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One of the first longform stories I wrote exclusively for Patreon, and one of the first stories I worked on when I started this Patreon project to begin with. I think my style has evolved a little since this story, but I still look back on the time writing this story fondly.

This was originally made exclusive to Tier 2 and Tier 3 patrons, but seeing as how more than a year has passed since this was originally published, I thought I’d make this collected version available to all patrons.


"Good afternoon,” the blonde haired, rosy-cheeked girl at the door said. “I’m Maggie, and it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“Come in. Would you care for something to drink? I could put some tea on.” Maggie entered, following her potential new employer, Amanda Bishop, through the foyer, past the steps leading to the upstairs, and down a short hall to the kitchen and dining area, where Ms. Bishop pulled a chair out for her before taking a seat herself.

“I don’t need a drink. But thank you, Miss Bishop.”

“Mrs. I suppose ‘Ms.’ would suffice too.”

“My apologies,” Maggie said. “In our correspondence I got the impression that you were single…”

“I am, I suppose, for all intents and purposes.” Ms. Bishop sighed, crossing her legs. “Mr. Bishop does exist, supposedly. I rarely see him anymore. I believe he’s in Beijing now - though he may be in Sydney tonight or tomorrow. I can’t keep these things straight.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. That sounds like a burden.”

Ms. Bishop appreciated Maggie’s words, though she had trouble believing that Maggie sincerely meant that. She could’ve sworn there was something condescending in her tone, but she also suspected that she might have been projecting.

“Mr. Bishop isn’t the only one with a job to do, of course. I’ve put off my writing career for a few years now so I could push a baby out of my vagina. It was the greatest moment of my life, or so I’m told.”

Maggie stifled a little laugh, finding herself amused by the woman’s bluntness.

“And that, I suppose, is where you come in. Not quite a nanny, and not quite a...maid,” she tapped her finger, thinking about that. “Are they still called maids?”

“The title isn’t important,” Maggie offered.

“Regardless, I’m looking for someone dependable to both assist in caring for Sophia and to help around the house. Ideally, you’d live here with us, but if there are reasons you can’t, that condition is negotiable.”

“If I was to serve you and your family, Ms. Bishop, I feel that it would make sense for me to take you up on your offer and stay here with you.”

“Well, you’re off to a good start, aren’t you? Let’s talk a little more about some of my expectations…”

One month later.

“I poured a cup of coffee for you, Ms. Bishop - it’s on the counter. There are some muffins coming out of the oven in a few minutes. I can bring one to your office soon if you’d…”

“The coffee will do just fine, thank you,” Ms. Bishop curtly replied. It was her usual morning blur - zipping from the master bedroom, to Sophia’s room, to the kitchen for some coffee, and then to the office where she wouldn’t be seen again for at least 10 hours. She paused for a moment to add: “Don’t forget, Sophia has an appointment with the pediatrician today at 3.”

“4:00, actually,” Maggie corrected her.

“Okay, sure. I’ve already made accommodations with the front desk, so there should be no issues with you being there in my place.”

“Ms. Bishop, if I may, are you sure that you don’t want to go to the appointment yourself?”

Ms. Bishop sighed, and for a moment looked frustrated. She quickly composed herself. “I appreciate your concern, Maggie. This is just a general checkup. I wish I could be there for every moment of her life - but that’s just not possible right now. I trust things will be fine and that you’ll fill me in later.”

With that, Ms. Bishop grabbed the coffee and marched off to her office, where the door closed behind her.

Maggie looked over to Sophia, who was happily poking at an assortment of toys in her playpen. Truth be told, this wasn’t a difficult job. Of the babies that Maggie had been a nanny for, Sophia was pretty low-maintenance. Including the room in the Bishops’ rather beautiful house, and the freakishly robust salary - which Maggie chalked up to Ms. Bishop just desperately wanting to have time to herself to write - she felt that she had it pretty well.

It wasn’t exactly perfect. It was a mostly lonely job, working out of town and away from most of her family and friends. And Ms. Bishop was rarely in good company - she was either holed up in her office, or putting in her time with Sophia.

Maggie would never have called her a bad mother. Ms. Bishop clearly cared for and loved Sophia in her own way. Her own way just, sometimes, seemed a little disconnected. As Maggie understood it, before the baby had been born, Ms. Bishop was a rather accomplished author. Given the frustrated grumbles she’d hear from within the office now...it didn’t seem like her attempts at recapturing that glory had been going especially well.

Still, Maggie did her best not to judge. She was, after all, getting paid rather well - on top of having a rather nice place to live. Maggie had been employed by worse mothers, and for less.

If anything, Amanda Bishop was…

The office door opened: “What is this? Coffee? Are you sure? It seems more like brown water to me.”

...a brat.

“I...do you want me to make another pot?”

“How in the world did you make the first pot so poorly? Please don’t do whatever you did the first time. Yes. Coffee is too important. Here, take this.” She forced the mostly full mug back into Maggie’s hands, some of it splashing onto Maggie’s shirt.

In the kitchen, Maggie took a sip of the coffee, finding that it tasted like it did everyday.

This quickly became the norm, Ms. Bishop taking out her aggressions on Maggie. Her frustrations never really seemed to actually be Maggie’s fault - but she sure tried to make them seem that way.

“This steak is hardly what I’d consider medium rare.”

“How much fabric softener are you using in the laundry, anyways? It smells like a perfume factory in here.”

“If you’re dusting once a week, why am I still seeing dust on top of the television?”

“What have you been doing that has put Sophia into such a terrible mood today?”

“I gave you a very specific grocery list. I fail to see how it could have been clearer what type of bathroom tissue I want in this house.”

Two Months Later

“Did you really think this would pass as an apple pie when you didn’t even…”

Standing in Ms. Bishop’s office, at her desk, where she had just presented a piece of homemade apple pie in her latest attempt at a peace offering, something finally snapped in her. Maggie dug into her pocket and fished out one of Sophia’s pacifiers. She took a deep breath and quickly pressed into Ms. Bishop’s mouth. Stunned, Ms. Bishop didn’t resist it, nor did she immediately spit it out. Instead, she looked up from her desk at Maggie, who looked less than pleased.

“Now, Ms. Bishop, while I think you’d be hesitant to say such a thing out loud, I feel that we both know I’ve done an awful lot for Sophia and your home. And I also think it’s fair to say that I’ve been on the receiving end of your frustration for the last few months, is that right?”

The pacifier slowly slid out of Ms. Bishop’s mouth, onto the plate of pie. She opened her mouth wider, as if to say something, but no words came out. For the first time in Maggie’s recollection, Ms. Bishop looked ashamed.

“Look, I know that you’re going to have some words for me in a minute, so I’m bracing myself. I just...I’m trying to do my damn job. And you’re the most difficult part of it. I’m sorry if your writing isn’t going as you thought it would. I’m sorry that your husband is never home...even if I’m still not completely convinced he exists. But, please, I ask you to treat me with one iota of respect. In a relatively short time, you’ve pushed me to my breaking point. Now, I don’t want to have to quit, but I will if I…”

“N-no,” Ms. Bishop said. She slowly picked up the pacifier from the plate, rotating it in her hand. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I’ve gotten so wound up in my work that…” she trailed off for a moment. “It’s just...nobody has spoken to me like that in a long time and…” Then, to Maggie’s astonishment, Ms. Bishop slid the pacifier back into her mouth.

For a moment, Maggie wasn’t sure how to react. She expected Ms. Bishop to spit out the pacifier again and complain that it hadn’t been disinfected enough or something. But instead, looking more vulnerable than Maggie would’ve ever thought possible, she just looked up at her while sucking on the pacifier.

“I see,” Maggie said finally, taking a stab at what she was going to do with this. “So I have two babies to take care of now?”

Ms. Bishop started to move her head - perhaps it would’ve been a nod - but paused, unsure of really what she was trying to communicate.

“Maybe you need to take a break from all this adulting you’ve been attempting, yes?” Maggie asked. She felt like she was improvising every word, and she had no idea where she was going with this.

Ms. Bishop nodded.

“I could get you...some milk?”

Ms. Bishop considered this for a moment, and nodded again.

“I would serve it to you in a bottle though. You know...like I do for the baby.”

Ms. Bishop blushed, but nodded again.

“I see. So you’d like that? To be bottle fed like a baby?”

She nodded.

Maggie was starting to feel a little more bold. She could feel a surge of power that she hadn’t felt in a very long time. She wondered how far she could take this. “Why don’t we take a break from the computer, yes? Why don’t you sit on your couch, and I’ll bring you a bottle.”

From behind the pacifier, Ms. Bishop tried to say something: “Thothia?”

“Sophia? She’s sleeping. Honestly, you’re probably overdue for a nap yourself. But one thing at a time.”

Ms. Bishop nodded, and slid off her chair, slowly walking over to her office’s couch before sitting down.

Maggie left the office and quickly walked to the kitchen, her eyes wide and her brain was on the brink of implosion. What was happening? How long was this going to last? What was going to happen when Ms. Bishop finally snapped out of it?

She took one of Sophia’s plastic baby bottles from the drying rack and poured some milk into it before screwing the lid onto it. This all seemed very surreal. Was it more surreal that she was interested in seeing where this would go next?

