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Throughout the meal, and in between conversations about the weather and our jobs, we shared knowing glances with each other.  When the waitress would approach our table, asking if we wanted more water, my wife would smirk at me and it’d be my cue to politely nod and ask for more.

“How are you doing over there?” Jessica asked.

“I’m good,” I said, knowing full well what she was actually asking.

“Still dry?”

“Still dry.”

“For now.”

This wasn’t the first time we had ever played our game, but the conditions had once again escalated.  Whereas, in the past, I’d have to make it through an entire date or movie without using my diaper, tonight I was expected to use the diaper before dinner was over.  And that was only the first condition.

“I will,” I assured her.  “It’s just difficult in public.”

“Even under your clothes?  Nobody knows you’re my diaper-wearing toy.  I wouldn’t think it’d be so hard to just do it.”

“I’ll do it,” I said, sighing.  “It’s the second objective that has me worried.”

She laughed and took a sip from her wine glass.  “I can only imagine.  But it’s just a moment, in a place that we’ll never be again.  They don’t know you, and while the story may linger, they’ll forget your face.”

It was reassuring, but it didn’t ease my anxieties.  The copious amounts of water and wine I had consumed so far had finally caught up with me.  All I had to do now was let go.

“You do it to yourself,” she said.  “You’re so willing to be freed from chastity that I just have to keep upping the ante to see where it’ll end. And I don’t think there is an end, honestly.”

“I just...I want you,” I muttered.  “I’ll do anything.”

“I know.”

I focused again on the task at hand.  At this point, it didn’t take much. My tiny cock, restrained in the binding chastity device, began to flood the thick diaper hidden within my khakis.  I felt the warmth spread around my crotch and slowly expand into the back of the diaper.

“How did that feel?” she asked, her voice luring me back from getting lost in the moment. I assumed that my face had given away what I had done.

“I...did it.”

What did you do?”

“I pissed my diaper.”

“Good boy.  Now, before the end of the meal, you have one last task to perform.  And if you do, I’ll take you out of that little device tonight so that you can put your little cocklette inside of me.”

“I...I know.”

We didn’t say anything for a few minutes.  We just continued to eat and drink.  At least, she had no problem doing that; I picked at my food sheepishly, dreading the next step.

“It only gets worse from here,” she finally said.  “Every day, you’re going to have to work even harder for release.  And every time you fail, we stop the game for a week and you just stay locked up.”

“I understand.”

I could see our waitress emerging from the kitchen; she was making the rounds now, checking on tables.  This seemed like the right time.  I desperately wanted this to be over, and I desperately wanted to be unlocked tonight.  I looked at Jessica, and she looked back at me and smiled.

“Hi folks, how is everything this evening?” our waitress asked.

“It’s very good,” Jessica said.  “Geoff, didn’t you say you had something you needed to ask her when she returned to the table?”

“I...uh...yes, actually.”

“Oh? How can I be of assistance, sir?”

“It’s just that, uh…”

“Go on,” my wife said.  “Just get it out. Tell her the issue.”

“I seem to have...wet my diaper,” I said.  I could barely get the words out of my mouth.  “I wet my diaper.”  I said it again for some reason.  “I need to change out of it so that I don’t get a, uhm, diaper rash?”  I tried to remember everything I was instructed to say.  “C-can you tell me where the restroom is so that I can take care of that?”

The waitress, bless her professionalism, took a second before answering, likely searching for the best way to answer this request.  “Well...of course.  Our restrooms are straight down that hallway there, and you’ll find the men’s room on the left.  It is a single bathroom, so...I think you should have all the privacy you need.”

“Thank you,” I said. I could feel my cheeks on fire and tears welling in my eyes.

“Was there…anything else I could assist with?” she asked us, hesitantly.

“No, dear,” my wife said. “That should be sufficient. Thank you.”

The waitress smiled and nodded before quickly making her way back to the kitchen. I watched her make the entire trip, briskly walking past tables that seemed to want to get her attention.

“I think that went well,” Jessica finally said.

“Except she just sprinted back to the kitchen.”


“So? She might have been able to keep a straight face for us, but there’s no way that she’s not back there right now, telling every other employee that her customer just told her that he pissed his pants and needs to change his diaper.”

“I don’t see what the big deal is,” she said with a shrug. “You wanted to be able to fuck me tonight, and I gave you a task for you to complete so that could happen. You did it. Congratulations.”

