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It’s May! The April showers are still raging, however. And my neighbor has a very large and very ornate stone fountain in his yard that is also very loud. I constantly feel like my house is flooding from the sound of running water.


Here’s what’s going on this month at the Quietly Humiliated Patreon:

  • Tier 2 and Tier 3 patrons are going to see two more chapters of Mommy Lessons this month.
  • Tier 3 patrons also have a new story landing in their laps this month called Permanence. This is a giant story split into two parts, both will be posted for Tier 3 members this month.
  • The Loft, a long story I wrote on Tumblr years ago, has been re-edited, re-formatted and expanded with some new sections. While originally a 17 part story, I’ve condensed it down a bit, as my chapters in long stories these days tend to be a lot longer than they used to be. I don’t have a date set in stone yet, but I’ll be starting to publish this story weekly starting this month and it will be available to all patrons.
  • Always looking to try something new, I’ll soon be calling on everyone to contribute ideas to a new round of voting on the content of an upcoming story. But I have a (crazy?) new idea to shake things up a little, so...stay tuned.

Many thanks to all the kind souls who continue to support me and my writing here. I see some great months ahead for all of us, and it’s possible thanks to you.

Stay naughty.



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