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It's been a wonderful ride, but sadly this story has reached its ending this week. I'll have a little more to say about the story - and what's coming next - in a blog post later this week, but I did want to thank everyone who has been following and reading this story. Please enjoy the conclusion!

I could hear Lily at the bottom of the stairs as she talked in hushed tones to Madison and Kat. I’m sure she thought she was being discrete, but the vaulted ceiling above the staircase provided the perfect acoustics for her voice to reach my ears as well.

“He’s a little nervous,” she said. “But...oh my gosh, he looks so adorable.”

She looks so adorable,” Kat corrected. I blushed upon hearing this. I wouldn’t have thought twice about it...but Kat knew better.

“I just...I have no doubt in my mind that you’ll be supportive and kind,” Lily continued. “I’m just so proud of him for embracing all of this. Oh...uh...proud of her. I’m proud of her.”

“Of course,” Madison said. “Us too!”

“Oh!” Lily said, loudly, before remembering that she was trying to be quiet again. “One more thing. Henry and I talked it over and decided that she should have a more fitting name for the evening. We settled on Penelope. Penny, for short.”

Another flare of warmth in my cheeks. Would this happen every time I heard that name?

“So, without further ado,” announced Lily, her voice raising, “I’d like to introduce you to...Baby Penelope!”

The ‘baby’ didn’t seem necessary, I thought, though as I stepped forward onto the first step of the staircase, the thick diaper under my dress crinkled loudly, reminding me that Lily hadn’t been wrong.

I slowly walked down the stairs, watching Kat and Madison’s faces light up as they saw me. I worried that they’d be just acting, or trying too hard in an effort to be supportive - yet, there seemed to be genuine joy on their faces right now.

The dress was one that had come from Kat’s collection in the nursery. It was mostly white, but with pink ribbons and trim. It felt very much like the sort of thing a little girl might have worn to church, or maybe some other special event. I wasn’t sure if Lily and Madison had coordinated this together, or if Madison had just given her carte blanche to go through the nursery for whatever she wanted - but Lily had put together an entire ensemble for me.

As there were no girlie shoes that would fit my feet, Lily had selected some pastel pink socks instead that rose all the way to my knee - a few inches below the hem of the short dress which barely cleared my mid-thigh, and did just about nothing to conceal the thick fluffy diaper under it, especially as I walked down the stairs and the dress bellowed about.

My short hair was nicely combed to the side, and bright pink and blue barrettes were clasped into it, both keeping my hair in place and adding yet another juvenile accent to my ensemble. Lily and I briefly discussed makeup, ultimately compromising on just a minimal amount. She had applied some blush to my cheeks, making me look especially juvenile and cherubic.

“Oh, Penelope, you look so adorable!” Madison squealed. “I just want to devour you!”

“I-is that my dress?” Kat asked.

“It is,” Madison assured her.

“Y-you look even better in it than I think I do!”

I felt my face warm at her kind, yet embarrassing, compliment. While I was sure my painted face hid some of just how brightly I was glowing, I wondered how much vibrant the colors looked now with that extra blood in my cheeks.

“Isn’t she just darling?” Lily asked. The other girls nodded enthusiastically.

“Well, Penny?” asked Madison. “How do you feel?”

“I feel...very good,” I said.

I had hoped to remain humble and quiet - unsure of how I was supposed to act. But, there was a feeling in the pit of my stomach - a feeling that had been there for most of the week and had only grown stronger and stronger every day. A feeling that I not only wanted to learn about strange and wonderful things - but that I wanted to experience them. Out here, in this beautiful place out in the country - I wanted to become someone I never thought I could be before.

I stood before everyone now as a pretty baby girl. Weeks ago, days ago, maybe even just a few hours ago, I would’ve dreaded a moment that looked like this. I’d have called it a nightmare-come-true and I’d believe that I would look and feel like a clown. A fake. A perverted mockery of someone else.

Yet I felt none of those things. Even as I stood at the top of the stairs I worried that I’d feel foolish in this moment. But surrounded by the love of my life, Lily, and my two newest - and bestest - friends, Madison and Kat, and seeing the look of pure adoration in their eyes - I felt good. I felt amazing. I felt genuine. I’d argue that I hadn’t felt so much like myself in a very long time.

“Thank you,” I said. No stuttering or second-guessing my words. “I was so afraid that I’d feel like an idiot right now. But the truth is that I’ve never felt better.”