She walked back into Ms. Bishop’s office, expecting to see her back at her computer again. She could almost hear her now, complaining about how Maggie had somehow wasted her time. Instead, she was still on the couch where she left her - the pacifier still in her mouth.

“I brought you some milk, Ms. Bishop…” No, that didn’t sound right. “Amanda.”

She sat down next to her with the bottle in hand. Ms. Bishop, or perhaps just Amanda now, hesitated for a moment, but leaned back into Maggie, resting her head on her shoulder. Maggie pressed the silicone nipple into her mouth, and within moments, Amanda seemed to be blissfully sucking away at it.

“That’s...very good,” Maggie said. She almost stopped herself, but suddenly the words were coming: “Could this have been your problem all along? All this time you were being rude and condescending towards me, and really you just needed to be treated like a baby? Had I known you just needed a bottle in your mouth, I would’ve done it the first week I moved in.”

There was no response, just the gentle sucking sounds coming from Amanda.

“Hm. No, actually, if I wanted to deal with a bratty little girl, I’d sooner put her over my knee and give her a good paddling before I gave her a bottle of milk.”

Amanda stopped sucking from the bottle for a moment. Her head tilted a little towards Maggie.

“Oh? Do you...think that’s a good idea?”



“I...have been a bit of a bitch. Maybe I deserve that…”

“Fine. We’ll save the bottle for when we’re done.” She withdrew the bottle from Amanda, setting it on the floor. “Come now. Over my knees. I’m sure someone of your demeanor has been in this position before at least once in her life.”

Amanda blushed, recalling a few times when her husband had also deemed it necessary to spank her bottom into submission.

Without missing a beat, Amanda quickly rolled herself over Maggie’s lap, her chest and face hanging off one side, while her curvy rear was perfectly positioned on the other. Either she had done this before, Maggie noted, or she just really wanted this.

“I’m not going to be polite about this,” Maggie said.

She could see the back of Amanda’s head nodding in acceptance.

“And I feel like your leggings are just going to get in the way of the punishment you deserve. So, I’m going to slide those down.”

There was no notable reaction from Amanda, but Maggie took the lack of disagreement as a sign to proceed. She carefully pulled Amanda’s leggings and her black panties down to the tops of her thighs.


Maggie had actually done this once before. Never to a child, though the father of one of the children she had watched - a naughty man in the bedroom who liked being paddled while he wore his wife’s panties. She assumed that she had done a pretty good job, given how often after he’d ask her for a repeat performance. If only you could see me now, Mr. Henshaw.

She struck Amanda’s bottom quickly and without any further deliberation. Her open hand resonated with a perfectly crisp “SLAP” on Amanda’s right cheek, followed by Amanda’s “Augh!” She wound up again and brought her hand down, concentrating on her left cheek now. “SLAP” Again, Amanda cried out in pain, though it sounded a little more like a moan this time.

“You need…” SLAP “...to be nicer…” SLAP “...to the nanny.” SLAP “Do you…” SLAP “...understand?” SLAP


“I trust…” SLAP “...you’re going…” SLAP “...to be…” SLAP “...a good girl…” SLAP “...now?”

“I will...yes…”

Maggie stopped herself from slapping Amanda’s bottom again, as much as she wanted to carry on like this for another hour. Instead, she began to rub her red ass slowly and gently. Amanda moaned again a little.

“It’s safe to say you like this, yes?”


“Should I...add this to my list of responsibilities?”

“You can have a raise if you want. If you...can keep this up.”


“Please...don’t make me beg for it.”

Maggie continued rubbing Amanda’s bottom as she lay over her knees. A smile formed on her face. Did she want to see her beg? She might. She would think about that.

Maggie’s hand accidentally found its way between Amanda’s legs, just for a brief moment. Long enough to feel that Amanda had become very wet. Feeling Maggie’s hand brush against her there, Amanda moaned again.

“Just tell me what you want. You don’t have to beg today.”

“I just...haven’t felt this way in so long. I needed to feel powerless and small.”

“So you want to be a baby?”

“I mean...I can’t just be a baby…”

“Do you want me to treat you like a baby?” Maggie’s hand brushed between Amanda’s legs again, this time on purpose.

Amanda moaned softly again, her body wiggling a little, clearly wanting more. “I...I think I do. Yes. Please. I want that.”

“Can you reach your bottle?”


“Why don’t you be a good baby and drink your bottle?”

Amanda grabbed her bottle from the floor and held it up to her mouth with both hands as she continued to dangle over Maggie’s lap. Maggie, meanwhile, continued to rub Amanda’s rear, though she was going slower now, and in more deliberate motions that brought her hand between Amanda’s legs more frequently.

The result was a surprisingly adorable sequence of suckling noises, broken up with soft moans and groans. Maggie became more bold, almost entirely concentrating on Amanda’s pussy. Maggie wondered if ‘pussy’ didn’t seem to mature a term for someone sucking on a baby bottle. She made a note to think of something better later.

The moans were getting more frequent, and the sucking on the nipple was getting more intense. In the chorus of noise, deep breaths had been added to the mix.


“Keep sucking on the bottle, baby.”

“Uhm gumma...,” Amanda said, the nipple still firmly planted in her mouth.

“Are you now?”

“Uhm...gumming…” The lovely song that Amanda had been making with her infantile suckling and moaning came to an end with a gurgling noise.

Maggie gave Amanda a minute or two to recover before slowly pulling her from her lap and sitting her next to her on the couch again. Amanda’s hair was a mess. Milk covered her lips and dripped down her chin.

Neither of them said anything immediately. For Amanda, she couldn’t believe that she had let all of this happen to her, so quickly and with little resistance. For Maggie, she couldn’t believe it went where it did. In a matter of moments, this had all seemed to spiral out of control.

“I...I have work to do,” Amanda said finally.

“Yes, of course.”

Maggie instinctively wiped the milk from Amanda’s face with her sleeve, as she would’ve done with Sophia. Realizing what she was doing, Maggie pulled her arm back and got off the couch, straightening out her clothes and preparing herself to go check on the actual baby upstairs. She reached for the baby bottle, still half full of milk.

“N-no,”  Amanda said, holding out a hand to stop her. “You can leave that here. I’ll bring it to the kitchen myself later.”

“Of course. I’ll...leave you to get back to work.”

“Thank you.”

Maggie had made it to the door and was almost out of the office when Amanda called out to her again.


“Yes, Ms. Bishop?”

“I’m sorry that I’m such a pain sometimes. You’re doing a good job with Sophia and our home. I...you…” she was searching for the right words. “I...wasn’t kidding before. I want this...whatever that was a few minutes ago. I want more of that. And you can say no. But if there’s anything that I can provide to you that will make that more of a possibility, I want you to tell me.”

“That won’t be necessary, Ms. Bishop. I’m in.”


A week had passed since Ms. Bishop had been pulled over Maggie’s knees and paddled - among other things. The atmosphere in the house had seemed to change, though neither acknowledged it. Ms. Bishop seemed softer and less agitated. Likewise, Maggie seemed to have more patience with her. Both were likely waiting for the other to bring it up again, and the more time that went by, the more nervous both became that it had been a strange fluke.

One morning, Maggie had set out Ms. Bishop’s coffee on the counter, next to the bottle she had just prepared for Sophia.

“Which one of these is for me?” asked Amanda playfully as she entered the kitchen.

“Which would you like?”

“The coffee right now. But. I may need my baba later,” she said, blushing slightly.

“That could be arranged,” Maggie said with a shrug. “After I check in on the other baby.”

“Thank you,” Amanda said timidly, grabbing her coffee before scurrying off to her office.

Maggie smiled, happy that this door was open again. She went about her morning routine as she normally did, some extra pep in her step.

It had become difficult for her to focus on the actual job of caring for Sophia, she found, as she kept finding herself zoning out on the couch while Sophia crawled around with a little less restriction than usual. At one point she paused for a moment at the bathroom mirror for a much needed one-on-one conversation with herself.

“Look...I know you’re excited. The other day was...incredible. Today could be even better. But you gotta calm down. Do your job. Treat everything the same as you always do. The only thing different is that you’re...babying your boss. No big deal. No big deal at all.”

She wasn’t buying it.

Meanwhile, Amanda wasn’t having any easier of a time. As she had been for most of the week, once she took a seat at her desk, she’d spend most of the day staring at a blank document on her PC.

She daydreamed quite a bit. They’d start pretty tame. Maybe Maggie would just feed her a bottle, or stuff a spoonful of baby food into her mouth. But her fantasies slowly got more advanced. Maggie holding Amanda’s head to her breast while she suckled from it, milk dripping down her face. Maggie swatting at Amanda's ass again before easing a thermometer into her exposed and vulnerable asshole. Amanda stuck in a high chair, or forced to take a nap in a playpen similar to the one Sophia had.

Once, she had even imagined laying on her back, her feet kicking in the air as Maggie approached her from between Amanda’s legs. She was saying something…’Does the baby need her diaper changed?’

