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In the evening following Veronica and I’s breakfast, the two of us sat side-by-side on the couch while Ashley stood before us. She had dropped by saying that she had good news that she wanted to share. I couldn’t speak for Veronica, but I had this strange feeling like we were Ashley’s parents, sitting on the couch while she excitedly bopped about in front of us.

I felt like she was about to beg us to take her on a vacation to Disney World. Well, she’d look cute in mouse-ears.

Ashley took a deep breath: “Okay, I was thinking about it and...I want to throw a party.”

Veronica clapped her hands together. “Yes! I do love parties. You’re going to let me help you put this together, right?”

“Well...that’s mostly why I wanted to talk to you,” she said. “You’re an excellent hostess and so...uh...adult? And, you know, I don’t really know many people in town and…”

“I’d be happy to help,” Veronica said with a warm smile. Spoken just like a mother trying to calm her over-excited daughter.

I was a little let down by the news. I mean, a party sounded like plenty of fun, but I think I might have been expecting something else.

What could she have said that would’ve made me more excited? A good question. Probably nothing that she could have said in front of both of us.

“I can help too,” I said with a shrug. Admittedly, I knew next to nothing about throwing a party. That was definitely Veronica’s thing.

“Yes, of course!” Ashley said.

“We’ll need man-ual labor,” Veronica teased. “You’ll be twice as helpful without the need for bathroom breaks.”

I would’ve just brushed off her remarks if Ashley hadn’t hid a little giggle behind her hand.

“We’ll do anything we can to help,” I said.

“So,” Veronica said, “you want to have a party with...people you don’t know?”

Ashley laughed. “I mean, there’s some nice people I work with, so I thought I’d invite them, of course. And there’s you two, obviously. And maybe anyone who you think is cool that should be invited too? I just...I just want a party.”

“Well you’re the coolest person I know,” Veronica said. With any other audience, that response might have triggered gagging noises. But Ashley absolutely ate it up, as she leaned in to kiss Veronica on the cheek. Veronica, in turn, twisted her face so that her lips met Ashley’s - both of them letting out a soft moan as they kissed again.

It was the first time I had seen them act more like...a couple. I guess I had known that this side had existed since that very first night I spotted them in the kitchen, but it was still a little jarring to see it actually play out in front of me.

As if both could read my mind - or at least realized that this might be new territory - they both turned to me to see what my reaction was.

“It’s fine,” I said with a laugh. “We’re all good.” Maybe I believed that, maybe I didn’t. That was a problem for Future-Jaime.

They certainly bought it, with Veronica pulling Ashley over her lap playfully, smacking her bottom with her hand. The hollow plastic sound emanating from Ashley’s ass made it clear what Veronica was striking.

Ashley quickly stood up, her face now a much deeper pink color.

“She’s a good girl,” Veronica said. “Mommy didn’t even ask her to put her diaper on, and yet she did anyway.”

Ashley nodded.

Where the hell am I?

“Oh,” Ashley said - maybe trying to divert attention from that inadvertent revelation, or maybe actually remembering something she wanted to say. “Jaime, you should invite your new friend to my party. Lucy?”

The question alone made my heart beat faster. Veronica was nodding in agreement.

“That’s a great idea,” she added. “We’d love to meet her.”

“Well...I mean, we’ve only gone out twice and…”

“Please?” asked Ashley. It was the puppy-dog eyes. Goddamn, was there any attack more vicious than the adorable baby girl with big eyes and pouty lips? She could have asked me to fill my pants with mustard and I probably would’ve agreed to it.

“I’ll bring it up,” I said. “When is this party, anyways?”

“I’m thinking next weekend,” Ashley said. “Saturday? That seems good, right?”

Sometimes I forgot about the 10-ish years that separated Ashley’s age from ours. Diapers and pigtails aside, she spent so much time around us that she was starting to feel like she had always been there. But once in a while she’d remind me that we were in slightly different places in life.

A party for us - a party that Veronica would throw - wasn’t an event to throw together in a week. It was a month-long process of ensuring that invitations made it to the curated guest-list. There’d be a theme. Plans for decorations and plans for food and alcohol. The living room would get rearranged. I’d inevitably be tasked with cleaning the baseboards.

Seriously, who goes to the parties and looks at the baseboards?