“Well you look magnificent,” Madison said.

Kat charged me, flinging herself into my arms, wrapping hers around me tightly. She gave me a wet kiss on the cheek. “I’ve never had a cuter friend!”

I looked to Lily, and she looked back, a wide grin on her face. After finally sliding from Kat’s passionate bear hug, I walked to Lily and gave her a tight hug. Her lips found mine and we kissed passionately. There was an electricity there on the verge of exploding. Later, I had no doubt, we were going to have fun with that.

“You’re the absolute best,” I said softly in her ear.

“This wasn’t just for you,” she said slyly. We both laughed.

“Shall we sit down and eat?” Madison said, clapping her hands together. “I wish I could say I arranged an epic feast for our last night together - but I thought I’d keep it simple tonight. Let’s not worry about hot ovens and washing dishes. Let’s just eat and be happy.”

“We ordered pizza,” Kat added. “A lot of it.”

“I’m a little overdressed for pizza, aren’t I?” I asked.

“Nonsense,” Lily shrugged. “Though...I’d hate to see you get sauce or pepperoni on this beautiful dress. A bib is certainly in order.”

“We have some down here,” Madison said with a nod. “I think both babies could benefit from them.”

Kat and I shared an embarrassed glance before we all filed into the dining room. There were already wine glasses at each of our settings. I laughed to myself, thinking about all the trouble alcohol had gotten us into this week. Still...I probably wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.

I sat down first, and with barely a moment passing, Madison had passed a bib to Lily who now stood behind me as she draped it over my chest, tying it in the back.

“What...what does it say…” I said, trying to look down to see it, but not having an especially good angle on it.

Kat, also getting bibbed by Madison, snickered into her hand. “Mommy’s Baby.”

I laughed, wondering why I expected anything else.

Madison and Lily plated some food for the four of us, placing portions before each of us before sitting themselves. I reached forward to grab a slice, only to have my hand playfully batted away by Lily.

“Sorry, missy,” she said with a grin. “Bib or no bib, I can’t trust you not to make a big mess out of yourself.”

Lily took her fork and knife and began to cut my pizza into little bite-sized pieces.

“H-hey...I don’t need you to do that. I’m not a…” my voice trailed off as everyone else looked at me with smirks plastered on their faces. “Okay...fine. Fair enough.”

I reached to my plate for one of the small pizza pieces, only for Lily to knock my hands away again. I looked to her with disbelief. What now? She stuck a fork into the piece and lifted it to my mouth. I wish I could’ve resisted or given some sort of sign that I wasn’t just immediately onboard with this - yet I simply opened my mouth and allowed her to deposit the food into it. Willingly and without hesitation.

“Such a good girl,” Lily cooed.

“A quick learner,” Madison added.

“I’m not so sure it’s ‘learned’ behavior,” Lily replied with a casual shrug. “I suspect it’s more that it’s how she has always desired to be treated, and she’s finally getting that opportunity now.”

I felt a humiliating wave of shame creep over my body. I wasn’t sure she was completely right on that, considering that I hadn’t ever thought about being treated like a baby girl prior to this week, but there was probably some seed of submisiveness deep down inside of me that was waiting for this moment.

Even Kat was eating a whole slice of pizza with her hands. She made sure to wait until I noticed this myself and then slowly brought it to her mouth and seemed to savor the entire experience of taking a bite from it. She was really rubbing it in. I’d have been a little more jealous had I not seen her get treated like an infant in almost every other way for the last few days.

“Kat, what are you doing?” asked Madison, also noticing her teasing.

“Uhm...shust eashing…” Kat said while chewing.

“Mind your manners and don’t tease the other baby. Lest you want to get a paddling here at the dinner table.” Kat’s face turned red and she looked down at her plate, clearly not wanting to test that threat.

It seemed like a bit, or a joke, that Lily had cut up my food. I figured we’d get through it, I’d be served another piece and we’d all laugh about it while I ate that like a normal adult...albeit one in diapers. Yet she insisted that she feed me each and every cut-up piece. And when that was gone, and I asked for more, she then cut up that piece too and fed it to me in the exact same way. I didn’t stop her. I didn’t protest even once.

Somewhere between the first and second plate, I felt some near-urgent pangs in my bladder. Maybe I had just been ignoring some of the more subtle signs up until then, but there was an intensity now that would be hard to ignore. For a moment - the briefest of moments - I wondered what I should do. Wait? Ask Lily about excusing myself?