She realized she had been stuck in a daydream again...or maybe she had actually just fallen asleep at her desk. It was suddenly a little after 1:00 PM. Where the hell had her morning gone?

There was a polite knock on the office door. She knew who it would be. What she didn’t know was what this visit could be. Maybe Maggie had a question about Sophia. Maybe she needed to place an order for food. Maybe...she was here for her again.


“May I come in?”

“You don’t have to ask that,” Amanda said shyly. This was quite a reversal from where they were a few weeks ago when Amanda would’ve likely given Maggie attitude for coming to her during office hours for any reason at all.

The door opened, and Maggie walked in, a bag slung over her shoulder. It looked like a large purse or a travel bag, maybe. Amanda’s first thought was that Maggie was leaving. She had packed a bag and had come to tell her that she was quitting and leaving the house.

But, in Maggie’s hand was a baby bottle, filled with milk. Amanda wasn’t at all sure what to think now.

“Ms. Bishop, I believe it’s time for you to be fed.”

“You don’t have to call me…”

“Amanda. Please come over here for your bottle.” Maggie sat down on the couch, patting the seat next to her.

Amanda didn’t want to seem overeager, but she was aware that it was probably the quickest she had moved herself in a long time. She just about teleported from her office chair to the couch next to Maggie.

If either had thought about it at all, it likely would’ve been pretty awkward. Instead, both instantly fell into their roles, Amanda leaning into Maggie’s lap while Maggie slid the baby bottle into her mouth. Amanda suckled at the nipple happily, very aware of Maggie’s other hand that slowly and carefully ran across her chest and shoulders in soothing motions.

After a few minutes, but just before the point where Maggie might have talked herself out of bringing it up, she offered: “Would you like more?”

“More milk?” asked Amanda.

“No...more...of this. More...baby.”

Amanda wasn’t completely sure what ‘more’ entailed, but she wanted it. “Yes.”

“I bought some things,” Maggie said.

“That bag?”

“It’s a...diaper bag,” Maggie answered. Both of them blushed, the implications of even having a ‘diaper bag’ in the room right now felt quite heavy.

“Does that mean that…”

“If you’re okay with it.”

Amanda nodded.

This was good. This was the reaction that Maggie needed to see. She was feeling confident now, more so than before.

“Finish this bottle first,” Maggie said.

Amanda sucked from the bottle as hard as she could, though she found that it wasn’t as effective as she wanted it to be - likely by design. She continued taking steady and rhythmic draws from the bottle, forced to take her time and wonder about what was coming next. Diapers? Was she really agreeing to that? At no point in her adult life had she ever considered such a thing, and if someone was to have suggested it to her, she likely would’ve been revolted. But now she wanted them. More than anything.

“That’s a good girl,” Maggie said, watching the bottle’s volume slowly diminish. She had debated whether or not she’d say anything at all, and she was glad that she fought her instincts. Being open and straightforward was going a long way here. This whole thing felt strangely random - like they had both stumbled into some sort of BDSM role play - but it seemed to be working for them. Who was she to question fate? She smiled, liking this feeling. “Drink it all up, baby.”

Amanda finished the bottle, and Maggie wasted no time in snatching it from her hands and pulling it away. Amanda wondered if she had been watching the bottle intently for the last few minutes, waiting for it empty with anticipation.

“Stand up. We need to get your clothes off.”


“No…” Amanda wished that she had some babyish outfits for her. She’d have to work on that, she thought, and she made a note to herself to look some up online later. “Your pants, at least.”

Amanda stood up and began pulling down her pants, only to have her hands slapped away by Maggie. Neither said anything, but Amanda understood. Maggie would be handling this.

Her pants and panties were pulled down to the floor by Maggie, and Amanda obediently stepped out of them. The pants were kicked aside, but Maggie picked the panties up and held them in her hand for a moment. Amanda wasn’t sure which made her feel more vulnerable - standing before Maggie without any pants on, or Amanda examining her bright yellow panties in her hand.

“These are pretty,” Maggie said.

“Thank you…”

“It’s a shame you won’t be needing them anymore.” She casually tossed them into the trash can. Amanda’s eyes widened and she blushed.


“I’d be silly to leave a baby in panties, don’t you think? You’d end up having an accident in them and ruining them.”

“But...do you mean…”

“Lie down on the ground, baby. On your back.”

Amanda did so, and as she lowered herself to the ground, she found herself recalling her earlier fantasy of Maggie approaching her from between her legs and asking about her diaper. Suddenly, that didn’t seem so far-fetched at all. In fact, it seemed likely now.

“I found diapers online that seemed appropriate,” Maggie said as she opened the diaper bag. “I guess that shouldn’t be a big surprise. But just look at these.”

They were large white diapers with blue stripes running down the middle of them. Amanda couldn’t believe how big they were - or how thick they were.

“They make some in this size with these really cute prints on them too, I guess. I wasn’t sure if that would be too much at first. So let's see how you do with these.”

Amanda blushed, a culmination of a few embarrassing thoughts at once. She wondered what “seeing how I do” with these diapers entailed. She wondered how embarrassing the printed diapers would be. She wondered how soon after their last encounter that Maggie went and bought these.

Maggie dropped to her knees and positioned herself between Amanda’s legs. It had been one thing to see her naked bottom as it hung off her lap, and another to see her standing before her without pants on. But there was nothing quite like seeing Amanda like this. Her legs spread, her clean-shaven pussy on display and open.

Instinctively, or perhaps following how she saw it happening in her fantasies, Amanda’s legs raised into the air, lifting her bottom a little for Maggie. Maggie was amused by this. She could practically hear Amanda begging her to put her in the diaper.

She eased the open diaper under Amanda’s bottom, and when Amanda lowered herself onto it, she grabbed the bottle of baby powder. Maggie realized this wasn’t especially different than putting an actual baby into a diaper after a bath. This was even easier than she thought it would be.

The baby powder was liberally sprinkled over the open diaper and between Amanda’s legs. This was certainly more powder than what would’ve been used with a baby - even proportionately, but both of them knew that this was the right amount for this situation.

The diaper was secured around Amanda’s bottom and sealed shut with the tapes. It was a deeply nostalgic sound for both of them - a sound once associated with diapers that you just didn’t hear anymore. It hadn’t been until now that Amanda considered how disappointing the modern baby diapers were with their cloth-like texture and velcro-esque fastening system.

“There. All done,” Maggie said, looking down at her handywork.

“Does it look...silly?”

“Oh, absolutely. You’re a big baby in a giant padded diaper. You look ridiculous, as you should. It’s a good thing.”

“I don’t know if…”

Maggie wasn’t sure what she was going to say, and it didn’t matter. She leaned forward and plugged a pacifier into her mouth, cutting her off and silencing her.

“Now why don’t you get back to work. I’ll check on you and your diaper later.”

“Waith…” Amanda tried to say through the pacifier. “Doh you ekkspeck meh to…”

“Yes, of course. You just drank a whole bottle of milk, silly. Do whatever you need to do in your diaper like a good girl. And I mean that. I change enough diapers in this house everyday that a few more big ones aren’t going to upset me. It’s part of my job.”

Amanda sat up, feeling the bulk of the cushy bulk of the diaper settling beneath her bottom and between her legs. It wasn’t uncomfortable, but it changed the way that every one of her movement’s felt. She blushed.

“In fact, let me make this very clear to you,” Maggie said. “When I come back in here, I’m going to be changing your diaper. So you better have used it before then.”

Maggie got up from the ground, picking up Amanda’s discarded pants and her diaper bag before heading out the door, closing it behind her.

Sitting on the floor in her diaper, she glanced to the trash can where she saw a corner of her panties sticking out of it. Through her pacifier, through her blushing cheeks, she smiled, and began pawing at the front of her diaper, feeling herself through the thick plastic padding.


For all of the tenacity and guile she had shown in Ms. Bishop’s office earlier, Maggie wasn’t sure how she’d follow it up. She was tempted to say she was overwhelmed. Every time she thought there’d be a point where Ms. Bishop would put her foot down and say that she didn’t want to go any further, she’d roll over on her back and kick her feet in the air like a toddler.

Maggie thought, for sure, that the diapers were going to have been the end of the little game. She had ordered them in such a fervor after their first encounter that by the time they were delivered, she wasn’t even sure she could go through with it. Obviously she had changed her mind since, but she didn’t think that she was actually going to have left that office with Ms. Bishop wearing one of them.

But what now? Getting her into a diaper had been one thing, but Maggie was starting to worry that she was nearing the end of what she had planned for. What was she supposed to do next with a grown woman in a diaper?

She had put Sophia down for her afternoon nap, and had an hour or two to kill before she’d start dinner. Given that Ms. Bishop had about at least four hours to herself, and her diaper, this did seem like the right time to check in on her. She grabbed the new diaper bag - Amanda’s Diaper Bag, as she had been referring to it in her head - took a deep breath, and decided to see how much stranger things could get.

“Well, Ms. Bi-...uhm...Amanda,” Maggie said as she entered the office. Maggie called her Ms. Bishop so often, that it was how she referred to her in her mind now too. But this woman in a diaper, this was Amanda. Amanda was a little girl, not her employer. “Shall we check on your diaper?”