“Yeah, but…the waitress...”

“Who cares? Let a bunch of kids have a laugh at the diaper-man. You should be excited that you get to put your cock inside of me again. If I were you, that’d be the only thing that I cared about.”

“What now?”

“Well, she told you where the bathroom was, didn’t she?”

“Wait… But we didn’t say anything about having to change my diaper here.”

“It’s a single-person bathroom, you heard the young woman. Frankly, I think it’s a good idea.”

“You can’t be serious.”

“Do you remember the diaper rash you had last week?” she asked. “I do. Specifically, I remember all your infernal whining about said diaper rash. I’d rather not take any chances.”

“But I don’t even have-”

“Geoff, I swear, if you say the word ‘but’ one more time tonight, I’m going to change my mind about decaging you. Understood?”

I nodded. Still, I had questions, and I now needed to be smarter about how I asked them.

“I don’t have another diaper to change into,” I said. “We didn’t bring the, uh…”

“Diaper bag?” she asked, her tone a little louder than I would’ve liked it. She laughed. “I know. I wish we had brought it too. However, don’t think that I’d go anywhere with a pants-wetting little toddler like you without being prepared.”

She opened her large black purse that sat next to her on her side of the booth and pulled out a fresh diaper. Another of the thick ‘adult baby’ diapers she had ordered online. I hoped she would hand it to me, or at least set it on the table so I could grab it and move it to a less conspicuous location, but it remained in her hands.

“May I…have that?” I asked.

“You seem especially eager to get your fresh diaper. I’d like to think that you’re just that excited to change yourself. But, sadly, I don’t think that’s it. You just don’t want me waving your diaper around in public. Is that right?”

“Please, Jess. May I just have the diaper?”



She set the diaper down on the table in front of her, next to her plate of food. I began to reach towards it, but the look on her face stopped me dead in my tracks.

“You may have it when I say so. For now, why don’t you eat your dinner. I’d hate to see your food get cold before the wetness in your diaper.”

“B-” I stopped myself. I could complain and protest until I was blue in the face, but she held all the cards. She could create all the rules she wanted to, and she could keep doling them out on a whim. If I wanted to be unlocked from my cage again, I’d have to comply.

And while I had the option to just forfeit my chances of sex, I knew Jess well enough to know that it wouldn’t end there. One week in chastity would suddenly become two without a chance of relief. Or three.

And after a month of having been locked up, and finally being on the track now to earn the chance for release, it seemed futile to resist now.

I slowly continued to eat my meal. Occasionally, members of the restaurant staff would pass by our table. It was possible that I was just seeing things–but I swore that they were smirking at me. Holding in laughter as they passed by. Their eyes would scan me over. Sometimes someone’s eyes would catch the diaper sitting in front of Jessica and I’d be left wondering if they had recognized it for what it was.

“How are we doing over here?” our waitress asked, returning to the table. I had been keeping an eye out for her, but it was in the moment when I was looking away that she had suddenly appeared.

“Fine,” I said, offering a faux-smile.

“My husband hasn’t changed his diaper yet, if that’s what you’re wondering,” Jessica said to her.

“Oh, uhm,” the young lady laughed awkwardly. “That’s none of my business.”

“This is his diaper,” Jessica said, pointing to the puffy white garment on the table. “Have you ever seen a diaper so big?”


“Jessica,” I said. “I don’t think she wants to hear about the diapers.”

I felt terrible for questioning my wife in any way, let alone in front of the waitress. But I felt bad for her. She was just trying to do her job, and she probably didn’t deserve being wedged into a weird couple’s sex game.

“I dunno,” the girl said. “It’s kind of…interesting.”

“Interesting?” asked Jessica. She grinned as she looked across the table at me. “Did you hear that? Interesting.”

“I’m guessing this isn’t some sort of medical issue?” the young woman asked. There was a timidness about her. It was like we were feeding a deer, and we were just one wrong move away from her galloping back to the kitchen.

“I suspect you already know the answer to that,” Jessica said.

The waitress nodded.

It wasn’t in my nature to be so forward–it was probably how I ended up in diapers and chastity in the first place. But my curiosity was killing me, and I was afraid that if I didn’t ask this question, Jessica never would: “Did you…tell other people about this?”

The young woman bit her bottom lip–a sort of ‘oopsie’ kind of look. “Not everyone,” she said. “Just my friend. But that was…before.”

