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She gave me the look.  That look.

“Really?” I asked with equal parts astonishment and concern.  “Here?”

“I...don’t know if I have much of a choice.”  Her face turned crimson as she tried to avoid direct eye contact.

“I mean...can you hold it? We just need to get a few more things and then we can go.  All you have to do is hold it for, like, 10 more minutes and we’ll be home.”

“I don’t think I can make it,” she said bashfully.

“But...didn’t I ask you before we left if you had to go and you said no?”

“I didn’t have to go then!”

“Okay, okay.  Fine.  Let’s hurry up.  Just...try and hold it for as long as you can.”

I darted into the bread aisle with her trailing behind me.  As I grabbed a loaf and tossed it into the basket, I watched her from the corner of my eye.  She was clever, I would give her that much - it appeared as if she was squatting down to inspect something on a lower shelf.  But that wasn’t what she was actually doing.

“What do you think you’re doing?” I said in a hushed but firm tone.


“Can you truly not hold it, Sarah?”

“I...well...I don’t have to hold it anymore.”

“Are you...did you...”

She didn’t say anything; she probably didn’t have to.  Still, as she stood, she offered the slightest of nods.  Between that and the color of her face, she said everything I needed to know.

“Unbelievable.  Okay, come on.  We need to get out of here before anyone else notices.  We just need one more thing.”

I grabbed her by the hand and hastily led her to the baby aisle where I grabbed some more powder and wipes.  We were about to lead her to the checkouts, but a quick scan revealed that nobody else was in the aisle.  Time to assess the damage.

I spun her around and pulled open the back of her pants and diaper.  Looking in, it was immediately apparent what had happened.  I’m not even sure why I looked at all, given that a quick sniff gave it away.

“You’re a mess,” I said. “I can’t believe you did that here.”

“I...I couldn’t help it.”

Grabbing her hand again, we darted to the checkouts.  The lines weren’t terrible, but we’d have to wait for at least a few minutes.  Hopefully not long enough that anyone else could start to smell her foul diaper.

For a moment, it looked as if everything would be fine.  The person ahead of us seemed to be in a rush, and I watched them unload their shopping cart quickly on the conveyor belt.  Great.  Maybe we wouldn’t need to be here long.

That’s when I heard something roll up behind us in line.  It was a young woman pushing a stroller, her shopping basket dangling from her arm.  For a few moments, the woman didn’t seem to be paying attention much to anything.  Yet soon after, I could hear the telltale sound of her sniffing the air.  I looked into Sarah’s eyes and she had the same look of panic that I must’ve.

“Oh my,” the young mother said. To her baby in the stroller: “I thought I just changed your diaper before we left.”  Okay, I thought, this is good. This buys us time.

The person in front of us was paying now.  I quickly unloaded the basket onto the conveyor belt.  Looking to Sarah again, she just gave a small shrug.  As if to say: “Oops...”

As the cashier started scanning our items, I caught a another glimpse of the young mother.  She was sniffing the air again.  Sarah was clearly starting to smell a little ripe.

“I’m so sorry,” the young mother said to Sarah and I.

“Oh...it’s okay,” Sarah said.

“That’ll be $23.67,” the cashier said to me.  I quickly swiped my card in the kiosk.  Looking at Sarah’s face, I expected to see more blushing.  But...it was something much worse.


“Thank you for shopping, have a nice day,” the cashier said, handing me the receipt.  I quickly grabbed Sarah’s hand to lead her out of the store, but to my dismay she turned back to the young mother.

“It...it wasn’t your baby.”

“Excuse me?” said the mother.

“It was me.  I have a dirty diaper on...”

“Okay, that’s enough,” I said, interrupting her.  “Let’s go.  Now.”

I couldn’t even bring myself to look behind me as we rushed out of the store.  No doubt there was a very awkward scene behind us, with the cashier and mother left wondering what they had just witnessed.

When we got to the car, Sarah tried to gingerly climb into her seat so as to not disrupt the contents of her diaper, but I wasn’t about to let her off so easily.  I pushed her bottom down into the seat - watching her eyes grow big as her rear end was forced into the mess she had created in her diaper.

Getting into the car myself and turning it on, I looked at her with the sternest look I could muster:  “What the hell was that about?”

“I dunno,” she said with an embarrassed shrug.  “It felt right at the time.”

“Well, you were already set to get a paddling when we got home for dirtying your diaper in the store.  But with that little stunt, you just bought yourself a sore bottom and some extra time in your diaper before you get changed.”

“Y-yes,” she said.

On the way home, we didn’t say much.  I did my best to look frustrated while trying to conceal my arousal.  Likewise, she did her best to look ashamed - but we both knew that we were pretty happy with how that trip had turned out.

This story was originally published on my Tumblr. This version - which has been re-edited and partially re-written - is exclusive to my Patrons.


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