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Neither of us said anything for a moment or two. I had contemplated trying to backtrack - maybe pretending that I had said something else or that I was just kidding. But I said what I said, and no amount of talking my way out of it would ever purge that from her memory.

“Just for the record...that’s not what we’re doing,” she finally said.

“I know,” I said. And I did know that. At least I thought I had known that.

“Like...I call her Mommy. She treats me like a little girl. It’s cute and it’s fun, I don’t know. Diapers? Is that something she’s into? Is she going to make me wear…”

“No,” I said. “That was only what I had proposed to her. She wasn’t interested.”

More awkward silence.

“Is that something you like?” she asked. She stared straight ahead at the wall of liquors instead of facing me. Maybe it was best for both of us that we didn’t make eye contact right now.

There really wasn’t much I could do to spin it or sugarcoat it. “Yeah. I suppose I do.”

I looked at her profile, and I wished I hadn’t. Once again, I saw the adorable young woman I first saw in the lobby of our building. My heart fluttered a little. This was all I had ever wanted since that first encounter - getting some time with her, one on one. Except now she knew I was a diaper-loving weirdo.

“I’m not going to judge you,” she said. “And I won’t tell anyone else either.”

It was nice of her to say, though I wasn’t sure who she’d tell. Our only mutual connection was already well aware.

“Thank you.”

I watched her open her mouth, but close it again with a sigh. I was torn on whether or not I should encourage her to say whatever she was going to say.

But, really, did I have anything to lose?

“Did you have more you wanted to say? Ask?”

“Yeah? You wouldn’t mind if I asked a question or two?”

See? This is why you don’t provoke conversations you don’t want to have. “Of course not. Go ahead.”

“So...do you wear them?” She looked around the bar carefully, making sure everyone was out of listening range before adding: “Diapers?”

I sighed. Here we were, jumping right into it.

“Yes. Well...sometimes.” I wasn’t sure if my correction made a difference or not. If I wore them just once a year, ‘yes’ still sufficed as an answer to her question.

“Does she know?”

“I’m sure she does. We don’t talk about it. I hide the evidence well, or at least I try to. If she knows, I don’t think she cares.”

I knew she had questions. Probably a million of them, too. But I had some too.

“Do you like being a...little girl?” I asked, unsure if I was using the right phrasing.

She smiled and blushed a little. I wanted to put her in my pocket and keep her there forever. Had anyone ever been so cute before?

“I never really thought about what I am,” she said. “My tastes just run...more juvenile. Immature. If I can get away with being the spoiled princess, I’m probably going to want that.”

I felt even stupider for saying the d-word now.

She continued: “Veronica - she just has a knack for making me feel - I don’t know - soft? Small? Dependent?”

I wish I knew that version of my wife.

“Let’s...not tell her that we had this conversation,” I said.


“I don’t want to jeopardize whatever it is you and her have going on. I’m not saying she’d abandon it if she knew we were talking...but I’m sure she’d be annoyed. Just…” I trailed off a little. I wanted to find something profound to say to summarize this encounter, but the best I could come up with was: “Keep doing what you’re doing.”

She seemed to sigh in relief. “Are you sure? You’re okay with that?”

I shrugged. “As good as I’m going to be.”

Maybe the bar wasn’t the best move. WIth my second stiff drink emptied, it seemed time to head home and stroke myself silly - no doubt while thinking of the woman who was currently sitting next to me.

“I should get going,” I said.

“Me too,” she replied, almost immediately. “Maybe we walk back together?”

“That sounds nice,” I said with a smile.


The front door to her apartment crashed open, rebounding off the wall with a loud clang. Both of our bodies tumbled in through the door - arms wrapped around each other while our lips and tongues mingled sloppily and passionately.

I’m not even sure what happened - or when it happened. We left the bar together and we chatted with each other until we reached the lobby. There was a moment where it looked like we were going to go in different directions but, instead, something else happened.

I had put no thought or consideration into this. But I knew it was a bad idea.

“I didn’t think you were into guys,” I managed to say in between kisses.

I never said that.”

Fair enough.

