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Hello again! For this poll, I wanted to get a feel for how everyone feels about, well...the stuff that happens in diapers. "Accidents," though we all know they're not that accidental, more often than not.

It's another one of those subjects that I try to handle in a different way every time it comes up in a story, just to give some variety to folks who like some things but not all things. Some people like soggy diapers only! Some people want to read about apocalyptic loads in diapers. 

And so I'm curious to see where most folks' tastes lie. Again - there's no wrong answers here, and just because something ends up being the most popular answer doesn't mean that I'd neglect writing about the others. Even if multiple answers apply to you, try to pick the one you like the most.

If you have any additional thoughts you want to share on the subject, leave a comment below or shoot me a message!


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