Amanda’s office chair, which faced away from the door, slowly spun around to face Maggie - her legs were crossed, mostly concealing the crotch of the diaper, but Maggie could at least tell that she was still wearing it. Her panties were still in the trash where they had been.

Amanda was blushing.


“Am I going to come to you and check? Or are you going to come to me?”

Amanda considered this question carefully. She felt like there was a correct answer, though she wasn’t sure which. Maggie had begun to take a step towards her, but Amanda held out a hand to stop her, knowing how she wanted to proceed. “I...I’ll come to you.”

Maggie nodded approvingly.

Amanda slid from her office chair, landing on her knees as the rest of her body arched forward with her palms landing on the ground. She crawled towards Maggie. Her shirt, which had done just about nothing to conceal the diaper before, had scrunched its way to just under Amanda’s breasts, providing an unobstructed view of her diapered bottom swaying in the air with each movement.

“My my, I had no idea you wanted this so bad,” Maggie said with a smirk.

Amanda wanted to say something - maybe explain herself a little - but it seemed impossible to do so now without ruining the moment. She wanted to explain that she had spent most of the day since getting diapered touching herself through the thick garment. She had also practiced crawling. She sucked her thumb. She rolled around and kicked her feet in the air. She thoroughly saturated her diaper. Twice.

There’d be too much to explain. She’d want to mention how she had been forced to grow up early when she was sent to live with her grandfather while a teenager. Or how she went from high school to college to graduate studies in a blur of research papers and exams. She’d also want to mention getting her first three books published, getting married, having a baby, and then having her husband fade from existence.

But she said nothing and crawled towards Maggie instead. If Maggie wanted to add treating her like a baby to her job responsibilities with no further questions asked, Amanda wasn’t going to stop her.

“Let me see what we’ve got here,” Maggie said, orbiting Amanda so she could get a better look at her sagging wet diaper.

Amanda couldn't explain it, but there was a distinct shift in her mood. But it was more than that. In a short time, and with seemingly little effort, Maggie seemed to be able to hit a switch in Amanda.

She wasn’t just acting like a little girl. She felt like a little girl.

“Very soggy,” Maggie cooed, reaching down and patting Amanda’s diapered bottom. Amanda let out a small moan, feeling the heavy diaper pushed against her. “Did you wet yourself more than once today?”

“Uhm…” Amanda cleared her throat and tried again. “Uhm…” She couldn’t even speak. She didn’t know what to say if she could.

“I’ll take that as a yes. I’m wondering if maybe we should consider making this a daily part of my agenda. I’ll take care of Sophia as usual. And, when I’m not, I could take care of you.”

Amanda blushed and looked down, saying nothing. She wanted that very badly.

“Lie down. On your back, Baby.”

Amanda complied, gently rolling onto her back while kicking her feet into the air. She felt like Sophia.

“I’ll order a changing mat,” Maggie said. She was talking as if she was talking to Ms. Bishop, the adult woman, who was somewhere in the room - maybe in spirit only. Amanda only listened and nodded as Maggie continued: “And I figure you’ll need more diapers. I found some with cute colors and prints on them.”

Maggie opened Amanda’s diaper, finding herself impressed with just how saturated it was. Looking at Sophia’s diapers all day, this was just as different as it was similar. Peeling it away from Amanda’s bottom, Maggie rolled it up tightly and held it above Amanda so she could see.

“Look how big this diaper is, even all rolled up like this. You did that. You’re such a baby.”

Amanda closed her eyes for a moment. Everytime Maggie called her that, she felt a wave of happiness coarse through her body.

“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say that you were proud of your work here. Is that right?”

Amanda gave a timid shrug, but the slightest of smiles gave her away.

Maggie gently ran some moist wipes over Amanda’s skin. She took her time, letting her fingers wander between Amanda’s legs longer than she needed to with the damp cloth. She could feel Amanda’s body lean into her fingers slightly. Her breathing was louder. The slightest of moans. Maggie wanted to continue, but she knew that if she started this, diaper changes were going to take forever. She unfurled a new diaper instead, easing it beneath Amanda.

“You know...if you start wearing diapers everyday, I’m going to start expecting you to use them...all the time.”

Amanada seemed lost in her head at the moment, blissfully wriggling about on the carpet. Maggie wasn’t sure she had effectively made her point at all.

She tried again, being a little more direct: “If you’re expected to use diapers everyday, and you’re not using the big girl toilet, I imagine at some point you’ll have more than just a wet diaper.”

Amanda heard Maggie’s words, and on some level of her brain they were registering. But in this headspace, in this moment, Maggie could’ve been reading from a Stephen King novel and it would’ve just sounded like music. She felt Maggie sprinkling the baby powder on her and the diaper being taped shut on her, and she was just lost in those feelings.

Sure sure, Amanda thought. Anything you want. Just keep touching me. Just make me your baby.

Maggie laughed, wondering to herself if she’d have to repeat this to her again later. She was tempted to say it one more time - as bluntly as possible. Do you think you’d one day regress so much that you mess your diaper? Because I think you will. And I’ll change you. She laughed to herself again. One way or another, Amanda might figure it out for herself anyways. Should this keep going, of course - and Maggie suspected it would.

She sat down on the ground, near Amanda, and though neither of them said or signaled anything, Amanda rolled over and crawled to Maggie’s side, resting her head in Maggie’s lap.

There was a sense of quiet calm in the room. Amanda was obviously feeling comfortable and safe in her newfound headspace, and even Maggie was beginning to realize how quickly she was getting attached to the idea of caring for her new, bigger, baby.

From somewhere else in the house, Maggie and Amanda could hear the stirring whines of Sophia. It wouldn’t be much longer until she was crying. They exchanged a glance, both seeming slightly disappointed.

“I should go tend to the other baby,” Maggie said.

Amanda blushed and nodded, rolling from Maggie’s lap so she could get up.

They both wanted to say more. Maggie wanted to assure Amanda that they’d circle back on this. This would happen again. There would be more of this. Of course there would be more of this.

Amanda wanted to tell Maggie how much she appreciated her. How much she appreciated this. How much she needed this.

Maggie gave a small wave and left the room, leaving Amanda to ponder her place - both on the floor and in her mind.


“It’s coming along, as fast as it can!”

Maggie’s ears perked a little in the kitchen, hearing Amanda’s voice raise on a call from her office.

“Just be happy that I’m writing at all. It’s been years since my last book...I think my audience can wait a little longer.”

Maggie laughed to herself. She knew by now what this meant. The call would end, Amanda would be upset, and Maggie was going to need to comfort her.

“I don’t care about the New York Times,” Amanda continued to whoever it was she was on the phone with. “That’s your problem, not mine. They can read the book when it’s done.”

Two weeks had passed since Maggie had introduced Amanda to diapers. Once again, the daily routine shifted and evolved to account for the new normal. In the morning, Maggie would visit Amanda, get her into a diaper, feed her a bottle, and let her spend the morning writing. At lunch, Maggie would check in on Amanda, changing her diaper if needed, and then one last time at the end of Amanda’s work day.

“You and I both know that I’m not sending you any amount of words until I’ve at least completed the first draft. And does it sound like I’ve finished the first draft yet?”

There were a few days when, at the conclusion of her time in the office, Amanda wanted to be changed into a fresh diaper for the evening, but typically, the end of Amanda’s time in the office was the end of little baby Amanda and the return of Ms. Bishop.

It was an unspoken separation of personalities, really. Amanda was clingy and cuddly. Ms. Bishop, while certainly not the aggravated single mother she had once been to Maggie, was at least professional and very adult-like. Ms. Bishop was still the boss, even if Amanda wasn’t.

“I know, I know, you’re just doing your job. You keep saying that. Well you know what? I’m just doing my job too. So you can fuck off until I’ve gotten a chance to actually do my job.”

Maggie glanced into the living room, seeing that Sophia was passed out in her playpen. A little early for her nap - but this was probably for the better. Maggie was going to have to go comfort the other baby now.

She cautiously entered the office. “Hey...everything okay?”

Amanda, slumped over her computer gave a small shrug. Maggie could see that Amanda had tossed her cell phone onto the ground.

“It’s okay if you’re feeling upset, you know. What can I do to help?”

“I’m starting to wonder if this is the problem,” Amanda murmured.

“I’m not sure I know what you mean.”

“I just...I’m having trouble concentrating. I want to write. And I was doing so well, too. I probably told my publishers some things I shouldn’t have about being ahead of schedule and all that. But I’ve just...lost that spark. I sit here at the computer and...nothing.”

Maggie wondered if she already knew the answer, but she asked anyway: “Why are you so distracted?”

“My diaper,” Amanda said, slowly spinning around on her chair to face Maggie. Her face was blushing and tears welled in her eyes. “Just...being a baby. I just love it so much. I want it so bad. It’s just all-consuming…”

Maggie took a seat on the couch, patting the seat next to her. Without another word, Amanda slid off her chair and crawled to the couch, again planting her head on Maggie’s lap. Maggie ran her fingers through Amanda’s hair slowly.

“It’s okay, Baby,” Maggie cooed. “Sometimes you just need to be yourself. And it seems like yourself, right now, is just a little baby. Is that right?”