It took longer than it should’ve for me to realize what was going to happen. In fact, I realized it just as we reached the point of no return - her hands slowly sliding down my back. I couldn’t stop her. I wanted to, but I couldn’t. I was in the throes of lust, and it had shut down just about every other part of my brain that was capable of acting logically.

Her hands found my ass. She gave it a playful squeeze.

“Oh…” she said. It sounded like genuine surprise. “Are you…?”

My cheeks felt like they were on fire. I nodded.

“Really? This whole night?”

“Well...I certainly didn’t change while we were at the bar.”

“Oh-ho-ho,” she laughed. “This is naughty. You have to show me.”

“Wh-what? No I don’t…”

Her lips pressed against mine again. I could smell her. I wasn’t even sure what I was smelling. Lemon? Some sort of citrus? Floral? It was heavenly. Intoxicating.

She could make me do absolutely anything she wanted, and I suspected that she had already figured that out.

“I want to see,” she said. “Show me.”

I took a step back from her to start unbuckling my belt, but she descended upon my pants first. She wasn’t going to wait for me, nor was she going to ask permission. Which was fine by me.

She hastily tore open my belt and unbuttoned my pants. One firm tug was all it took to bring my pants down to my knees, leaving my diaper completely exposed for her to see.

She was the first person who had ever seen me in a diaper before. I certainly hadn’t seen this coming when I first encountered her in the lobby.

“Fuck,” she said. I was worried that it was a disappointment.

“I’m sorry...is this too much?”

“No, not at all. It’s just so much cuter than I thought it’d be.” She shook her head and repeated: “Fuck.”

Her hand reached down, feeling the front of the diaper. Feeling my erection - a near-constant presence since running into her tonight - through the thick padding.

“Do you use it?”

I nodded.

“Do you make your little pee-pees in it?” Her tone had managed to carefully walk the line between sincere curiosity and mocking.

“Yes…” I prayed that there wasn’t a follow up question to that.

She opened her mouth, but then just laughed and shook her head. Finally: “Do you have more?”


“Yes,” she nodded.

“I do.”

“I’d like to borrow one. Try it out?”

“Well...if you’re going to borrow one, you might as well keep it,” I said with a laugh.

From Ashley’s purse, which had been haphazardly tossed onto the couch earlier, there was a chime.

“Ah, I should check that,” she said, slowly sliding from me. In the time it took for her to move the three feet to her purse, I found myself missing her touch.

My phone vibrated in my pocket - at that moment, located somewhere around my knees. I fished it out and found a text from Veronica: On my way home. Going out again though.

I looked up to Ashley.

“That was Veronica,” she said. “She’s on her way back. She wants to go get a drink with me.”

I sighed. Not that I was too surprised, but it did burn a little for her to have texted Ashley first.

“I guess I should let you go,” I said.

She pressed herself up against me one last time, her warm lips swallowing mine. When she was done, she stepped back and straightened up her clothes and hair.

“I should redo my hair,” she said. “Put some more lipstick on.”

“What was this?” I asked. I hated the question almost as soon as I asked it.

“Who cares,” she said. It was an answer I was thankful for. “I want to do it again sometime.”

“But Veronica…”

“I really like Veronica, and I like what I have going with her. But, I dunno. I like this too. Can’t a girl have both?”

I ran a hand through my hair and sighed. This was trouble. This wasn’t sustainable. This was a recipe for disaster. One day, this would be drama on a level that was beyond any that I could handle.

But that would only be a problem later.

“Of course,” I said.

She leaned forward and kissed me again. “Keep your pampers dry. And don’t be upset if I’m all over your wife later. I’m all worked up now.”

She was gone.

I pulled up my pants and collapsed on the couch in a huff. For a brief moment, I had absolutely everything I wanted tonight - maybe everything I wanted period - and now she too was gone. To spend time with my wife, no less.

Still, this was an interesting new wrinkle.

“Is this what you do with yourself on a Friday night?” I hadn’t even heard Veronica walk through the door. I realized I must have been pretty lost in thought..

“Just...relaxing,” I said.

“I’m going out with Ashley.”

“I…” I stopped myself from telling her that I already knew this. “I see. What are you two up to?”

“Getting drinks, I hope,” she said. “Is this your plan? Sitting around and staring into space?”

