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My feet hit the sand and I’m running.

I’m trying to run. The sand is thick and with every step, my foot is swallowed by the earth. It slows me down, but it doesn’t stop me.

I clear the dry thick sand and get my feet into the water. It’s cold, though not uncomfortably so. The waves crash into each other before me, and the edge of the water consumes my feet.

I haven’t felt anything like this in years.

There’s a lot of things that I could feel embarrassed about right now, but the one that sticks out in my mind is that I’ve lived so close to the shore for so long and have never made the trek out here before. Just an hour drive? I’ve driven farther than that for dinner.

“Feels good, doesn’t it?” I almost can’t hear her over the sound of waves pounding for miles in either direction.

“Incredible,” I say.

She smacks my bottom playfully and I let out a soft moan purely out of surprise. It never hurts. How could it with so much padding between her hand and my ass? But she has a knack for catching me off guard.

I turn to see her, and I see that she’s already completely nude. She had told me that this would happen, and I accepted it, but I still found myself unable to believe that this was really happening. I scanned the beach for anyone else, but there was nobody around for as far as I could see.

“It’s a private beach,” she says. “It’s just you and me, Baby. And I doubt you have any objections to my going au naturel.”

I shake my head, blushing a little. I have no objections to seeing her nude anytime - especially in a place that felt so much more...open. But combined with the fact that I hadn’t been able to get a look at her body like this in months - it’s having an effect on me.

“My my, you naughty little boy,” she coos, “what’s this little lump in the front of your diaper?”

I’m in a diaper. I’m only wearing a diaper. It’s large, thick, and white. There were probably more infantile designs that she could have chosen to pack - but there’s something about a simple white diaper that often felt more conspicuous. It wasn’t going to get mistaken for underwear. If someone laid eyes on it - they’d know in a moment what it was.

Her hand strokes the front of the diaper - my swollen manhood serving as just a minor speed bump for her palm as she giggles.

“There’s plenty more diapers in the bag, so don’t be afraid to get that one wet,” she says.

I nod. I think she means if I step further into the water - but she could just as easily mean if I wet myself.

I look to the ocean, but then I look back to her. Seconds ago, I thought the ocean was the grandest thing I had seen in ages. I’m not upset to have been proven wrong.

My lusting eyes are not lost on her at all. “Gawk all you want, Baby. Take it all in. Take some mental pictures if you have to. Once we get back to the beach house, it's back to chastity.”

She had previously advised me that the only reason I wasn’t wearing the cage to the beach was because she was afraid the salt water wasn’t good for the lock. I’m not sure if there was actually anything to be concerned about with that, but I wasn’t about to complain.

“But...while we’re here...and I’m not in my cage…”

She smiled. “Spit it out, Baby. What are you trying to say?”

“M-may I touch myself? Here on the beach?”

I’d have asked to fuck her instead, though I suspected the amount of laughter I’d get in response would kill my mood for the rest of the day.

She nodded. “But you’ll tell me before you do so. And you’ll do it in front of me.”

I frantically nod. “Yes, of course.”

She turns and heads back to the beach bag, deposited back in the sand behind me. She’ll set up the blanket and umbrella. Then, she’ll likely just watch me. As she does.

I’m a little self-conscious at first. It’s a big open beach, and even at home, it’s rare that I’m ever wearing just a diaper. It could be an audience of just her, or a thousand people; it didn’t matter. I’m on display.

I take small careful steps in the wet sand, feeling the cold waves lap at my feet. Being so exposed, I become overly aware of every movement I take. I’m not walking at all - I’m waddling. Besides my size and age, am I really that different than an actual toddler?

But the sound of the water - a constant series of surges - becomes inspiring and I wet my diaper while staring into the vast blue ocean. As it always does, wetting myself almost effortlessly begins to chisel away at my more adult insecurities.

So what if I am a big toddler on the beach? Wouldn’t a toddler have fun here?

I’m skipping across the wet sand. I’m trying to jump over the waves. I’m squatting down to scoop up the broken seashells left behind by the retreating waves. The bigger waves splash into me, wetting my front and sides. The water seeps into my diaper and I feel it get heavier and heavier. It sags as much as it can possibly sag between my legs, and my walking is only further hindered. I bet I look ridiculous. If I could see her face from here, I’m sure it’d be smiling.

It’s so easy - so natural - for me to frolic about freely like a baby, that I completely lose track of time. Maybe it’s been minutes, or maybe it's been hours, but I realize that I haven’t checked in with her in a little bit. I hoist myself out of the water and trudge back towards our blanket while my at-capacity diaper holds on for dear life.