“Before?” I asked.

“Before I was…curious.”

“Your friend knows?” I asked. “Who have they told?”

“Geoff, calm down,” Jessica said. “I’d have done the same thing in her position. I’m sure you see all sorts of strange things in restaurants, right? That’s probably how you get through the night–sharing the stories of the weird things that you see.”

The waitress nodded. “Yes, exactly. But…I won’t say anything to anyone else.”

“It wouldn’t matter if you did,” Jessica said, patting the diaper on the table. The plastic padding emitted ruffled bursts of crinkling in response. “The proof is already out and on display for anyone who is curious enough to look.”

The young woman laughed a little, an uneasy little chuckle that suggested she was warming up to our situation even further.

“I’m sorry, what was your name again?” Jessica asked. I was relieved that I didn’t have to ask that question myself. She had told us at the beginning of the meal, but that information had gone in one ear and right out the other in the midst of the other things that were now on my mind.

“Leann,” she said with a nod.

“A pleasure to meet you. My name is Jessica. And this here–my little pathetic baby of a husband–is Geoff. Or Sweetkins, depending on my mood.”

“It’s nice to meet you,” she said, smirking. “If there’s anything else I can get for you, please let me know.”

“Sweetkins? Can Leann get you anything?”

“N-no. I’m good, thank you.”

“Maybe I’ll just have another glass of wine then,” Jessica said.

“Of course,” Leann replied with a smile. “I’ll be right back with that.” She was off again, heading back to the kitchen.

“She seems nice,” Jessica said.

“Are you happy? You made a friend,” I said. It came off as more bitter than I wanted it to, though I didn’t really regret my tone. Involving other people wasn’t part of tonight’s plan.

“Aw, don’t get pouty about it,” she sneered. “She’d make a fine babysitter.”

“Don’t even joke.”

She just shrugged.

“Think I could get that diaper now?”

“I don’t know if I want to just give it to you now.”

“B-” I stopped myself from saying that word again. “W-why? I already agreed to change my diaper in the men’s room.”

“Maybe I don’t want to be the one to tell you that you can go and change.”

“Well then…who would?” No sooner than the words had come from my mouth, I knew exactly what she meant. “You don’t mean…Leann? You want her to give me permission?”

Jessica shrugged again. “I don’t see why not. That might be fun, right? For all of us, her included.”

“Yeah. So much fun…”

“And here she comes now. When she gets here, I want you to ask her for permission to go and change your diaper.”

“Are you serious? You really expect me to-”

“Yes,” she said. “I do.”

“Here you go,” Leann said, placing the new glass of wine down in front of Jessica, taking the empty glass that it replaced. “Anything else I can do for you?”

There was an awkward pause. Even if Leann didn’t know what I was going to ask, she looked as if she could sense that we were waiting for something to happen.

“Actually,” Jessica said, “I think Geoff here had something he wanted to ask you.”

“Oh?” Leann’s head pivoted back towards me. She was smiling–not a cruel or sarcastic smile, nor warm and inviting. It was curious. Interested.

“I’m supposed to ask if, uhm…”

“No, no,” Jessica said. “That’s no way to start that. You need to ask your question as if it’s your own–not like you’re being held at gunpoint.”

Leann’s smile grew a little bit. Whatever it was that I had to say, she knew it’d be good.

“Leann, I was wondering if…if it was okay with you…if I could go to the bathroom and change my diaper?”

Her eyes lit up and she slowly turned back to Jessica, as if to confirm: Is this for real? Jessica smiled and nodded to her.

“Oh my,” Leann said. “Such power. And if I was to say ‘no?’”

“Well then he wouldn’t get to change his diaper until we got home,” Jessica said.

“He’d probably like that more, hmm?”

Jessica nodded. “Probably. Less embarrassing, for sure. Maybe a little more risk of a diaper rash, but I’m sure he’ll be fine.”

“I’m going to think about it for a minute,” Leann said, looking back at me again. “But I’ll be back soon and let you know.”

She was off again.

“I like her,” Jessica said. “There’s some spunk to her that I hadn’t expected.”

“She could’ve just given me an answer…” I mumbled.

“That sounds like whining.”

“I…I just…it’s bad enough that I’m sitting here with a diaper on the table. I was hoping that it wouldn’t have been so hard to go and change.”

“But let me ask you this,” she said. “Will all this have been worth it later? When you’re freed from your pathetic little cage?”

