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It was starting to feel like a trend, where I’d wake up every morning wondering if the night before really happened or if it was a dream.

Ashley and Veronica making out in the kitchen. Ashley and I running into each other at the bar. My nights out with Lucy. That late night in bed with Veronica.

Over and over again, I found my mornings to be hazy and unclear for a while as I tried to piece together what was real and what might have actually been a dream.

But it was all real.

“I had worried last night was too much for you,” Lucy said.

There were times, upon reflecting on the night before, that I wondered if it had actually been too much. Was I biting off more than I could chew? Was I pushing myself to a point where I was in danger of losing touch with reality?

“I’m here, aren’t I?” I asked with a smile. I set my bookbag down on the ground and took my shoes off. We had discussed meeting at a bar again, but it made sense just to meet at her place; sooner or later, we’d just end up there anyway.

The night before was a lot. Sometimes it made me really nervous to think that what Lucy had said was true - that there was another woman, mostly a stranger even to Lucy, who not only knew about my most private fantasies but may have even had photographic evidence of it. But sometimes the idea really excited me.

I wanted to ask her if it was true, or perhaps, how much of it was true. She didn’t seem like the type who would lie to me, but I wondered if she had elaborated some of the details for the sake of getting me off. In the end, it made it more exciting to leave it as a mystery.

Raquelle may, or may not, know a lot of dirty, filthy things about me.

“I made us some drinks,” Lucy said. She set a single martini glass out on her counter, straining a red cocktail into it.

“Just...one?” I asked.

“Oh, well this one is mine,” she said. “Let me get you yours.”

She opened the fridge and pulled something from it. She set the object down on the counter next to her glass. It was a baby bottle filled with an amber liquid.

“What is this?” I asked with a laugh.

“Beer,” she said, giggling. “And there’s more where that came from. I have two more bottles waiting for you in the fridge.”

I shook my head. It was a cute, and humiliating, detail.

“I’d rather serve you just milk,” she said. “But it’s never fun to drink alcohol alone. Besides, this will help you fill that diaper for me.”

I felt my cheeks warm a little as I grabbed the bottle from the counter. I had no recollection of actually drinking out of a bottle before. I wondered why I hadn’t thought to do this sooner, when I was by myself. I put the nipple on my mouth, finding the sensation of sucking up through the nipple to be stranger than I thought it would be. The fizzy beer only added to the weirdness.

“Good baby,” she said. “Drink up. You are wearing a diaper, right?”

“Of course.”

“Well I shouldn’t have to tell you to take your pants off then. From now on, when you come into my apartment and you’re wearing a diaper, you should just remove your pants.”

“I can do that,” I said, unbuckling my belt so I could take my pants off. Judging by the look on her face, she didn’t seem completely satisfied with my response. I quickly added: “I can do that, Mommy.”

That yielded a smile. “Thank you, Baby.”

“Actually...uh, Mommy, I had something I wanted to ask you about.”

“Oh?” She had walked past me as I was stepping out of my pants, my thick diapers once again exposed. She took a seat on her loveseat. “Come here and tell Mommy about it.”

I quickly trotted to her side and began to sit next to her.

“No, no, Baby. Here.” She patted her lap.

I smiled bashfully, gladly taking a place in what was quickly becoming my favorite seat in the world.

“Now, what did you want to talk to Mommy about?”

It was suddenly hard to form words. As I spent more time with Lucy, she had progressively pushed me deeper into a more infantile headspace. This was intentional on her part, no doubt, but I was just as responsible. I wanted to be her baby, and I was quickly allowing myself to be as vulnerable as she wanted me to be.

“Uhm...Mommy…” I stopped and shook my head. I had sounded so pathetic. The tone of my voice had even unconsciously become more high-pitched and childlike.

“Go on, Baby,” she cooed.

I had to deliberately focus on what I wanted to say, lest I start actually babbling like a toddler. “My neighbor, Ashley? She’s having a party next weekend.”

“Ashley? She’s...your wife’s partner?”

“Ah...yes,” I said hesitantly. I forgot that I had talked about Ashley before. Of course I talked about Ashley before. “Well, she’s having a party, and she asked me to ask you if you wanted to come.”

