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Lesson 10: Growing Up

“I thought that I had it all figured out. While the rest of our relationship seemed to be crashing and burning around us, my ex seemed to at least like the time spent getting his diapers changed by me. So I put it out there online - just a pretty simple ad on a local personals website offering ‘mommy’ services to ABDLs. I foolishly thought - best case scenario - I’d find one local diaper-wearing lonely guy who’d want to test the waters with a stranger. But my inbox was blowing up. I had guys from three states away asking if they could come see me.

“I won’t lie, it was hard. Much harder than I anticipated it to be. The needs and desires of one are not at all reflective of everyone. Which sounds plenty obvious in hindsight - but at the time I struggled with just how much variance there could be with ‘wear diaper/drink bottle/pee pants/get changed. Some men needed to be coddled and sung to. Some men needed to spend a good two hours getting flogged before we could even get a diaper on them.

“The realization I came to was that I was over my head. I wasn’t a professional, nor did I have any background as an actual parent. Hell, I had never even had a personal attachment to diapers until shortly before I started inviting strangers into my home.

“I had a decision to make - either I gave up on this new hobby of mine, or...I doubled down on it and became the best mommy there ever was.

“I found this woman online who had similar services to mine. She seemed rather well liked by her clients and everything I read - both on her own sites and in the forums that mentioned her - suggested that she knew what she was doing. I guess I did the same thing you did; research. I wasn’t as...upfront about it as you were. I went there as a client, and I never told her otherwise.

“She figured it out, of course. Not then, at that first session. It would be three or four sessions later, and after she had spotted one of my ads online. I thought there was going to be trouble - like I would have accidentally ignited a mommy turf war. But it couldn’t have been further from that.

“Maya didn’t fear competition. She didn’t even see it as competition. For her, this was just a new option for folks. Options were good. Everyone benefited from options.

“I can’t tell you just how much Maya’s guidance helped me, and in turn, helped everyone who visited either Maya or myself. I swore that one day I’d find the chance to pay it forward. And then you come barging through my door without a diaper on, begging me to help you turn your sad husband into a baby. It’s funny how things work out like that, right?”

I liked learning more about Averie, and I was soaking in every word. But it was a little surreal to hear all of this while she changed my diaper. I was on the changing table now, and she was carefully wiping away yet another layer of enema-induced sludge from my bottom. I was rank, and I had felt terrible about stinking up her car something awful. Yet she never batted an eye. Sure, she picked on me for it. Sure, she gave my bottom a few playful swats as I scurried back into her house. But she never made it seem like it was a burden or something that she didn’t want to deal with.

“I can’t just change your diaper,” she said with a shrug. “You’re going to need a bath. Then you’ll get your fresh diaper.”

I blushed. Had it really been that bad?

“Your first weekend as a baby and you’ve already had a blow out and...whatever this disaster is. Are you proud of yourself, Dumpling? Because you should be. You really know how to destroy a diaper in a way that few can. It’s very impressive.”

She left me on the changing table as she disappeared, leaving me in my opened diaper - my ass only half cleaned. Elsewhere, I could hear water running. Was she going to bathe me? I really hoped so.

“I’ll help you down from the changing table. Please do your best to be careful though, Princess. It’s bad enough I need to clean you. I don’t want to have to clean up a little trail of filth that you leave behind you.”

She took my hands in hers and pulled me to a sitting position. Carefully, I swung my legs over the side of the changing table and tried to dismount the filthy diaper and table all at once. As far as I could tell - mostly by just looking at her face - I hadn’t made too much more of a mess than I already had.

My hand was still held by, and she led me to the bathroom. It was amusing, I thought, that I hadn’t seen this bathroom at all yet. Because why would I?

It was a nice large tub, and there was plenty of steam and bubbles rising from the surface of the water. It smelled of lavender. She had already removed all of my clothes before she started changing me earlier, so there was really one thing left to do. One foot at a time, I eased myself into the hot water. It verged on being too hot, but I quickly acclimated - finding it to actually be just the right temperature. I wanted to live in this water forever. This was my womb.