I knew the answer immediately, but I paused for a moment as to not make it so obvious. “Yes.”

It would be a few minutes before Leann returned. I had no clue as to whether she was just busy or if she was purposefully biding her time as to keep me in suspense. I found it hard to believe that she could be so purposefully teasing. I knew nothing about her, but she presented herself as such an average, wholesome, young woman that it just didn’t seem possible that she was capable of being such a good fit for this evening’s game.

“What’s the matter?” Jessica asked, perhaps noting my nervous and wandering eyes. “Hoping to get an answer soon?”

I nodded, afraid to say much else–it’d probably just come off as more whining.

But I realized that I did have a question I wanted an answer for: “Is this it? Or are there more hoops I need to leap through tonight?”

“If I decided to set up 18 more hoops, you’d jump through all of them.”

“I suppose. I just want to know.”

She shrugged. “It’s more fun if it’s a surprise, isn’t it?”

Perfect timing by Leann, then, to saunter up to the table. She was still smiling. In fact, there was something about her aura that had changed. She had some life in her. I wondered if our strange little world had brought some satisfaction to her job for the first time in a while.

“You have my blessing,” she said to me. “Go on and get your diaper changed.”

Without missing a beat, I reached across the table and grabbed the new diaper.

“But,” Leann added. “I don’t think you should hide your diaper as you carry it to the restroom. Carry that out in front of you proudly, you know?”

“Okay, I really like her,” said Jessica.

“Fine,” I hissed. I was so desperate to complete this task and move on with the evening that this stranger’s audacity in asking such a thing hadn’t even registered. As Jessica had said: I probably would’ve done anything they asked.

The next minute or so was a blur to me. I slid out of the booth and walked to the back corner of the restaurant, my hands holding the diaper out in front of me per Leann’s request. In the dim and moody lighting, I wondered how obvious it was that I held a diaper in my hands. Did people see it? If they did, were they able to identify it for what it was? Or, did nobody care? Maybe, hopefully, people were so enraptured in their own meals that it didn’t register with them to look up at the man walking past them.

And wouldn’t you know it? The men’s room was occupied when I got there. Leaving me to stand in a small hallway, stuck between the entrance to the men’s room and the women’s room, with a diaper in my hand as I waited for the current occupant to leave.

A woman came down the same narrow hallway next. She gave me a curious eye as she walked past me into the women’s room. Your eyes do not deceive you. I am waiting outside the men’s room with a large diaper in my hands.

The longer the occupant in the men’s room took, the less enthused I was to go in after him. I contemplated my options. Would I go back and just say that the restrooms were full? Lie and claim that I did change the diaper, while throwing my new one out? Or…wait here and hope for the best.

The woman exited the other restroom, looking at me again.

“Maybe you should use this one instead,” she said.


“I doubt you want to be out here holding that for much longer.”

I nodded, quickly leaping into the ladies’ room, closing the door behind me and locking it. As if this situation couldn’t already be more absurd–having to change my diaper in a cramped bathroom at a busy restaurant–being in the wrong restroom certainly elevated it further.

I rushed through the process as quickly as I could, shoving my pants down and tearing the soaked diaper from my body. It landed with a heavy ‘splat’ on the ground as I unfurled the new diaper and did my best to guide it between my legs and position it correctly. In an ideal world, I’d have some baby wipes, or maybe even some powder, to help combat the wetness left by the old diaper. But I’d have to do without.

Someone tried the door handle, finding it locked. They then knocked on the door. I opened my mouth to say someone was in there, but I stopped myself. How alarming would it be if the woman on the other side of the door heard a man? Still, it seemed strange to knock on the door–if the door was locked, clearly someone was in here. I offered a vague throat-clearing noise instead, hoping that it’d be sufficient in establishing that someone was, in fact, using the restroom.

Then, I had one last challenge: the old wet diaper. The restroom’s trash bin, a thin metal box positioned under the paper-towel dispenser, would never allow me to fit the diaper into it. My options were to just leave it–which felt entirely disrespectful, especially considering where I was–or…I’d have to take it with me.

It was as if fate, itself, wanted to add one more humiliating task to tonight’s festivities.

I didn’t have time to think about this, I had to act. I grabbed the diaper and opened the door. A young woman on the other side of the door tilted her head, looking back at the door’s placard to make sure that she had the right door.

