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Ashley, perhaps knowing that I would be coming over to her place that night before I even did, had texted me to let me know that I could just let myself in whenever I got there.

While at work, in my most fantastical daydreams, I’d open the door and find herself in just a diaper, bent over the arm of her couch with her poofy bottom facing me. She had been waiting for me there so that as soon as I walked in, I would have to watch as she pushed and filled the seat of her diaper.

I spent most of the day debating with myself as to whether or not I’d wear one to see her. I worried that if I did wear one, it would come with presumptions with how the night would go. And if I was just going as a favor, maybe it’d be best if I was there just to help.

But I could also guess what she’d say if I asked her.

Finally at her door that evening, I found myself mid-knock and stopped myself before my knuckles met the heavy door. I found the doorknob to be unlocked, as expected, and let myself in.

She was not bent over the couch. A little disappointing, but I had probably set myself up for that disappointment.

“Ashley? It’s me, Jaime.” There was no immediate answer, so I ventured a little further in.

The apartment was in a little bit of disarray. It was hard to say if Ashley was just a little less tidy, or if this was just what things looked like while she moved things around for the party. It was far from a disaster, but everything had an unkempt quality to it that reminded me of when I had my first apartment in my early 20s.

Sometimes it felt like there was no difference at all - especially when we were both obsessing over baby things - but once in a while I’d find a subtle reminder of our age-gap. It never felt wrong. Regardless of her attire and hobbies, she was an adult. If anything, the age-gap just served to embarrass me. Even older and still in diapers?

Should I be better than this? Maybe I was missing out on an opportunity to be a daddy.

My eyes scanned around the apartment, spotting a baby bottle on the counter next to her sink. It immediately made my insides flutter a little. Getting excited by seeing a baby bottle is exactly why you aren’t anyone’s daddy.

“Jaime!” Ashley emerged from the bedroom with a big happy smile.

She, of course, looked amazing. She was wearing denim shortalls with a pastel pink shirt under it - an adorably toddler-esque look that was perfect for her.

“You look adorable,” I said. I couldn’t have hid my glee if I wanted to.

“Would you believe me if I said that I owned these before I...uh...met you?”

I nodded. “It seems like maybe you knew you were a big baby long before you moved in here.”

“On some level, maybe,” she laughed.

We walked towards each other and hugged. She felt so perfect against me. Her shorter height just seemed to be the perfect fit for hugging. Later, undoubtedly, I’d add this to my list of reasons I was crazy about her. It would be best not to dwell on that too much now.

“So, what are we doing here tonight?” I asked.

She laughed and looked around. “Everything, I guess? Vee had a plan, and I think she assumed I was on the same page. But...I’m not a party planner like she is.”

“Nobody is,” I laughed. “She’s on another level.”

“I guess we just have to move the couch and some chairs over there,” she said, pointing to the living room. “And then there will be some tables over here,” she said as she pointed to the partial wall that separated the living room from the kitchen, “so that we can put food and drinks on it.”

“That doesn’t seem like that much work,” I said. “The way Veronica asked me to come over, I thought I’d be building a stage.”

“Oh, well, we do need a stage. You know, for the baby dance-off?”

“I know you’re kidding,” I replied, “but just the thought of that makes my heart want to leap out of my chest.”

“Do you dance?” she asked.

“No. Or at least not well.”

She laughed. “I don’t either. But I’ve never let that stop me before.”

Maybe this was the big difference between us, looking at the bigger picture. She was way more comfortable in her skin than I was in mine. Dancing, diapers...it didn’t matter. I wish I had more of her confidence.

“There’s really not that much to do tonight,” Ashley said. “But I probably would’ve procrastinated everything until the last day if I was left to my own devices,” she said.

“Ah, I see,” I said with a laugh. “So I’m a babysitter?”

“If that’s the case, she couldn’t have picked a worse one. You’re a baby yourself.”

I was tempted to feign offense, but I just had to laugh instead.

“You are a baby?” she asked. “Aren’t you?”

“Do I look like a baby to you?” I asked with a mischievous smile.

“Not so much on the outside,” she said, tapping her lips with a finger. “But it’s always what’s on the inside that counts. Drop your pants, mister. Let’s see.”

“Wh-what? You expect me to…”

“You show me yours and I’ll show you mine.”

There was no further hesitation on my part. I let my navy slacks fall to the floor, revealing the diaper that I had opted to wear tonight. Apparently, that was the right decision.

“I just knew it,” she said with a giggle. “A baby!”

“Okay, fine. But now you.”

“Okay, well...I’m in these shortalls and…”

“Do you need help?”

She blushed, flustered. “Don’t be silly! I know how to take this thing off. I wear it all the time and…” She fumbled with the metal grommets that the shoulder straps attached to, but she seemed to be having a challenging time with it. “Okay...maybe a little help?”

