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The Halloween sugar-high is wearing off, finally, and it’s back to work in the baby-story factory. I’ve been a busy writer-bee lately, building a nice little reserve of goodness to pull from for the coming months.

Because I’m a fan of bulleted lists, let’s take a gander at things that are both in progress and in the queue for Quietly Humiliated:

  • I was working on the next part of Mommy Lessons, but I got distracted by another longer story I wanted to finish first. And I finished that. But then I got distracted with another longer story that I’m still in the process of working on. But I’m feeling pretty good about these stories - and I think you’ll like ‘em too. So, basically, more Mommy Lessons will happen eventually, so long as I don’t get distracted by other ideas.
  • Tier 3 patrons can vote right now on a story they’d like to see a continuation of. The poll ends tomorrow - so if you’re a Tier 3 patron and you haven’t voted yet, get your padded bottom over there!
  • On the topic of long stories, I’d like some feedback on how you like longer stories doled out. Did you like how Mommy Lessons was delivered every other week in the Tier 2 slot? Was that too much? Too slow? Just right? I’m open to suggestions. I’m thinking I might do something similar for the next longer serialized story, but I wanted to see how y’all felt about it first.
  • A friendly reminder that we have a QH Discord now. It’s a pretty small group of folks using it right now - as to be expected - but the conversations have always been friendly and fun. But it’s the first place I go to post updates about new content on the Patreon. And if you want to chit chat with me about anything, you’ll find me there!

In other news: It’s sometimes hard to gauge milestones on Patreons, as people come and go frequently, but this was the very first month that I started with over 100 patrons. And I gotta tell you - that feels really good. I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again: THANK YOU.

I always feel I had pretty grounded expectations for how this Patreon would perform, but we blasted past those expectations incredibly early on. So to see the number of subscribers continue to grow is just icing on an already decadent cake.

A question I get on occasion is if I ever get burnt out from writing these stories. And while there are times I face a little writer’s block, there has yet to be a time when I’ve just felt like I had no desire to write another story about diapers and humiliation. And a big part of that is the continued interest and support from you, my audience. You keep wanting more, and I continue to be happy to provide that.

As always, I welcome your feedback, criticism and anything else you want to say. I hope you’re doing well.

Stay naughty.



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