But Ashley reminded me - and likely Veronica too - of a different time. Buying a case of beer or two and putting out a few calls for friends to come over on a Friday. No themes. No decorations. We’d probably forget something silly - like toilet paper or plastic cups - but it wouldn’t matter because we’d just have fun with whoever showed up.

“That seems fine,” Veronica said with a smile. I was impressed - I didn’t think Veronica would let her have that. “But…” Ah yes, there it was, Veronica’s desire to at least take a little control. “We should make it...special. This is your first party in the big new city, afterall.”

“Oh, you’re right,” Ashley said. “What did you have in mind?”

“A baby shower,” I teased.

Ashley’s eyes widened as she blushed. Veronica just laughed, adding: “Oh, you might be onto something. Introduce everyone to the new baby? And just think of the gifts people could bring. Cute new outfits and little toys and…”

“No, no,” Ashley said, shaking her head. “I don’t think that’s a good idea at all.”

“You’re probably right,” Veronica said. “It’s a party for you, and we couldn’t have a baby shower without including Jaime.”

The teasing was fun while it lasted.

“Want to take a look at your apartment?” Veronica asked. “We can start getting an idea of where things will go.”

“Well...we could,” Ashley said, not seeming entirely onboard with the concept of planning - let alone planning immediately. But I saw it in her eyes - the exact moment when she realized that Veronica was also asking something else: Did you want to go back upstairs so that we can be alone? “You know what?” she added. “Let’s go.”


Lucy: Being a good boy today?

I needed that. I needed to have heard from her. I couldn’t respond fast enough.

Me: That depends on what you think a good boy does?
Lucy: How long were you in that diaper I put you in last night?
Me: Long enough to wet myself during breakfast out with my wife.
Lucy: Oh my. And did she notice?
Me: She figured it out.
Lucy: A shame I wasn’t there to change you.
Me: It’s a shame you weren’t here for a lot of things.
Lucy: I can guess. But...elaborate?

Above me, I heard some light thumps. I wondered what was going on up there. Was Veronica moving a couch around in an effort to show Ashley how it could look for the party? Or was she on her back so that Ashley could eat her out? It was hard not to let my imagination run away from me.

Me: I want to be in your lap again.
Lucy: It did seem like an awfully good fit, didn’t it?
Me: When can we do it again?
Lucy: Whenever you want.
Me: Now? ;)
Lucy: I could probably use a little more notice than that. :)
Me: I’m not doing anything tomorrow night…
Lucy: Hmm, looks like I have plans.
Me: Oh. What are you up to?
Lucy: I have a little baby boy to pamper. :)

I let out a sigh of relief. Of course we were going to see each other again, and of course we were going to see each other again soon. But after having watched the way that Ashley and Veronica had begun to put less effort into hiding their dynamic, I needed to know that there was something fun in my future. Something that was mine.

Me: Do I know this little boy?
Lucy: I think you’re familiar with him.
Me: That’s what I was hoping.
Lucy: Though I’m curious now. Are you currently wearing a diaper?
Me: No… Should I be?
Lucy: You can do whatever you’d like. But...if I told you to put a diaper on, would you?
Me: Of course.
Lucy: Are you alone?

I looked up to the ceiling again. If I focused, I could just barely make out the creek of a floorboard now and then. My imagination filled in the gaps of what was happening up there, and it might as well have been one giant gap.

Me: I’m alone.
Lucy: At the bar, you had mentioned how easy it would be for you to just blindly follow my requests. Maybe I could put that to the test?
Me: I’m game.
Lucy: I’ll call you. Maybe it’d even easier if you heard my voice.

I didn’t have time to respond - not that I had any intention of declining her offer. My phone began vibrating in my hand.

“Why hello,” I said.

“Good evening, Baby,” she cooed. The sound of her voice sent little sparks throughout my body.

“What can I do for you?” I asked. I sounded desperate. I felt desperate. I didn’t bother to hold any of that energy back - surely she was expecting it.

“An eager little boy, are you?” she responded. “You’re not even going to put up a little fight?”

“I can pretend,” I said with a laugh.

“I don’t think that’s necessary. Some little babies don’t believe they’re babies, you know? They kick and scream and try to convince me that they’re big boys. But all they really do is just further convince me that they’re babies.”