I walked to her and carefully helped to unfasten the shoulder straps. It was a tragedy to watch the shortalls fall to the ground - they were just so fucking adorable. But the new sight in their place was just as cute; cuter, maybe. It was just a thick cream colored diaper with little cartoon fish on them, her cute pink tee barely covering her midriff.

“New diapers?” I asked.

“Mommy...er...Vee… She bought them for me. Had them delivered here yesterday.”

I felt a small jolt of jealousy, but I tried to shake it off.

“They’re cute. And you look cute in them. Not that, uh, you need any help from diapers to look cute.”

She leaned forward, kissing my mouth. It was everything. It was the most completing feeling I had had since...probably the last time we had kissed. Kissing Lucy was good; great even. But this? This was prime rib compared to a hamburger.

Our arms were wrapped around each other, the top of her diaper just rubbing against the bottom of mine.

“I was going to wear a diaper to your party,” I said. “Is that silly?”

“Vee said that I should too,” Ashley said. “But that doesn’t mean that it’s not silly.”

“How do you feel about that? Nervous?”

“No…” She sighed. “Yes, actually.”

I laughed, happy to hear that. I wasn’t sure that Veronica or Lucy understood exactly how I felt about it. “Okay, good. Me too.”

“I’ve got this dress I want to wear,” she said. “It’s...it's ridiculous. It’s short and girly and…”

“It sounds exactly like something you would wear,” I said with a laugh.

“I don’t want to show you right now.” She looked up at me, smirking. “I’m afraid you’re going to cream your diaper when you see it.”

“And so you’d rather show me at the party? So I, uh, ‘cream my diaper,’ in front of a bunch of strangers?”

She shrugged and giggled again.

“It does just about nothing to hide my diaper,” she added. “So, like, there’s a part of me that knows I probably shouldn’t wear it. But I just want to. I need to.”

“You could wear something over the diaper? Uh...bloomers?”

“Bloomers?” Ashley laughed. “Yeah...maybe. I’ll figure something out. Lucy is coming, right?”

I sighed. “I think so.”


“Can I be honest about that? I’m really nervous about it.”

She hugged me a little tighter. “Really?”

“I don’t know. Like...I know that nobody wants to...I don’t know, make a scene? Do anything embarrassing? But with you, and her, and Veronica all in the same room, and with all of us knowing so much about...well...the stuff we’re doing…”

“Now you’re going to make me nervous,” Ashley said.

“Like I said, I know that nothing bad is going to happen. Maybe it would be different if we had all met each other first? Like, not at a party.”

“That might have been worse,” she said.

“How so?”

“Like, in private? There’s no way that you and I wouldn’t have ended the evening crawling around the floor for their amusement.”

She was probably right. But would that have been so bad?

“I guess it’s working,” she said.

“What’s working?”

“Well...I want to get everything done now in the apartment now.”

I laughed. “Is that the kind of effect I have on you?”

“No, silly. If we get everything done quickly, we have more time to...play.”

“Ah, yes,” I said, blushing. “Well...let’s, uh, hurry up.”

I did the heavy lifting, moving a couch to a new location, setting up a table, and relocating a small bookshelf to make room for the table. She was mostly just picking up after herself, grabbing loose pieces of clothing that seemed to litter every corner of her apartment.

In particular, I spotted a small baby blue bra that I found quite cute. In the middle of trying to imagine what she looked like while wearing it, she scooped it up, her face pink with embarrassment.

“I’m not like this all the time,” she said.

“I think you really do need a babysitter,” I teased.

“Ugh...I probably do.”

It felt good to be the one doing the teasing instead of getting teased, for once. “They’d have their work cut out for them, right? They’d have to clean up your room and clean up your diaper.”

“H-hey,” she said, her hands on her hips in an act of faux anger. “I...Nobody has to...I...keep my diaper clean.”

“That’s not what I heard,” I said with a shrug.

“What...what did you hear?”

“I heard you make big ol’ messes in your diaper.”

She laughed as she finally exhaled. “Ah...okay. Now I know you’re joking.”

“You don’t?”

“Well, not that anybody has seen.”

“Not Veronica?”

“Not yet,” she said.


She nodded. “Once. I was...curious.”

“You don’t have to defend it,” I said. “We’re both babies here.”

“I know. It’s just...embarrassing.”

“Did you...like it?”

She blushed brighter, her mouth stuck in a semi-open state as I watched her search for the right words. She gave up and just nodded.

“I like it too,” I said. “I mean...I could easily see why someone wouldn’t. But, there’s nothing in this world that makes me feel so…”

“Small?” She asked, finally speaking.

I nodded.

“Yeah. I felt that, for sure.”

“So you’d do that again?”

Now she nodded.