No. There was only one thing to do. Suddenly, effortlessly, my bladder released and I soaked my diaper right there in my chair as Lily cut up more food for me to eat. I opened my mouth to say something. What would I even say? Pardon me, but I seem to have wet myself… But a forkful of food was eased into my mouth, silencing me. Probably for the best. Kat certainly never announced the status of her diaper - even if her diaper sometimes did that for her. I’d stew in my diaper until Lily decided to check me. Like a baby.

Nobody batted an eye. There were no pauses in the conversations at the table. No sideways glances or suspicious eyebrow raises. I had gotten pretty good at just using my diaper without it being a whole production. Oh right. Like a baby.

“I hope everyone saves room for dessert,” Madison said.

Lily fed the last of the food on my plate to me before tucking the plate under hers. Whether I liked it or not, my meal was done. As everyone else finished, Madison and Kat collected the plates and dishes from the table, making room for dessert.

Lily’s hand was on my lower back, gently rubbing it in soft circles.

“Doing okay?” she asked.

I nodded.

“You’re sure? No regrets?”


Her hand dipped down to the back of my diaper, giving it a playful pat through the back of my dress. She was so close to finding what I had done. Her hand skated about on the back of the diaper, seeming to get closer and closer to potentially feeling how warm and damp the bottom of it had become. At what seemed to be the last possible moment, though, her hand retracted, still seemingly oblivious to what I had done.

A piece of chocolate cake was placed in front of me, and then one was placed in front of Lily. While I had no idea if this was something Madison had baked - when would she have had the time - or purchased, I was sure that this one of the best pieces of chocolate cake I had ever seen in my life. Perfectly moist cake that glistened in the light, while rich creamy layers of chocolate frosting oozed from in between the scrumptious-looking layers.

“Oh...I think I need a fork,” I said, realizing my utensils had been hauled away at the end of the last course. I looked to Lily, who had been given a new fork. “Unless...you’re…”

“I’m not going to feed you your dessert, silly,” Lily said with a shrug. “But you’re also much too small for a fork.”

I glanced across the table where Kat, in a similar fork-less place, began breaking gooey pieces off the cake with her hands before nonchalantly popping it into her mouth, streaks of thick chocolate on her fingers and around her mouth.

“Anything dirty can always be cleaned,” Madison said, noting my hesitance.

“Don’t be shy,” Lily added. “It's a very good cake.”

I nodded, dipping my hand into my cake, extracting a moist portion that almost immediately began to crumble in my hands. I hastily brought it to my mouth, catching most of it, though the rest of it disintegrated in my hands, making a mess of my face and hand.

“Thank goodness for bibs,” Lily said with a laugh. Madison and Kat joined her, and even I laughed.

I took another messy handful, bigger than the first piece, and shoved it into my mouth haphazardly. I was reminded of my conversation with Kat out in the field earlier in the day, just before we stripped our clothes off and got each other off in the mud. There was joy to be found in just abandoning the norms and expectations of adulthood. I laughed gleefully, despite having a mouthful of cake - little chocolate globs sprayed onto the plate and area around me.

Kat laughed too, seeing that I was enjoying myself, and took an even larger handful of cake from her own plate.

“Kat...that seems like...too much cake, honey,” Madison said. “You’re going to make a…”

But it was too late. Kat didn’t so much shove the cake into her mouth as much as she just sort of mashed the ball of chocolate into her face. Gooey drops of cake and icing tumbled down her cheeks. I laughed even harder, reaching for a big handful of cake myself.

“Maybe that’s where I draw the line,” Lily said with a chuckle, reaching out and stopping my hands just before they reached the plate. “This dress is on loan, and you’re already a mouthful of cake away from catastrophe.”

It was a fair point, and I hesitantly relented.

“Well, I’m glad that I got to enjoy the cake like a dignified adult,” Madison said, shaking her head. “You two babies just made spectacles of yourselves. Come on, let’s get cleaned up.”

As the week had gone on, and I had become more aware of how Kat and Madison lived, I began noticing lots of things around their home. In particular, that you were never far from a package of wipes. They seemed to be everywhere. And with a simple reach of her hand, Madison had already procured moist wipes to clean the chocolate from Kat’s face and fingers.

“You’ll have to clean more than my face,” Kat said with a mischievous grin.

“Did you...did you use your diaper again?”

Kat shrugged innocently.

