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I hadn’t done anything wrong.

I hadn’t done anything wrong, I repeated to myself.

Then why do I feel guilty?

I took a seat on the recliner, facing the smiling faces of my wife and my neighbor. It took everything I had to hold myself together. Breathe in. Breathe out.

“Did you have a good time?” asked Veronica.

I considered downplaying the evening a little. Feign boredom and hoped that it got them off my back.

But that didn’t seem like the right move at all. Veronica certainly got to have her fun, and she never downplayed her time with Ashley. And what if I continued to see Lucy? How long would I be able to convince her that I wasn’t all that interested, despite my repeat meetings with her?

“I did,” I said with a confident nod.

Veronica's smile widened, and it was a tough one to read. Genuine happiness? Snark? Sarcasm? Something else altogether?

Ashley, on the other hand, couldn’t hide her feelings if she wanted to. Her eyes looked like cartoonish hearts and she clutched her chest as if the very topic of romance warmed her soul. It was adorable; frustratingly so.

“I’m happy for you,” Veronica said. It seemed genuine.

“Me too,” Ashley said. “What was her name again?”

“Lucy,” I said.

“She’s cute?” asked Veronica.

I nodded. “I certainly think so.”

“Cuter than Ashley?” Veronica asked next, as she playfully stroked Ashley’s thigh.

“Oh...well…” Ashley was unsure whether to take the compliment or to deflect.

“A different kind of cute, I guess,” I said. Ashley seemed satisfied with that answer and she shot me a warm smile.

“You seem on edge,” Veronica said. “Is this...stressful for you?”

“I guess I just wasn’t prepared to be in the interrogation chair.”

Veronica shrugged. “Foolish on your part, no? Of course we’d want to know everything.”

I quickly debated on what I should tell them. Was there actually any harm in saying everything? No...probably not. But this evening belonged to me, and I didn’t want to see every detail scrutinized by someone else.

Still, I thought I should at least start at the beginning.

“Lucy is…” the words proved harder to say than I expected.

“She is...what? A good dancer? Flirty?”

I spit it out: “She’s into ageplay as well.”

I cherished these little moments. It wasn’t a vindictive feeling, I just liked these opportunities where I could catch Veronica off guard. She didn’t look upset by this revelation, but she didn’t look happy either. Clearly she needed to chew on this a little longer.

“Well,” Ashley said, quick to fill in the silence left by Veronica, “I think that’s super!”

As per usual, Ashley’s delight filled the room with warmth. It put me at ease and I could see that it had even allowed Veronica the chance to catch her breath again.

“This is good for you,” Veronica said. I truly believed she meant that. “I trust that she’ll be a...mommy, of sorts, for you? I mean...you’re no daddy.”

Ashley held a hand up to her mouth and giggled behind her hand.

“Oh...well...you know we just met. And it’s not like you can just...instantly jump into roles and know where everyone fits into a scene and…”

“She’s going to be your new mommy, isn’t she?” Veronica asked again, finding the energy to once again put me under her thumb.


Both girls laughed enthusiastically.

“Well, should the two of you get more acclimated,” Veronica said, “perhaps we should all arrange a little...double date?”

“Ohhh,” Ashley said, glee filling her eyes. “A play date!”

“Now wouldn’t that be something, Jaime? You and little Ashley, crawling about on the floor together in your diapers while we Mommies watched you?”

I couldn’t breathe. I could barely think. Veronica had almost immediately weaponized the situation to humiliate me, and it was working exactly as it was intended.

“I...I should go take a shower and lie down,” I said, standing up to excuse myself. “I’ll talk to you later.” I turned to Ashley. “It’s always good seeing you. Have a good night.”

Ashley nodded, nothing but kindness in her eyes. “You too.”

“We’re only teasing,” Veronica reiterated.

“Oh, I know,” I said. “You’re good, I promise. I just...I’m tired.”

In the bedroom, the door closed behind me, I quickly shed my clothes and disposed of my wet diaper before making my way to the bathroom where I got into the shower.

What was I supposed to be touching myself to? Oh right, the thought of squatting next to Lucy’s barstool.

I was stroking myself almost as soon as the water was running, but all I could think about was crawling on the ground with Ashley - both of us in diapers.


Lucy: You up?

I was up. I mean, I was down - in bed - on my back, staring up at the ceiling. But I was awake. I had been for an hour or two. Veronica had come to bed a bit ago. She didn’t say much to me - but neither of us had much to say when getting into bed together at night. She had fallen asleep almost immediately. Lucky her.

I was surprised to see my phone light up on the bedside table. Mostly because I usually put my phone into airplane mode before sleep. Her messaging me, and my getting the message seemed serendipitous, even if I didn’t really believe in such things.

Me: I’m up. It’s late, though. What are you doing up?

For a very long four minutes, there was no response. It didn’t show that the message was read. There was no icon to show that she was typing. Just silence. I was beginning to wonder if I was getting a message from earlier in the evening. Was I the crazy one for responding to her this late at night?

Lucy: I was just in bed. Thinking about you.
Me: Me? This late at night? I’d advise against that.
Lucy: I dunno. It doesn’t seem that bad.
Me: I was thinking about you too.

It was kind of a lie. Yes, I was thinking about her. But...likely not the same way she was thinking about me. I wanted to think about her more - especially in the shower - but I got a little...distracted.

Lucy didn’t need to know that.

Lucy: Good. I meant what I said before, you know. About next time? I hope you bring a spare diaper or two. Just in case.
Me: And I meant it when I said that I’d probably do anything you asked me to.
Lucy: Then I’m asking you to see me again this week. With a diaper on. And with spare diapers on hand.
Me: Your wish is my command.
Lucy: That’s just what I’m asking. My wishes are far more complicated.