I wanted to ask her if she would do it for me. For the briefest of moments, the words were in my mouth, ready to spit out. At the last moment, I abandoned that plan. It was probably for the best. For now.

“Are you going to poop your pants at my party?” she asked, her smile warding away any lingering pinkness in her cheeks. “Are you going to be a party pooper?”

I couldn’t tell if she was being serious or if she was just trying to make a joke.

“I will if you do.”

“Are you sure?” she asked.

I nodded.

“I’ll remember that.”

There was something else I wanted to say. There were a thousand things I wanted to say, of course, but one thing in particular. It had been stewing in my brain all day, if not longer. I kept looking for the chance to slide it into a conversation, but I was becoming increasingly convinced that there was no such thing as a perfect moment.

Maybe it’d be for the best if I just let it go. There weren’t many places this conversation could go, and a negative reaction, just before her party, probably wouldn’t be what either of us wanted.

“You okay?” she asked.

I sighed. “Uh, yeah.”

But she could see through that. Maybe anyone could’ve. But I was going to tell myself that she could see through me in that moment because there was a deeper connection than we had admitted to.

“I don’t completely believe that,” she said.

“It’s nothing that is going to help anyone right now,” I said. Words that almost guaranteed to make anyone who heard them more curious - not less.

“Well I don’t want to pry,” she said. “If you want to talk about something, just talk. I promise I’ll listen.”

I was going to say more, but before I could, she began to take off her pink tee. Under it she wore a simple white bra. It was a silly detail, but it seemed like the most perfect thing she could have been wearing under her shirt - if it had to be anything at all.

“We’re done now,” she said softly. “With all that work. See? There wasn’t much.”

“So now…”

“Now we can play,” she said. “Do you want to play?”

“What game?” I asked.

“Any of them. All of them.”

She turned, walking into her bedroom. I followed, taking off my shirt and undershirt as I did. By the time we both made it to her bed, neither of us were wearing a thing except for our diapers. She crawled onto her bed first, pushing off a few more random shirts and pants. She had even picked up a pair of her panties and held it up in her fingers so we could both see it. They were black with lace details. We both laughed. It wasn’t funny, per se, but it did seem a little absurd. There was a time in life when we wanted panties and underwear to replace our diapers. Now look at us.

I followed her, crawling up next to her. We lay side by side, cuddling as we rubbed our noisy crinkling padding together.

“I like having a Mommy,” she said randomly.

I nodded. I wasn’t going to dispute that.

“I like being taken care of. I like being in this space where I can do...anything, right? Like, I can just shut off and be nothing. Or be silly. And it doesn’t matter, because she’s there to cheer me on and take care of me.”

I got that. Lucy had me in that exact place.

“But...I like this too,” she said, staring into my eyes. “You get me in a different way. And...I don’t know. Maybe you know me better than I know me. Because, like...you used to be me? Does that make sense? Or am I rambling? Because sometimes when I get nervous I…”

“You’re fine,” I said. “And I get what you mean. I like spending time with Lucy. I like all the things she does for me and her complete willingness to let me just...be me. But, when I’m with you, I feel like…” I had no idea what words I wanted to use. But she was already nodding her head and smiling.

Her wet lips pressed against mine. We shared a long tender kiss before she pulled back again.

Her cheeks were pink again. “I...Can I...Do you mind if I…”

“Just do it,” I said. “Whatever you want to do, just go ahead and do it.”

For a moment - and it was hard to say exactly how long that moment was - where nothing seemed to happen. I was on edge, waiting for something - anything. Was she going to say something? Show me something?

But then I felt it. My diaper was starting to feel warm. But that’s impossible. I’m not…

It wasn’t me, it was her. She was wetting her diaper as it was pressed against mine. The wetter her diaper got, the warmer it was making mine.

“It’s a shame there are no babysitters,” I said. “Who is going to change you?”

She shrugged. “Not my problem.”

She held my face in her hands and kissed me again. I moaned as her tongue entered my mouth. It was a jolt of electricity through my body. It was a door opening to all the things I wanted so badly.

My baby-brain knew only of one way to react to this. I began pissing my diaper too. I had thought so little about this that I was actually confused about what was happening as I began to wet myself. Wait, what’s happening?

“Oh,” she said, her eyes widening. “Are...are you?”

I nodded.

“Oh my god,” she said. It was a face I had never seen of hers before. Sheer primal desire. Want. Need. We were just stupid babies and nothing had ever felt as good as pressing our diapers together as we pissed ourselves.

It could’ve been the greatest moment in my entire life. It could’ve led to the most intense night of naughty, twisted, kinky fun.

All I had to do was not screw it up by not saying anything profoundly stupid, like…



“I...love you. I’m in love with you.”



Paul Bennett

Wow! Great chapter.