Amanda nodded, her thumb entering her mouth unconsciously. It amazed Maggie how deep into her littlespace Amanda was getting anymore. In no time at all, she could just instantly regress.

“How is your diaper? Do you need to be changed?”

Amanda slowly slid her thumb out of her mouth just enough so that she could talk. “It’s wet. But…”

“But what? If it's wet, maybe we should get you a new diaper, yes?”

“N-no. Not yet. Please.”

Maggie didn’t question it, but it was curious. For as much as Amanda seemed to love her diapers, she was always looking forward to a change. She kept running her hands through Amanda’s hair, listening to the faint noises of her sucking on her thumb.

There had been something that Maggie had wanted to try, but she was never sure how or when to introduce it. Now, while Amanda lay in her lap, it seemed like it might be the time. She pulled her hands back from Amanda for a moment and she began to pull off her own shirt. This quickly got Amanda’s attention.

Maggie opened her mouth to explain, but thought it might be better to show instead. She reached behind her back, unclasping her bra before pulling it off of her. Her exposed breasts - seemingly perfectly sized and shaped - hung above Amanda’s head. Maggie didn’t have to say anything. Amanda almost immediately seized one in her hands, one hand on either side of the teardrop shaped tit, pulling the nipple into her mouth.

They moaned simultaneously.

Amanda frequently switched between a ravenous suction and a delicate suckling. Maggie’s hands held Amanda’s head in place, cradling the back of her head.

Maggie wondered if she should say anything at all. Would it ruin the moment to say something? But her mouth opened, and she was talking - she couldn’t even help it: “You’re such a good girl. Such a good good girl.”

Amanda tried to pull her mouth away from the breast to say something, but she couldn’t quite manage it. Between Maggie’s hand and her own eagerness to devour the breast, she let out a sequence of moans and gasps from around Maggie’s nipple. “Muh...mah...muh…”

It didn’t even matter what Amanda was trying to say. Maggie didn’t think she could enjoy this moment anymore.

Amanda’s lips pulled away again, just enough. “Mom...Mommy…”

“M-mommy?” Maggie asked, blushing. “You...you think I could be…”

“Mommy...I need to tell you something.” Her lips, once again, found Maggie’s nipple.

There was clearly no time to discuss the fact that Amanda just called her ‘Mommy.’ As much as Maggie wanted to tell her how much she enjoyed it - she wanted to know what Amanda was trying to say.

“Of course. What is it?”

“I...want…” Amanda paused and started over. “I have to...do something.”

“I don’t understand. What is it?”

“My diaper, Mommy. I’m going to…”

“You’re going to what, baby? Wet yourself again? It’s okay. That’s what your diaper is for, and when you’re all done here, we can get you changed.”

Truth be told, Maggie was very excited for Amanda to wet her diaper while cradled in her lap, suckling her breast.

“N-no...I…” Amanda couldn’t even bring herself to say whatever it was, and she went back to sucking, her cheeks bright red.

“Are you saying that you might have to...poo?”

Amanda couldn’t answer, nor could she pull herself from Maggie’s chest. She just nodded slightly.

Maggie’s heart raced, as she could imagine Amanda’s had too. She knew this was inevitable - but it had yet to occur. As much as it was always in the back of her mind, she still couldn’t believe this was happening. Now. With Amanda in her lap, suckling her tit. She wondered if it was a happy coincidence or if Amanda had been holding it for a moment like this. It hardly mattered, either way.

Amanda wasn’t sure how to do this. She wasn’t sure if she could do this, even. Years of good toilet habits were her only memories of bowel movements. She certainly hadn’t ever done it while lying in another woman’s arms. Physical uncertainty aside, there was the matter of having that other woman watching her while she shit herself in a diaper. The entire situation was rather surreal, as everything over the last few weeks had been.

She had been holding it for two days though - and there was substantial cramping and pressure on her bowels. She almost had to say something to Maggie about it, or else she was liable to just mess herself anyways. She couldn’t decide which would be worse.

“Go on,” Maggie cooed. “I know you want to. I know you want to fill your diaper for me, don’t you?”

Amanda did. She really did. Her sucking intensified. She was nodding. Any doubt or self-consciousness was slowly slipping away.

“Please?” Maggie continued. “I really want you to…” she trailed off a little and decided to start again. There was that word that Amanda had used before. “Mommy really wants you to mess your diaper for me, Baby.”

Amanda moaned into Maggie’s breast, finding herself completely convinced. She could do it. She would do it. She wanted to do it. She needed to push and fill her diaper. For Mommy - because Mommy asked her to. She wanted to please Mommy.

She pushed with a muffled grunt. Clearly, she had expected to need to push harder than she actually had to - the end result being a loud and sudden burst into the back of her diaper. It was difficult for her mind to even wrap itself around what she was feeling. The thick sticky mess immediately filled the bottom of her diaper, and when she wasn’t done, it spread in any direction she could. The feeling of her dirty business pressed against her skin and trapped in her pants - a diaper - was as intoxicating as it was disgusting. She wasn’t supposed to like this. There shouldn’t be someone else watching her do this. But...she had no regrets.

A hand slid down Amanda’s belly and over the front of her diaper, curling between her legs and feeling the warm heavy bulge in its backside. Maggie cupped it in her fingers, squeezing gently. She couldn’t believe how much Amanda had messed.

Maybe the odor had been there longer than they realized, and their raging endorphins hadn’t allowed that sense to register. But the smell of Amanda’s diaper became heavier by the minute.

“My my, baby. You certainly did quite a big number in your diaper.”

Amanda, blushing profusely, continued to suckle from Maggie’s breast; using it as a figurative security blanket.

“Can you feel this?” Maggie’s hand patted the full diaper. “So very full. I didn’t know a baby like you could even make such a big dirty load like this.”

Amanda offered the slightest of shrugs.

“Such a stinky little girl, too. Do you smell that? The dirtiest little diaper I’ve ever smelled before. And I’ve smelled plenty.” Maggie wasn’t sure if that part was actually true or not - but she was sure Amanda liked hearing it.

Amanda’s hands slowly released Maggie’s breast - where they had been the entire time. With the nipple still dangling in her mouth, she brought her own hands down to the diaper, reaching between her legs to feel the damage for herself. It truly was an impressive load.

“When you’re ready, I’ll change you,” Maggie said. “But only when you’re ready.”

Fine, Amanda thought, feeling her diaper. But that might be a while.


“I had a strange moment this evening,” Ms. Bishop said, before taking a long slow sip of her chianti.

“Oh?” It had become the new evening routine, sitting out on the back deck at night, the baby monitor between them on the patio table while they sipped either wine or coffee. It was the rare part of the day that wasn’t either Ms. Bishop being Maggie’s boss, or Maggie being Amanda’s mommy. They talked about European countries they’d like to visit, men who had let them down or sometimes good books they wanted to recommend to the other.

For both, it felt a little like having a friend. Something neither had many of.

“I had to pee, and my first instinct was to just squat down where I was - as if I was going to piss myself.”

“But you...weren’t wearing a diaper.”

“Right,” she said, nodding. “I didn’t actually go through with it. But it was the first time that had ever happened.”

“Are you thinking you should be wearing them more often?” Maggie asked with a sly grin.

“It’d be nice,” Amanda said. “But that might be better left in fantasy-land.”

Maggie nodded. They had done a good job of keeping their little game far away from Sophia, but it would only get harder as she got older. They had to be careful, no matter how badly they wanted more.

“But,” Maggie said with a shrug, “let’s say that there were no reasons for us to be more discrete. What do you think that would look like?”

“I suppose I’d be tempted to just…stay in that regressed state of mind.”

Maggie nodded. “I thought so.”

“Mr. Bishop contacted me today,” Amanda said, taking another long slow sip of her wine. Maggie found it both amusing and telling that Amanda was able to assign so much disdain for her husband simply by refusing to call him by his first name.


“He’s coming home in a few days.”

“How...how do you feel about that?”

“It's safe to say our marriage is pretty much a technicality of some document. He’s made it clear that he isn’t interested in being my partner, and he lives a very lavish and separate life. He’s only coming home because he actually has business in the area. If Sophia wasn’t here, he’d have just found a hotel room, I’m sure. It’s his bi-annual visit to his daughter - more of an obligation than a desire, I’m sure.”

“Is he that bad?”

“I didn’t used to think so,” Amanda said with a shrug.

“Well fuck him,” Maggie said. “You don’t need him.”

“Oh, I know. 363 days out of the year, I’m content with things the way they are. Sure, I’d rather a divorce at this point, but otherwise it's fine. But once or twice a year, the threat of his presence just gets under my skin.”

“Well, he’s not here yet.”

Amanda looked to Maggie and smiled. Neither said anything for a few minutes.

“You pooped your pants today,” Maggie said finally, a wide mischievous smile on her face.

“Oh god,” Amanda said, burying her face in her hands as she laughed.

“And you liked it.”

“Is that so bad?”

“I don’t think so.”

“The breastfeeding, and your hands and…” she sighed deeply, composing herself. “I can’t even begin to describe where my head was.”