“No. I’ll...be putting a movie on or something.”

“Well don’t wait up. And, please, try not to get all butthurt about the fact that me and my good friend Ashley are spending more time together.”

She was trying to get a rise out of me, and it likely would’ve worked if I hadn’t just spent some time of my own with Ashley. My own strange time that almost felt like it hadn’t happened at all the further removed from it I got from it. I wondered what Veronica’s reaction would’ve been if I told her what had transpired earlier. Would she have been more upset that I finally got to stick my tongue in Ashley’s mouth? Or that Ashey’s hand was on my diaper, of all things?

I put the TV on while Veronica got changed and readied herself. I did my best not to dwell on these things too much.

It was hard not to. Ashley is playing both of us.

For the next ten or so minutes, I just stared at the glow of the TV, completely unaware of what was on it. Until there was a knock at the door.

“Can you get that?” Veronica called out to me. “I told Ashley to meet me here. Tell her I’ll be right out.”

Are you fucking serious right now? I opened the door, and there was Ashley again. She had just left here not that long ago, and in the time since she had seemingly only fixed her hair.

She walked past me into the apartment. “Good evening, Jaime. A pleasure to see you.”

I got a whiff of her as she drifted past. That same floral/citrus scent, except now it was tied to the memory of being so close to her as she felt up my exposed diaper.

I felt myself growing a little stiff.

“She’ll be right out,” I said. “She’s still getting ready.”

“Still in your diaper?” she asked.

“Shush. You can’t say that too loud!”

She smiled, playfully poking me in the chest. “You didn’t answer my question.”


“I’m going to want to see it again.”


“Your diaper,” she said.

I bit my tongue before I asked her to be careful with how she talked to me. I knew she knew this already. She was teasing me. Like Veronica, she seemingly only wanted to get me flustered.

“I can’t show you right now.”

“I know this. But when?”

“I don’t know.” I looked towards our bedroom, seeing that the door was still mostly shut as Veronica continued to get ready.

“Here,” she said, handing me a neatly folded piece of paper from her purse. “I wrote down my phone number for you.”

“Th-thanks,” I said, unsure of what else to say. This small gesture felt like it was a commitment. A promise. There’d be more of this - and thus, more danger. Still, it wasn’t going to stop me from just taking it.

“Can you do me a favor?” she asked.

I’d do anything for you. “I suppose.”

“If you end up, uh, using your diaper later? Send me a pic?”

“What? You want to see...that?”

“I’m just curious,” she replied. “I mean, truth be told, I’d rather just watch you use it. This is the next best thing.”

“I mean, I can. I...I’ve never shown that to anyone before.”

“Ooh,” she said with a little squeal. “So I get to be first? I like that.”

My eyes kept wandering back to the bedroom door, waiting for the moment when Veronica would return and cut the conversation short.

“I can do that,” I said.

“It’s research,” she said with a shrug. “For me.”

“Do you still want one?”

“Not now. But...probably?”

I saw the shadows of Veronica’s feet at the base of the bedroom door. I stepped away from Ashley without even thinking about it. I did my best to not have a guilty look on my face, but that was a challenge when I felt absolutely wrought with guilt. What was I doing? To what end?

“Ashley,” Veronica purred as she emerged. “I hope Jaime didn’t bore you too much while you waited.”

“Oh, never,” Ashley said. A big goofy smile was plastered on her face. I’d like to think it was for me and the conversation we just shared - but it was likely actually directed towards Veronica. I couldn’t blame her - in her slim black dress and heels - Veronica looked hot.

“I need to get some drinks in my belly,” Veronica said. She drifted past Ashley, staring right into her eyes as she did. I could just see Ashley melting before my eyes. I could see we were well past the point of either of them being subtle about how they felt for each other.

Soon after, they departed and I found myself pressed against the door, listening to the diminishing sound of their giggles and flirtatious tones as they got further down the hallway away from the apartment.

I checked my dating apps again. No new messages.

It was 10:00 PM on a Friday and I was already thinking about going to bed.

But first, I had a diaper to soak.




Love the direction, but this is really hitting me in the feels. From what we’ve seen so far, I had a SHOCKINGLY similar situation with a relationship in college.