“What about you?” Lily asked me. “Any accidents I should know about?”


This was enough of an answer for her. “Stand up, let me check.”

She lifted the back of my dress, feeling the bottom of the diaper. Not that she had to look too hard to see what I had done.

“Quite soggy,” she announced to the room.

“Same here,” Madison confirmed, having had a moment to inspect Kat’s. “Why don’t we get these babies onto the rug over there and have ourselves a good old fashioned diaper change party?”

My last infantile experience in our week at the country farm was lying next to Kat on the floor of the living room as both of our diapers were changed simultaneously by Lily and Madison. The ‘mothers’ clucked and cooed over our soggy bottoms and docile toddler-like movements, while Kat and I exchanged warm glances. Eventually her hand found mine, and we held hands while new diapers were applied.

Later, we’d sit around the fire one last time and just talk. We’d tease each other about various diapered adventures we had during the week, but mostly we just talked like old friends. We’d talk about simple things like work and our cars, and we’d forget how in the beginning of the week we were mostly strangers who didn’t yet know about each other’s strangest wants and desires.

In our guest room after, in a semi-drunken haze, I’d regale Lily with the story of how Kat messed her diaper while sitting on my face, which would only prompt Lily to reach down into her panties. She’d ride my “girly little cocklette” after, making damn well sure I knew that I was her little Baby Penny.

Eventually it would be morning, and we’d have to drive back to our old lives. We’d go back to our regular jobs. I’d probably have to use a toilet again, like every other adult. Kat and Madison would go back to being alone on the big farm, making dirty little videos in between feeding goats and eating Madison’s exceptional cooking.

But those were the next day’s problems. I held Lily close and enjoyed my last few waking moments of being Baby Penelope.


“...doing well, thanks,” Lily said. I shouldn’t have been nosey, but sometimes my curiosity got the best of me. I creeped down the hall to get closer to where she was on her phone in the kitchen. There was something in her tone that attracted my attention - a tone that she rarely used except for when she was talking to someone she was very excited about talking to. And if she wasn’t talking to me, maybe she was talking to…

“I can’t wait to tell him,” she said. “He’ll be so excited. He’s done such a good job of acting stoic and patient about when we’re able to get up to see you again, but I can just tell that he’s so eager to get his panties back on. Gosh, how long was it since we were up there before? Three? Four months?”

I blushed and smiled.

“I want to thank you,” Lily continued, “for shipping that adorable white dress to us. Are you sure we can have that?”

My eyes lit up. Had that happened? I didn’t even know.

“Well thank you so much. I’m thinking that before we even leave the house, I’m just going to have him strip down completely. He’ll get diapers, panties, his dress, and then we’re going to go out the door. And from then until we get back home after our trip up there, there will be no Henry at all. Just Baby Penelope. Doesn’t that sound nice?”

My heart all but stopped. I felt a twitch in my pants. I wanted this so badly.

“I’m doing my best to keep it a secret, but I’m getting so excited myself that it’s hard to manage!” she said. A pause while Madison, I presumed, said something that caused Lily to laugh loudly for a moment before she covered her own mouth.

“Well, you just tell little Kat that we’ll be back soon enough,” Lily said. “And that I promise that she’ll get to play with her baby doll Penny all week long.”

Another pause.

“Not as much as we’d like. He actually floated the idea of wearing panties more often to me on our way back home from seeing you the first time,” Lily said. “I was, obviously, quite okay with that. So he wears panties almost exclusively now. I couldn’t tell you the last time he wore boy’s underpants.”

I blushed, thinking about the bright cobalt blue panties I was wearing in that exact moment.

“But it’s hard to make time for diapers. We bought some. Once in a while we’ll take them out and have a fun night, but it’s just not something we get to do a lot of. He’s dying for them. I just know it. I can see it in his eyes - he just wants to...you know, fill some diapers up for me,” she said with a giggle. “Soon. The babies will get to have so much fun.”

I couldn’t take another minute of the conversation. Just hearing about it, secondhand, was enough to inflame my cheeks and cause myself to grow erect in my panties. I ran to the bedroom where I collapsed on the bed, daydreaming of the scent of the country air again. The scent of one of Kat’s overloaded diapers. The taste of Madison’s cooking. The feeling of the hem of a dress as it brushed against my thighs.

It couldn’t come soon enough.




Hate to see it end, but delighted to have enjoyed it. This was an absolutely marvelous story. Well done, as always.