I felt myself growing erect in my boxers, under the covers. I wondered about which was more likely -  that I was surrounded by women who could control my libido like a puppet - or if it was just me who had no actual resistance to the fancies of pretty women.

Me: You’ll have to elaborate…
Lucy: Hmm. Maybe it is a little later than I thought it was…
Me: Hey, you can’t do that! You can’t get me all worked up and then leave me hanging.
Lucy: Yeah? Did I get you all worked up?
Me: Wait, hold on. I’m asking you to elaborate on your wishes. Don’t go changing the subject.
Lucy: What do I wish? Right now, I wish for you to be lying in my lap, suckling my breast. You’d be wearing a dirty diaper. I’d change it - but not until you’re done breastfeeding.
Me: Do you...lactate?
Lucy: No. Well, not yet. But it’s my wish, right? And maybe it’d be something worth putting the work into for the right baby.

The very thought was too much for me to handle. I pulled my cock from my boxers, running my hand up and down my shaft. I rarely touched myself while in bed while Veronica slept next to me. But tonight? Maybe I’d make an exception.

Me: Okay. Now that’s my wish too.
Lucy: Good. Baby steps, of course. We’ll go out again. I’ll change your diaper.
Me: When?
Lucy: You tell me. Any night. I’ll make it work.
Me: I’ll let you know.
Lucy: You better.
Me: Tell me more about your wish?
Lucy: Oh, I wish I could, baby. But...it looks like it’s time for me to go to bed. Nighty night, good boy.

I turned the phone off, this time putting it into airplane mode. My hand was still on my cock, though, and I wasn’t about to let that go to waste. I started slow and carefully, trying my best not to cause Veronica to wake up. But, the longer I went at it, the harder it got to be so focused. I was thinking about Lucy. Lucy changing my diaper. Lucy breastfeeding me.

“Is there a fucking earthquake or something?”

My head shot to Veronica’s side of the bed, where she had begun to stir.

“Oh...uh, no. Sorry, go back to sleep. I may have been moving around too much or something.”

She rolled over so that she was facing me. In our bed - dimly lit by the moonlight - I could see that her eyes were open and she was assessing the situation.

“Are you seriously lying here next to me while playing with yourself?” she muttered.

“Well...I mean, yes. But...I didn’t mean to wake you up or anything. I was just…”

“Give it to me,” she said.

“I’m sorry?”

Her hand was in my lap, on a mission in the dark to find my erection.

“Put it in my hand,” she said. “I want to feel it.”

I guided her hand to it, nervous about where this was going. Veronica hadn’t touched me like this in...well, it had been a long time. I wasn’t sure that she had ever touched me in bed while half-asleep. I was afraid she’d grip it tightly and rip it off of my body.

Instead, to my relief, she ran her hand up and down in it, as if feeling it again for the first time. Her fingertip slowly assessed every nook and crevice.

“What has you so worked up tonight?” she said. I couldn’t see her face, but I just knew that she was smiling in the darkness.


“Your little date, perhaps?”

“I mean…”

Her tone got even softer - almost to a whisper: “Were you thinking about how she’s going to be your new Mommy? And how you’re going to be a very good boy for her?”

“Well...I guess...I…”

I was having trouble speaking; let alone being able to think. As with most things Veronica did, my only thought was: To what end? I wasn’t sure if this was supposed to be teasing me...or something else entirely.

“It’s about time,” Veronica cooed softly, her head drifting a little closer to my ear. She was talking directly into it now. “You were such a patient baby all this time, weren’t you?”

“I...uh...what do you mean?”

“All these years, and your mean ol’ wife wouldn’t put you in a diaper or feed your bottle, would she?”

Her hand gripped my cock harder now as she found a rhythm in her movements up and down my shaft. I had nothing but questions - but I didn’t dare ask them, for fear that she would stop. She hadn’t done this for me in so long. Nobody had.

“No hard feelings, I hope,” she whispered. “As it turned out, I was destined to be a Mommy sooner or later myself. I just needed to meet the right baby girl.”

Fuck. I wasn’t supposed to be thinking about Ashley.

“But I just know that you’re going to be a good baby for… I’m sorry, what was her name again?”

“L-Lucy,” I stammered, the building pressure growing to a fever pitch.

“Ah yes, Lucy,” she said with a little giggle. “I know you’re going to be a good little boy for Lucy.”


“But you know what?”

“No…” Of course I didn’t have any idea what else she could have to say. Everything else about this moment seemed to fall far outside of the norm.

“I’ll still own you. And I always will.”

There was just a single moment - an iota of a second - where I tried to wrap my head around what that meant. But the answer came almost immediately after, as her hand had successfully pumped me to completion. Wet spurts landed on my belly and hand in the darkness.

Her voice had returned to its normal tone and volume: “Goodnight, Jaime.” She rolled over, and slowly faded back into a restful sleep again.

My heart thrashed around in my chest and my brain was overloaded with thoughts. What did that mean? What did any of that mean?

I reached to the bedside table, fumbling about for some tissues to clean myself up. Once finished, I let them fall to the floor next to the bed and I allowed my head to sink deeper into my pillow.

Did she really feel like she...owned me? If that was the case, it would have been nice if she took care of her possession a little more.

I had countless questions, and had I a little more energy, maybe I would’ve stayed up later to ponder over them endlessly and hopelessly. Yet my eyes were getting heavy. It was for the best. The last thing I wanted to do was talk myself out of seeing Lucy again.

I would dream that I was just a plastic baby doll, being passed back around in a circle of Veronica, Ashley and Lucy.



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