“I...could do that,” I said. “If you like that.”

“You’re a different kind of baby,” she said.

“How so?”

“You’re the kind of baby who knows exactly what they are. You know better than to try and fool me. You couldn’t do it if you tried. For you, it’d be best to stick with what you know. Being a big…”

My heart began beating faster. I needed to hear her say it.

“...baby boy.”

I moaned a little into the phone.

“That's what you are, isn’t it?” she asked.

“Mm hmm.”

“Tell me what you are.”

“I...I’m a big baby. A big dumb baby boy.”

“Dumb?” she giggled. “I never said anything about dumb. But perhaps you are just an empty-headed little diaper-filler. You might be right about that.”

Another little moan.

“Have you ever tried talking like a baby?” she asked.

“Like…’goo goo ga ga?’”

“Maybe. Or just…”

I tried it again: “Me talk wike baby?”

She giggled into the phone again. “Better. But you’ll need to practice. Maybe...when you’re alone.”

I laughed and blushed. I felt kind of silly and stupid - but I was happy to feel that way.

“Okay, let’s not belabor this any longer. Put a diaper on.”


“Mommy,” she said, correcting me.

“Yes, Mommy.”

“Good boy.”

I set my phone to speaker-phone so that I had use of both of my hands, and I rushed to the bedroom and began digging in my closet, fishing out a diaper.

“That’s a lot of noise,” she commented. “Are your diapers that well hidden?”

“They are.”

“Seems silly, doesn’t it? A baby like you should have your diapers out in the open and accessible.”

I wished that was my life, though it seemed unlikely.

“I’m putting it on now,” I said.

The noisy diapered crinkled as I tried to flatten it out and position it on the ground. I was tempted to try and be more careful about my movements to minimize the noise, but I found little point for that. She’d want to hear every sound.

“Maybe I should get some diapers too,” she said. “For you, of course. I could keep them at my place for when you come over.”

It was an exciting thought, though it seemed to carry other implications. That was an expectation for me to be at her house again, and repeatedly after. For someone I had met so recently it seemed a little...committed. It wasn’t a red flag. It was just...something I’d have to think about more.

Wasn’t she the one who said she wasn’t looking for a commitment right now?

“I don’t think I’d put them away,” she added. “I’d just leave your diapers out. And if anyone comes over and sees them, I’d just explain that those are for my big baby.”

It was something I’d have to think about more...later.

“Who...would see them?” I asked, as I laid down on the diaper so I could fold it over myself and tape it closed.

“Oh, I don’t know,” she said. “Anyone, I guess. My friends. My family. Raquelle.”

“R-Raquelle? The waitress? Did you…?”

“She called me, yeah. We had a really nice conversation too.”

“Did you talk about…” I restarted that sentence: “Did she bring up my bookbag? Did she look in it?”

She laughed. “Do you really think that when a cute girl calls me, we have nothing better to talk about than you and your diapers?”

I sat up in my diaper. It didn’t feel as good as when she had put the diaper on me, but knowing that I was putting it on at her request was almost as good.

“No...I suppose not. Sorry…”

“I’m totally kidding,” she said. I thought that she meant she was kidding about Raquelle calling her. But: “We absolutely talked about you and your diapers.”

I felt so flustered and overwhelmed that I barely knew how to function. “Wh-what do you mean? You...and she...and you talked about...diapers?”

“Not immediately,” she said. “She told me a little about herself. I told her a little about myself. For a while it was a very normal, and pleasant chat. But then she brought up the bookbag - your diaper bag.”

“So...she looked in it?”

“It’s a funny story,” she said. “She wasn’t the one who found the book bag, it was the bus boy. He handed it to her saying that it came from her table, but she wasn’t sure which one. So of course, she opened the bag and hoped to find some contact information. And, wouldn’t you know, when she found giant adult-sized diapers she knew exactly who they belonged to.”

If only she could see my face, because it was beat red. She’d have loved it.

It made that entire scene seem completely different to me now. Raquelle had sprinted down the street after us with my book bag. And what was it she said? “It seems to me like you need that bag.”

“What did she say?”

“Hold up, Baby,” she cooed. “You may have more of the story as a reward for when you do more for me.”

“Yes, of course...Mommy. Anything.”

“Wet yourself.”

