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Hey babies.

A common question - quite possibly the most common question - I get asked is if I have any interest in continuing a specific story. Everybody has that story or two that they just want to see more of. Maybe they liked the characters or the setting. Maybe the fantastical predicaments those characters faced were tickling in all the right ways.

I've never been opposed to continuing a story, really. More often than not, the only problem is that I'm writing so often that as soon as one story is done, I'm already thinking about what the next story is going to be and I've already moved on.

And that's why I'm thankful for you kind babies. Over the last few months I've gotten a ton of suggestions for stories you'd love to see continued. And so I decided to try something out. Let's take a vote on which story we'd like to see a sequel to!

Not all of the stories that people want to see continued are on this list to vote on. Frankly - there's a lot. I thought we'd start small and see what the response was like. If this gets a good reaction, maybe we'll make this a recurring segment!

Anyways, for round one, here's the five stories you can vote on to see a continuation of:

And it should be noted that only Tier 3 patrons will be voting and getting the voted-on story. I'd like to have the story live by the end of the month!

Voting ends next Thursday, 11/11/2021.


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