“Is that so?” she asked, a playful grin on her face. “Does that mean you talk about me?”


She playfully poked my diaper. “Do you tell them about all the naughty things we’ve done?”


“You don’t think they’d want to know?”

“I’m sure they’d love to know,” I said. “But they don’t.”

“I’m teasing you,” she said, her hand gently rubbing the front of my diaper. I slowly grew inside of it.

“I know. I just…”

“You’re worried that I’d go to her party and embarrass you?”

Actually, I’m more worried that they would be the ones to embarrass me in front of you.


“I know how to behave like a civilized guest,” she said. Her hand never left my diaper. It was massaging my swollen cock through the padding. Never enough to get me off, but it was the source of a constant, subtle, pleasure.

“I know,” I said. “I know that. It’s all just new to me. These...worlds colliding, you know?”

“Well it means a lot that you asked me if I would like to go,” she said.

I let out a little moan as her hand gave my diaper a gentle squeeze.

“So you’ll go?”

“If you want me to go - if you’re comfortable with me going - I’ll go.”

I nodded. I smiled, for her sake, but the reality was that I was kind of terrified. For a million reasons. For reasons that I don’t think I had even thought of yet.

“But worlds colliding?” she asked. “I’m curious. Which worlds are those?”

I didn’t give the question much thought, answering off the top of my head: “Fantasy and reality, I guess.”

“Fantasy?” she asked. Her hand remained on my diaper, but it wasn’t moving as much. “Is that me? Am I fantasy?”

I sighed. Yes? “No. I just mean...it’s my wife, you know? And Ashley. And…”

“You’re cute when you get flustered,” she said, starting to rub my diaper again. “I can imagine what you mean. It’s your everyday life meeting the new kinky girl you’ve just started spending time with.”

“Yes, exactly,” I answered. “Yes, Mommy.”

She smiled and leaned in to kiss me. I was more than happy to reciprocate.

I worried that I had put the thought in her head that I did just see her as a “fantasy.” Worse, I worried that I hadn’t spent enough time figuring out what I wanted from Lucy and where this went if we continued seeing each other. It made me nervous.

Another problem for Future-Jaime.

“Are you going to wet your diaper for Mommy?”

It was as if she had complete control over my autonomy when she wanted it. I hadn’t even been thinking about needing to pee. Yet all she had to do was ask, and suddenly my bladder was begging for release.

“Yes, Mommy.”

“Don’t keep me waiting too long now, Baby.”

I didn’t give it much thought. I suddenly had to go, and so I just did - I’ve had more pause in times that I was by myself. Her hand was on the front of my diaper the entire time, feeling it swell and warm as it absorbed everything I pumped into it.

“Oh, good boy,” she cooed into my ear. “Very good. That didn’t seem hard at all, hmm?”


“So tell me about this little shindig,” she said. It was a turn back to reality, but only slightly. Her voice still dripped with playful condescension.

“Well...Ashley wants to have a party,” I said. “And, like, she doesn’t really know a lot of people, you know? Because she’s new in town. And Veronica, well, she’s all about the parties so the two of them are already conspiring - or whatever it is they do - and Ashley asked me if I wanted to invite you. And, of course, the two of them think it’s a good idea and all, but…”

I realized I was rambling - I had already said most of this already. I was being less deliberate with my words and I had just vomiting sentences while most of my mind was lost elsewhere. I looked up to her face and saw an amused smile.

“So what do you want?” she asked. “Do you want me to come to this party?”

“I want you to go.”

“Then I’ll go,” she said. “Simple as that.”

“Thank you.”

“What is this Ashley like?” Lucy asked. Her leg had begun to tap up and down a little, bouncing me on her lap. It was so slow and subtle that I barely realized it was happening immediately, but by that time I already found myself comforted by the steady movement.

“Oh, she’s…” It occurred to me that there was another part of the story that Lucy didn’t know - or at least she didn’t know completely. “She’s....a baby.”

“Like...you?” Lucy asked.

I nodded.

“I thought your wife wasn’t one to engage with that.”

“She wasn’t. I’m not exactly sure what happened,” I said with a laugh. “But she changed her mind.”