“If I’m being honest...I liked it too. I’ve been thinking about it all day because I couldn’t figure it out for myself. There was something about seeing you, just...so incredibly vulnerable. Doing something so primal - so freely. And you did it for me.”

Amanda nodded.

“In some weird way, I feel like you messing your diaper was the most sincere compliment I’ve ever been given.”

“I’d do it again,” Amanda said with a laugh. “I’ve got lots of compliments to give. Daily compliments.”

“Are we weird?” Maggie asked.

“The weirdest.”

Maggie and Amanda looked to each other again, each blushing a little. “Maybe,” said Maggie, “you should come and sit on my lap?”

There was no refusal, nor hesitation. Amanda set her glass down, got up, and promptly stepped towards Maggie before sitting on her lap, straddling her legs.

They gazed into each other’s eyes as Maggie’s arms wrapped around Amanda, holding her close to her own body. There were a lot of things they both wanted to say to each other, but it was as if they didn’t need to. They had seen parts of each other that nobody else had ever seen before. Nobody had ever seen this part of Amanda before, including Amanda herself.

Debating with herself about whether or not it was a good idea, Amanda decided it was worth the odds - she leaned forward, planting her lips on Maggie’s.

Maggie herself had been considering the same thing. Hell, she was thinking about it when her breast was in Amanda’s mouth. Even when Amanda was on her back on her changing pad, in the midst of getting her messy diaper changed, Maggie had wanted to lean forward and kiss her.

Their arms wrapped around each other and they kissed each other passionately and fervently. They stayed like this for a few minutes, just pawing and grasping at each other as their lips and tongues twisted together.

It likely would’ve gone on longer had the slight murmurings of the baby monitor interrupt them.

“I can take care of that,” Maggie said.

“No, it’s okay. I’ll take care of that.”

Amanda kissed Maggie one more time before sliding off of her lap and going back into the house to check on Sophia.

For a moment, Maggie sat in her chair and looked over the balcony. Her heart was still racing. Her leg shook a little. She hadn’t felt this way in years. Had she ever felt this way before? She wanted more. She wanted everything.

Her foot tapped on the ground rapidly as her mind spun. All at once, she stopped and knew what she wanted to do.

A few minutes later, Amanda returned to the balcony, the half bottle of chianti in tow. “We might as well finish this up.”

“How’s the baby?”

“Oh she’s fine. A little fussy, but I rocked her and changed her and she’s back in bed now.”

Maggie offered a smug smile. “Oh, I meant you.”

Amanda blushed. “I...I’m fine, thank you.”

“But you are a baby, yes?”


“My baby?”


“Do you know what you called me today?”

“I...I don’t recall,” Amanda said bashfully.

“Are you sure? Think very carefully about that.”

Of course she remembered. She could see that moment again as if she was there once more. She was in Maggie’s lap, and her breast had bobbed in and out of her mouth - slippery with strings of her own saliva that stretched from her lips to the nipple. She would try and convince herself later that she had lost control of herself - though that wasn’t true. Amanda knew where she was, what was happening and what she was doing. She had wanted to call Maggie “Mommy” for weeks before actually working up the courage to do it. Just as she had worked up the nerve to finally mess her diaper in front of Maggie.

Truth be told, it wasn’t actually the first time Amanda had used her diaper like that - it was just that Maggie didn’t know about the previous times. Once or twice, late at night, Amanda snatched one of the extra adult diapers that Maggie had left in her office, returning to her bedroom where she’d slip into it. She wanted to see if she could mess it. She wanted to know how it felt.

She was very satisfied with the results of her testing.

So that moment? That moment where she pushed herself to do all the things she had been nervous to do? It was blissful. She called Maggie “Mommy,” and it felt good. She messed her diaper right there in Maggie’s lap, and it felt good. And Maggie seemed to love all of it as much as she did.

“Mommy,” Amanda finally said.

“I liked that.”

“D-did you?”

“I really did. I’d like to hear you call me that more too.”

“I...can do that. Mommy.”

“I got you something while you were taking care of Sophia.”


Maggie picked up a fresh diaper from the ground next to her chair. She didn’t need to say anything more. Amanda blushed, but nodded.

“Let’s get this on you then, Baby.”

Maggie took Amanda by the hand back inside the house. There was an anticipation and eagerness. At different times, both would worry that there’d be a moment where it would feel like it had lost its luster, but they clearly hadn’t reached that point and it didn’t seem like it would happen anytime soon.

Maggie was trying to pull Amanda to the bedroom, but Amanda couldn’t even wait that long. She tugged on Amanda’s arm before planting herself on her back right on the carpet of the living room.

“Please,” she said, practically begging. “Mommy, right here. Diaper me right here.”

“Someone is eager to be Mommy’s little baby, hmm?”

“Please,” Amanda said again, reaching up desperately with her hands. “I...I want to compliment you again…”


The old Amanda Bishop, as it turned out, was the byproduct of her environment. She was lonely, overworked and isolated. She felt unloved, and there seemed to have been nobody in her life to convince her otherwise. She was a mother - but she was only a mother. Sometimes that was enough. Sometimes that was more than enough. Sometimes it felt like being stranded on a small lush tropical island, just her and her baby, surrounded by miles and miles of empty water.

Amanda Bishop, as it turned out, was a lot sweeter and nicer as some of that figurative water began to be populated again. Her edges were rounding out. She was nicer on the phone. Less demanding.

Maggie could recognize that her employer had gone from “big brat” to “big baby.”

“Are you not even bothering with pants anymore?”

For the second day in a row, Maggie had walked into Amanda’s home office to find her only clad in a diaper and shirt. She hadn’t said anything before, but she was now a little curious.

“Why bother?” Amanda said with a shrug. “Don’t you want to see if I need a change or not?”

“I just assume that you’re always in need of a change.”

Amanda blushed. That was more accurate than she cared to admit. While she was hesitant to suggest to herself that she was either reliant or addicted to her new often-diapered lifestyle, there was no denying that she was very much infatuated with it. In that very moment, her diaper had already been wet once, and she was already contemplating wetting it again.

“That’s not always true,” Amanda said with a sigh.

“Is it true now? And before you answer that, remember that I’m looking at your diaper right now. And it doesn’t look completely white to me.”

Amanda shrugged.

Perhaps another sign of just how often she had been using her diapers - while she once struggled with getting her body to just relax and release into the diaper, it now seemed completely effortless. She didn’t even need to close her eyes and focus like she once did.

“Are you...wetting yourself again? Right now? In front of me?”


It was still hard to call her that. She wished it wasn’t. But she tried to work it in when she could.

“I have to get some laundry in the dryer,” Maggie said, still shaking her head and smiling at the big baby’s soggy diaper. “I’ll be back in a few and we can take care of that diaper.”


The rented Range Rover pulled into the driveway. It was the most ridiculous situation to have been in, but he couldn’t remember where his Lexus was. It might still be parked in a garage in Cupertino - but it could also be somewhere in Denver. He made a mental note to call his assistant later and see if she had any idea where it was.

It had been a while since he was here. He had never actually considered it his home, despite buying the house. He could’ve probably counted on one hand the number of nights he actually spent here.

Truthfully, it was bittersweet. He missed Amanda. He missed Sophia. Well, he missed the concept of Sophia. He had seen her so few times that he imagined holding her in his arms again without any recognition for who the little girl would be now.

He lifted his hand to knock on the door, but he stopped himself. It was his house, after all, why should he knock. He tried the door. Locked. He tried a few keys, unsure of which would work, and finally he felt the key turn. Home sweet home.

Nothing had really changed since the last time he had been here. Maybe there were more shoes by the front door than there used to be. Amanda had texted him something about hiring a nanny a few weeks ago. He had forgotten about that.


Amanda’s hand crept down the front of her diaper. She couldn’t help it. The feeling of her soggy diaper was euphoric, and she couldn’t get enough of it. Her fingers, delving between her legs, gently squeezed the saturated plastic padding, feeling the warm moistness squish in her fingers. She moaned gently.

Her eyes darted to the door again. She couldn’t wait for Maggie to come back. Sure, she wanted a diaper change. Maybe she wanted a bottle or a breast or whatever else Maggie would be willing to give. But really, she just wanted to see Maggie. She wanted her hands on her again. She wanted to take in her scent and kiss her lips and neck. She wanted Maggie’s arms around her.

She had a silly thought. What if...I gave Maggie a little show to come back to? She slid off of her chair and onto the ground, on her hands and knees. Positioning herself with her soggy padded ass facing the door, she waited. She felt some stirring in her bowels, and felt pretty confident she could give Maggie quite the surprise as she walked in through the door.


He placed his bag down and walked deeper into the house. He didn’t see or hear anyone else. He saw that Amanda’s office door was closed. She was probably in there right now, working on her next book. He wondered how that was going with the nanny in the house now.

There were a number of baby bottles lined up on the counter. Seems like a lot of bottles for one baby. He shook the thought away. What the hell did he know about a baby or what was required to take care of one.

“Amanda? You home?”

No answer.


She heard something out there. It sounded like Maggie was somewhere in the kitchen. Perfect. Any minute now she’d be coming through that door and...BLAMMO! Amanda was going to give her a front row seat to her diaper getting filled.