Except, she doesn’t seem to be alone. It’s initially hard to tell in the bright sun, but it seems as if she’s talking to someone. At first my pace hastens, eager to see who this could be. But when I remember what I’m wearing - and I imagine what I probably look like as I waddle through the sand - my pace slows considerably.

My eyes focus and I see that it’s a man. She doesn’t seem especially upset by his presence. She remains nude, lying on her back in the sun so that her plump breasts are looking right up at him.

And isn’t this a private beach?

I didn’t have all the details on why we were privy to this beach either, to be honest. A friend of a friend owns the land, or something like that. I didn’t question it, though I’m not wondering if I should’ve. I can’t decide which flusters me more - that this man can just look down and see every inch of her that I’m normally denied the sight of? Or that he can see me toddling about in a soaked diaper.

It’s too late to even make an attempt at hiding myself. If the man hadn’t noticed my predicament sooner - and how could he not have - surely she would’ve told him anyways.

“Ah, there you are,” she says as I come into her field of vision. “Have a good time splashing about in the water, Baby?”

“Uh...y-yes,” I respond. The man is looking right at me. Through me even. He looks amused.

He’s a little older than us, though I couldn’t say by how much. Regardless of how old he was, age had been good to him. His salt and pepper beard was likely as attractive to her as it was to me.

“This is Angelo,” she says. “This is his beach.”

“Oh… Hello, sir.” I reach out to shake his head, and he meets my hand with his. But his grip is powerful, and it just about reduces me to a puddle in the sand.

“I hope I’m not interrupting anything,” he says with a smile.

“Of course not,” she says. “We just got here a little bit ago. We’re soaking in the sun and enjoying the water.”

“You couldn’t have come on a more perfect day,” he says, scanning the sky with his eyes. “I think there’s rain in the forecast for the rest of the week.”

“Well we’re grateful for you having us here,” she says. She sits up, her breasts bouncing as she steadies herself. Angelo makes no attempts to look away.

“I don’t get out in the sand as much as I’d like to anymore,” he says. “So it makes me happy to see others take advantage of it.”

“Talk about first-world problems,” she says with a laugh. “I’d love to own a beach that I don’t have time to lay on all day.”

“The curse of having more money than time,” he says with a wry smile. He sits down on the sand, closer to her than I’d have expected him to. “I don’t believe I’ve had the pleasure of seeing you here before.”

She giggles, her cheeks glowing a little. “Well, it’s our first time here. But if there’s a standing invitation to return…”

“Oh, you can be sure of that,” he says. He looks up at me with an obvious mix of confusion and amusement. “And you? What, uh, is all this?” he asks, pointing to my diaper.

“He’s my baby,” she says.

“Did he lose a bet or something?”

“Ah, no actually,” she says, stifling another laugh. “It was his idea, believe it or not. I’ve grown rather fond of it, honestly.”

“No kidding?” He stands up and walks towards me, bending down a little to get a better look at my soaked and sagging diaper. “So, what, you just wear diapers all the time?”

“Wears them. Uses them. And so much more,” she says, answering for me. Better her than me. I’m incapable of opening my mouth right now.


“Well, sure. Mommy feeds him his bottle. Changes him. Gives him baths. All the things that Mommies do for their babies.”

He laughs and shakes his head. “That is something.”

“I suppose it’s different,” she says.

“I’m not judging,” he says with a laugh. “You’re not going to be offended if I ask questions about it, are you?”

“I’m not,” she says. To me, she asks: “Are you?”

I shake my head.

He reaches behind me and gently squeezes the diaper, feeling how thick it is between his fingers. It forces some water - or maybe water and pee - to trickle down my leg.

“Here’s my first question,” he says. “How the hell are you able to strut around on this beach in your big diaper while this gorgeous woman is sprawled out on her blanket without any clothes on?”

It’s a damn good question, but I don’t have an answer for it.

Thankfully, she does. “We have rules. Look, but do not touch. Unless Mommy says so.”

He laughs and nods. “That makes more sense.”

“He normally wears a cage,” she adds.  My cheeks warm further.

“A cage?”

“Chastity? His little cocklet is locked up so that it’s useless.”

“Well, fuck,” he says. “Is he locked up now?”

“We left it off today. A little treat for the beach.”

“A shame. I’d have liked to have seen that.”

“Next time, maybe,” she says.

“I sure hope so.”

“But if we’re being honest,” she says, “it’s not like he’s that big anyways.”