I was so eager to please her - and so eager to hear more about her conversation with Raquelle - that I was already wetting myself before she even finished her request.

“All done.” I said.

“Show it to me. I want to see.”

I quickly stood up and spun around, awkwardly aiming my cellphone’s camera up at my sagging wet bottom and snapped a few shots. I barely even reviewed them - they were almost immediately sent off to her phone.

Moments later I could hear her phone chime from her end. Another moment passed as she reviewed the evidence.

“A good angle,” she said. “Do you send a lot of photos of your wet diapers to people?”

“No...I never...I just…”

“I’m teasing you, Baby. Because it’s easy.”

I laughed, shaking my head. She could make such a fool out of me.

“She asked me - point blank - if you wore diapers,” she said, remaining true to her word and continuing the story. “I told her that you did. I told her you were a big baby and that I was your Mommy.”

“And...she was okay with that?”

“Oh, she thought it was a very strange thing,” Lucy said with a laugh. “She had so many questions.”

“Like what?”

“Do you own a permanent marker, Baby?” she asked.

“I...uh, yeah, I think so. Why?”

“Another task for another answer. Go fetch that marker.”

I didn’t have to go far to find one, thankfully. I snatched one from a cup of random pens on top of the desk in the bedroom.

“It’s red,” I said. “Is that okay?”

“I think that’ll do just fine,” she replied. “Now, this is going to be tricky. You know, since you’re a little baby and all. But I’m going to need you to write on the front of your diaper.”

“Y-yes, okay. What shall I write?”

“I think we should write exactly what you are. A pissy little baby.”

“Pissy little baby?”

“That’s it. Go on and write that for me, Baby. And then send me another picture.”

Slowly and carefully, I scrawled the words on the front of my diaper. I knew what she wanted to see: big obvious letters. I made them as big as I could.




Another selfie was fired off to Lucy.

“Very good, baby. So, as I was saying, she had so many questions. She wondered if I changed your diapers. I told her that I had only changed one of your diapers so far - but it had been a bit of a mess. And, oh my, you should’ve heard how shocked she was that you actually made stinky poo-poos in your diaper. She almost didn’t believe me.”

“You...you told her that?”

“Oh yes,” she said. “And I told her that you loved it. I made sure to tell her about how hard you got when you filled your diaper for me.”

My heart raced. I felt sweaty. I could barely even see straight. I couldn’t believe what she was saying. I felt so...betrayed. Violated. Humiliated.

Aroused. I felt so aroused.

“Do you like hearing that?” she asked. “Do you like hearing that I’ve told all your dirty little secrets to a stranger?”


“I thought you would. What are you going to do about it?”

“I…I’m going to…”

But I was already doing it. My hand was on the front of my diaper and I rubbed my stiff cock with the wet padding of my diaper while I moaned into the phone.

“That’s a good boy,'' she said. “I want you to keep going. You can do that for me, yes?”

“Yes… Yes, Mommy.”

“Good Baby. And when you’re about to come in your wet diaper, you’re going to take a video of it, right? So that Mommy can see?”

“Yes Mommy.”

It took an embarrassingly short time to get to that point. My mind was just about gone by that point - fried by both the thrill of being under Lucy’s virtual control and the thought that somewhere out there there was a woman named Raquelle who was doing god-knows-what with the knowledge that she had.

With one hand still stroking my diaper, the other stuck out with the phone again as I fumbled about and hoped to catch the magic on video.

I would climax almost immediately after, a humiliating series of moans and grunts. I had even attempted to announce that I was, indeed, a Pissy Little Baby, but the words came out as warped groans.

I couldn’t even bring myself to look at the video - I just sent it off to her.

“This is perfect,” she said. “Absolutely perfect.”

“Thank you,” I said, out of breath. “Thank you, Mommy.”

“Raquelle didn’t believe anything I told her, you know?” Lucy said. “She didn’t believe that you were that pathetic of a baby.”

“I am,” I said. “I...really am. Tell her that.”

“I did, but I don’t think my words were enough. I guess I’m going to have to show her. So, Baby, I thank you for providing me with enough proof tonight that I can send to her. I’m pretty sure she’ll believe me after this, wouldn’t you say?”



Paul Bennett

Another remarkable chapter. Thank you for sharing.