Footsteps now, coming to the door. That’s it. Come on in, Mommy. I want to show you something.

The doorknob was slowly turning. Ok, this was it. It’s go time.

She pushed as hard as she could - which was far harder than she needed to. She had been ‘saving up’ for just this occasion, and had been fighting the urge to release her bowels sooner all morning long. With a loud and squishy splat, the back of her diapers ballooned out, filled with her epic mess.

But something was wrong. She had pushed too hard and too soon, for one. Her diaper was already full now and Maggie didn’t seem to have opened the door all the way yet. What was taking so long?

“Hey? Amanda? Are you in here?”

That wasn’t Maggie. Kenneth?

She rolled out of her position, scrambling over to the couch where a pair of shorts had been kicked under - probably from some diaper change over the last week or two. She scrambled to pull them up over her heavy and sagging diaper.

“H-hold on. One moment.”

The door remained shut, thankfully. She couldn’t even believe how close that had come to disaster. She was quite likely a second away from emptying her bowels into her diaper in front of her completely oblivious husband. And while that would later be an amusing thought, this was hardly how she wanted him to see her now.

That was to say nothing of the fact that she had actually messed herself just now and she needed to hide that fact from him.

“C-come in.” She straightened out her clothes and composed herself as best she could. She almost sat down...but that seemed like an especially bad idea right now. No big deal, she thought. Say a few quick words, send him on his way, clean your bottom.

“Amanda, hello.”


It infuriated her how little he had to do to remind her of why she fell for him in the first place. He looked like a damn GQ model with his tall build and chiseled face. Was that some grey hair peppered into his dark mane? Fuck.

“Back to writing, I see.”

“I’m surprised you found the house. Did you get here accidentally while looking for something else?” She was back in Queen Bitch Ms. Bishop mode again. It felt good. It had been a while.

“I deserve that,” he said with a shrug. He walked into the room, taking a seat on the couch.

Amanda thought about how, just moments ago, she crawled under that couch looking for some shorts to cover up her extremely messy diaper.

“Let’s not begin on what you deserve,” she retorted. “What brings you back? Periodic check to make sure Sophia and I are alive? Because you could’ve just texted. I would’ve let you know.”

“There’s no need to be a bitch…”

“Actually, there are plenty of reasons. But I’ll spare you.”

“So much for a warm welcome.” He sniffed the air curiously. Something seemed off to him, but he didn’t seem to be able to place it.

She could smell it too - her diaper. That was an intense load she just dropped into it. It was only going to get worse.

It distracted her. She wanted to focus, but all Amanda could imagine was pulling her pants down, revealing her devastated diaper. She’d untape it and let it drop to the ground with a thick splat. She’d pick it up and heave it at him. Here’s your warm welcome. I just warmed it up too.

She sighed. Her instinct was to drag her heels and double down on being aggressive and unkind. But, again, she felt like she had softened a little. It was a good thing, if she was being honest.

“It’s good you’re here,” she said. “You should see your daughter.”

“You have a nanny now, right? I mean, we should go grab some food tonight and…”

“No, I don’t think so.”

She forgot about it - or at least forgot about her earlier decision - and sat down at her chair. Immediately she felt the thick mushy mess fill every vacant part of the diaper that it could. It was equal parts euphoric and disgusting, and she couldn’t even imagine what her face looked like as she had sat in it.

“Are...you okay?” he asked.

“Fine,” she said. Oh man… That diaper was smelling quite ripe now.

He nodded.

“I’m going to go say hi to Sophia. And if I run into your nanny?”

“Her name is Mom...er...Maggie.”

“Maggie, got it. Alright, I’ll see you in a bit.”

He left her office and she immediately sighed in frustration. He was home a day earlier than he said he’d be. She practically filled a diaper in front of him - let alone sitting in her mess right there. She almost called Maggie “Mommy.” She needed to get her act together.


That wasn’t the interaction he expected from Amanda. In many ways, she was the same aggressive and snarky woman she always was. It could be a little intimidating. It was part of what made it hard for him to try and reach out more often. A poor excuse - but true. It wasn’t a conversation with her without shouting and the threat of something being thrown. And while she was certainly plenty upset and a little snarky with him, today she seemed...a little subdued?

There was a baby bottle in her office too. And it smelled like a dirty diaper in there. Again, maybe he was overthinking things. What did he know about being a mother? Or a father, for that matter.


“What...what happened?”

By the time Maggie made it back into Amanda’s office, she had met Kenneth. It was a brief interaction, and a polite one at that. Maggie could definitely see what Amanda saw in him - though she could also see what Amanda hated about him. He carried himself with some sort of importance. There was no...humility? Self-awareness.

Amanda was wiping tears from her eyes.

“I just...I’m a mess,” Amanda confessed.

Maggie could immediately tell that Amanda meant that in more ways than one. The woman looked distraught, for one. The room smelled even worse. She approached her, and as she neared, Amanda stood up. They embraced, hugging each other tightly.

“Everytime I think I know who I am, he shows up and challenges it all again.”

“Who do you want to be?”

“I want to be…” her voice trailed off. It was a harder question to answer than she thought it would be. “A mother. A baby. Can I be both?”

“You can be whatever you want to be. I’ll help you.”

Amanda rested her head on Maggie’s chest.

“I...did something very stupid.”

“Am I smelling that stupid thing?”

“I wasn’t wearing pants. I...I was going to surprise you.”

“Surprise me by not wearing pants? Baby, I feel like I’ve seen you waddling around in just a diaper more than I’ve seen you in pants the last week or two.”

“No...I mean...I was going to surprise you by, uhm, using my diaper. When you walked through the door. I was waiting. And…”

“It was him instead of me,” Maggie said with a nod.


“Did he…”

“No...I don’t think he saw. He had to have been able to smell it.”

“There’s a baby in the house, that’s probably all he assumed. Look, let’s not worry about it. You stay here and I’ll get a new diaper. Do you want that? A new diaper? Or should I get panties while Mr. Bishop is here?”

Amanda’s face flushed red. “No...I...well…”


“A diaper.”

“Okay, I’ll grab one. Later, when it's safe, you can sit on my lap and let it all out. Would you like that?”

“Yes. Yes...Mommy.”

“I’ll check in on that no-good man of yours on my way.”

Amanda nodded.

“What do you think? Should I get him into a diaper too?”

Amanda laughed and shook her head. “He’s not good enough for you to be his Mommy too.”

Maggie held her hand tightly as they left the office together.


The nightly glass of wine on the balcony was soured a little that evening with Kenneth’s presence. He had brought up a bottle from the cellar - something unpronounceable  to both Amanda and Maggie that somehow tasted remarkably similar to the cheaper wine Amanda bought for herself. They made small talk and were polite, despite how thick the tension was.

“I’m due in Daytona in three days. It’s a conference, of course. I can’t imagine needing to do business in that armpit otherwise.”

“My mother is from the Daytona area,” Maggie said.

Kenneth almost choked on his wine. “Uh...well, you know. I don’t mean, like, the people. The businesses, you know? It’s not a city of...business.”

Maggie laughed and shook her head. Amanda suspected she had fibbed a little, though she was more than okay with it.

He changed the subject. “Sophia is growing up, eh? Such a little bean sprout.”

“I suppose it’s more obvious when you don’t see her everyday,” Amanda spat. Mentally, she cursed at herself. She wasn’t going to let him get to her. She wasn’t going to let him control her emotions.

“Is this what every conversation is going to be?” he asked. “I’m going to try and be polite and have nice conversations, and you’re just going to be...mean?”

“I deserve to be, don’t I?”

“What needs to happen here?” he asked. He exhaled slowly, as if he was on the ropes and willing to surrender.

Amanda opened her mouth, but found that she had nothing nice to say. Maggie’s hand was on her lap now, comforting her.

Kenneth’s brow arched and he tilted his head curiously. “Is that what this is? Are you two...a thing?”

“Mr. Bishop, Amanda has not only been my employer but a good friend and I am here now to support her as…”

“Yes,” Amanda said, cutting her off. “Yes, we are very much a thing. I’ve never known kindness and generosity like what Maggie has shown me over the last few weeks. In a short amount of time, she helped wake me up from who I’ve been and allowed me to discover a new part of myself. In fact, I wanted to have a discussion with Maggie before about this, but I...well, maybe this is as good as any time. Maggie?”


“You’re fired. I no longer want you to be my nanny.”

Maggie’s heart sank in her chest, and everything spun a little. Surely Amanda had more to say about this, right? Yet in this moment, she couldn’t help but feel deflated.

“Maggie,” Amanda continued, “I want you to live here, with me. I want you to be my partner. I want you to…” she slowly turned back to Kenneth, and was reminded that maybe she didn’t need to say everything she wanted out loud.

“I...I would like that.”

Kenneth sighed again and rolled his eyes, taking another sip of his wine. “This is all very sweet. But what does this have to do with me?”