I knelt in the tub, the water rising to about my waist. She looked down at me from outside of the tub. She looked so happy, so satisfied. It reminded me of how I imagined my own mother must’ve looked at me sometimes. If she looked at her clients like this - even a tenth of this - I could see why every one of them would want to come back time and time again.

Averie produced a foam loofa and she soaked it in the tub, before twisting out the excess water. She gently ran it over my shoulders, letting the hot water cascade down my back and breasts.

“Do you like that, Baby?” She didn’t have to ask, given how I gently moaned with every pass of her hand. But I was happy she did anyways. I could listen to her coo the word ‘baby’ to me endlessly.

I nodded, my eyes closed. Her hand dived under the service of the water, and I felt the soft loofa run down my side.

“Lean forward, sweetheart. I have to clean your bottom.”

I did so, feeling the loofa gently brush against my backside. I wondered just how much was left to clean.

I opened my eyes, just in time to watch the abandoned loofa drift past me, floating on the surface. It looked like her hand was still submerged. I wondered what she was doing - but she quickly gave me the answer. I felt her finger tips working their way between my ass cheeks.

“Ooh,” I said, unexpectedly - as if she had forced it out of me.

“After a mess like that, I feel like I just need to make sure you’re extra clean. You understand, don’t you, Baby?”

I nodded.

My body was at an almost perfect position in the water. On my knees, bent over; my ass was like a wide-open expressway tunnel for her fingers and she seemed ready and willing to take advantage of that.

Nobody had ever done something like this for me before. Well, certainly not while in a tub after a rather nasty mess in a diaper - but nobody had ever used my ass before either. I had done some light experimenting myself over the years, and found it rather enjoyable, but the experience never seemed to present itself with Neil - or anyone else.

Now, as her soapy fingers worked their way inside my ass, I made a series of whiny groans. They probably came off as bad noises - but I was deeply satisfied.

“Oh? Do you like that, Baby? Do you like when Mommy cleans out your bottom.”


“Tell me?”

“Mommy, I love...uhmm...when you are inside of me. Inside my ass.”

“Good. Dumpling, can you do me a favor?”

“Mm, yes…”

“Baby-talk for me? It’s been a minute, and you’re just so darn good at it.”

No hesitation. No thinking about it, let alone second guessing. Her fingers inside my bottom had seemingly found the magic button that absolutely drained me of any semblance of adulthood.

“Mmmm...mahh...oooh...maa...ba-ba…” They were just noises and sounds. It was the best I could offer - moans and fragments of moans.

She slowly eased her fingers out. Instinctively, I leaned back to where I had started, just kneeling in the bathwater. She was gone, but my bottom still hummed where she had been.

“What needs cleaning now, Baby?”

I used both of my hands to take one of hers and press it against my chest. She wasted no time in running her hands over breasts, gently tugging at my nipples.

It all seemed to kick into hyperdrive from there. I’m not even sure who made the next move; it was possible we acted simultaneously. She was leaning into the tub, and I was trying to lean out of it. We met in the middle, and we were kissing. She continued to massage my breasts and I continued to hold her hands in place. One of her hands plunged into the water between my legs and found me to be even more wet than she could imagine.

I was out of the tub. She had a towel, but suddenly the towel was on the ground. We were trying to leave the bathroom together, but we were just grinding against each other as we kissed, taking turns pressing the other against the wall with our bodies. Her clothes were soaked. I was still wet. We were stumbling out of the bathroom now. Down the hall. Into the nursery. She was on her back in the crib now, and she was shoving my face between her legs.

“Aren’t you hungry, Dumpling?”

I was. Absolutely ravenous.

I’d say I ate like a queen, but the truth was that my queen was Averie.


I couldn’t even decide how I’d refer to her in my mind.

She was beyond wet; she was dripping. My face was almost instantly saturated, and I loved every moment of it. It had been so long - since my fling with Maisie in the backseats of cars - since I had pleasured another woman with my mouth. But it was hardly a skill I had forgotten. I knew what I wanted, and I was right to assume that she’d want the same thing.


I had the most wonderful dream. Mommy’s legs were wrapped around my head and…

I stirred, finding my head resting on her chest. We were lying in the crib together and her arms were around me. I was completely nude.

“Hello,” she said.

“Was I...asleep?”