“Ah, well, some men can’t help that. They’ve got what they’re born with.”

HIs words add further humiliation, but it at least makes me feel the smallest bit better that it’s not something he’s judging me for. I’ll take what I can get.

He adds: “Me, on the other hand, I’ve been granted a great gift.”

“Is that so?” she asks. “Wealthy and well endowed?”

“Don’t believe me? I can show you.”

“I believe you,” she says, her eyes wandering down to his tight khaki shorts. “But you can pretend that I don’t if you need an excuse to show us anyways.”

I think he’s joking. It’d have been a strange joke - but some sort of jest nonetheless.

But no. He’s pulling his shorts and boxers down far enough that his impressive manhood rolls out before us.

“You weren’t lying, then,” she says with a smile. “Go on,” she says to me. “Take yours out too. Let’s compare.”


“It’s fine,” she says with a sigh. “Obviously you need a new diaper anyways. Just take it off.”


“So help me, please don’t make me ask again. I’d hate to have to show this nice man here what happens to bad little babies.”

I glance up to Angelo who is staring right back at me. “Oh, I wouldn’t mind seeing that.”

This was the final push I needed. The last thing I need is this Man of Importance watching me get manhandled and paddled over her knees with a hairbrush. I paw at the sides of my diaper, eager to get it off.

“Oh for heaven’s sake,” she says. “It’s not that hard to get off.”

“Let me have a look,” Angelo says. He steps closer to me and rips each tape off from the front of the diaper in four quick flicks of his wrist. In awe of his speed, I’m not paying attention and my diaper falls to the sand with a moist “splat.”

But now I’m completely nude too. While I thought I would’ve preferred wearing nothing at all to just wearing my bloated diaper in front of him, the sight of both of our dicks in short proximity to one another does little for my ego. Even placid, I suspect he’s bigger than I am when hard.

“Aw, don’t worry about it, sport,” he says, giving my back a condescending slap. “You’re just a baby, right? You might grow yet.”

This little stunt has achieved exactly what she wanted it to. I’m practically praying that he pulls his shorts back up. Instead, his shorts and boxers fall completely to the sand and he begins pulling his shirt off as well.

“Would you mind if I stay a little while?” Angelo asks.

“I wouldn’t mind at all,” she says with a smile. “There’s plenty of room on the blanket for you.”

I should be used to this by now, but it still stings. Wherever we go, men seem to gravitate towards her, and she does just about nothing to repel them. Men hit on her. Buy her drinks. Their hands work their way up her thighs while she just smiles at me.

But here? On this secluded beach? I really it would be just her and I today. I never really bothered to ask how she got the invite to enjoy the private beach in the first place, but it does make me curious if this run-in with its owner is coincidence or pre-ordained.

“You should go back and play in the ocean,” she says to me.

Maybe she - and her new friend - feel comfortable in the nude, but I’m not sure that I do. Maybe I would if he wasn’t around.

I don’t say anything, but she’s clearly able to read my face. “Oh,” she says, “I suppose you’d like something to wear.”

I offer a small shrug.

“Come here then. Let’s get you into another diaper.”

I sigh. There was no way that this wouldn’t be what she offered. Yet, I still think I needed some sort of coverage - especially after seeing what Angelo was packing.

He laughs and shakes his head. I’m sure he’s got some jokes and humiliating comments to make at my expense, but he bites his tongue. Perhaps he realizes that any embarrassment I feel from getting diapered in front of him is far worse than anything he could say. I doubt he’d be wrong about that.

I lay down on my back on the end of the blanket, and she pulls a fresh diaper from the diaper bag. It’s a process that’s so common for us that it barely even occurs to me how strange this looks to someone who has never been exposed to this before. The way I instinctively lift my legs for her to tuck the new diaper under my bottom. The ease in which she pulls my legs apart so that she can straighten out the diaper as she folds it over me.

Each tape is tightly secured in place. She’s phenomenal at this.

“There you go, Baby,” she coos. It never fails to make me blush when she leans into that condescending baby-talk tone with me. “You can go back and play in the water if you’d like. But I’m not going to change you again for a while, so maybe you ought to be mindful of whether you’re going to let the ocean get your diaper wet...or if you’re going to.”

I nod and roll off the blanket into the warm loose sand. I’m back on my feet quickly, but when I look to Angelo, I see he’s watching me intently while grinning.

“Enjoy the beach, kiddo,” he says. “I’ll take good care of your mommy here.”

