ve been much slower and much more awkward. But there was Layne, desperately bouncing his diapers off of the ground. And there was Grace and Syd, in the beginning stages of curiously poking and prodding each other’s diapers.

It was absolutely beautiful. She wished she could capture this moment forever.

“Wait for me,” Harper said. “I want to play too.”

Off came her shirt and bra, her breasts bouncing out in front of her. The babies’ mouths were practically salivating. She took a seat on the ground. Once again, she saw things playing out differently than they did. In her imagination, there’d be a slow and patient process that played out of assuring the babies that this was a perfectly acceptable thing to do.

In reality, they were like piranhas, and no sooner had Harper taken a seat on the blanket, Syd and Grace had practically pounced on her - one on either side, each desperately taking a breast and finding the right angle to suckle at her nipple.

And she looked to her left and saw Grace’s hands in her diaper as she suckled from Harper’s chest. And she looked to her right, and there was Syd’s hands, massaging and squeezing the front of their diaper. Somewhere straight ahead was Layne, seemingly making progress with his efforts to find the right angle to fuck his diapers.

Would anything ever be better than this? Was this the apex? Would her nights with Syd forever be greyed by the failure to compete with this moment?

Syd, as if hearing their name being thought, pulled away from Harper’s breast for a moment - sloppy cables of saliva trailing between their lips and her nipple.

“Thank you...Mommy…”

Their lips returned to her breast.

She turned to Grace. “Are you doing okay?”

Grace wasn’t as aggressive with her suckling. Her lips were sealed around Harper’s nipple, but all of her mouth’s movements were small and subtle. She seemed to savor every moment of it.

“We’ve got all the diapers in the world,” Harper told the babies. “So don’t feel bad about using them if you have to.”

The statement had either fallen on deaf ears, or it just wasn’t worth responding to. Both likely already knew what that - or they wouldn’t have thought about it before using their diapers again anyways.

Across the blanket, Layne was grunting closer to spurting into his diaper.

Absolutely perfect.



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