“S-sorry, ma’am,” I said, stumbling past her.

I briskly walked back to the table, wet diaper tightly nested in my arm like a football. Once more, I traversed the dimly lit maze of tables and booths, wondering who noticed me.

Later, I’d wonder if someone had seen me walking towards the bathroom with a clean diaper, only to emerge later with a bundled up soggy diaper in my hands. That story would just about tell itself.

“Ah, you’re back,” Jessica said as I sat down across from her in our booth. “And you brought a gift with you.”

“There wasn’t anywhere to put it,” I said.

“See? We should’ve brought the diaper bag. Now you’ll have to carry it out with you when we leave.”

“Maybe there’s a bigger trash can here that Leann can-”

“You’re not going to make that nice young lady throw away your dirty diaper.”

That wasn’t what I meant, but I wasn’t about to argue that point.

“Did everything go alright?” asked Leann, slinking up to the table without me even realizing.

“Yes…all better now, thank you.” I thought it would be best to leave out the part about having to use the women’s restroom.

Leann’s eyes shot to the rolled-up used diaper that was still in my hand. I quickly placed it on the seat next to me, but by that point it was already too late.

“I guess he really did need to be changed, huh?” she asked Jessica.

“Oh yes, he really is quite the baby. And, believe it or not, a diaper isn’t even the most humiliating thing he’s wearing tonight.”

“Jessica, no…”

She held out a single finger towards me, commanding my silence without a single word.

More humiliating than a diaper?” asked Leann. “I dunno. A diaper seems pretty bad.”

“Are you familiar with…chastity?” Jessica asked the waitress.

“I…don’t think so? Oh, wait. Is that, like, when a guy wears one of those cage-things on his…”

“Exactly,” Jessica said, revealing a single key hanging from a slender silver chain around her neck.

Leann shook her head in amazement as she watched the little key dangle from the chain in Jessica’s fingers. “And so…he can’t, like, get hard?”

“Nope. And you should see the way he moans about wanting release when he’s been stuck in it for a while. Tonight has been all about him earning that release.”

“Ah,” Leann said. “That explains everything. I see now why he’s so compliant.”

“Amusing to watch, isn’t it?”

“Is that…the only key?” Leann asked.

“It is. Well, now it is. There used to be two keys. One of them got flushed down the toilet. He had been a particularly naughty boy that day. I made him flush it himself.”

“Poor baby. So he doesn’t just want to be a good boy, he needs to be a good boy.”

“That’s exactly right.”

Leann smiled and nodded. She seemed completely satisfied with this information.

“Well now, can I get you two anything else tonight? Dessert?”

“Tempting,” Jessica said. “I worry that the baby would have a little meltdown if I prolonged this dinner any further. Which, don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t mind watching. But maybe we’ll just take the check.”

“Are you sure?” asked Leann. “Not even a cup of coffee?”

“Coffee goes right through Geoff. If I gave him coffee We’d probably be dealing with an entirely different kind of dirty diaper.”

Leann’s hand shot to her mouth as she giggled. “I’ll get you the check, then. I’ll be back in a moment.”

“Thank you,” I said after Leann stepped away from the table again.


“Asking for the check instead of making this dinner any longer than it needed to be.”

“Don’t say I never did anything nice for you,” she said with a sly grin. I didn’t trust that look. Maybe she was just basking in the mischief she had created tonight, or perhaps she had another trick up her sleeve.

Jessica insisted on taking care of the bill. It shouldn’t have mattered, since her money was my money and vice-versa. But there was something about Leann handing the bill to my wife and letting her handle that whole process that felt diminishing to me as the husband. Don’t you worry about this, little boy, it seemed to say. Which was probably exactly what Jessica wanted to say.

The check was paid and we were done. There was nothing left to do but shuffle out of the restaurant, wet diaper in hand. I saw this as a victory. A humiliating and deflating victory.

I let out an epic sigh of relief as we got into the car.

“Feeling good?” Jessica asked.

“I’m about to,” I said with a laugh. “Don’t mind me if I’m speeding a bit on the way home.”

She laughed. “Well you’ve certainly earned the key. If only it were mine to give.”

My heart dropped as I stared at her neck. The chain was gone.

“Wh-where is it?”

“Well I had to leave a tip,” she said with a nonchalant shrug.

“You can’t just give away the key, Jess! I…I need that! It’s the only key!”