I walk away from the blanket, the thick sand slowing my pace just enough that I hear the two of them immediately break into flirtatious banter. I can’t hear exactly what they’re saying, but I recognize the tones. And I recognize the giggles.

It seems like kismet, really. She’s not shy about taking on attention from strangers, while I doubt that a powerful man like him has ever been told ‘no.’

My feet are in the water again, and the cool water splashes at my ankles. I look up and down the coast, astonished that I can’t see anyone else as far as I can see.

There’s more giggles and laughter behind me, and I’m too afraid to look.

I wanted to touch myself while the chastity cage wasn’t on. The temptation to just slip my hand into my diaper is strong. And, admittedly, the thought of Angelo filling her with his thick cock did have me feeling a little still.

But she did specifically say that I needed to tell her before I did it. And that she wanted to watch me do it. That was all well and fine before, but with Angelo there now?

Yet...the alternative was that I didn’t touch myself at all, go back home, and got locked up again - without having the chance to have pleasured myself.

I want to just grab myself in my diaper right now and cream myself right here in the sand. But...I worry I may be cursed. I can’t bring myself to break her rules. No matter how strong the temptation is, I can’t do it.

I walk a short way down the beach, but I haven’t made it far before I’m wetting my diaper again. I barely even fight the urge, and it happens so effortlessly that I wondered if I really had any agency in the decision at all. She would have loved to have known that.

As it was, she was going to be delighted to see that I had wet myself again. I’m tempted to go back into the ocean. Maybe if I got my diaper good and sopping wet again, nobody would know better if I had wet myself or not. Of course - she had specifically warned me against that. Regardless of what got the diaper wet, if this was the only one I’d have for a while, maybe I’d be better off preserving as much absorbancy as I could.

I’d look back from time to time at her. I was curious what Angelo and her were doing. I didn’t want to know. But...I did want to know.

The first time I had looked back, they were just talking - both of them sitting on the same blanket.

But the second time? They were sitting so close to each other that she practically looked like he was in his lap.

And the third time? He was facing, my legs spread wide in front of him while she sat between them facing him. Her body bobbed up and down while he smiled to me.

I should’ve been upset. Or maybe depressed. But I was...turned on. So help me, I feel myself grow hard in my diaper as I watch her head bounce on his cock.

I consider just continuing to wander around the empty beach by myself, knowing full well that back at the blanket, Angelo was having his way with her.

But I know what I actually want to do.

I walk back towards the blanket, my head hanging in shame. I expect them to carry on as if I’m even there, but her mouth slides off his cock and when she sees me coming, she takes a seat next to him again.

“You’re back sooner than expected,” she says. “Need another diaper? Because I did say that it’d be a while.”

“I know, but…”

“Did you come over here to ask me not to have her suck me off on my beach,” asks Angelo.

“N-no. In fact I was...uhm…”

“Ah,” she says, with a nod. “I know this look. He’s turned on. Aren’t you?”


“Get the hell out,” Angelo says with a laugh. “Turned on? By watching her suck me off? Well, damn. Surely we can do better than that if you want something to get off to.”

She laughs too, shaking her head. “Come here. Let me see.”

I know I’m going to be mocked and teased. I knew it before I even returned to where they were sitting. I slowly slosh through the sand to stand next to her, and when I reach her, she strokes the stiff mound in the front of my diaper for the second time that day.

“Aw poor baby,” she says in a mocking babyish tone. “Do you wish you could play with your little dinkie in front of me and my new friend Angelo?”

I nod, feeling my body just about combust from the level of shame that has brought me to this moment.

“Well, I’ve changed my mind,” she says with a grin.

“W-wait,” I say. “But you said…”

“I control the cage. I make the rules. And there’s a new rule. Would you like to hear it?”

“I know I would,” chimes Angelo, a wide smile plastered across his face.

“It’s just one little update to the rules,” she says with a nonchalant shrug. “I promise - this will be the only change, too. But if you want to play with yourself, you’re just going to need to fill your diapers for us.”

The words alone are humiliating to hear. They’re also simple enough words - words that I’ve heard so many times that I know exactly what they mean - that I wonder what Angelo makes of them.

“Fill? Angelo asks. “Do you mean, like…”

My heart thumps faster as I watch him piece it together.

“Oh yes,” she says. “We’re about due for a stinky little gift in your diaper, yes? It’s been a bit since the last one.”

“But...I...here? You can’t possibly expect me to…”

Were this any other time, at any other place, and with no other company, I wouldn’t have hesitated to squat down and mess my diaper at her command. And, were it any other time or place, she likely would’ve swatted my ass had I hesitated like I was now.