“And she got to the baby girl before you did?”

“It...seems that way.” Maybe there was more to the story. Or, maybe, Lucy had simplified the essence of the past few weeks of my life.

“When we first started talking,” she said, her voice still rich with a maternal sweetness, “do you remember what you told me? About why you were looking to meet someone new?”

I probably could’ve found the answer if I thought about it enough. It wasn’t a great time for me to be thinking though. I shook my head.

“You said ‘revenge.’ And we both kind of laughed it off at the time. But I think that makes a lot more sense now.”

I felt a little ashamed. Regardless of how good I felt about Lucy and my time spent with her, I wondered if this context would sour how Lucy felt. Would she see herself as just a toy in a larger game?

“Here’s what I think,” she said. Her hand continued to massage my swollen soaked diaper and her mouth got a little closer to my ear again so that she could talk right into my brain. “If your wife and this Ashley want me to come to this party so they can size me up and feel superior about their own kinky little relationship, then I feel we should give them what they want.”


“Oh yes. We’ll make them jealous of us. They’ll see that your mommy takes very good care of her baby. We’ll make them so jealous that your wife will put a pair of pampers on herself and start wetting them for me.”

I didn’t exactly believe that would ever happen, but I certainly liked the spirit of what she was saying. And she was right - I had been apprehensive about the party for fear of being embarrassed by Ashley and Veronica. But why couldn’t it be them who were embarrassed instead?

If Lucy was a toy, she was the fanciest and most expensive toy.

Her hand lifted from my diaper. I let out a little whimper of disappointment, but was quickly comforted by the sight of her pulling her shirt off. She tossed it aside before removing her bra next.

In the seconds it took for her bra to come off, I considered how much of me she had seen in a relatively short amount of time. This was only our third time together, and she had already changed one of the messiest diapers I had ever worn. And while, yes, she had given me a rather close and personal look at her womanhood, her body still felt very mysterious to me.

But her breasts. Oh her breasts. They were perfect. I had seen amazing boobs before - Veronica’s were certainly nothing to sneeze at - but these appeared to be true works of art. Michelangelo himself may have carved these from marble. Spherical, smooth, and the perfect size for me to…

“Go on,” she said, her finger wiping away a little line of drool that had emerged from the corner of my mouth. “You want to taste them, yes?”

I eagerly nodded.

“Maybe someday they’ll fill your mouth with Mommy’s milk,” she cooed. “But today, let’s just see how it feels in your mouth, yes?”

I had never done this before as an adult. Or, maybe I had...it was hard to believe that I had just never suckled on a woman’s breast before in the throes of romance. The big difference now, though, was that I was wearing a wet diaper while sitting on the lap of someone who wanted me to imagine drinking milk from her chest.

“Oh…” she moaned as my mouth glomped around her nipple.

It felt so hilariously intuitive and natural.

“Are you sure you haven’t done this before?” she asked between her deep breaths and pleasured moans.

I could’ve answered, but I was happy where I was. She probably didn’t want me to answer either.

“So what do you think?” she asked while I suckled her breast. “Should I have you wear a diaper to this little party?”

My heart started beating faster and I could feel my sucking intensify. Maybe later I could worry about whether or not she meant that - or if it was even feasible. But right now, I was all in on anything she said.

“Wouldn’t that be precious?” she asked. “All your friends mingling and drinking cocktails like adults. Meanwhile, you’re waddling around in a thick diaper. And only you and I know it.”

I moaned into her soft skin.

“Actually, I suppose that wouldn’t be true. I’m sure your wife would be able to tell - especially if she’s changing diapers herself. And Ashley, yes? Who’d recognize a diapered baby better than another baby?

This scenario was actually a little frightening - but in a very exciting way. Realistic or not, I wanted to know how she saw this playing out.

“And, well, you know how it works when you’re in a diaper,” she continued. “Once you’re in a diaper, you’re not getting out of it until it needs to be changed. So as you try to blend in with the adults - drinking your alcohol and picking at the snacks - we both know that when you inevitably need to make your potties, there’s only one place that can happen.”