“I guess you’re going to have to go and get it, then.”

And just like that, I was walking across the parking lot again. I was furious at Jessica’s last-minute curveball, but I was even more nervous about confronting Leann. What was I going to say? What was I going to do if she didn’t want to give the key back?

The hostess welcomed me back inside the restaurant, having recognized me walking out a few moments earlier. I immediately asked for Leann, and the woman disappeared to find her.

In this moment of waiting, I looked around the restaurant. Who, among the staff, knew about the diapers now? Who, among the other patrons, saw me walking around carrying diapers? Somewhere in this building was the woman who told me to use the restroom to change my diaper, just as the woman who saw me barreling out of the room with the wet diaper in my hand. I was tempted to just turn around and leave. I might have, if the only key to my cage wasn’t at stake.

“Hey,” Leann said, walking towards me. She had a very big smile on her face. “Did you need something?”

“Yeah, you could say that.”

“What’s up?”

I didn’t like this. I didn’t want to beg or grovel. I didn’t want to play another game. Especially because I knew nothing about Leann. If this was her game, I didn’t know what the rules were going to be.

“I think Jessica, uh, gave you the key?”


I sighed. I loathed this conversation. “Yes. The key to my…uhm, cage?”

“Ah yes,” she said. “This one, right?” She slowly pulled the chain from her pocket, the key dangling from the end of it.

“Yes. That’s the one.”

“I don’t want to be a jerk, but…this was given to me. A tip, you know? A gift.”

“Right, but…”

“Part of me wants to give it back to you,” she said. “I mean, this key doesn’t mean as much to me. I don’t own you or your cage.”

“So, you can just give it back to me?”

“Well, on the other hand, it’s a lot of power, right? It’s like I’m clutching your essence, or something, in my hands.”

I sighed, feeling completely exasperated. I hated that I continued to jump through these hoops. I hated how obvious I made it that I was still willing to jump through these hoops in the name of being allowed to finally get off.

“I don’t want a lot,” she said.

“But you want something.”

“Wouldn’t you, if you were me?”

I was in no state of mind to consider that question, as much as I wish I could’ve. I opted to just keep agreeing with everything she said: “Probably.”

“I want to see your diaper. And I want to see your little caged cock.”


“Come on,” she said. “Follow me.”

And, suddenly, I was following a stranger through the restaurant. Past some tables. Past the bar. Into a bustling kitchen. I expected someone to ask me what I was doing there, but everyone seemed to be focused on their own tasks to care what I was doing there. Or, maybe, Leann just had that kind of sway around here. She led me into what appeared to be some sort of storage room, where she closed the door behind us. An assortment of canned food, paper products, and assorted dishware was stacked on racks around us.

“Sooner or later, someone is going to need something from here,” she said. “So you’re going to have to be quick about it.”

“But…” I needed to process everything that was happening. I needed to work up the courage to show this stranger what was in my pants.

“We really don’t have much time,” she said. “I’m on the clock. Other people will be knocking on that door soon. If you want that key, you have to do it now.”

Maybe this was for the best. No thinking, just doing. I shoved my pants down to my knees, standing before her in my diaper.

“Kind of crooked,” she said. “But cute. Okay. Your little cage now?”

I pulled down the front of my diaper, letting the little bundle of cock bounce out. The tough plastic shell had reduced my manhood to a little lump of flesh, and it bounced in front of me innocently.

“Goddamn,” she said, shaking her head. “I’m not sure if I’ve ever seen anything this pathetic in my life.” She took her phone out of her pocket.

“Wait, what are you doing? You can’t-”

Snap. She smiled at the photo on her phone before slipping it back into her pocket.

“Here,” she said, pulling open the front of my diaper. She dropped the key and chain into my diaper. “Pull up your pants and get out of here.”

There were a hundred things I wanted to say. I wanted to complain and point out the unfairness of my evening. But instead, I just offered: “Thank you.”

Back through the kitchen. Back past the bar and restaurant. Past the lobby and back out the door. Waddling past the crowd in a foggy daze while my diaper rustled inside my pants. I could feel the little key and chain bouncing around in there–just another in a series of teases.

“Mission successful?” Jessica asked when I got back in the car.


“What did it cost you?”

I thought of the picture that Leann had taken. Who knows where that picture would go. Who would see it?

“I don’t know just yet.”

She laughed. “Let’s go home. You’ve earned tonight.”



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