“Did you not hear her?” Angelo said. “She asked you to shit yourself. Let’s go.”

His voice barely rises above his speaking volume, nor is there any anger in his voice. But it’s filled with such stern command that I find myself just as unwilling to disappoint him as I am to disappoint her.

Even she seems impressed by his ability to step in and shake me to my core. There’s likely a good reason the man is as successful as he is.

I might be able to resist a little more - but what would be the point? From the moment the new rules exited her mouth, I knew where I’d end up - one way or another. It could hardly be considered saving face by squatting down in the sand now, but it’d no doubt be worse to end up having to do the same thing after being tossed over her knees in front of Angelo.

She was right, of course, it had been a while since the last time I emptied my bowels. Had this moment not happened, I probably could’ve held it long enough to have made it off the beach before I fouled another diaper, but I know that I won’t have any trouble giving them what they want. In fact, just having heard her request seems to have somehow stirred my bowels - adding pressure that wasn’t there just a minute ago.

My feet firmly planted in the sand, I begin to squat.

“Turn around,” she says. “So that we can see everything.”

I let out a small helpless whine - so soft that likely nobody can hear it but me. Or at least I hope that’s the case. I give her what she wants, though, rotating my body so that she and Angelo both have a view of the back of my diaper.

I squat again, pushing my bottom further out towards them. I start to push, but I find that my body takes over pretty quickly, doing the rest of the work for me. With a loud and humiliating trumpet-burst, the thick mess exploded into my diaper with surprising velocity. I could feel the load instantly weighing down the diaper, causing the bottom of it to droop and sag between my legs.

If only that was the end of it. More was coming - certainly more than I had expected. More loud obnoxious blats, followed by the further pockets of soft mush being added to the existing mess. Each little burst just seems to yield more and more laughter and giggles from my audience.

“Is he always this...disgusting?” Angelo asks.

“Oh, I’ve certainly heard worse,” she says. “And if you think this is bad, just brace yourself for what is inside the diaper.”

The deed is done. Either I have nothing left to push into the diaper, or the diaper simply isn’t going to hold any more. I slowly stand up again, rotating around to face them. As shameful as it was to mess my diaper in front of them - it manages to pale in comparison to the realization that by turning around, they can see that I’m erect in my filthy diaper.

“See?” she asks Angelo, pointing to my swollen crotch. “You promise the baby that he can play with himself and suddenly he’ll do anything you ask.”

“You’ve trained him well,” he says.

“Do you see room for improvement?” she asks.

“Let me spend more time with you,” he says, a wide smile on his face. “I’d need to see more.”

She giggles and flips her hair back. She doesn’t need to give an actual answer - all three of us already know that this is just the beginning of something.

She returns focus to me: “Well? You did as I asked. I’ll allow you to pull your little toy now.”

“Now?” I stammer. “But...may I have a diaper change first?”

She turns to Angelo, looking for his input. He shakes his head.

“No,” he says. “I think you should just get on with it.”

Again, I don’t waste anyone’s time with further resistance. I’m so eager to finally climax that no amount of strangers or stinky diapers is going to stop me.

I reach into the front of my diaper, grasp my cock, and immediately start thrusting myself into my hand. At this awkward angle, in this awkward condition, I worry that it’s going to take me forever. But no. My humiliation and shame feed directly into my lust, and I’m moaning pathetically at my crude pawing like nobody else was there. It takes a minute, tops, for me to explode in a fit of moans and groans. When I pull my hand from the diaper, it drips with white cream.

Angelo stands and walks towards me. I don’t even have any recollection of him standing up - but he’s standing in front of me a moment later.

“You were a good boy,” he says. “I have faith that she’s going to show me a great many things about just how pathetic you’ll be for chances like this. But, it’s my turn for some fun now.”

I’m in a post-climax buzz and I can barely think straight. I open my mouth to ask him what he means - but before I can, he shoves me down on my ass. Between the loose sand and my full diaper, there’s nothing but squish under my bottom as I land. My mess is forced into new places, and I feel an entirely new level of shame I’m not prepared for.

“Your turn?” she asks with a devilish grin.

“Roll over,” he says to her. “Show me your ass. I want to show the boy what big boys get to do with women.”

I look up and down the beach again. Nobody in either direction for as far as I can see. It’s just me, sitting in the sand in my loaded diaper, and her, and Angelo.

Her screams of pleasure seem to be perfectly in time with the sound of the waves crashing against the shore behind me.



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