“I think that’s kind of my answer to what you need to do,” Amanda said. “Because it’s the answer to what I want to do. I’ve been afraid to leave this world I’ve been in for so long. I sit around and I wait for you and I daydream about you coming back and things working out. But I now know that I was not only a fool, but that I didn’t have to wait. I’ve found a life of my own, without you. I want a divorce. And after that, your only obligation is Sophia and how much, or how little, you want to be in her life.”

Kenneth nodded in understanding, though he didn’t seem especially happy or unhappy with what she had just said. He mulled it over for a moment. “I think that’s fair.”


Amanda’s bedroom door flung open as the two women tumbled into the room, their arms and lips entangled in each other’s. They collapsed on the bed, barely even aware of where they were anymore. Everything was a blur of white-hot lust and passion. It had been building, sometimes more subtly than others - and it just needed the right moment to push it all the way. Kenneth, of all things, had been that push.

He hadn’t stayed much longer after Amanda’s speech on the balcony. He picked up his bags, took his expensive wine, and said he’d find another place for the night instead.

She probably wouldn’t see him again for a while. Maybe in arbitration. Maybe in the courtroom. But there’d be plenty of time to dwell on that later.

“Tell me I’m your Mommy.”

“You’re my Mommy.” A pause, then again: “You’re my Mommy.”

In between wet and passionate kisses: “You’re such...a good...girl. Such a...very…”

An audible moan from Amanda, eager to hear more.


An even louder moan.

“...good little...baby.”

Amanda let out something between a moan and a yelp, a passionate gasp if nothing else.

Maggie pinned Amanda down on the bed. Straddling her chest, she looked down on Amanda with a wise smile.

“Are you sure about this?”


“I’m going to keep you in diapers.”

“It’s where I belong.”

“I’m going to feed you bottles.”

“Please. And feed me baby food.”

“You’re going to wet yourself.”

“Everyday. All day. I just want to wet myself all day.”

“You’re going to mess yourself.”

“I’m going to fill my diapers. And I’m going to have such a stinky bottom.”

“If we go out?”

“We...we’ll bring a diaper bag.”


“She can never know. And if it gets in the way of her...we end it until it won’t be.”

“But until then we…”

“I’m your baby. You’re my mommy.”

Maggie’s body slid down so that it covered Amanda’s again. They kissed, their hands grasping for anything. Maggie stripped her shirt off before she helped Amanda remove hers. Simultaneously, they removed each other’s bras before aiding each other in removing their pants.

“I’m going to throw away your panties,” Maggie said, “I’d like to imagine that you’ll have no need for them for quite a while.”

“Just diapers?”

“I think. Don’t you.”

“Yes. Please. I want that.”

“Then say goodbye to your panties.”

“I should’ve pissed in them first.”

Maggie giggled. She was still learning just how naughty Amanda was capable of being. She loved it.

“You’re my baby now.”

“I want to be.”

Their lips were on each other again, their hands grasping at each other. Amanda had grabbed at Maggie’s breasts, cupping each and tugging at them playfully. Maggie, meanwhile, squeezed and patted Amanda’s thick diaper, letting the room fill with the sound of the crinkling plastic.

“I would’ve loved it, by the way,” Maggie said in between kisses.


“Had I come through that office door, only to see you loading your diaper right in front of me?”

“I’d do it for you. Anytime.”

“Right now?”

“You...you want me to…”

“Can you?”

“I don’t know. Maybe not. Especially not if I’m trying to force it to happen.”

“But when you do have to?”

“I promise, you can watch it. I’ll sit in your lap while it happens, if you want.”

“I’d like that.”

“Are we… Disgusting? Insane?”

Maggie shrugged. “Would it matter?”

“No, I suppose not.”

Maggie leaned down again, her wet lips finding Amanda’s again. Maggie’s hand slipped into Amanda’s diaper at the exact moment that Amanda began stroking Maggie’s panties between her legs, feeling the soft silk get wetter and wetter.

“I...I could…” Amanda tried to finish her sentence, but struggled with it. Maybe her moans were making it harder. Maybe she was too embarrassed to say it.

“Tell me.”

“Piss...I can wet myself.”

“Do it.”

Amanda closed her eyes and released her bladder, feeling the hot stream burst into her diaper. But this time, Maggie’s hand was there in the diaper, and she wasn’t removing it. They both moaned simultaneously.

When Amanda finally finished wetting herself, Maggie quickly withdrew her damp hand from the diaper, playfully poking at Amanda’s lips. Amanda could smell her own piss on Maggie’s fingers. Drops rolled off her fingertip and landed on her lips, and she tasted it.

Maggie began untaping the sides of the diaper. Amanda was a little disappointed that the diaper was going away so soon - but it occurred to her that maybe Maggie only had better things in mind.

She was correct.

With the diaper unfastened, Maggie pulled it open flat on the bed, but left it under Amanda. She slid back on Amanda’s body until her face was between her legs.

“Wait. Are you going to…”

“I’ve wanted to do this for a while,” Maggie interrupted. Amanda wasn’t about to stop her. Maggie’s face disappeared from view, settling tightly between her legs - her tongue entering Amanda. She was now wet in multiple ways - nevermind the fact that this all occurred atop her open pissy diaper.

She had never been happier.


There was a knock at the door, a simple polite rap. Maggie opened the door to find Kenneth standing there. It was the first time she had ever seen him looking so...casual. His usual suits and ties were instead replaced with a simple polo and pair of khaki shorts. She wasn’t completely onboard with his socks and sandals combo, but she’d just save that critique for a conversation with Amanda later.

“How are you?” he asked.

“Oh you know. Busy as always.”

“I bet. With the book and all…”

“It’s been a rush.”

“So,” he said running a hand through his hair, “you’ll be away for…”

“Three weeks,” Maggie said with a shrug. “You’re ready for that, right?”

“Of course,” he said. His tone wasn’t entirely confident, but it would have to do. There really wasn’t much time left for anyone to make concessions now.

“Any big plans for your three weeks?” she asked, packing a small stack of folded clothes into a small pink suitcase.

“I was thinking about dirt bikes.”

“Dirt bikes?”

“Right. I’d get her a little helmet, you know, and we’d go drive some dirt bikes up and down the old railroad and…”

“You can make those jokes with me, but Amanda would probably clobber you over the head with a sledge hammer.”

He laughed nervously. He felt out of his element in many ways. The past year had been like this though - it was a whole new world. He still wasn’t completely sure how to interact with Maggie. Or Amanda. Or Sophia, for that matter.

“How’s the potty training going?”

“Slowly. She’s stubborn,” Maggie said with a shrug. Just like her mother, she thought.


“We’ve packed plenty of them for you. Encourage her to use the potty whenever you can. But you might just have to deal with the fact that she’ll mostly be using her diapers.”

He nodded hesitantly.

“You...know how to change a diaper right?”

“Yeah...I mean...I’ve changed Sophia before. It’s just...you know, more. Three weeks as opposed to, like, two nights.”

“You’ll be fine.”

“Don’t you get sick of changing diapers?”

Oh buddy, you have no idea how many diapers I change anymore. She stifled a laugh and shrugged innocently. “It’s just what you do. It’s a part of the process.”

“I suppose.”

“Give me a minute or two,” Maggie said. “I’ll have Sophia and the rest of her bags out here in just a moment.”

“There’s more than these?” There were already three assorted bags lined up near the door.

“Well...this one is stuffed animals. This one is just food and her plates and cups. And…”

“I have plates. And food. And money to buy more food.”

“I know, I know. Just...trust me. She’s picky.”

“Like her mother.”

“You have no idea. Trust me, I know it's an overwhelming amount of stuff, but there will be a point over the next few weeks that you’ll be happy that you have all of this.”

Maggie darted down the hallway to Sophia’s room. She was sitting on the floor, coloring...or at least allowing a crayon in her hand to run amok across a piece of paper. She looked around the room, seeing that everything looked to be packed that needed be. She darted out of the room and down the hall into the kitchen before sliding into Amanda’s office.

“Hey, Kenneth is here and...oh my…” the smell hit her nose the second she entered the room.

“Is it...obvious?”

“You smell terrible. What did you do in that diaper?”

Amanda sheepishly shrugged. “I didn’t realize it would be that much.”

“And you’re sitting in it?”

“Well...I had to send these emails and…”

“Oh my gosh, Amanda you’re a mess. Stand up. Let me see.”

Amanda stood so that Maggie could hold a better inspection of the diaper. She was clearly impressed with what she saw - though maybe a little troubled too.

“Are you sure about the next three weeks?” Maggie asked. “We won’t even pack panties, right? Just diapers. For the entire book tour.”

“I’m sure,” Amanda said confidently. It was funny - there were times like this that the old Ms. Bishop came through again, but in strange ways. That commanding and stern tone - once used to dictate Maggie’s day, now being used to show just how sure she was about wearing only diapers for the next three weeks.

“Are you going to make all of them smell as bad as this one?”

“I may. Just for you.”

“Be careful that you don’t fill your diaper while in the middle of a book signing.”

“We’ll see,” Amanda said with a shrug and sly smile. “You’ll just have to be quick to whisk me away for a change before my fans catch a whiff of me.”

“You sure are cocky, Ms. Bishop. I accept that challenge.”

“Hurry up and change me, please. Mommy.”



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