I watched it happening in my mind. Somewhere in the middle of a beer, a familiar pang of desperation hits me. I turn and look to Lucy - who knows exactly what that look is for. We’re going to be at this party for a while. Whether you do it now or later, it’s eventually happening at this party. In your diaper.

“Maybe you’ll be talking to me,” she said to me in the real world. “Maybe you’ll be talking to Ashley or Veronica. Maybe someone else entirely who has no idea that you’re just a big baby. But suddenly, there just isn’t much that you can do about it - you certainly can’t hold it, you’re too much of a baby - and you just wet yourself.”

I remembered the time that I had sent a photo of my soaking wet diaper to Ashley - back when she was just curious about diapers. Now I imagined standing right in front of her - at her own party - while I flooded my diaper. Would she know? Would she have already wet a diaper of her own?

“But it could be so much worse,” Lucy said, again speaking softly directly into my ear. “Couldn’t it? I mean, a little baby like you - you don’t know any better. You’re liable to just...grunt and push a big stinky load into the back of your diaper, aren’t you? Right there? In front of everyone?”

I didn’t even bother conjuring an imaginary scene for that. Her words were more than vivid enough.

“And you know what?” she asked. “I bet you’d love that. Sure, sure, maybe it’s scary and humiliating to think of, but I also think you’d love every second of it.”

I gently nodded my head as my mouth remained affixed to her breast.

“My goodness. What do you think people would say? What do you think they’d do? Here is this man, supposedly, who is suddenly squatting down so that he can try to load his diaper.”

This elicited a little whimper from me. But there was something else too. Just as she had been able to go and trigger me to wet my diaper earlier, this little fantasy scenario had begun to stir my bowels.

“Maybe they wouldn’t know what was happening,” she said. “I mean, yes, everyone who knows you’re a diaper-wearing baby would be in that room. But everyone else might be a little confused.”

On some level - the adult part of my brain who was now just hitching a ride - I knew that I had control over my bowels. But this would have been news to the rest of my mind. It was getting hard to hold on. I wasn’t even sure that I wanted to hold on much longer. Yes, that’s right, I wanted to please Mommy. And would anything please her more than if I just used my diaper?

“That’s what Mommy is for,” she continued. “See, whether or not I know that you’re just a baby who needs his diapers, I’d still need to act surprised. So you’d be grunting and pushing, while I feigned complete surprise. ‘Oh my! Are you...are you really pooping your diaper? Here? Now? Oh gosh, everyone, I’m so sorry! Oh dear...I think this is going to be a stinky one too…’ The look on everyone’s faces. Could you even imagine?”

I pulled my mouth from her breast. My voice quivered as I tried to communicate to her what was about to actually happen in her lap: “I...I’m going to…”

She put her hand on the back of my head and guided it back to her breast again. She didn’t need to hear the rest of what I had to say. Of course she didn’t. She knew exactly what was about to happen.

She knew exactly what she had done to me.

My bottom loudly announced the mess that was coming, and I felt the warm mass explode into my diaper. Sitting on her lap - like the last time - gave my mess few places to go, and it spread in every direction. All the while I suckled her breast obediently.

“That’s a good baby,” she said, her hand stroking the bloated padding between my legs. “Did you get it all out? Maybe give me one more push just to make sure.”

I was just her puppet, and when she asks me to push again, I push. With my eyes closed tight, I gave a final grunt as I pushed on my bowels. Despite feeling like I had nothing left to force out, I felt another soft pocket slip into the diaper.

She hummed with satisfaction as she felt the diaper get a little more full. “What a good little boy. I just knew you had a little bit left in you. Better in your diaper than in your belly, yes?”

She gave me a playful poke in my stomach, yielding a giggle from me.

“Can I show you something?” She took my hand and guided it into her pants and under her panties. Before I even touched her dripping labia I could tell how wet she was from how damp her panties were.

She gave the front of my diaper a firm squeeze.

“Before I change that absolutely loaded diaper, do you think you can be a big boy long enough to fuck me?”

I nodded eagerly.

“That’s what I thought. Let’s go.”



Paul Bennett

What a great chapter. Thank you! I wonder will our protagonist be outed to everyone soon or will the four of them keep their kinky lives private and indulge occasionally amongst themselves. I look forward to reading more soon.