“So was I,” she said. “It was nice.”

“Did I…”

“Give me the best oral sex I’ve ever had in my entire life? Yes.”

“Oh.” I quickly realized that was nothing to be ashamed of. I added: “Good for me.”

“What are you going to do now?” she asked.

“Put...a diaper on?” Was I being tested?

“No, silly,” she laughed. “After this. After this weekend.”

I sighed. I hadn’t thought much about that.

“Do you think your husband deserves someone as good as you?”

I didn’t know how to answer that, so I offered only a slight shrug.

“Do you want to be a Mommy?”

“I want to be a baby. Forever.”

“Don’t we all,” she said with a sigh of her own.

“I do,” I said, getting back to her question. “But...not for Neil.”

“There’s a lot of babies in this world. There’s lots of room for another Mommy.”

“But...it’d be hard for me to give up...this.”

“Being a baby?”

I nodded.

“Who says you have to?”

I looked up to her face.

“You can be both,” she said with a confident nod. “I should know.”


She nodded again.

“Still? Even now?”

“Not as much as I’d like,” she said. “But when I can.”


She nodded, kissing me on the forehead.

I snuggled deeper into her chest. Every time I learned something new about her, I was becoming even more smitten.


I was dressed and ready to go. I didn’t want to go, but I was ready to. Mommy insisted on putting me into another diaper. “For the road.” She had even produced a permanent marker so that she could write “good girl” on it - my grade for my weekend’s worth of work.

I wondered if Neil would be home when I got back. If not, I wondered when he actually would show up. Would he notice I was wearing a diaper? I kind of wanted to show him. I kind of wanted to tell him where I had been.

“We have to do this again,” Mommy said.

“I really want to.”

“No,” she said with a grin, “that was a command. You must come back again.”

“Fine. I will.”

“Good girl.”

“I appreciate...all of this. I feel like a complete mess. I came here yesterday thinking that I just wanted to please Neil. But…”

“You realized you should be pleasing yourself,” she said.

I nodded. “But...I still want to learn. I want to be a Mommy too. Like you.”


Her simple question caught me off guard. “I...uh…”

“Think about it,” she said. “Next time you see me, give me an answer. Otherwise, I’m fine with just keeping you in diapers.”

I nodded.

“I had a cancellation for next Saturday. I was going to see if anyone on my website wanted the slot, but…”

“I can be here.”

“Good. I had hoped you’d say that.”

We tightly embraced each other. I wanted...well, I wanted a lot of things. But in this moment they all felt so awkward.

Thankfully she seemed to want the same things. Her lips found mine and we kissed. Our mouths opened against each other’s. Or tongues collided. We finally had to pull away, only because we both knew we’d end up on the ground together if we didn’t.

Ten minutes into the drive home, I pissed my diaper.

I was thinking about a lot of things. Averie. Neil. What I wanted to do with myself. I tried to get back into the headspace I was in back when I was first driving to Averie’s house. It had just been the day before, sure, but that might as well have been 10 weeks ago. I asked myself the same question I had asked myself then: Why did I want to be a Mommy for Neil?

Yesterday, I thought that it was because it was what he wanted. It would give him a reason to not only stay with me, but a reason for him to stay and be happy with me. But, there was something below the surface even then. Another feeling I hadn’t fully defined for myself. It was something I thought about when I watched his adult baby videos or read the stories that he liked, or when I researched all of the things that I thought would make him happy. And it was only after I arrived at Mommy’s - and she had so effortlessly transformed me into a baby myself - that I realized what it was: Power. The confidence and will to take someone and strip them of the things that made them an “adult.”

And Mommy had been right. There was no way that I would’ve ever been able to achieve what I had wanted - or to have been effective in any way - if I hadn’t started at the beginning myself.

I had a ways to go. I had a few more diapers of my own I needed to fill first. But I was more sure than ever that I wanted to be a Mommy, just like Averie.

And when I had achieved that?

Neil would be spending money on sessions with me.

To be continued...

Thank you so much, everyone, for sticking with this story for the last few months. I hoped you enjoyed it - and I'd love to hear your thoughts about it. 

This story is going on a little hiatus. But there's plenty more on the horizon.




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